--||||||||||||||||||||||| --||||| STONECUTTER ||||| --||||||||||||||||||||||| -- The stonecutter is implemented just like the crafting table, meaning the node doesn't have any state. -- Instead it trigger the display of a per-player menu. The input and output slots, the wanted item are stored into the player meta. -- -- Player inventory lists: -- * stonecutter_input (1) -- * stonecutter_output (1) -- Player meta: -- * stonecutter_selected (string, wanted item name) local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_stonecutter") local C = minetest.colorize local show_formspec = minetest.show_formspec local formspec_name = "mcl_stonecutter:stonecutter" mcl_stonecutter = {} ---Table of registered recipes --- ---```lua ---mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes = { --- ["mcl_core:input_item"] = { --- ["mcl_core:output_item"] = 1, --- ["mcl_core:output_item2"] = 2, --- }, ---} ---``` ---@type table> mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes = {} ---Registers a recipe for the stonecutter ---@param input string Name of a registered item ---@param output string Name of a registered item ---@param count? integer Number of the output, defaults to `1` function mcl_stonecutter.register_recipe(input, output, count) if mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes[input] and mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes[input][output] then minetest.log("warning", "[mcl_stonecutter] Recipe already registered: [" .. input .. "] -> [" .. output .. " " .. count .. "]") return end if not minetest.registered_items[input] then error("Input is not a registered item: " .. input) end if not minetest.registered_items[output] then error("Output is not a registered item: " .. output) end count = count or 1 if not mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes[input] then mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes[input] = {} end mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes[input][output] = count local fallthrough = mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes[output] if fallthrough then for o, c in pairs(fallthrough) do mcl_stonecutter.register_recipe(input, o, c) end end for i, recipes in pairs(mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes) do for name, c in pairs(recipes) do if name == input then mcl_stonecutter.register_recipe(i, output, c * count) end end end end ---Minetest currently (5.7) doesn't prevent using `:` characters in field names ---But using them prevent the buttons from beeing styled with `style[]` elements ---https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14013 ---@param itemname string local function itenname_to_fieldname(itemname) return string.gsub(itemname, ":", "__") end ---@param fieldname string local function fieldname_to_itemname(fieldname) return string.gsub(fieldname, "__", ":") end -- Get the player configured stack size when taking items from creative inventory ---@param player mt.PlayerObjectRef ---@return integer local function get_stack_size(player) return player:get_meta():get_int("mcl_stonecutter:switch_stack") end -- Set the player configured stack size when taking items from creative inventory ---@param player mt.PlayerObjectRef ---@param n integer local function set_stack_size(player, n) player:get_meta():set_int("mcl_stonecutter:switch_stack", n) end ---Build the formspec for the stonecutter with given output button ---@param player mt.PlayerObjectRef ---@param items? table local function build_stonecutter_formspec(player, items) local meta = player:get_meta() local selected = meta:get_string("stonecutter_selected") items = items or {} -- Buttons are 3.5 / 4 = 0.875 wide local c = 0 local items_content = "style_type[item_image_button;noclip=false;content_offset=0]" .. (selected ~= "" and "style[" .. itenname_to_fieldname(selected) .. ";border=false;bgimg=mcl_inventory_button9_pressed.png;bgimg_pressed=mcl_inventory_button9_pressed.png;bgimg_middle=2,2]" or "") for name, count in table.pairs_by_keys(items) do c = c + 1 local x = ((c - 1) % 4) * 0.875 local y = (math.floor((c - 1) / 4)) * 0.875 items_content = items_content .. string.format("item_image_button[%f,%f;0.875,0.875;%s;%s;]", x, y, name, itenname_to_fieldname(name), tostring(count)) end local formspec = table.concat({ "formspec_version[4]", "size[11.75,10.425]", "label[0.375,0.375;" .. C(mcl_formspec.label_color, S("Stone Cutter")) .. "]", -- Pattern input slot mcl_formspec.get_itemslot_bg_v4(1.625, 2, 1, 1), "list[current_player;stonecutter_input;1.625,2;1,1;]", -- Container background "image[4.075,0.7;3.6,3.6;mcl_inventory_background9.png;2]", -- Style for item image buttons "style_type[item_image_button;noclip=false;content_offset=0]", -- Scroll Container with buttons if needed "scroll_container[4.125,0.75;3.5,3.5;scroll;vertical;0.875]", items_content, "scroll_container_end[]", -- Scrollbar -- TODO: style the scrollbar correctly when possible "scrollbaroptions[min=0;max=" .. math.max(math.floor(#items / 4) + 1 - 4, 0) .. ";smallstep=1;largesteps=1]", "scrollbar[7.625,0.7;0.75,3.6;vertical;scroll;0]", -- Switch stack size button "image_button[9.75,0.75;1,1;mcl_stonecutter_saw.png^[verticalframe:3:1;__switch_stack;]", "label[10.25,1.5;" .. C("#FFFFFF", tostring(get_stack_size(player))) .. "]", "tooltip[__switch_stack;" .. S("Switch stack size") .. "]", -- Output slot mcl_formspec.get_itemslot_bg_v4(9.75, 2, 1, 1, 0.2), "list[current_player;stonecutter_output;9.75,2;1,1;]", -- Player inventory "label[0.375,4.7;" .. C(mcl_formspec.label_color, S("Inventory")) .. "]", mcl_formspec.get_itemslot_bg_v4(0.375, 5.1, 9, 3), "list[current_player;main;0.375,5.1;9,3;9]", mcl_formspec.get_itemslot_bg_v4(0.375, 9.05, 9, 1), "list[current_player;main;0.375,9.05;9,1;]", "listring[current_player;stonecutter_output]", "listring[current_player;main]", "listring[current_player;stonecutter_input]", "listring[current_player;main]", }) return formspec end ---Display stonecutter menu to a player ---@param player mt.PlayerObjectRef function mcl_stonecutter.show_stonecutter_form(player) show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), formspec_name, build_stonecutter_formspec(player, mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes[player:get_inventory():get_stack("stonecutter_input", 