The goal is to modify the multicraft / minetest sources to run blockcolor on and to provide a legal and valid source to compile for windows, android, linux.
The goal is to modify the multicraft / minetest sources to run blockcolor on and to provide a legal and valid source to compile for windows, android, linux.
It may be that the project does not compile correctly or badly, I have not finished. Any help is welcome and I would soon open a forum for this.
Targets SDK 26 as required by the playstore.
Fixes screen auto-rotation closing game.
Hides on-screen navigation bar if present.
Update gradlew.
Fix display aspect on 18+/:9 displays (like a Samsung Galaxy S9).
Remove small app icons, not required.
Fix xml in unpacking activity.
Support Android permission: On Android 6.0+ you need to manually give write
permission (as required by google).
Background during unpacking (just a demo for now).
Material Design: no more Android 2 interface.
Immersive mode (Android 4.4+ - hide NavBar for fullscreen mode).
This little update is due to a packaging problem when uploading on play store. They don't permit to re upload an APK with same version code.
This case was a fail on openssl packaged version which was old and rejected by Google but they don't remove the APK then i should increase the version code to permit having it on play store
The old Ant build system has been deprecated for a while and new development is focused on Gradle.
I also removed a hardcoded string that lint caught and moved the patch files to a subdirectory.
I left the JNI files in the root directory.