Replace Potions mod on Replacing potions mod on PEP. Add Vessels, Playereffects, Playerphysics. Playerplus now working on playerphysics API. Added more items in creative inventory, other
@ -458,9 +458,9 @@ function core.item_drop(itemstack, dropper, pos)
obj:get_luaentity().dropped_by = dropper:get_player_name()
x = math.random(-2.5, 2.5),
y = math.random(1, 4),
z = math.random(-2.5, 2.5)
x = math.random(-2, 2),
y = math.random(2, 4),
z = math.random(-2, 2)
return itemstack
@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-- MultiCraft game mod: bucket
-- See README.txt for licensing and other information.
minetest.register_alias("bucket", "bucket:bucket_empty")
minetest.register_alias("bucket_water", "bucket:bucket_water")
minetest.register_alias("bucket_lava", "bucket:bucket_lava")
@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
return {
@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
return {
@ -23,8 +20,6 @@ return {
@ -32,32 +27,20 @@ return {
@ -1,35 +1,57 @@
return {
@ -3,4 +3,17 @@ return {
@ -15,4 +15,7 @@ return {
@ -1,10 +1,39 @@
return {
@ -20,4 +20,7 @@ return {
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ bg["food"] = "default_apple.png"
bg["tools"] = "default_tool_diamondpick.png"
bg["combat"] = "default_tool_steelsword.png"
bg["matr"] = "default_emerald.png"
bg["brew"] = "potions_bottle.png"
bg["brew"] = "vessels_glass_bottle.png"
bg["all"] = "default_paper.png"
local function init_creative_cache(tab_name, group)
@ -132,8 +132,9 @@ local function get_button_formspec(player_name, start_i)
if not item then
return buttons
buttons = buttons.."item_image_button["..
(x + 0.01)..","..(y + 1.67)..";1,1;"..item..";"..item..";]"
buttons = buttons.."item_image["..
(x + 0.01)..","..(y + 1.67)..";1,1;"..item.."]image_button["..
(x + 0.01)..","..(y + 1.67)..";1,1;blank.png;"..item..";;;false]"
i = i + 1
@ -1250,10 +1250,10 @@ minetest.register_node("default:lava_flowing", {
local bookshelf_formspec =
"size[8,7;]" ..
"list[context;books;0,0.3;8,2;]" ..
"list[current_player;main;0,2.85;8,1;]" ..
"list[current_player;main;0,4.08;8,3;8]" ..
"size[9,7;]" ..
"list[context;books;0,0.3;9,2;]" ..
"list[current_player;main;0,2.85;9,1;]" ..
"list[current_player;main;0,4.08;9,3;9]" ..
"listring[context;books]" ..
@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
-- MultiCraft game mod: default
-- See README.txt for licensing and other information.
-- Namespace for functions
flowers = {}
-- Map Generation
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("flowers") .. "/mapgen.lua")
-- Flowers
@ -26,7 +20,6 @@ minetest.register_alias("flowers:flower_allium", "flowers:allium")
minetest.register_alias("flowers:flower_dandelion_white", "flowers:dandelion_white")
minetest.register_alias("flowers:dandelion_white", "flowers:oxeye_daisy")
-- Flower registration
local function add_simple_flower(name, desc, box, f_groups)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ local mob_class = {
owner = "",
order = "",
jump_height = 4,
lifetimer = 1200, -- was 20 minutes
lifetimer = 600, -- was 10 minutes
physical = true,
collisionbox = {-0.25, -0.25, -0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25},
visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
@ -65,23 +65,9 @@ minetest.register_craft({
cooktime = 5,
-- lasso
minetest.register_tool("mobs:lasso", {
description = "Lasso (right-click animal to put in inventory)",
inventory_image = "mobs_magic_lasso.png",
groups = {flammable = 2},
minetest.register_alias("mobs:magic_lasso", "farming:string")
minetest.register_alias("mobs:lasso", "farming:string")
output = "mobs:lasso",
recipe = {
{"farming:string", "", "farming:string"},
{"", "default:diamond", ""},
{"farming:string", "", "farming:string"},
minetest.register_alias("mobs:magic_lasso", "mobs:lasso")
-- shears (right click to shear animal)
minetest.register_tool("mobs:shears", {
description = "Steel Shears (right-click to shear)",
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 171 B |
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# Pep: Player Effects Potions
Version 1.4.0
## Introduction
This little mod adds some simple potions which add temporary effects when consumed.
Currently, the potions affect breath, health, player gravity, running speed and jump height.
* License of everything: MIT License
## List of potions and crafting recipes
All crafting recipes are shapeless.
### Breath
#### Air potion
Gives you breath underwater for 30s.
Craft: 8 papyri, 1 glass bottle.
All 8 papyri must occupy one slot.
### Gravity
#### Non-gravity potion
Negates all gravity for you, for 20s.
Craft: 1 mese crystal, 1 glass bottle
#### Gravity neutralizer
Clears all your gravity effects.
Craft: 1 non-gravity potion, 1 iron lump
### Jump height
#### High jumping potion
Lets you jump higher for 30s.
Craft: 1 orange tulip, 1 grass, 2 mese crystal fragments, 1 glass bottle
#### Low jumping potion
Makes you jump lower for 30s.
Craft: 1 leaves block, 1 jungle leaves block, 1 iron lump, 1 yellow dandelion, 1 glass bottle
#### Jump neutralier
Clears all jump effects.
Craft: 1 high jumping potion, 1 low jumping potion.
### Health
#### Weak healing potion
Gives you 1 HP every 2 seconds, 10 times.
Craft: 1 cactus, 1 flour, 1 brown mushroom, 1 glass bottle.
#### Strong healing potion
Gives you 2 HP every second, 10 times.
Craft: 1 gold lump, 1 flour, 1 weak healing potion.
### Walking speed
#### Running potion
Makes you run faster for 30s.
Craft: 1 pine sapling, 1 cactus, 1 yellow dandelion, 1 jungle grass, 1 glass bottle.
#### Slug potion
Makes you walk slower for 30s.
Craft: 1 dry grass, 1 ice, 1 glass bottle.
#### Speed neutralizer
Clears all running speed effects.
Craft: 1 running potion, 1 slug potion.
### Mana (needs Mana mod)
#### Weak mana potion
Increases mana regeneration rate by 0.5 for 10 seconds.
Craft: 2 dry shrubs, 1 cotton seed, 1 mese crystal fragment, 1 glass bottle.
#### Strong mana potion
Increases mana regeneration rate by 1 for 10 seconds.
Craft: 4 dry shrubs, 1 jungle sapling, 1 acacia tree sapling, 1 mese crystal fragment, 1 weak mana potion.
### Other potions
#### Mole potion
Digs out two blocks directly in front of you, for 18 seconds.
Craft: 1 steel pickaxe, 1 steel shovel, 1 glass bottle.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
-- Boilerplate to support localized strings if intllib mod is installed.
local S
if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then
S = intllib.Getter()
S = function(s) return s end
local ppa = minetest.get_modpath("playerphysics")
pep = {}
function pep.register_potion(potiondef)
local on_use
if(potiondef.effect_type ~= nil) then
on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-- Particles
amount = 40,
time = 0.1,
minpos = pointed_thing.above,
maxpos = pointed_thing.above,
minvel = {x = -1, y = 1, z = -1},
maxvel = {x = 1, y = 2, z = 1},
minacc = {x = 0, y = -5, z = 0},
maxacc = {x = 0, y = -9, z = 0},
minexptime = 1,
maxexptime = 3,
minsize = 1,
maxsize = 3,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "pep_"..potiondef.basename..".png",
playereffects.apply_effect_type(potiondef.effect_type, potiondef.duration, user)
return itemstack
on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-- Particles
amount = 40,
time = 0.1,
minpos = pointed_thing.above,
maxpos = pointed_thing.above,
minvel = {x = -1, y = 1, z = -1},
maxvel = {x = 1, y = 2, z = 1},
minacc = {x = 0, y = -5, z = 0},
maxacc = {x = 0, y = -9, z = 0},
minexptime = 1,
maxexptime = 3,
minsize = 1,
maxsize = 3,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "pep_"..potiondef.basename..".png",
return itemstack
minetest.register_craftitem("pep:"..potiondef.basename, {
description = string.format(S("Glass Bottle (%s)"), potiondef.contentstring),
_doc_items_longdesc = potiondef.longdesc,
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Hold it in your hand, then left-click to drink it."),
inventory_image = "pep_"..potiondef.basename..".png^[mask:pep_glass_bottle_overlay.png",
wield_image = "pep_"..potiondef.basename..".png^[mask:pep_glass_bottle_overlay.png",
on_use = on_use,
groups = {vessel = 1},
pep.moles = {}
function pep.enable_mole_mode(playername)
pep.moles[playername] = true
function pep.disable_mole_mode(playername)
pep.moles[playername] = false
function pep.yaw_to_vector(yaw)
local tau = math.pi*2
yaw = yaw % tau
if yaw < tau/8 then
return { x=0, y=0, z=1}
elseif yaw < (3/8)*tau then
return { x=-1, y=0, z=0 }
elseif yaw < (5/8)*tau then
return { x=0, y=0, z=-1 }
elseif yaw < (7/8)*tau then
return { x=1, y=0, z=0 }
return { x=0, y=0, z=1}
function pep.moledig(playername)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername)
local yaw = player:get_look_yaw()
-- fix stupid oddity of Minetest, adding pi/2 to the actual player's look yaw...