1):get_name()])) end ---Change the selected output item. ---@param player mt.PlayerObjectRef ---@param item_name? string The item name of the output function set_selected_item(player, item_name) player:get_meta():set_string("stonecutter_selected", item_name and item_name or "") end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local inv = player:get_inventory() inv:set_size("stonecutter_input", 1) inv:set_size("stonecutter_output", 1) set_selected_item(player, nil) --The player might have items remaining in the slots from the previous join; this is likely --when the server has been shutdown and the server didn't clean up the player inventories. mcl_util.move_player_list(player, "stonecutter_input") mcl_util.move_player_list(player, "stonecutter_output") end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) set_selected_item(player, nil) mcl_util.move_player_list(player, "stonecutter_input") mcl_util.move_player_list(player, "stonecutter_output") end) ---Update content of the stonecutter output slot with the input slot and the selected item ---@param player mt.PlayerObjectRef function update_stonecutter_slots(player) local meta = player:get_meta() local inv = player:get_inventory() local input = inv:get_stack("stonecutter_input", 1) local recipes = mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes[input:get_name()] local output_item = meta:get_string("stonecutter_selected") local stack_size = meta:get_int("mcl_stonecutter:switch_stack") if recipes then if output_item then local recipe = recipes[output_item] if recipe then local cut_item = ItemStack(output_item) local count = math.min(math.floor(stack_size/recipe), input:get_count()) * recipe if count < recipe then count = recipe end cut_item:set_count(count) inv:set_stack("stonecutter_output", 1, cut_item) else inv:set_stack("stonecutter_output", 1, nil) end else inv:set_stack("stonecutter_output", 1, nil) end else inv:set_stack("stonecutter_output", 1, nil) end mcl_stonecutter.show_stonecutter_form(player) end --Drop items in slots and reset selected item on closing minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= formspec_name then return end if fields.quit then mcl_util.move_player_list(player, "stonecutter_input") mcl_util.move_player_list(player, "stonecutter_output") return end if fields.__switch_stack then local switch = 1 if get_stack_size(player) == 1 then switch = 64 end set_stack_size(player, switch) update_stonecutter_slots(player) mcl_stonecutter.show_stonecutter_form(player) return end for field_name, value in pairs(fields) do if field_name ~= "scroll" then local itemname = fieldname_to_itemname(field_name) player:get_meta():set_string("stonecutter_selected", itemname) set_selected_item(player, itemname) update_stonecutter_slots(player) mcl_stonecutter.show_stonecutter_form(player) break end end end) minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, inventory, inventory_info) if action == "move" then if inventory_info.to_list == "stonecutter_output" then return 0 end if inventory_info.from_list == "stonecutter_output" and inventory_info.to_list == "stonecutter_input" then if inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.to_list, inventory_info.to_index):is_empty() then return inventory_info.count else return 0 end end elseif action == "put" then if inventory_info.to_list == "stonecutter_output" then return 0 end end end) function remove_from_input(player, inventory) local meta = player:get_meta() local selected = meta:get_string("stonecutter_selected") local istack = inventory:get_stack("stonecutter_input", 1) local recipes = mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes[istack:get_name()] local stack_size = meta:get_int("mcl_stonecutter:switch_stack") -- selected should normally never be nil, but just in case if selected and recipes then local recipe = recipes[selected] local count = math.floor(stack_size/recipe) if count < 1 then count = 1 end istack:set_count(math.max(0, istack:get_count() - count)) inventory:set_stack("stonecutter_input", 1, istack) end end minetest.register_on_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, inventory, inventory_info) if action == "move" then if inventory_info.to_list == "stonecutter_input" or inventory_info.from_list == "stonecutter_input" then update_stonecutter_slots(player) return elseif inventory_info.from_list == "stonecutter_output" then remove_from_input(player, inventory) update_stonecutter_slots(player) end elseif action == "put" then if inventory_info.listname == "stonecutter_input" or inventory_info.listname == "stonecutter_input" then update_stonecutter_slots(player) end elseif action == "take" then if inventory_info.listname == "stonecutter_output" then remove_from_input(player, inventory) update_stonecutter_slots(player) end end end) minetest.register_node("mcl_stonecutter:stonecutter", { description = S("Stone Cutter"), _tt_help = S("Used to cut stone like materials."), _doc_items_longdesc = S("Stonecutters are used to create stairs and slabs from stone like materials. It is also the jobsite for the Stone Mason Villager."), tiles = { "mcl_stonecutter_top.png", "mcl_stonecutter_bottom.png", "mcl_stonecutter_side.png", "mcl_stonecutter_side.png", { name = "mcl_stonecutter_saw.png", animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 1 } }, { name = "mcl_stonecutter_saw.png", animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 1 } } }, use_texture_alpha = "clip", drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = { pickaxey = 1, material_stone = 1 }, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0625, 0.5 }, -- NodeBox1 { -0.4375, 0.0625, 0, 0.4375, 0.5, 0 }, -- NodeBox2 } }, _mcl_blast_resistance = 3.5, _mcl_hardness = 3.5, sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_stone_defaults(), on_rightclick = function(pos, node, player, itemstack) if not player:get_player_control().sneak then mcl_stonecutter.show_stonecutter_form(player) end end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_stonecutter:stonecutter", recipe = { { "", "", "" }, { "", "mcl_core:iron_ingot", "" }, { "mcl_core:stone", "mcl_core:stone", "mcl_core:stone" }, } })