2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
MultiCraft Docs
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
Default controls
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
All controls are re-bindable using settings.
Some can be changes in the key config dialog in the settings tab.
| Button | Action |
| Move mouse | Look around |
| W, A, S, D | Move |
| Space | Jump/move up |
| Shift | Sneak/move down |
| Q | Drop itemstack |
| Shift + Q | Drop single item |
| Left mouse button | Dig/punch/take item |
| Right mouse button | Place/use |
| Shift + right mouse button | Build (without using) |
| I | Inventory menu |
| Mouse wheel | Select item |
| 0-9 | Select item |
| Z | Zoom (needs zoom privilege) |
| T | Chat |
| / | Command |
| Esc | Pause menu/abort/exit (pauses only singleplayer game) |
| R | Enable/disable full range view |
| + | Increase view range |
| - | Decrease view range |
| K | Enable/disable fly mode (needs fly privilege) |
| J | Enable/disable fast mode (needs fast privilege) |
| H | Enable/disable noclip mode (needs noclip privilege) |
| E | Move fast in fast mode |
| F1 | Hide/show HUD |
| F2 | Hide/show chat |
| F3 | Disable/enable fog |
| F4 | Disable/enable camera update (Mapblocks are not updated anymore when disabled, disabled in release builds) |
| F5 | Cycle through debug info screens |
| F6 | Cycle through profiler info screens |
| F7 | Cycle through camera modes |
| F8 | Toggle cinematic mode |
| F9 | Cycle through minimap modes |
| Shift + F9 | Change minimap orientation |
| F10 | Show/hide console |
| F12 | Take screenshot |
* bin - Compiled binaries
* share - Distributed read-only data
* user - User-created modifiable data
Where each location is on each platform:
* Windows .zip / RUN_IN_PLACE source:
* bin = bin
* share = .
* user = .
* Linux installed:
* bin = /usr/bin
* share = /usr/share/MultiCraft
* user = ~/.MultiCraft
* macOS:
* bin = Contents/MacOS
* share = Contents/Resources
* user = Contents/User OR ~/Library/Application Support/MultiCraft
Worlds can be found as separate folders in: user/worlds/
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
Configuration file:
- Default location:
2015-08-14 00:05:50 +02:00
- It is created by MultiCraft when it is ran the first time.
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
- A specific file can be specified on the command line:
2017-02-16 22:11:08 +01:00
--config <path-to-file>
- A run-in-place build will look for the configuration file in
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
$location_of_exe/../MultiCraft.conf and also $location_of_exe/../../MultiCraft.conf
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
Command-line options:
- Use --help
Compiling on GNU/Linux:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
### Compiling on GNU/Linux
#### Dependencies
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
| Dependency | Version | Commentary |
| GCC | 4.9+ | Can be replaced with Clang 3.4+ |
| CMake | 2.6+ | |
| Irrlicht | 1.7.3+ | |
| SQLite3 | 3.0+ | |
| LuaJIT | 2.0+ | Bundled Lua 5.1 is used if not present |
| GMP | 5.0.0+ | Bundled mini-GMP is used if not present |
| JsonCPP | 1.0.0+ | Bundled JsonCPP is used if not present |
For Debian/Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libirrlicht-dev cmake libbz2-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libxxf86vm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libsqlite3-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev libgmp-dev libjsoncpp-dev
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:22:22 +01:00
For Fedora users:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
$ sudo dnf install make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel cmake libcurl-devel openal-soft-devel libvorbis-devel libXxf86vm-devel libogg-devel freetype-devel mesa-libGL-devel zlib-devel jsoncpp-devel irrlicht-devel bzip2-libs gmp-devel sqlite-devel luajit-devel leveldb-devel ncurses-devel doxygen spatialindex-devel bzip2-devel
#### Download
2016-02-25 01:22:22 +01:00
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
You can install git for easily keeping your copy up to date.
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
If you don’t want git, read below on how to get the source without git.