-- TODO: Remove this code as soon as Minetest fixes this.
yaw = yaw - math.pi/2
local pos = vector.round(player:getpos())
local v = pep.yaw_to_vector(yaw)
local digpos1 = vector.add(pos, v)
local digpos2 = { x = digpos1.x, y = digpos1.y+1, z = digpos1.z }
local try_dig = function(pos)
local n = minetest.get_node(pos)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
if ndef.walkable and ndef.diggable then
if ndef.can_dig ~= nil then
if ndef.can_dig() then
return true
return false
return true
return false
local dig = function(pos)
if try_dig(pos) then
local n = minetest.get_node(pos)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
if ndef.sounds ~= nil then
minetest.sound_play(ndef.sounds.dug, { pos = pos })
-- TODO: Replace this code as soon Minetest removes support for this function
local drops = minetest.get_node_drops(, "default:pick_steel")
local inv = player:get_inventory()
local leftovers = {}
for i=1,#drops do
table.insert(leftovers, inv:add_item("main", drops[i]))
for i=1,#leftovers do
minetest.add_item(pos, leftovers[i])
pep.timer = 0
pep.timer = pep.timer + dtime
if pep.timer > 0.5 then
for playername, is_mole in pairs(pep.moles) do
if is_mole then
pep.timer = 0
local add_physic = function(player, attribute, value)
if ppa then
playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, attribute, "pep:"..attribute, value)
local remove_physic = function(player, attribute)
if ppa then
playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, attribute, "pep:"..attribute)
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepspeedplus", S("High speed"), "pep_speedplus.png", {"speed"},
add_physic(player, "speed", 2)
function(effect, player)
remove_physic(player, "speed")
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepspeedminus", S("Low speed"), "pep_speedminus.png", {"speed"},
add_physic(player, "speed", 0.5)
function(effect, player)
remove_physic(player, "speed")
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepspeedreset", S("Speed neutralizer"), "pep_speedreset.png", {"speed"},
function() end, function() end)
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepjumpplus", S("High jump"), "pep_jumpplus.png", {"jump"},
add_physic(player, "jump", 2)
function(effect, player)
remove_physic(player, "jump")
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepjumpminus", S("Low jump"), "pep_jumpminus.png", {"jump"},
add_physic(player, "jump", 0.5)
function(effect, player)
remove_physic(player, "jump")
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepjumpreset", S("Jump height neutralizer"), "pep_jumpreset.png", {"jump"},
function() end, function() end)
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepgrav0", S("No gravity"), "pep_grav0.png", {"gravity"},
add_physic(player, "gravity", 0)
function(effect, player)
remove_physic(player, "gravity")
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepgravreset", S("Gravity neutralizer"), "pep_gravreset.png", {"gravity"},
function() end, function() end)
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepregen", S("Regeneration"), "pep_regen.png", {"health"},
nil, nil, nil, 2
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepregen2", S("Strong regeneration"), "pep_regen2.png", {"health"},
nil, nil, nil, 1
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepbreath", S("Perfect breath"), "pep_breath.png", {"breath"},
nil, nil, nil, 1
playereffects.register_effect_type("pepmole", S("Mole mode"), "pep_mole.png", {"autodig"},
function(effect, player)
basename = "speedplus",
contentstring = S("Running Potion"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it will make you run faster for 30 seconds."),
effect_type = "pepspeedplus",
duration = 30,
basename = "speedminus",
contentstring = S("Slug Potion"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it will make you walk slower for 30 seconds."),
effect_type = "pepspeedminus",
duration = 30,
basename = "speedreset",
contentstring = S("Speed Neutralizer"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it will stop all speed effects you may currently have."),
effect_type = "pepspeedreset",
duration = 0
basename = "breath",
contentstring = S("Air Potion"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it gives you breath underwater for 30 seconds."),
effect_type = "pepbreath",
duration = 30,
basename = "regen",
contentstring = S("Weak Healing Potion"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it makes you regenerate health. Every 2 seconds, you get 1 HP, 10 times in total."),
effect_type = "pepregen",
duration = 10,
basename = "regen2",
contentstring = S("Strong Healing Potion"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it makes you regenerate health quickly. Every second you get 2 HP, 10 times in total."),
effect_type = "pepregen2",
duration = 10,
basename = "grav0",
contentstring = S("Non-Gravity Potion"),
longdesc = S("When you drink this potion, gravity stops affecting you, as if you were in space. The effect lasts for 20 seconds."),
effect_type = "pepgrav0",
duration = 20,
basename = "gravreset",
contentstring = S("Gravity Neutralizer"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it will stop all gravity effects you currently have."),
effect_type = "pepgravreset",
duration = 0,
basename = "jumpplus",
contentstring = S("High Jumping Potion"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it will make you jump higher for 30 seconds."),
effect_type = "pepjumpplus",
duration = 30,
basename = "jumpminus",
contentstring = S("Low Jumping Potion"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it will make you jump lower for 30 seconds."),
effect_type = "pepjumpminus",
duration = 30,
basename = "jumpreset",
contentstring = S("Jump Neutralizer"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it will stop all jumping effects you may currently have."),
effect_type = "pepjumpreset",
duration = 0,
basename = "mole",
contentstring = S("Mole Potion"),
longdesc = S("Drinking it will start an effect which will magically attempt to mine any two blocks in front of you horizontally, as if you were using a steel pickaxe on them. The effect lasts for 18 seconds."),
effect_type = "pepmole",
duration = 18,
--[=[ register crafts ]=]
--[[ normal potions ]]
if(minetest.get_modpath("vessels")~=nil) then
if(minetest.get_modpath("default")~=nil) then
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:breath",
recipe = { "default:papyrus", "default:papyrus", "default:papyrus", "default:papyrus",
"default:papyrus", "default:papyrus", "default:papyrus", "default:papyrus", "vessels:glass_bottle" }
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:speedminus",
recipe = { "default:dry_grass_1", "default:ice", "vessels:glass_bottle" }
if(minetest.get_modpath("flowers") ~= nil) then
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:jumpplus",
recipe = { "flowers:flower_tulip", "default:grass_1", "default:mese_crystal_fragment",
"default:mese_crystal_fragment", "vessels:glass_bottle" }
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:poisoner",
recipe = { "flowers:mushroom_red", "flowers:mushroom_red", "flowers:mushroom_red", "vessels:glass_bottle" }
if(minetest.get_modpath("farming") ~= nil) then
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:regen",
recipe = { "default:cactus", "farming:flour", "flowers:mushroom_brown", "vessels:glass_bottle" }
if(minetest.get_modpath("farming") ~= nil) then
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:regen2",
recipe = { "default:gold_lump", "farming:flour", "pep:regen" }
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:jumpminus",
recipe = { "default:leaves", "default:jungleleaves", "default:iron_lump", "flowers:dandelion_yellow", "vessels:glass_bottle" }
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:grav0",
recipe = { "default:mese_crystal", "vessels:glass_bottle" }
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:mole",
recipe = { "default:pick_steel", "default:shovel_steel", "vessels:glass_bottle" },
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:gravreset" ,
recipe = { "pep:grav0", "default:iron_lump" }
if(minetest.get_modpath("flowers") ~= nil) then
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:speedplus",
recipe = { "default:pine_sapling", "default:cactus", "flowers:dandelion_yellow", "default:junglegrass", "vessels:glass_bottle" }
--[[ independent crafts ]]
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:speedreset",
recipe = { "pep:speedplus", "pep:speedminus" }
type = "shapeless",
output = "pep:jumpreset",
recipe = { "pep:jumpplus", "pep:jumpminus" }
--[[ aliases ]]
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:antigravity", "pep:grav0")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:antigravityii", "pep:gravreset")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:speed", "pep:speedminus")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:speedii", "pep:speedplus")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:inversion", "pep:speedreset")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:confusion", "pep:breath")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:whatwillthisdo", "pep:mole")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:instanthealth", "pep:regen")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:instanthealthii", "pep:regen2")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:regen", "pep:regen")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:regenii", "pep:regen2")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:harming", "pep:gravreset")
minetest.register_alias("potionspack:harmingii", "pep:gravreset")
After Width: | Height: | Size: 843 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 222 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 637 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 758 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 755 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 782 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 795 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 778 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 772 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 759 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 783 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 791 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 757 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 768 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 767 B |
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
# Player Effects
## Summary
This is an framework for assigning temporary status effects to players. This mod is aimed to modders and maybe interested people. This framework is a work in progress and not finished.
## Profile
* Name: Player Effects
* Short name: `playereffects`
* Current version: 1.2.0 (This is a [SemVer](
* Dependencies: None!
* License of everything: MIT License
* Discussion page: [here](
## Information for players
This mod alone is not aimed directly at players. Briefly, the point of this mod is to help other mods to implement temporary status effects for players in a clean and consistant way.
Here is the information which may be relevant to you: Your current status effects are shown on the HUD on the right side, along with a timer which shows the time until the effect gets disabled. It is possible for the server to disable this feature entirely. Some status effects may also be hidden and are never exposed to the HUD.
You only have to install this mod iff you have a mod which implements Player Effects. Here is a list of known mods which do:
* Magic Beans—Wuzzy’s Fork [`magicbeans_w`]
## Information for server operators
By default, this mod stores the effects into the file `` in the current world path every 10 seconds. On a regular server shutdown, this file is also written to. The data in this file is read when the mod is started.
It is save to delete `` when the mod does currently not run. This simply erases all active and inactive effects when the server starts again.
