-- Trampoline mod by Zorman2000 -- Code based on carpets mod included in BlockColor and a modification -- of the original trampoline node found on xdecor mod by kilbith color1 = minetest.setting_get("color1") or "292421" color2 = minetest.setting_get("color2") or "0000FF" color3 = minetest.setting_get("color3") or "00FF00" color4 = minetest.setting_get("color4") or "F5F5F5" color5 = minetest.setting_get("color5") or "FF6103" color6 = minetest.setting_get("color6") or "FF0000" color7 = minetest.setting_get("color7") or "FFFF00" color8 = minetest.setting_get("color8") or "FF69B4" local source_list = { {"black", "Color1", color1, 40, 36, 33}, {"blue", "Color2", color2, 0, 0, 255}, {"green", "Color3", color3, 0, 255, 0}, {"white", "Color4", color4, 245, 245, 245}, {"orange", "Color5", color5, 255, 97, 3}, {"red", "Color6", color6, 255, 0, 0}, {"yellow", "Color7", color7, 255, 255, 0}, {"pink", "Color8", color8, 255, 105, 180} } for i in ipairs(source_list) do local color = source_list[i][1] local desc = source_list[i][2] local colour = source_list[i][3] local red = source_list[i][4] local green = source_list[i][5] local blue = source_list[i][6] minetest.register_node("trampoline:"..color, { description = desc.."Trampoline", inventory_image = 'trampo.png^[colorize:#'..colour..':70', wield_image = "color_hand" .. color .. ".png", wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=0.5}, tiles = {"trampoline.png^[colorize:#"..colour..":70", "trampoline.png^[colorize:#"..colour..":70", "trampoline_sides.png^[colorize:#"..colour..":70"}, groups = {cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=1, fall_damage_add_percent=-100, bouncy=99}, paramtype = "light", drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5}, } }) end