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
This is an example for installing git on Debian/Ubuntu:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
$ sudo apt-get install git
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:22:22 +01:00
For Fedora users:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
$ sudo dnf install git
2016-02-25 01:22:22 +01:00
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
Download source (this is the URL to the latest of source repository, which might not work at all times) using git:
2015-08-14 00:05:50 +02:00
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/MultiCraft/MultiCraft.git
$ cd MultiCraft
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
Download source, without using git:
2015-08-14 00:05:50 +02:00
$ wget https://github.com/MultiCraft/MultiCraft/archive/master.tar.gz
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
$ tar xf master.tar.gz
2015-08-14 00:05:50 +02:00
$ cd MultiCraft-master
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
#### Build
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
Build a version that runs directly from the source directory:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
$ make -j <number of processors>
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
Run it:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
$ ./bin/MultiCraft
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
- Use cmake . -LH to see all CMake options and their current state
- If you want to install it system-wide (or are making a distribution package),
you will want to use -DRUN_IN_PLACE=FALSE
- You can build a bare server by specifying -DBUILD_SERVER=TRUE
- You can disable the client build by specifying -DBUILD_CLIENT=FALSE
- You can select between Release and Debug build by -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Debug or Release>
- Debug build is slower, but gives much more useful output in a debugger
- If you build a bare server, you don't need to have Irrlicht installed.
In that case use -DIRRLICHT_SOURCE_DIR=/the/irrlicht/source
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
### CMake options
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
General options:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
BUILD_CLIENT - Build MultiCraft client
BUILD_SERVER - Build MultiCraft server
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - Type of build (Release vs. Debug)
Release - Release build
Debug - Debug build
SemiDebug - Partially optimized debug build
RelWithDebInfo - Release build with Debug information
MinSizeRel - Release build with -Os passed to compiler to make executable as small as possible
ENABLE_CURL - Build with cURL; Enables use of online mod repo, public serverlist and remote media fetching via http
ENABLE_CURSES - Build with (n)curses; Enables a server side terminal (command line option: --terminal)
ENABLE_FREETYPE - Build with FreeType2; Allows using TTF fonts
ENABLE_GETTEXT - Build with Gettext; Allows using translations
ENABLE_GLES - Search for Open GLES headers & libraries and use them
ENABLE_LEVELDB - Build with LevelDB; Enables use of LevelDB map backend
ENABLE_POSTGRESQL - Build with libpq; Enables use of PostgreSQL map backend (PostgreSQL 9.5 or greater recommended)
ENABLE_REDIS - Build with libhiredis; Enables use of Redis map backend
ENABLE_SPATIAL - Build with LibSpatial; Speeds up AreaStores
ENABLE_SOUND - Build with OpenAL, libogg & libvorbis; in-game Sounds
ENABLE_LUAJIT - Build with LuaJIT (much faster than non-JIT Lua)
ENABLE_SYSTEM_GMP - Use GMP from system (much faster than bundled mini-gmp)
RUN_IN_PLACE - Create a portable install (worlds, settings etc. in current directory)
USE_GPROF - Enable profiling using GProf
VERSION_EXTRA - Text to append to version (e.g. VERSION_EXTRA=foobar -> MultiCraft 0.4.9-foobar)
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
Library specific options:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR - Linux only; directory where bzlib.h is located
BZIP2_LIBRARY - Linux only; path to libbz2.a/libbz2.so
CURL_DLL - Only if building with cURL on Windows; path to libcurl.dll
CURL_INCLUDE_DIR - Only if building with cURL; directory where curl.h is located
CURL_LIBRARY - Only if building with cURL; path to libcurl.a/libcurl.so/libcurl.lib
EGL_INCLUDE_DIR - Only if building with GLES; directory that contains egl.h
EGL_LIBRARY - Only if building with GLES; path to libEGL.a/libEGL.so
FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_freetype2 - Only if building with Freetype2; directory that contains an freetype directory with files such as ftimage.h in it
FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_ft2build - Only if building with Freetype2; directory that contains ft2build.h
FREETYPE_LIBRARY - Only if building with Freetype2; path to libfreetype.a/libfreetype.so/freetype.lib
FREETYPE_DLL - Only if building with Freetype2 on Windows; path to libfreetype.dll
GETTEXT_DLL - Only when building with Gettext on Windows; path to libintl3.dll
GETTEXT_ICONV_DLL - Only when building with Gettext on Windows; path to libiconv2.dll
GETTEXT_INCLUDE_DIR - Only when building with Gettext; directory that contains iconv.h
GETTEXT_LIBRARY - Only when building with Gettext on Windows; path to libintl.dll.a
GETTEXT_MSGFMT - Only when building with Gettext; path to msgfmt/msgfmt.exe
IRRLICHT_DLL - Only on Windows; path to Irrlicht.dll
IRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR - Directory that contains IrrCompileConfig.h
IRRLICHT_LIBRARY - Path to libIrrlicht.a/libIrrlicht.so/libIrrlicht.dll.a/Irrlicht.lib
LEVELDB_INCLUDE_DIR - Only when building with LevelDB; directory that contains db.h
LEVELDB_LIBRARY - Only when building with LevelDB; path to libleveldb.a/libleveldb.so/libleveldb.dll.a
LEVELDB_DLL - Only when building with LevelDB on Windows; path to libleveldb.dll
PostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR - Only when building with PostgreSQL; directory that contains libpq-fe.h
POSTGRESQL_LIBRARY - Only when building with PostgreSQL; path to libpq.a/libpq.so
REDIS_INCLUDE_DIR - Only when building with Redis; directory that contains hiredis.h
REDIS_LIBRARY - Only when building with Redis; path to libhiredis.a/libhiredis.so
SPATIAL_INCLUDE_DIR - Only when building with LibSpatial; directory that contains spatialindex/SpatialIndex.h
SPATIAL_LIBRARY - Only when building with LibSpatial; path to libspatialindex_c.so/spatialindex-32.lib
LUA_INCLUDE_DIR - Only if you want to use LuaJIT; directory where luajit.h is located
LUA_LIBRARY - Only if you want to use LuaJIT; path to libluajit.a/libluajit.so
MINGWM10_DLL - Only if compiling with MinGW; path to mingwm10.dll
OGG_DLL - Only if building with sound on Windows; path to libogg.dll
OGG_INCLUDE_DIR - Only if building with sound; directory that contains an ogg directory which contains ogg.h
OGG_LIBRARY - Only if building with sound; path to libogg.a/libogg.so/libogg.dll.a
OPENAL_DLL - Only if building with sound on Windows; path to OpenAL32.dll
OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR - Only if building with sound; directory where al.h is located
OPENAL_LIBRARY - Only if building with sound; path to libopenal.a/libopenal.so/OpenAL32.lib
OPENGLES2_INCLUDE_DIR - Only if building with GLES; directory that contains gl2.h
OPENGLES2_LIBRARY - Only if building with GLES; path to libGLESv2.a/libGLESv2.so
SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR - Directory that contains sqlite3.h
SQLITE3_LIBRARY - Path to libsqlite3.a/libsqlite3.so/sqlite3.lib
VORBISFILE_DLL - Only if building with sound on Windows; path to libvorbisfile-3.dll
VORBISFILE_LIBRARY - Only if building with sound; path to libvorbisfile.a/libvorbisfile.so/libvorbisfile.dll.a
VORBIS_DLL - Only if building with sound on Windows; path to libvorbis-0.dll
VORBIS_INCLUDE_DIR - Only if building with sound; directory that contains a directory vorbis with vorbisenc.h inside
VORBIS_LIBRARY - Only if building with sound; path to libvorbis.a/libvorbis.so/libvorbis.dll.a
XXF86VM_LIBRARY - Only on Linux; path to libXXf86vm.a/libXXf86vm.so
ZLIB_DLL - Only on Windows; path to zlib1.dll
ZLIBWAPI_DLL - Only on Windows; path to zlibwapi.dll
ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR - Directory that contains zlib.h
ZLIB_LIBRARY - Path to libz.a/libz.so/zlibwapi.lib
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
### Compiling on Windows
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* This section is outdated. In addition to what is described here:
* If you wish to have sound support, you need libogg, libvorbis and libopenal
* You need:
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
* CMake:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* A compiler
* MinGW: http://www.mingw.org/
* or Visual Studio: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/default
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
* Irrlicht SDK 1.7:
* Zlib headers (zlib125.zip)
* Zlib library (zlibwapi.lib and zlibwapi.dll from zlib125dll.zip):
2016-07-13 10:49:47 +02:00
* SQLite3 headers and library
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
* Optional: gettext library and tools:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* This is used for other UI languages. Feel free to leave it out.