You can disable the automatic saving in `settings.lua`.
### Configuration
Player Effects can be configured. Just edit the file `settings.lua`. You find everything you need to know in that file. Be careful to not delete the lines, just edit them.
## Information for modders
This is a framework for other mods to depend on. It provides means to define, apply and remove temporary status effects to players in a (hopefully) unobstrusive way.
A status effect is an effect for a player which changes some property of the player. This property can be practically everything. Currently, the framework supports one kind of effect, which I call “exclusive effects”. For each property (speed, gravity, whatver), there can be only one effect in place at the same time. Here are some examples for possible status effects:
* high walking speed (`speed` property)
* high jump height (`jump` property)
* low player gravity (`gravity` property)
* high player gravity (`gravity` property)
* having the X privilege granted (binary “do I have the property?” property) (yes, this is weird, but it works!)
The framework aims to provide means to define effect types and to apply and cancel effects to players. The framework aims to be a stable foundation stone. This means it needs a lot of testing.
## Known bugs
### Effect timers don’t stop when game gets paused
When you paused the game in singleplayer mode, the effect timers just continue as if nothing happened. Of course, all effect timers should be stopped while the game is paused, like everything else. Apparently this bug cannot be fixed with the current Lua API.
## API documentation
### Data types
#### Effect type (`effect_type`)
An effect type is a description of what is later to be concretely applied as an effect to a player. An effect type, however, is *not* assigned to a player. There are two kinds of effect types: Repeating and non-repeating. See the section on `effect` for more information.
`effect_type` is a table with these fields:
* `description`: Human-readable short description of the effect. Will be exposed to the HUD, iff `hidden` is `false`.
* `groups`: A table of groups to which this effect type belongs to.
* `apply`: Function to be called when effect is applied. See `playereffects.register_effect_type`.
* `cancel`: Function to be called when effect is cancelled. See `playereffects.register_effect_type`.
* `icon`: This is optional. It can be the file name of a texture. Should have a size of 16px×16px. Will be exposed to the HUD, iff `hidden` is `false`.
* `hidden`: Iff this is false, it will not be exposed to the HUD when this effect is active.
* `cancel_on_death`: Iff this is true, the effect will be cancelled automatically when the player dies.
* `repeat_interval` is an optional number. When specified, the effects of this type becomes a repeating effect. Repeating effects call `apply` an arbitrary number of times; non-repeating effects just call it once when the effect is created. The number specifies the interval in seconds between each call. Iff this parameter is `nil`, the effect type is a non-repeating effect.
Normally you don’t need to read or edit fields of this table. Use `playereffects.register_effect_type` to add a new effect type to Player Effects.
#### Effect group
An effect group is basically a concept. Any effect type can be member of any number of effect groups. The main point of effect groups is to find effects which affect the same property. For example, an effect which makes you faster and another effect which makes you slower both affect the same property: speed. The group for that then would be the string `"speed"`. See also `examples.lua`, which includes the effects `high_speed` and `low_speed`.
Currently, the main rule of Player Effects requires that there can only be one effect in place. Don’t worry, Player Effects already does that job for you. Back to the example: it is possible to be fast and it is possible to be slow. But it is not possible to be fast `and` slow at the same time. Player Effects ensures that by cancelling all conflicting concepts before applying a new one.
The concept of groups may be changed or extended in the future.
You can invent effect groups (like the groups in Minetest) on the fly. A group is just a string. Practically, you should use groups which other people use.
#### Effect (`effect`)
An effect is an current change of a player property (like speed, jump height, and so on). It is the realization of an effect type. All effects are temporary. There are currently two types of effects: Repeating and non-repeating. Non-repeating effects call their `apply` callback once when they are created. Repeating effects call their apply callback multiple times with a specified interval. By default, effects are non-repeating.
`effect` is a table with the following modding-relevant fields:
* `playername`: The name of the player to which the effect belongs to.
* `effect_id`: A globally unique identifier of the effect. It is a number and assigned automatically by Player Effects.
* `effect_type_id`: The identifier of the effect’s effect type. It is a string and assigned by `playereffects.register_effect_type`.
* `metadata`: An optional field which may contain a table with additional, modder-defined data to be “remembered” for later. The `apply` callback can set this field.
Internally, Player Effects also uses these fields:
* `start_time`: The operating system time (from `os.time()`) of when the effect has been started.
* `time_left`: The number of seconds left before the effect runs out. This number is only set when the effect starts or the effect is unfrozen because i.e. a player re-joins. You can’t use this field to blindly get the remaining time of the effect.
* `repeat_interval_start_time` and `repeat_interval_time_left`: Same as `start_time` and `time_left`, but for repeating effects.
You should normally not need to care about these internally used fields.
### Functions
#### `playereffects.register_effect_type(effect_type_id, description, icon, groups, apply, cancel, hidden, cancel_on_death, repeat_interval)`
Adds a new effect type for the Player Effects mods, so it can be later be applied to players.
##### Parameters
* `effect_type_id` is the identifier (a string) which is internally used by the mod. Later known as `effect_type_id`. You may choose the identifier at will, but please use only alphanumeric ASCII characters. The identifier must be unique along all mods.
* `description` is the text which is exposed to the HUD and visible to the player.
* `icon`: This is optional an can be `nil`. It can be the file name of a texture. Should have a size of 16px×16px. In this case, this is the icon for the HUD. Basically this is just eye-candy. If this is `nil`, no icon is shown. The icon will be exposed to the HUD, iff `hidden` is `false`.
* `groups` is a table of strings to which the effect type is assigned to.
* `apply`: See below.
* `cancel`: See below.
* `hidden` is an optional boolean value. Iff `true`, the effect description and icon will not be exposed to the player HUD. Otherwise, the effect is exposed. Default: `false`
* `cancel_on_death` is an optional boolean value. Iff true, the effect will be cancelled automatically when the player dies. Default: `true`.
* `repeat_interval` is an optional number. When specified, the effects of this type becomes a repeating effect. Repeating effects call `apply` an arbitrary number of times; non-repeating effects just call it once when the effect is created. The number specifies the interval in seconds between each call. Iff this parameter is `nil`, the effect type is a non-repeating effect.
###### `apply` function
The `apply` function is a callback function which is called by Player Effects. Here the modder can put all the gameplay-relevant code.
`apply` takes a player object as its only argument. This is the player to which the effect is applied to.
The function may return a table. This table will be added as the field `metadata` to the resulting `effect`.
The function may return `false`. This is used to tell Player Effects that the effect could, for whatever reason, not be successfully applied. Currently, this feature is experimental and possibly broken.
The function may also return just `nil` on a normal success without metadata.
###### `cancel` function
The `cancel` function is called by Player Effects when the effect is to be cancelled. Here the modder can do all the code which is needed to revert the changes an earlier `apply` call made.
`cancel` takes an `effect` as its first argument and a player object as its second argument. Remember, this `effect` may also contain a field called `metadata`, which may have been added by an earlier `apply` call. `player` is the player to which the effect is/was applied. This argument is just there for convenience reasons.
Player Effects does not care about the return value of this function.
##### Return value
Always `nil`.
#### `playereffects.apply_effect_type(effect_type_id, duration, player, repeat_interval_time_left)`
Attempts to apply a new effect of a certain type for a certain duration to a certain player. This function can fail, although this should rarely happen. This function handles non-repeating effects and repeating effects as well.
##### Parameters
* `effect_type_id`: The identifier of the effect type. This is the name which was used in `playereffects.register_effect_type` and always a string.
* `duration`: How long the effect. Please use only positive values and only integers. If a repeating effect type is specified, this number specifies the number of repetitions; for non-repeating effects this number specifies the effect duration in seconds.
* `player`: The player object to which the new effect should be applied to.
* `repeat_interval_time_left`: This parameter is optional and only for repeating effects. If it is a number, it specifies the time until the first call of the `apply` callback fires. By default, a full repeat interval is waited until the first call.
##### Return value
The function either returns `false` or a number. Iff the function returns `false`, the effect was not successfully applied. The function may return `false` on these occasions:
* `player` is not a valid player object
* The `apply` function of the effect type returned `false`
On success, the function returns a number. This number is the effect ID of the effect which has been just created. This effect ID can be used later, for `playereffects.cancel_effect`, for example.
#### `playereffects.cancel_effect(effect_id)`
Cancels a single effect.
##### Parameter
* `effect_id`: The effect ID of the effect which shall be cancelled.
##### Return value
Always `nil`.
#### `playereffects.cancel_effect_group(groupname, playername)`
Cancels all a player’s effects which belong to a certain group.
##### Parameters
* `groupname`: The name of the effect group (string) of which all active effects of the player shall be cancelled.
* `playername`: The name of the player to which the effects which are about to be cancelled belong to.
##### Return value
Always `nil`.
#### `playereffects.cancel_effect_type(effect_type_id, cancel_all, playername)`
Cancels one or all player effect with a certain effect type
Careful! This function has *not* been tested yet!
##### Parameters
* `effect_type_id`: Identifier of the effect type.
* `cancel_all`: Iff true, cancels all active effects with this effect type
* `playername`: Name of the player to which the effects belong to
##### Return value
Always `nil`.
#### `playereffects.get_remaining_effect_time(effect_id)`
Returns the remaining time of an effect.
##### Parameter
* `effect_id`: The effect identifier of the effect in question
##### Return value
Iff the effect exists, the remaining effect time is returned in full seconds. Iff the effect does not exist, `nil` is returned.
