mcl_structures.registered_structures = {} local disabled_structures = minetest.settings:get("mcl_disabled_structures") if disabled_structures then disabled_structures = disabled_structures:split(",") else disabled_structures = {} end function mcl_structures.is_disabled(structname) if table.indexof(disabled_structures,structname) ~= -1 then return true end end function mcl_structures.fill_chests(p1,p2,loot,pr) for it,lt in pairs(loot) do local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, it) for _,p in pairs(nodes) do local lootitems = mcl_loot.get_multi_loot(lt, pr) mcl_structures.init_node_construct(p) local meta = minetest.get_meta(p) local inv = meta:get_inventory() mcl_loot.fill_inventory(inv, "main", lootitems, pr) end end end local function generate_loot(pos, def, pr) local hl = def.sidelen / 2 local p1 = vector.offset(pos,-hl,-hl,-hl) local p2 = vector.offset(pos,hl,hl,hl) if def.loot then mcl_structures.fill_chests(p1,p2,def.loot,pr) end end local function construct_nodes(pos,def,pr) local nn = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vector.offset(pos,-def.sidelen/2,0,-def.sidelen/2),vector.offset(pos,def.sidelen/2,def.sidelen,def.sidelen/2),def.construct_nodes) for _,p in pairs(nn) do local def = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(p).name] if def and def.on_construct then def.on_construct(p) end end end function mcl_structures.find_lowest_y(pp) local y = 31000 for _,p in pairs(pp) do if p.y < y then y = p.y end end return y end function mcl_structures.find_highest_y(pp) local y = -31000 for _,p in pairs(pp) do if p.y > y then y = p.y end end return y end local function smooth_cube(nn,pos,plane,amnt) local r = {} local amnt = amnt or 9 table.sort(nn,function(a, b) if false or plane then return vector.distance(,0,pos.z),,0,a.z)) < vector.distance(,0,pos.z),,0,b.z)) else return vector.distance(pos, a) < vector.distance(pos, b) end end) for i=1,math.max(1,#nn-amnt) do table.insert(r,nn[i]) end return r end local function find_ground(pos,nn,gn) local r = 0 for _,v in pairs(nn) do local repeat local n = minetest.get_node(p).name p = vector.offset(p,0,-1,0) until not n or n == "mcl_core:bedrock" or n == "ignore" or n == gn --minetest.log(tostring(pos.y - p.y)) if pos.y - p.y > r then r = pos.y - p.y end end return r end local function get_foundation_nodes(ground_p1,ground_p2,pos,sidelen,node_stone) local replace = {"air","group:liquid","mcl_core:snow","group:tree","group:leaves","group:plant","grass_block","group:dirt"} local depth = find_ground(pos,minetest.find_nodes_in_area(ground_p1,ground_p2,replace),node_stone) local nn = smooth_cube(minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vector.offset(ground_p1,0,-1,0),vector.offset(ground_p2,0,-depth,0),replace),vector.offset(pos,0,-depth,0),true,sidelen * 64) local stone = {} local filler = {} local top = {} local dust = {} for l,v in pairs(nn) do if v.y == ground_p1.y - 1 then table.insert(filler,v) table.insert(top,vector.offset(v,0,1,0)) table.insert(dust,vector.offset(v,0,2,0)) elseif v.y < ground_p1.y -1 and v.y > ground_p2.y -4 then table.insert(filler,v) elseif v.y < ground_p2.y - 3 and v.y > ground_p2.y -5 then if math.random(3) == 1 then table.insert(filler,v) else table.insert(stone,v) end else table.insert(stone,v) end end return stone,filler,top,dust end local function foundation(ground_p1,ground_p2,pos,sidelen) local node_stone = "mcl_core:stone" local node_filler = "mcl_core:dirt" local node_top = "mcl_core:dirt_with_grass" or minetest.get_node(ground_p1).name local node_dust = nil if minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mg_name") ~= "v6" then local b = minetest.registered_biomes[minetest.get_biome_name(minetest.get_biome_data(pos).biome)] --minetest.log(dump(b.node_top)) if b then if b.node_top then node_top = b.node_top end if b.node_filler then node_filler = b.node_filler end if b.node_stone then node_stone = b.node_stone end if b.node_dust then node_dust = b.node_dust end end end local stone,filler,top,dust = get_foundation_nodes(ground_p1,ground_p2,pos,sidelen,node_stone) minetest.bulk_set_node(top,{name=node_top},node_stone) if node_dust then minetest.bulk_set_node(dust,{name=node_dust}) end minetest.bulk_set_node(filler,{name=node_filler}) minetest.bulk_set_node(stone,{name=node_stone}) end function