* And, of course, MultiCraft:
* Steps:
* Select a directory called DIR hereafter in which you will operate.
* Make sure you have CMake and a compiler installed.
* Download all the other stuff to DIR and extract them into there.
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
("extract here", not "extract to packagename/")
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* NOTE: zlib125dll.zip needs to be extracted into zlib125dll
* NOTE: You need to extract sqlite3.h & sqlite3ext.h from sqlite3 source
2016-07-13 10:49:47 +02:00
and sqlite3.dll & sqlite3.def from sqlite3 precompiled binaries
into "sqlite3" directory, and generate sqlite3.lib using command
"LIB /DEF:sqlite3.def /OUT:sqlite3.lib"
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* All those packages contain a nice base directory in them, which
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
should end up being the direct subdirectories of DIR.
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* You will end up with a directory structure like this (+=dir, -=file):
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz
* zlib125dll.zip
* irrlicht-1.8.3.zip
* sqlite-amalgamation-3130000.zip (SQLite3 headers)
* sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3130000.zip (SQLite3 library for 32bit system)
* MultiCraft-source.zip
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
+ zlib-1.2.5
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* zlib.h
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
+ win32
+ zlib125dll
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* readme.txt
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
+ dll32
2016-07-13 10:49:47 +02:00
+ irrlicht-1.8.3
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
+ lib
+ include
2016-07-13 10:49:47 +02:00
+ sqlite3
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
+ gettext (optional)
2015-08-14 00:05:50 +02:00
+ MultiCraft
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
+ src
+ doc
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* CMakeLists.txt
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* Start up the CMake GUI
* Select "Browse Source..." and select DIR/MultiCraft
* Now, if using MSVC:
* Select "Browse Build..." and select DIR/MultiCraft-build
* Else if using MinGW:
* Select "Browse Build..." and select DIR/MultiCraft
* Select "Configure"
* Select your compiler
* It will warn about missing stuff, ignore that at this point. (later don't)
* Make sure the configuration is as follows
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
(note that the versions may differ for you):
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
ZLIB_DLL DIR/zlib125dll/dll32/zlibwapi.dll
ZLIB_LIBRARIES DIR/zlib125dll/dll32/zlibwapi.lib
GETTEXT_LIBRARIES DIR/gettext/lib/intl.lib
GETTEXT_MSGFMT DIR/gettext/bin/msgfmt
* If CMake complains it couldn't find SQLITE3, choose "Advanced" box on the
2016-07-13 10:49:47 +02:00
right top corner, then specify the location of SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR and
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* If you want to build 64-bit MultiCraft, you will need to build 64-bit version
2016-07-13 10:49:47 +02:00
of irrlicht engine manually, as only 32-bit pre-built library is provided.
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* Hit "Configure"
* Hit "Configure" once again 8)
* If something is still coloured red, you have a problem.
* Hit "Generate"
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
If using MSVC:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* Open the generated MultiCraft.sln
* The project defaults to the "Debug" configuration. Make very sure to
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
select "Release", unless you want to debug some stuff (it's slower
and might not even work at all)
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* Build the ALL_BUILD project
* Build the INSTALL project
* You should now have a working game with the executable in
* Additionally you may create a zip package by building the PACKAGE
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
If using MinGW:
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* Using the command line, browse to the build directory and run 'make'
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
(or mingw32-make or whatever it happens to be)
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* You may need to copy some of the downloaded DLLs into bin/, see what
2015-05-05 22:22:26 +02:00
running the produced executable tells you it doesn't have.
2018-04-29 18:32:37 +02:00
* You should now have a working game with the executable in
### Bat script to build Windows releases of MultiCraft
This is how we build Windows releases.
set sourcedir=%CD%
set installpath="C:\tmp\MultiCraft_install"
set irrlichtpath="C:\tmp\irrlicht-1.7.2"
set builddir=%sourcedir%\bvc10
mkdir %builddir%
pushd %builddir%
cmake %sourcedir% -G "Visual Studio 10" -DIRRLICHT_SOURCE_DIR=%irrlichtpath% -DRUN_IN_PLACE=TRUE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%installpath%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto fail
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto fail
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto fail
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" PACKAGE.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto fail
echo Finished.
exit /b 0
echo Failed.
exit /b 1