#### `playereffects.get_player_effects(playername)`
Returns all active effects of a player.
##### Parameter
`playername`: The name of the player from which the effects are requested.
##### Return value
A table of all `effect`s which belong to the player. If the player does not exist, this function returns an empty table.
#### `playereffects.has_effect_type(playername, effect_type_id)`
Returns `true` iff the provided player has an effect of the specified effect type, `false` otherwise.
##### Parameters
* `playername`: Name of the player to check the existance of the effect type for
* `effect_type_id`: Identifier of the effect type.
## Examples
This mod comes with extensive examples. The examples are disabled by default. Edit `settings.lua` to enable the examples. See `examples.lua` to find out how they are programmed. The examples are only for demonstration purposes. They are not intended to be used in an actual game.
### Chat commands
The examples are mainly accessible with chat commands. Since this is just an example, everyone can use these examples.
#### Apply effect
These commands apply (or try to) apply an effect to you. You will get a response in the chat which give you the `effect_id` on success. On failure, the example will tell you that it failed.
* `fast`: Makes you faster for 10 seconds.
* `slow`: Makes you slower for 120s.
* `hfast`: Makes you faster for 10s. This is a hidden effect and is not exposed to the HUD.
* `highjump`: Increases your jump height for 20s.
* `fly`: Gives you the `fly` privilege for a minute. You keep the privilege even when you die. Better don’t mess around with this privilege manually when you use this.
* `regen`: Gives you a half heart per second 10 times (5 hearts overall healing). This is an example of a repeating effect.
* `slowregen`: Gives you a half heart every 15 seconds, 10 times (5 hearts overall healing). This is an example of a repeating effect.
* `blind`: Tints the whole screen black for 5 seconds. This is highly experimental and will be drawn over many existing HUD elements. In other words, prepare your HUD to be messed up.
* `null`: Tries to apply an effect which always fails. This demonstrates the failure of effects.
#### Cancel effects
* `cancelall`: Cancels all your active effects.
#### Testing
* `stresstest [number]`: Applies `number` dummy effects which don’t do anything to you. Iff omitted, `number` is assumed to be 100. This command is there to test the performance of this mod for absurdly large effect numbers.
@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
--[=[ Main tables ]=]
playereffects = {}
--[[ table containing the groups (experimental) ]]
playereffects.groups = {}
--[[ table containing all the HUD info tables, indexed by player names.
A single HUD info table is formatted like this: { text_id = 1, icon_id=2, pos = 0 }
Where: text_id: HUD ID of the textual effect description
icon_id: HUD ID of the effect icon (optional)
pos: Y offset factor (starts with 0)
Example of full table:
{ ["player1"] = {{ text_id = 1, icon_id=4, pos = 0 }}, ["player2] = { { text_id = 5, icon_id=6, pos = 0 }, { text_id = 7, icon_id=8, pos = 1 } } }
playereffects.hudinfos = {}
--[[ table containing all the effect types ]]
playereffects.effect_types = {}
--[[ table containing all the active effects ]]
playereffects.effects = {}
--[[ table containing all the inactive effects.
Effects become inactive if a player leaves an become active again if they join again. ]]
playereffects.inactive_effects = {}
-- Variable for counting the effect_id
playereffects.last_effect_id = 0
Settings for Player Effects
-- Wheather to use the HUD to expose the active effects to players (true or false)
playereffects.use_hud = true
-- Wheather to use autosave (true or false)
playereffects.use_autosave = true
-- The time interval between autosaves, in seconds (only used when use_autosave is true)
playereffects.autosave_time = 10
--[=[ Load inactive_effects and last_effect_id from playereffects, if this file exists ]=]
local filepath = minetest.get_worldpath().."/playereffects"
local file =, "r")
if file then
minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] playereffects opened.")
local string = file:read()
if(string ~= nil) then
local savetable = minetest.deserialize(string)
playereffects.inactive_effects = savetable.inactive_effects
minetest.debug("[playereffects] playereffects successfully read.")
minetest.debug("[playereffects] inactive_effects = "..dump(playereffects.inactive_effects))
playereffects.last_effect_id = savetable.last_effect_id
minetest.debug("[playereffects] last_effect_id = "..dump(playereffects.last_effect_id))
function playereffects.next_effect_id()
playereffects.last_effect_id = playereffects.last_effect_id + 1
return playereffects.last_effect_id
--[=[ API functions ]=]
function playereffects.register_effect_type(effect_type_id, description, icon, groups, apply, cancel, hidden, cancel_on_death, repeat_interval)
local effect_type = {}
effect_type.description = description
effect_type.apply = apply
effect_type.groups = groups
effect_type.icon = icon
if cancel ~= nil then
effect_type.cancel = cancel
effect_type.cancel = function() end
if hidden ~= nil then
effect_type.hidden = hidden
effect_type.hidden = false
if cancel_on_death ~= nil then
effect_type.cancel_on_death = cancel_on_death
effect_type.cancel_on_death = true
effect_type.repeat_interval = repeat_interval
playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id] = effect_type
minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Effect type "..effect_type_id.." registered!")
function playereffects.apply_effect_type(effect_type_id, duration, player, repeat_interval_time_left)
local start_time = os.time()
local is_player = false
if(type(player)=="userdata") then
if(player.is_player ~= nil) then
if(player:is_player() == true) then
is_player = true
if(is_player == false) then
minetest.log("error", "[playereffects] Attempted to apply effect type "..effect_type_id.." to a non-player!")
return false
local playername = player:get_player_name()
local groups = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].groups
for k,v in pairs(groups) do
playereffects.cancel_effect_group(v, playername)
local metadata
if(playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].repeat_interval == nil) then
local status = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].apply(player)
if(status == false) then
minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Attempt to apply effect type "..effect_type_id.." to player "..playername.." failed!")
return false
metadata = status
local effect_id = playereffects.next_effect_id()
local smallest_hudpos
local biggest_hudpos = -1
local free_hudpos
if(playereffects.hudinfos[playername] == nil) then
playereffects.hudinfos[playername] = {}
local hudinfos = playereffects.hudinfos[playername]
for effect_id, hudinfo in pairs(hudinfos) do
local hudpos = hudinfo.pos
if(hudpos > biggest_hudpos) then
biggest_hudpos = hudpos
if(smallest_hudpos == nil) then
smallest_hudpos = hudpos
elseif(hudpos < smallest_hudpos) then
smallest_hudpos = hudpos
if(smallest_hudpos == nil) then
free_hudpos = 0
elseif(smallest_hudpos >= 0) then
free_hudpos = smallest_hudpos - 1
free_hudpos = biggest_hudpos + 1
local repeat_interval = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].repeat_interval
if(repeat_interval ~= nil) then
if(repeat_interval_time_left == nil) then
repeat_interval_time_left = repeat_interval
--[[ show no more than 20 effects on the screen, so that hud_update does not need to be called so often ]]
local text_id, icon_id
if(free_hudpos <= 20) then
text_id, icon_id = playereffects.hud_effect(effect_type_id, player, free_hudpos, duration, repeat_interval_time_left)
local hudinfo = {
text_id = text_id,
icon_id = icon_id,
pos = free_hudpos,
playereffects.hudinfos[playername][effect_id] = hudinfo
text_id, icon_id = nil, nil
local effect = {
playername = playername,
effect_id = effect_id,
effect_type_id = effect_type_id,
start_time = start_time,
repeat_interval_start_time = start_time,
time_left = duration,
repeat_interval_time_left = repeat_interval_time_left,
metadata = metadata,
playereffects.effects[effect_id] = effect
if(repeat_interval ~= nil) then
minetest.after(repeat_interval_time_left, playereffects.repeater, effect_id, duration, player, playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].apply)
minetest.after(duration, function(effect_id) playereffects.cancel_effect(effect_id) end, effect_id)
return effect_id
function playereffects.repeater(effect_id, repetitions, player, apply)
local effect = playereffects.effects[effect_id]
if(effect ~= nil) then
local repetitions = effect.time_left
repetitions = repetitions - 1
effect.time_left = repetitions
if(repetitions <= 0) then
local repeat_interval = playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].repeat_interval
effect.repeat_interval_time_left = repeat_interval
effect.repeat_interval_start_time = os.time()
function playereffects.cancel_effect_type(effect_type_id, cancel_all, playername)
local effects = playereffects.get_player_effects(playername)
if(cancel_all==nil) then cancel_all = false end
for e=1, #effects do
if(effects[e].effect_type_id == effect_type_id) then
if(cancel_all==false) then
function playereffects.cancel_effect_group(groupname, playername)
local effects = playereffects.get_player_effects(playername)
for e=1,#effects do
local effect = effects[e]
local thesegroups = playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].groups
local delete = false
for g=1,#thesegroups do
if(thesegroups[g] == groupname) then
function playereffects.get_remaining_effect_time(effect_id)
local now = os.time()
local effect = playereffects.effects[effect_id]
if(effect ~= nil) then
return (effect.time_left - os.difftime(now, effect.start_time))
return nil
function playereffects.cancel_effect(effect_id)
local effect = playereffects.effects[effect_id]
if(effect ~= nil) then
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(effect.playername)
local hudinfo = playereffects.hudinfos[effect.playername][effect_id]
if(hudinfo ~= nil) then
if(hudinfo.text_id~=nil) then
if(hudinfo.icon_id~=nil) then
playereffects.hudinfos[effect.playername][effect_id] = nil
playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].cancel(effect, player)
playereffects.effects[effect_id] = nil
function playereffects.get_player_effects(playername)
if(minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) ~= nil) then
local effects = {}
for k,v in pairs(playereffects.effects) do
if(v.playername == playername) then
table.insert(effects, v)
return effects
return {}
function playereffects.has_effect_type(playername, effect_type_id)
local pe = playereffects.get_player_effects(playername)
for i=1,#pe do
if pe[i].effect_type_id == effect_type_id then
return true
return false
--[=[ Saving all data to file ]=]
function playereffects.save_to_file()
local save_time = os.time()
local savetable = {}
local inactive_effects = {}
for id,effecttable in pairs(playereffects.inactive_effects) do
local playername = id
if(inactive_effects[playername] == nil) then
inactive_effects[playername] = {}
for i=1,#effecttable do
table.insert(inactive_effects[playername], effecttable[i])
for id,effect in pairs(playereffects.effects) do
local new_duration, new_repeat_duration
if(playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].repeat_interval ~= nil) then
new_duration = effect.time_left
new_repeat_duration = effect.repeat_interval_time_left - os.difftime(save_time, effect.repeat_interval_start_time)
new_duration = effect.time_left - os.difftime(save_time, effect.start_time)
local new_effect = {
effect_id = effect.effect_id,
effect_type_id = effect.effect_type_id,
time_left = new_duration,
repeat_interval_time_left = new_repeat_duration,
start_time = effect.start_time,
repeat_interval_start_time = effect.repeat_interval_start_time,
playername = effect.playername,
metadata = effect.metadata
if(inactive_effects[effect.playername] == nil) then
inactive_effects[effect.playername] = {}
table.insert(inactive_effects[effect.playername], new_effect)
savetable.inactive_effects = inactive_effects
savetable.last_effect_id = playereffects.last_effect_id
local savestring = minetest.serialize(savetable)
local filepath = minetest.get_worldpath().."/playereffects"
local file =, "w")
if file then
minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Wrote playereffects data into "..filepath..".")