mcl_structures.place_structure(pos, def, pr, blockseed) if not def then return end local logging = not def.terrain_feature local y_offset = 0 if type(def.y_offset) == "function" then y_offset = def.y_offset(pr) elseif def.y_offset then y_offset = def.y_offset end local pp = vector.offset(pos,0,y_offset,0) if def.solid_ground and def.sidelen then local ground_p1 = vector.offset(pos,-def.sidelen/2,-1,-def.sidelen/2) local ground_p2 = vector.offset(pos,def.sidelen/2,-1,def.sidelen/2) local solid = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(ground_p1,ground_p2,{"group:solid"}) if #solid < ( def.sidelen * def.sidelen ) then if def.make_foundation then foundation(vector.offset(pos,-def.sidelen/2 - 3,-1,-def.sidelen/2 - 3),vector.offset(pos,def.sidelen/2 + 3,-1,def.sidelen/2 + 3),pos,def.sidelen) else if logging then minetest.log("warning","[mcl_structures] "" at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pp).." not placed. No solid ground.") end return false end end end if def.on_place and not def.on_place(pos,def,pr,blockseed) then if logging then minetest.log("warning","[mcl_structures] "" at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pp).." not placed. Conditions not satisfied.") end return false end if def.filenames then if #def.filenames <= 0 then return false end local r = pr:next(1,#def.filenames) local file = def.filenames[r] if file then local ap = function(pos,def,pr,blockseed) end if def.after_place then ap = def.after_place end mcl_structures.place_schematic(pp, file, "random", nil, true, "place_center_x,place_center_z",function(p) if def.loot then generate_loot(pp,def,pr,blockseed) end if def.construct_nodes then construct_nodes(pp,def,pr,blockseed) end return ap(pp,def,pr,blockseed) end,pr) if logging then minetest.log("action","[mcl_structures] "" placed at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pp)) end return true end elseif def.place_func and def.place_func(pos,def,pr,blockseed) then if not def.after_place or ( def.after_place and def.after_place(pos,def,pr,blockseed) ) then if def.loot then generate_loot(pp,def,pr,blockseed) end if def.construct_nodes then construct_nodes(pp,def,pr,blockseed) end if logging then minetest.log("action","[mcl_structures] "" placed at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pp)) end return true end end if logging then minetest.log("warning","[mcl_structures] placing "" failed at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end end function mcl_structures.register_structure(name,def,nospawn) --nospawn means it will be placed by another (non-nospawn) structure that contains it's structblock i.e. it will not be placed by mapgen directly if mcl_structures.is_disabled(name) then return end local structblock = "mcl_structures:structblock_" local flags = "place_center_x, place_center_z, force_placement" local y_offset = 0 local sbgroups = { structblock = 1, not_in_creative_inventory=1 } if def.flags then flags = def.flags end = name if nospawn then sbgroups.structblock = nil sbgroups.structblock_lbm = 1 else if def.place_on then minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() --make sure all previous decorations and biomes have been registered def.deco = minetest.register_decoration({ name = "mcl_structures:deco_", decoration = structblock, deco_type = "simple", place_on = def.place_on, spawn_by = def.spawn_by, num_spawn_by = def.num_spawn_by, sidelen = 80, fill_ratio = def.fill_ratio, noise_params = def.noise_params, flags = flags, biomes = def.biomes, y_max = def.y_max, y_min = def.y_min }) minetest.register_node(":"..structblock, {drawtype="airlike", walkable = false, pointable = false,groups = sbgroups}) def.structblock = structblock def.deco_id = minetest.get_decoration_id("mcl_structures:deco_" minetest.set_gen_notify({decoration=true}, { def.deco_id }) --catching of gennotify happens in mcl_mapgen_core end) end end mcl_structures.registered_structures[name] = def end --lbm for secondary structures (structblock included in base structure) minetest.register_lbm({ name = "mcl_structures:struct_lbm", run_at_every_load = true, nodenames = {"group:structblock_lbm"}, action = function(pos, node) minetest.remove_node(pos) local name ="mcl_structures:structblock_","") local def = mcl_structures.registered_structures[name] if not def then return end mcl_structures.place_structure(pos) end })