-- External settings that can be set by mods using multi_map multi_map.number_of_layers = 24 -- How may layers to generate multi_map.layers_start_chunk = 0 -- Y level where to start generating layers, in chunks multi_map.layer_height_chunks = 32 -- Height of each layer, in chunks multi_map.wrap_layers = false -- Either MT engine defaults or derived from above values, to be used for more readable calculations multi_map.layer_height = nil multi_map.half_layer_height = nil multi_map.layers_start = nil multi_map.current_layer = nil multi_map.map_height = 61840 multi_map.map_min = -30912 multi_map.map_max = 30927 -- Can be overridden with someone's own values multi_map.bedrock = "multi_map_core:bedrock" -- Node to use to fill the bottom of a layer multi_map.skyrock = "multi_map_core:skyrock" -- Node to use to fill the top of a layer -- Whether to generate a bedrock layer under a layer/ skyrock above a layer/ shadow caster -- above undeground mapchunks multi_map.generate_bedrock = true multi_map.generate_skyrock = true multi_map.generate_shadow_caster = true -- Table with layer specific configuration multi_map.layers = {} -- Table with generator chains multi_map.generators = {} -- When no suitable generator is found, this generator is used as a fallback multi_map.fallback_generator = nil local vm_data = {} -- reuse the massive VoxelManip memory buffer instead of creating on every on_generate() -- Set the current layer which the mapgen is generating -- y = absolute y value to be translated to layer function multi_map.set_current_layer(y) for l = 0, multi_map.number_of_layers do if y >= multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + (l * multi_map.layer_height) and y < multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + ((l + 1) * multi_map.layer_height) then multi_map.current_layer = l end end end -- Get a layer number for a given y, but do not set the current layer of the mapgen. -- This can be used, for example, to get the layer number for a players coordinates -- y = absolute y value to be translated to layer function multi_map.get_layer(y) for l = 0, multi_map.number_of_layers do if y >= multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + (l * multi_map.layer_height) and y < multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + ((l + 1) * multi_map.layer_height) then return l end end end -- Get a layer name for a given y, but do not set the current layer of the mapgen. -- This can be used, for example, to get the layer number for a players coordinates -- y = absolute y value to be translated to layer function multi_map.get_layer_name_y(y) local l = multi_map.get_layer(y) if l and multi_map.layers[l] and multi_map.layers[l].name then return multi_map.layers[l].name else return tostring(l) end end -- Get the absolute y center centerpoint for a given layer -- current_layer = the layer for which to calculate the centerpoint, or if nil the current layer that multi_map is processing function multi_map.get_absolute_centerpoint(layer) if layer then return multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + (layer * multi_map.layer_height) + multi_map.half_layer_height else return multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + (multi_map.current_layer * multi_map.layer_height) + multi_map.half_layer_height end end -- Get the offset y position, i.e. the y relative to the current layer's center point -- y = absolute y value to be translated to y relative to layer center point function multi_map.get_offset_y(y, layer) local l if layer then l = layer else l = multi_map.current_layer end if not l then return y end local center_point = multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + (l * multi_map.layer_height) + multi_map.half_layer_height if center_point > 0 and y > 0 then return math.abs(y) - math.abs(center_point) elseif center_point < 0 and y < 0 then return math.abs(center_point) - math.abs(y) elseif center_point > 0 and y < 0 then return y - center_point -- 100, -80 -> 80 -100 else return center_point - y end end -- Get the absolute y position from a relative offset position -- y = relative y value to be translated to absolute world y position -- current_layer = the layer we are in or if nil the current layer multi_map is processing function multi_map.get_absolute_y(y, layer) if layer then local center_point = multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + (layer * multi_map.layer_height) + multi_map.half_layer_height return y - center_point else local center_point = multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + (multi_map.current_layer * multi_map.layer_height) + multi_map.half_layer_height return y - center_point end end multi_map.last_used_layer = -1 -- Register a fallback generator, which is called in case not suitable generators are found for a layer -- name = the optional name for this generator, e.g. to be used for display on the HUD -- generator = the function to call -- arguments = optional value or table with values that will be passed to the generator when called function multi_map.register_fallback_generator(...) local arg = {...} local name local generator local arguments if arg[3] then name = arg[1] generator = arg[2] arguments = arg[3] elseif arg[2] then if type(arg[1]) == "function" then generator = arg[1] arguments = arg[2] else name = arg[1] generator = arg[2] end else generator = arg[1] end multi_map.fallback_generator = { name = name, generator = generator, arguments = arguments } end function multi_map.set_layer_params(layer, layer_params) multi_map.layers[layer] = layer_params end -- Register a generator for all if position is left out or one layer if position is specified -- position = the optional layer for which call this generator -- generator = the function to call -- arguments = optional value or table with values that will be passed to the generator when called function multi_map.register_generator(...) local arg = {...