minetest.log("error", "[playereffects] Failed to write playereffects data into "..filepath..".")
--[=[ Callbacks ]=]
--[[ Cancel all effects on player death ]]
local effects = playereffects.get_player_effects(player:get_player_name())
for e=1,#effects do
if(playereffects.effect_types[effects[e].effect_type_id].cancel_on_death == true) then
local leave_time = os.time()
local playername = player:get_player_name()
local effects = playereffects.get_player_effects(playername)
if(playereffects.inactive_effects[playername] == nil) then
playereffects.inactive_effects[playername] = {}
for e=1,#effects do
local new_duration = effects[e].time_left - os.difftime(leave_time, effects[e].start_time)
local new_effect = effects[e]
new_effect.time_left = new_duration
table.insert(playereffects.inactive_effects[playername], new_effect)
minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Server shuts down. Rescuing data into playereffects")
local playername = player:get_player_name()
-- load all the effects again (if any)
if(playereffects.inactive_effects[playername] ~= nil) then
for i=1,#playereffects.inactive_effects[playername] do
local effect = playereffects.inactive_effects[playername][i]
playereffects.apply_effect_type(effect.effect_type_id, effect.time_left, player, effect.repeat_interval_time_left)
playereffects.inactive_effects[playername] = nil
playereffects.globalstep_timer = 0
playereffects.autosave_timer = 0
playereffects.globalstep_timer = playereffects.globalstep_timer + dtime
playereffects.autosave_timer = playereffects.autosave_timer + dtime
-- Update HUDs of all players
if(playereffects.globalstep_timer >= 1) then
playereffects.globalstep_timer = 0
local players = minetest.get_connected_players()
for p=1,#players do
-- Autosave into file
if(playereffects.use_autosave == true and playereffects.autosave_timer >= playereffects.autosave_time) then
playereffects.autosave_timer = 0
minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Autosaving mod data to playereffects ...")
--[=[ HUD ]=]
function playereffects.hud_update(player)
if(playereffects.use_hud == true) then
local now = os.time()
local playername = player:get_player_name()
local hudinfos = playereffects.hudinfos[playername]
if(hudinfos ~= nil) then
for effect_id, hudinfo in pairs(hudinfos) do
local effect = playereffects.effects[effect_id]
if(effect ~= nil and hudinfo.text_id ~= nil) then
local description = playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].description
local repeat_interval = playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].repeat_interval
if(repeat_interval ~= nil) then
local repeat_interval_time_left = os.difftime(effect.repeat_interval_start_time + effect.repeat_interval_time_left, now)
player:hud_change(hudinfo.text_id, "text", description .. " ("..tostring(effect.time_left).."/"..tostring(repeat_interval_time_left) .. "s)")
local time_left = os.difftime(effect.start_time + effect.time_left, now)
player:hud_change(hudinfo.text_id, "text", description .. " ("..tostring(time_left).." s)")
function playereffects.hud_clear(player)
if(playereffects.use_hud == true) then
local playername = player:get_player_name()
local hudinfos = playereffects.hudinfos[playername]
if(hudinfos ~= nil) then
for effect_id, hudinfo in pairs(hudinfos) do
local effect = playereffects.effects[effect_id]
if(hudinfo.text_id ~= nil) then
if(hudinfo.icon_id ~= nil) then
playereffects.hudinfos[playername][effect_id] = nil
function playereffects.hud_effect(effect_type_id, player, pos, time_left, repeat_interval_time_left)
local text_id, icon_id
local effect_type = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id]
if(playereffects.use_hud == true and effect_type.hidden == false) then
local color
if(playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].cancel_on_death == true) then
color = 0xFFFFFF
color = 0xF0BAFF
local description = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].description
local text
if(repeat_interval_time_left ~= nil) then
text = description .. " ("..tostring(time_left).."/"..tostring(repeat_interval_time_left) .. "s )"
text = description .. " ("..tostring(time_left).." s)"
text_id = player:hud_add({
hud_elem_type = "text",
position = { x = 1, y = 0.3 },
name = "effect_"..effect_type_id,
text = text,
scale = { x = 170, y = 20},
alignment = { x = -1, y = 0 },
direction = 1,
number = color,
offset = { x = -5, y = pos*20 }
if(playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].icon ~= nil) then
icon_id = player:hud_add({
hud_elem_type = "image",
scale = { x = 1, y = 1 },
position = { x = 1, y = 0.3 },
name = "effect_icon_"..effect_type_id,
text = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].icon.."^[mask:pep_glass_bottle_overlay.png",
alignment = { x = -1, y=0 },
direction = 0,
offset = { x = -186, y = pos*20 },
text_id = nil
icon_id = nil
return text_id, icon_id
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# Player Physics API.
Version: 1.0.0
This mod makes it possible for multiple mods to modify player physics (speed, jumping strength, gravity) without conflict.
## Introduction
### For players
Mods and games in Minetest can set physical attributes of players, such as speed and jump strength. For example, player speed could be set to 200%. But the way this works makes it difficult for multiple mods to *modify* physical attributes without leading to conflicts, problems and hilarious bugs, like speed that changes often to nonsense values.
The Player Physics API aims to resolve this conflict by providing a “common ground” for mods to work together in this regard.
This mod does nothing on its own, you will only need to install it as dependency of other mods.
When you browse for mods that somehow mess with player physics (namely: speed, jump strength or gravity) and want to use more than one of them, check out if they support the Player Physics API. If they don't, it's very likely these mods will break as soon you activate more than one of them, for example, if two mods try to set the player speed. If you found such a “hilarious bug”, please report it to the developers of the mods (or games) and point them to the Player Physics API.
Of course, not all mods need the Player Physics API. Mods that don't touch player physics at all won't need this mod.
The rest of this document is directed at developers.
### For developers
The function `set_physics_override` from the Minetest Lua API allows mod authors to override physical attributes of players, such as speed or jump strength.
This function works fine as long there is only one mod that sets a particular physical attribute at a time. However, as soon as at least two different mods (that do not know each other) try to change the same player physics attribute using only this function, there will be conflicts as each mod will undo the change of the other mod, as the function sets a raw value. A classic race condition occurs. This is the case because the mods fail to communicate with each other.
This mod solves the problem of conflicts. It bans the concept of “setting the raw value directly” and replaces it with the concept of factors that mods can add and remove for each attribute. The real physical player attribute will be the product of all active factors.
## Quick start
Let's say you have a mod `example` and want to double the speed of the player (i.e. multiply it by a factor of 2), but you also don't want to break other mods that might touch the speed.
Previously, you might have written something like this:
However, your mod broke down as soon the mod `example2` came along, which wanted to increase the speed by 50%. In the real game, the player speed randomly switched from 50% and 200% which was a very annoying bug.
In your `example` mod, you can replace the code with this:
`playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "speed", "my_double_speed", 2)`
Where `"my_double_speed` is an unique ID for your speed factor.
Now your `example` mod is interoperable! And now, of course, the `example2` mod has to be updated in a similar fashion.
## Precondition
There is only one precondition to using this mod, but it is important:
Mods *MUST NOT* call `set_physics_override` directly for numerical values. Instead, to modify player physics, all mods that touch player physics have to use this API.
## Functions
### `playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, attribute, id, value)`
Adds a factor for a player physic and updates the player physics immediately.
#### Parameters
* `player`: Player object
* `attribute`: Which of the physical attributes to change. Any of the numeric values of `set_physics_override` (e.g. `"speed"`, `"jump"`, `"gravity"`)
* `id`: Unique identifier for this factor. Identifiers are stored on a per-player per-attribute type basis
* `value`: The factor to add to the list of products
If a factor for the same player, attribute and `id` already existed, it will be overwritten.
### `playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, attribute, id)`
Removes the physics factor of the given ID and updates the player's physics.
#### Parameters
Same as in `playerphysics.add_physics_factor`, except there is no `value` argument.
## Examples
### Speed changes
Let's assume this mod is used by 3 different mods all trying to change the speed:
Potions, Exhaustion and Electrocution.
Here's what it could look like:
Potions mod:
playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "speed", "run_potion", 2)
Exhaustion mod:
playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "jump", "exhausted", 0.75)
Electrocution mod:
playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "jump", "shocked", 0.9)
When the 3 mods have done their change, the real player speed is simply the product of all factors, that is:
2 * 0.75 * 0.9 = 1.35
The final player speed is thus 135%.
### Speed changes, part 2
Let's take the example above.
Now if the Electrocution mod is done with shocking the player, it just needs to call:
playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, "jump", "shocked")
The effect is now gone, so the new player speed will be:
2 * 0.75 = 1.5
### Sleeping
To simulate sleeping by preventing all player movement, this can be done with this easy trick:
playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "speed", "sleeping", 0)
playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "jump", "sleeping", 0)
This works regardless of the other factors because 0 times anything equals 0.
## License
This mod is free software, released under the MIT License.
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
playerphysics = {}
local function calculate_attribute_product(player, attribute)
local a = minetest.deserialize(player:get_attribute("playerphysics:physics"))
local product = 1
if a == nil or a[attribute] == nil then
return product
local factors = a[attribute]
if type(factors) == "table" then
for _, factor in pairs(factors) do
product = product * factor
return product
function playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, attribute, id, value)
local a = minetest.deserialize(player:get_attribute("playerphysics:physics"))
if a == nil then
a = { [attribute] = { [id] = value } }
elseif a[attribute] == nil then
a[attribute] = { [id] = value }
a[attribute][id] = value
player:set_attribute("playerphysics:physics", minetest.serialize(a))
local raw_value = calculate_attribute_product(player, attribute)
player:set_physics_override({[attribute] = raw_value})
function playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, attribute, id)
local a = minetest.deserialize(player:get_attribute("playerphysics:physics"))
if a == nil or a[attribute] == nil then
-- Nothing to remove
a[attribute][id] = nil
player:set_attribute("playerphysics:physics", minetest.serialize(a))
local raw_value = calculate_attribute_product(player, attribute)
player:set_physics_override({[attribute] = raw_value})
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
MultiCraft Game mod: PlayerPlus
This mod lets the player move faster when walking on ice, slows down the player
when walking on snow, makes touching a cactus hurt and suffocates player when
their head is inside a solid node... enjoy!
The mod has been rewritten and optimized to work with Player Physics API:
Removed POVA, monoids support, knock-back, glitch.
Every second the mod checks which node the player is standing on, which node is
at foot and head level and stores inside a global table to be used by mods:
- playerplus[name].nod_stand
- playerplus[name].nod_foot
- playerplus[name].nod_head
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@ -1,59 +1,35 @@
walking on ice makes player walk faster,
stepping through snow or water slows player down,
touching a cactus hurts player,
and suffocation when head is inside solid node,.
PlayerPlus by TenPlus1
playerplus = {}
-- get node but use fallback for nil or unknown
local node_ok = function(pos, fallback)
fallback = fallback or "air"
local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos)
if node and minetest.registered_nodes[] then
return fallback
local armor_mod = minetest.get_modpath("3d_armor")
--local def = {}
local time = 0
-- check speed
local check = 0.5
time = time + dtime
-- every 1 second
if time < 1 then
if time < check then
-- reset time for next check
time = 0
-- define locals outside loop
local name, pos, ndef, def, nslow, nfast
-- loop through players
for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
-- who am I?
name = player:get_player_name()
-- where am I?
pos = player:get_pos()
-- what is around me?
pos.y = pos.y - 0.1 -- standing on
playerplus[name].nod_stand = node_ok(pos)
@ -65,66 +41,52 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
pos.y = pos.y + 1.5 -- head level
playerplus[name].nod_head = node_ok(pos)
pos.y = pos.y - 1.2 -- feet level
playerplus[name].nod_feet = node_ok(pos)
pos.y = pos.y - 0.2 -- reset pos
-- get player physics
def = player:get_physics_override()
if armor_mod and armor and armor.def then
-- get player physics from armor
def.speed = armor.def[name].speed or def.speed
def.jump = armor.def[name].jump or def.jump
def.gravity = armor.def[name].gravity or def.gravity
-- [ Physics ]
-- are we standing on any nodes that speed player up?
nfast = nil
if playerplus[name].nod_stand == "default:ice" then
if playerplus[name].nod_stand == "default:ice"
or playerplus[name].nod_stand == "default:packedice" then
nfast = true
-- are we standing on any nodes that slow player down?
nslow = nil
if playerplus[name].nod_stand == "default:snow"
or playerplus[name].nod_stand == "default:snowblock" then
or playerplus[name].nod_stand == "default:snowblock"
or playerplus[name].nod_stand == "default:bedrock"
or playerplus[name].nod_stand == "default:slimeblock"
or playerplus[name].nod_stand == "mobs:cobweb" then
nslow = true
-- apply speed changes
if nfast and not playerplus[name].nfast then
def.speed = def.speed + 0.4
playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "speed", "playerplusspeed", 1.5)
playerplus[name].nfast = true
elseif not nfast and playerplus[name].nfast then
def.speed = def.speed - 0.4
elseif not nfast and playerplus[name].nfast then
playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, "speed", "playerplusspeed")
playerplus[name].nfast = nil
-- apply slowdown changes
if nslow and not playerplus[name].nslow then
def.speed = def.speed - 0.3
playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "speed", "playerplusslow", 0.7)
playerplus[name].nslow = true
elseif not nslow and playerplus[name].nslow then
def.speed = def.speed + 0.3
playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, "speed", "playerplusslow")
playerplus[name].nslow = nil
-- set player physics
player:set_physics_override(def.speed, def.jump, def.gravity)
print ("Speed: " .. def.speed
.. " / Jump: " .. def.jump
.. " / Gravity: " .. def.gravity)
-- [ HP ]
-- Is player suffocating inside a normal node without no_clip privs?
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[playerplus[name].nod_head]
@ -144,7 +106,6 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
local near = minetest.find_node_near(pos, 1, "default:cactus")
if near then
-- am I touching the cactus? if so it hurts
for _,object in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(near, 1.1)) do
@ -152,17 +113,13 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
object:set_hp(object:get_hp() - 2)
-- set to blank on join (for 3rd party mods)
local name = player:get_player_name()
playerplus[name] = {}
@ -171,9 +128,7 @@ minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player)
playerplus[name].nod_stand = ""
-- clear when player leaves
playerplus[ player:get_player_name() ] = nil
@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-- MultiCraft game mod: player
-- See README.txt for licensing and other information.
player_api = {}
-- Player animation blending
@ -45,7 +42,7 @@ function player_api.set_model(player, model_name)
textures = player_textures[name] or model.textures,
visual = "mesh",
visual_size = model.visual_size or {x = 1, y = 1},
collisionbox = model.collisionbox or {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.7, 0.3},
collisionbox = model.collisionbox, -- or {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.7, 0.3},
stepheight = model.stepheight or 0.6,
eye_height = model.eye_height or 1.47,
@ -53,7 +50,7 @@ function player_api.set_model(player, model_name)
visual = "upright_sprite",
collisionbox = {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.75, 0.3},
-- collisionbox = {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.75, 0.3},
stepheight = 0.6,
eye_height = 1.625,
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
MultiCraft game mod: PlayerPlus
Removed POVA, monoids support, knock-back, glitch.
This mod lets the player move faster when walking on ice, slows down the player
when walking on snow, makes touching a cactus hurt and suffocates player when
their head is inside a solid node... enjoy!
- 0.1 - Initial release
- 0.2 - 3d_armor mod compatibility
- 0.3 - Optimized code
- 0.4 - Added suffocation when inside nodes
- 0.5 - Slow down when walking in water
- 0.6 - Code tidy and tweak, increased damage by cactus and suffocation
- 0.7 - Added global 'playerplus' table to hold node names gathered around player
- 0.8 - Player knock-back added
- 0.9 - 'on_walk_over' function support added for nodes
- 1.0 - Update to newer functions, requires Minetest 0.4.16 and above to run
- 1.1 - Added support for player_monoids mod (thanks tacotexmex)
- 1.2 - Added POVA support, tweaked code slightly
- 1.3 - Add setting under Advances to enable older sneak glitch movement
Every second the mod checks which node the player is standing on, which node is
at foot and head level and stores inside a global table to be used by mods:
- playerplus[name].nod_stand
- playerplus[name].nod_foot
- playerplus[name].nod_head
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
--Potions by Traxie21--
--This mod provides no default potions. If you would like some, download potionspack at
Potion Registering Format:
NAME: Name of potion. Invalid characeters are automagically stripped from it.
COLOR: Color of potion image in-game, available colors: black, brown, cyan, darkblue, darkgrey, lightgrey, darkred, dull, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, and yellow.
EXPIRE TIME: Number in seconds.
ACTIVATION FUNCTION: The function that is run when the ground is right-clicked with the potion.
EXPIRE FUNCTION: The function that is run when the expire time runs out.
potions.register_potion("Anti Gravity", "purple", 60,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
user:set_physics_override(3, 1.5, 0.5)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "You have been blessed with Anti Gravity for 60 seconds!")
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Anti Gravity has worn off.")
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
local MOD_NAME = minetest.get_current_modname()
local MOD_PATH = minetest.get_modpath(MOD_NAME)
local Vec3 = dofile(MOD_PATH.."/lib/Vec3_1-0.lua")
potions = {}
function potions.register_potion(iname, color, exptime, action, expaction)
iname = string.gsub(iname, "[-%[%]()1023456789 ]", "")
minetest.register_craftitem(minetest.get_current_modname()..":"..iname:lower(), {
description = iname.." Potion",
inventory_image = "potions_bottle.png^potions_"..color..".png",
groups = {brewing = 1},
on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
action(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
minetest.after(exptime, expaction, itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
--Particle Code
--Potions Particles
minetest.add_particlespawner(30, 0.2,
pointed_thing.above, pointed_thing.above,
{x=1, y= 2, z=1}, {x=-1, y= 2, z=-1},
{x=0.2, y=0.2, z=0.2}, {x=-0.2, y=0.5, z=-0.2},
5, 10,
1, 3,
false, "potions_"..color..".png")
--Shatter Particles
minetest.add_particlespawner(40, 0.1,
pointed_thing.above, pointed_thing.above,
{x=2, y=0.2, z=2}, {x=-2, y=0.5, z=-2},
{x=0, y=-6, z=0}, {x=0, y=-10, z=0},
0.5, 2,
0.2, 5,
true, "potions_shatter.png")
local dir = Vec3(user:get_look_dir()) *20
{x=user:getpos().x, y=user:getpos().y+1.5, z=user:getpos().z}, {x=dir.x, y=dir.y, z=dir.z}, {x=0, y=-10, z=0}, 0.2,
6, false, "potions_bottle.png^potions_"..color..".png")
return itemstack
minetest.register_craftitem("potions:glass_bottle", {
description = "Glass Bottle",
inventory_image = "potions_bottle.png",
groups = {brewing = 1},
on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
--Shatter Particles
minetest.add_particlespawner(40, 0.1,
pointed_thing.above, pointed_thing.above,
{x=2, y=0.2, z=2}, {x=-2, y=0.5, z=-2},
{x=0, y=-6, z=0}, {x=0, y=-10, z=0},
0.5, 2,
0.2, 5,
true, "potions_shatter.png")
return itemstack
minetest.register_alias("vessels:glass_bottle", "potions:glass_bottle")
@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
local THIS_VERSION = "1.0"
--- 3D vector class/operations.
-- Note that methods can be called in either an object-oriented way:
-- v1 = Vec3(1, 2, 3)
-- v2 = v1:add({ x = 2, y = 2, z = 0 })
-- or as simple functions:
-- Vec3.add({ x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 }, { x = 2, y = 2, z = 0 })
-- All methods that can be called on a Vec3 using ":" may be called on a table
-- using the second functional syntax, but the first parameter MUST have the
-- expected components "x", "y", and "z". If a vector is used as the second
-- paramter, it may instead be a list/array with numeric indices, like
-- { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } in place of { x = 1.0, y = 2.0, z = 3.0 }.
-- @author prestidigitator (as registered at
-- @copyright 2013, licensed under WTFPL
local Vec3 = {}
local Vec3_meta = {}
local Vec3_inst_meta = {}
setmetatable(Vec3, Vec3_meta)
Vec3_inst_meta.__index = Vec3
--- Constructs a Vec3 from three numbers.
-- Call with one of:
--, y, z)
-- Vec3(x, y, z)
-- @return a new Vec3 object
local function Vec3_new(x, y, z)
local obj = { x = x or 0.0, y = y or 0.0, z = z or 0.0 }
setmetatable(obj, Vec3_inst_meta)
return obj
|||| = Vec3_new
--- Constructs a new copy of a Vec3.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:new_copy()
-- Vec3.new_copy(vec)
-- Vec3(vec)
-- @return a new Vec3 object that is a copy of the parameter
local function Vec3_new_copy(v)
local obj = { x = v.x or v[1] or 0.0,
y = v.y or v[2] or 0.0,
z = v.z or v[3] or 0.0 }
setmetatable(obj, Vec3_inst_meta)
return obj
Vec3.new_copy = Vec3_new_copy
Vec3_meta.__call = function(class, a, b, c)
if type(a) == "table" then
return Vec3.new_copy(a)
return, b, c)
--- Computes the square of the length of a Vec3.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:len_sq()
-- Vec3.len_sq(vec)
-- @return a number
local function Vec3_len_sq(v)
return v.x^2 + v.y^2 + v.z^2
Vec3.len_sq = Vec3_len_sq
--- Computes the length of a Vec3.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:len()
-- Vec3.len(vec)
-- @return a number
local function Vec3_len(v)
return math.sqrt(v.x^2 + v.y^2 + v.z^2)
Vec3.len = Vec3_len
--- Computes a unit vector pointing in the same direction as a Vec3.
-- Undefined for a zero-vector and may throw an error.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:unit()
-- Vec3.unit(vec)
-- @return a new Vec3 with length 1.0
local function Vec3_unit(v)
local len = math.sqrt(v.x^2 + v.y^2 + v.z^2)
return, v.y/len, v.z/len)
Vec3.unit = Vec3_unit
--- Multiplies a Vec3 by a number.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:mul(m)
-- Vec3.mul(vec, m)
-- vec*m
-- m*vec
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_mul(v, m)
local mn = tonumber(m)
if not mn then error("Can't multiply vector by non-scalar") end
return*mn, v.y*mn, v.z*mn)
Vec3.mul = Vec3_mul
Vec3_inst_meta.__mul = function(a, b)
if type(a) == "table" then
return Vec3_mul(a, b)
return Vec3_mul(b, a)
--- Divides a Vec3 by a number.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:div(m)
-- Vec3.div(vec, m)
-- vec/m
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_div(v, m)
return, v.y/m, v.z/m)
Vec3.div = Vec3_div
Vec3_inst_meta.__div = Vec3_div
--- Negates a Vec3 (signs of all components are inverted).
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:unm()
-- Vec3.unm(vec)
-- -vec
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_unm(v)
return, -v.y, -v.z)
Vec3.unm = Vec3_unm
Vec3_inst_meta.__unm = Vec3_unm
--- Adds two Vec3s or a Vec3 composed of three given components.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:add(vec2)
-- vec1:add(x, y, z)
-- Vec3.add(vec1, vec2)
-- Vec3.add(vec1, x, y, z)
-- vec1 + vec2
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_add(v, a, b, c)
if type(a) == "table" then
return + (a.x or a[1] or 0.0),
v.y + (a.y or a[2] or 0.0),
v.z + (a.z or a[3] or 0.0))
return + a, v.y + b, v.z + c)
Vec3.add = Vec3_add
--- Subtracts two Vec3s or a Vec3 composed of three given components.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:sub(vec2)
-- vec1:sub(x, y, z)
-- Vec3.sub(vec1, vec2)
-- Vec3.sub(vec1, x, y, z)
-- vec1 - vec2
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_sub(v, a, b, c)
if type(a) == "table" then
return - (a.x or a[1] or 0.0),
v.y - (a.y or a[2] or 0.0),
v.z - (a.z or a[3] or 0.0))
return - a, v.y - b, v.z - c)
Vec3.sub = Vec3_sub
--- Tests two Vec3s or a Vec3 composed of three given components for
-- exact component-wise equality.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:eq(vec2)
-- vec1:eq(x, y, z)
-- Vec3.eq(vec1, vec2)
-- Vec3.eq(vec1, x, y, z)
-- vec1 == vec2
-- vec1 ~= vec2
-- Note that because of built-in Lua logic "==" and "~=" work ONLY if
-- vec1 and vec2 are actually Vec3s (not tables).
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_eq(v, a, b, c)
if type(a) == "table" then
return v.x == (a.x or a[1] or 0.0) and
v.y == (a.y or a[2] or 0.0) and
v.z == (a.z or a[3] or 0.0)
return v.x == a and v.y == b and v.z == c
Vec3.eq = Vec3_eq
--- Takes the dot product of a Vec3 and a Vec3s or a Vec3 composed of
-- three given components.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:dot(vec2)
-- vec1:dot(x, y, z)
--, vec2)
--, x, y, z)
-- @return a number
local function Vec3_dot(v, a, b, c)
if type(a) == "table" then
return v.x * (a.x or a[1] or 0.0) +
v.y * (a.y or a[2] or 0.0) +
v.z * (a.z or a[3] or 0.0)
return v.x * a + v.y * b + v.z * c
|||| = Vec3_dot
--- Takes the cross product of a Vec3 and a Vec3s or a Vec3 composed of
-- three given components.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:cross(vec2)
-- vec1:cross(x, y, z)
-- Vec3.cross(vec1, vec2)
-- Vec3.cross(vec1, x, y, z)
-- @return a new Vec3 with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_cross(v, a, b, c)
local ux, uy, uz
if type(a) == "table" then
ux = a.x or a[1] or 0.0
uy = a.y or a[2] or 0.0
uz = a.z or a[3] or 0.0
ux = a or 0.0
uy = b or 0.0
uz = c or 0.0
return*uz - v.z*uy, v.z*ux - v.x*uz, v.x*uy - v.y*ux)
Vec3.cross = Vec3_cross
--- Rotates this (the first) vector around the second vector by the
-- given angle.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:rot_around(axis, angle)
-- Vec3.rot_around(vec, axis, angle)
-- @param axis
-- The axis about which to rotate.
-- @param angle
-- The angle by which to rotate this vector, in radians.
-- @return
-- a new Vec3 with the result of the operation.
local function Vec3_rot_around(v, axis, angle)
local uaxis = Vec3.new_copy(axis):unit()
local alen = uaxis:dotvec(v)
local avec = uaxis:mul(alen)
local pvec = Vec3.subvec(v, avec)
local rvec = uaxis:crossvec(v)
local v1 = pvec:mul(math.cos(angle))
local v2 = rvec:mul(math.sin(angle))
return avec:addvec(v1):addvec(v2)
Vec3.rot_around = Vec3_rot_around
--- Adds two Vec3s. Optimized for pure Vec3/table operations by removing
-- type checking and conditionals. If called with Vec3-likes table(s),
-- ensure all expected components "x", "y", and "z" exist.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:addvec(vec2)
-- Vec3.addvec(vec1, vec2)
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_addvec(v1, v2)
return + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y, v1.z + v2.z)
Vec3.addvec = Vec3_addvec
Vec3_inst_meta.__add = Vec3_addvec
--- Subtracts two Vec3s. Optimized for pure Vec3/table operations by
-- removing type checking and conditionals. If called with Vec3-likes
-- table(s), ensure all expected components "x", "y", and "z" exist.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:subvec(vec2)
-- Vec3.subvec(vec1, vec2)
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_subvec(v1, v2)
return - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y, v1.z - v2.z)
Vec3.subvec = Vec3_subvec
Vec3_inst_meta.__sub = Vec3_subvec
--- Tests two Vec3s for exact component-wise equality. Optimized for pure
-- Vec3/table operations by removing type checking and conditionals.
-- If called with Vec3-likes table(s), ensure all expected components
-- "x", "y", and "z" exist.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:eqvec(vec2)
-- Vec3.eqvec(vec1, vec2)
-- @return a new Vec3 object with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_eqvec(v1, v2)
return v1.x == v2.x and v1.y == v2.y and v1.z == v2.z
Vec3.eqvec = Vec3_eqvec
Vec3_inst_meta.__eq = Vec3_eqvec
--- Takes the dot product of two Vec3s. Optimized for pure Vec3/table
-- operations by removing type checking and conditionals. If called
-- with Vec3-likes table(s), ensure all expected components "x", "y",
-- and "z" exist.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:dotvec(vec2)
-- Vec3.dotvec(vec1, vec2)
-- @return a number
local function Vec3_dotvec(v1, v2)
return v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y + v1.z * v2.z
Vec3.dotvec = Vec3_dotvec
--- Takes the cross product of two Vec3s. Optimized for pure Vec3/table
-- operations by removing type checking and conditionals. If called
-- with Vec3-likes table(s), ensure all expected components "x", "y",
-- and "z" exist.
-- Call with one of:
-- vec1:crossvec(vec2)
-- Vec3.crossvec(vec1, vec2)
-- @return a new Vec3 with the result of the operation
local function Vec3_crossvec(v1, v2)
return*v2.z - v1.z*v2.y,
v1.z*v2.x - v1.x*v2.z,
v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x)
Vec3.crossvec = Vec3_crossvec
--- Converts Vec3 to a string with format "(x,y,z)".
-- Call with one of:
-- vec:tostring()
-- Vec3.tostring(vec)
-- tostring(vec)
-- @return a string
local function Vec3_tostring(v)
return "("..
(v.x or v[1] or "0")
(v.y or v[2] or "0")
(v.z or v[3] or "0")
Vec3.tostring = Vec3_tostring
Vec3_inst_meta.__tostring = Vec3_tostring
return Vec3
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
potions.register_potion("Anti Gravity", "purple", 60,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
user:set_physics_override(nil, 1.5, 0.5)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "You have been blessed with Anti Gravity for 60 seconds!")
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Anti Gravity has worn off.")
potions.register_potion("Anti Gravity II", "pink", 60,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
user:set_physics_override(3, nil, 0.1)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "You have been blessed with Anti Gravity II for 60 seconds!")
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Anti Gravity II has worn off.")
potions.register_potion("Speed", "lightgrey", 60,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
user:set_physics_override(3, 1, 1)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "You have been blessed with Speed for 60 seconds!")
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Speed has worn off.")
potions.register_potion("Speed II", "cyan", 60,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
user:set_physics_override(5, 1, 1)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "You have been blessed with Speed II for 60 seconds!")
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Speed II has worn off.")
potions.register_potion("Inversion", "dull", 60,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
user:set_physics_override(1, -1, -0.2)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "You have been cursed with Inversion for 60 seconds!")
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Inversion has worn off.")
potions.register_potion("Confusion", "dull", 60,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
user:set_physics_override(-1, nil, nil)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "You have been cursed with Confusion for 60 seconds!")
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Confusion has worn off.")
potions.register_potion("What will this do", "white", 60,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
user:set_physics_override(math.random(1, 20), math.random(1, 20), math.random(-4, 2))
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "You have been given unknown powers for good or evil! (60 seconds)")
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Unknown powers lost.")
potions.register_potion("Instant Health", "pink", 1,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local hp = user:get_hp()
user:set_hp(hp + 6)
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
potions.register_potion("Instant Health II", "pink", 1,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local hp = user:get_hp()
local hp_raise = hp + 12
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
potions.register_potion("Regen", "purple", 35,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local regen_I = true
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Regeneration I for 35 seconds")
local regen_II
if regen_II == true then
local regen
regen = function ( )
local hp = user:get_hp()
if hp >= 20 then
minetest.after(1, regen)
elseif hp < 20 then
user:set_hp(hp + 1)
minetest.after(1, regen)
minetest.after(1, regen)
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local regen_I = false
potions.register_potion("Regen II", "purple", 30,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local regen_II = true
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Regeneration II for 30 seconds")
if regen_II == true then
local regen
regen = function ( )
local hp = user:get_hp()
if hp >= 20 then
minetest.after(.5, regen)
elseif hp < 20 then
user:set_hp(hp + 1)
minetest.after(.5, regen)
minetest.after(.5, regen)
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local regen_II = false
potions.register_potion("Harming", "red", 1,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local hp = user:get_hp()
local lower = hp - 3
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
potions.register_potion("Harming II", "red", 1,
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local hp = user:get_hp()
local lower = hp - 6
function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
MultiCraft Game mod: vessels
See license.txt for license information.
Authors of source code
Originally by Vanessa Ezekowitz (LGPLv3.0+)
Modified by Perttu Ahola <> (LGPLv3.0+)
Various Minetest developers and contributors (LGPLv3.0+)
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
local vessels_shelf_formspec =
"size[9,7;]" ..
"list[context;vessels;0,0.3;9,2;]" ..
"list[current_player;main;0,2.85;9,1;]" ..
"list[current_player;main;0,4.08;9,3;9]" ..
"listring[context;vessels]" ..
local function get_vessels_shelf_formspec(inv)
local formspec = vessels_shelf_formspec
local invlist = inv and inv:get_list("vessels")
return formspec
minetest.register_node("vessels:shelf", {
description = "Potion Shelf",
tiles = {"default_wood.png", "default_wood.png", "default_wood.png",
"default_wood.png", "vessels_shelf.png", "vessels_shelf.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {choppy = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, flammable = 3},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", get_vessels_shelf_formspec(nil))
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size("vessels", 9 * 2)
can_dig = function(pos,player)
local inv = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_inventory()
return inv:is_empty("vessels")
allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), "vessel") ~= 0 then
return stack:get_count()
return 0
on_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player)
minetest.log("action", player:get_player_name() ..
" moves stuff in vessels shelf at ".. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", get_vessels_shelf_formspec(meta:get_inventory()))
on_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
minetest.log("action", player:get_player_name() ..
" moves stuff to vessels shelf at ".. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", get_vessels_shelf_formspec(meta:get_inventory()))
on_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
minetest.log("action", player:get_player_name() ..
" takes stuff from vessels shelf at ".. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", get_vessels_shelf_formspec(meta:get_inventory()))
on_blast = function(pos)
local drops = {}
default.get_inventory_drops(pos, "vessels", drops)
drops[#drops + 1] = "vessels:shelf"
return drops
output = "vessels:shelf",
recipe = {
{"group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood"},
{"group:vessel", "group:vessel", "group:vessel"},
{"group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood"},
minetest.register_node("vessels:glass_bottle", {
description = "Empty Glass Bottle",
drawtype = "plantlike",
tiles = {"vessels_glass_bottle.png"},
inventory_image = "vessels_glass_bottle.png",
wield_image = "vessels_glass_bottle.png",
paramtype = "light",
is_ground_content = false,
walkable = false,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.3, 0.25}
groups = {vessel = 1, dig_immediate = 3, attached_node = 1},
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
minetest.register_alias("potions:glass_bottle", "vessels:glass_bottle")
minetest.register_craft( {
output = "vessels:glass_bottle 4",
recipe = {
{"", "", ""},
{"default:glass", "", "default:glass"},
{"", "default:glass", ""}
type = "fuel",
recipe = "vessels:shelf",
burntime = 30,
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
License of source code
GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Vanessa Ezekowitz
Copyright (C) 2012-2016 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <>
Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Various Minetest developers and contributors
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details:
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