} local position local generator local arguments if arg[3] then position = arg[1] generator = arg[2] arguments = arg[3] elseif arg[2] then if type(arg[1]) == "function" then generator = arg[1] arguments = arg[2] else position = arg[1] generator = arg[2] end else generator = arg[1] end if not position then for i = 0, multi_map.number_of_layers - 1 do local t = multi_map.generators[i] if not t then t = {} multi_map.generators[i] = t end table.insert(t, { generator = generator, arguments = arguments }) end else local t = multi_map.generators[position] if not t then t = {} multi_map.generators[position] = t end table.insert(t, { generator = generator, arguments = arguments }) end end -- Get the layer name, e.g. to use for display on the HUD -- layer = the layer number function multi_map.get_layer_name(layer) if multi_map.layers[layer] and multi_map.layers[layer].name then return multi_map.layers[layer].name elseif multi_map.fallback_generator then return multi_map.fallback_generator.name end end -- Helper to fill a map chunk with a single type of node -- minp = minimum position vector, where to start filling -- maxp = maximum position vector, where to end filling -- area = voxel area -- vm_data = the array with data for the voxel manipulator to fill -- content_id = the content id of the node to use for filling the chunk function multi_map.generate_singlenode_chunk(minp, maxp, area, vm_data, content_id) for z = minp.z, maxp.z do for y = minp.y, maxp.y do local vi = area:index(minp.x, y, z) for x = minp.x, maxp.x do vm_data[vi] = content_id vi = vi + 1 end end end end -- Helper to create a 1 node high plane on the specified y -- minp = minimum position vector, where to start filling -- maxp = maximum position vector, where to end filling -- area = voxel area -- vm_data = the array with data for the voxel manipulator to fill -- y = (absolute) y level to place the plane at -- content_id = the content id of the node to use for filling the chunk function multi_map.generate_singlenode_plane(minp, maxp, area, vm_data, y, content_id) for z = minp.z, maxp.z do local vi = area:index(minp.x, y, z) for x = minp.x, maxp.x do vm_data[vi] = content_id vi = vi + 1 end end end -- Inspired by duane's underworlds, to fetch the result of get_content_id once and cache it. -- Use: local c_air node["air"] -- get the content id for air multi_map.node = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) if not (t and k and type(t) == 'table') then return end t[k] = minetest.get_content_id(k) return t[k] end }) -- Simple init, does a sanity check of the settings and sets the mapgen to singlenode minetest.register_on_mapgen_init(function(mapgen_params) --minetest.set_mapgen_params({mgname="singlenode", flags="nolight"}) minetest.after(0, function() multi_map.layer_height = multi_map.layer_height_chunks * 80 multi_map.layers_start = multi_map.layers_start_chunk * 80 multi_map.half_layer_height = multi_map.layer_height / 2 if multi_map.layers_start + (multi_map.number_of_layers * multi_map.layer_height) > multi_map.map_height then minetest.log("error", "[multi_map] Number of layers for the given layer height exceeds map height!") end minetest.log("action", "[multi_map]") minetest.log("action", "[multi_map] First on_generated call started, module state:") minetest.log("action", "[multi_map]") multi_map.log_state() end) end) -- Here all the magic (or should I say mess...) happens! minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp) multi_map.set_current_layer(minp.y) local sidelen = maxp.x - minp.x + 1 if not multi_map.current_layer or multi_map.current_layer >= multi_map.number_of_layers then return end local offset_minp = { x = minp.x, y = multi_map.get_offset_y(minp.y), z = minp.z } local offset_maxp = { x = maxp.x, y = multi_map.get_offset_y(maxp.y), z = maxp.z } local generate_bedrock = multi_map.generate_bedrock local generate_skyrock = multi_map.generate_skyrock if multi_map.generate_bedrock then if multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer] and multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer].generate_bedrock == false then generate_bedrock = false end else if multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer] and multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer].generate_bedrock == true then generate_bedrock = true end end if multi_map.generate_skyrock then if multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer] and multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer].generate_skyrock == false then generate_skyrock = false end else if multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer] and multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer].generate_skyrock == true then generate_skyrock = true end end if generate_bedrock and multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + (multi_map.layer_height * multi_map.current_layer) == minp.y then local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip") local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax}) vm:get_data(vm_data) if multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer] and multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer].bedrock_generator then multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer].bedrock_generator(multi_map.current_layer, vm, area, vm_data, minp, maxp, offset_minp, offset_maxp) else multi_map.generate_singlenode_chunk(minp, maxp, area, vm_data, multi_map.node[multi_map.bedrock]) end vm:set_data(vm_data) vm:calc_lighting(false) vm:write_to_map(false) elseif generate_skyrock and (multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + (multi_map.layer_height * (multi_map.current_layer + 1)) - 80 == minp.y or multi_map.map_min + multi_map.layers_start + (multi_map.layer_height * (multi_map.current_layer + 1)) - 160 == minp.y ) then local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip") local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax}) vm:get_data(vm_data) if multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer] and multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer].skyrock_generator then multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer].skyrock_generator(multi_map.current_layer, vm, area, vm_data, minp, maxp, offset_minp, offset_maxp) else multi_map.generate_singlenode_chunk(minp, maxp, area, vm_data, multi_map.node[multi_map.skyrock]) end vm:set_lighting({day=15, night=0}) vm:set_data(vm_data) vm:calc_lighting(false) vm:write_to_map(false) elseif multi_map.wrap_layers and multi_map.in_skip_area({ x = minp.x, y = minp.z }) then local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip") local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax}) vm:get_data(vm_data) multi_map.generate_singlenode_chunk(minp, maxp, area, vm_data, multi_map.node["multi_map_core:skyrock"]) vm:set_data(vm_data) vm:calc_lighting(false) vm:write_to_map(false) else local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip") local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax}) vm:get_data(vm_data) local remove_shadow_caster = false -- Add a temporary shadow caster layer above the chunk to ensure caves are dark if (multi_map.generate_shadow_caster and multi_map.get_absolute_centerpoint() >= maxp.y) or (multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer] and multi_map.layers[multi_map.current_layer].generate_shadow_caster == true) then if vm_data[area:index(minp.x, maxp.y + 1, minp.z)] == multi_map.node["ignore"] then remove_shadow_caster = true multi_map.generate_singlenode_plane(minp, maxp, area, vm_data, maxp.y + 1, multi_map.node["multi_map_core:shadow_caster"]) end end local t = multi_map.generators[multi_map.current_layer] if not t then if multi_map.fallback_generator then multi_map.fallback_generator.generator(multi_map.current_layer, vm, area, vm_data, minp, maxp, offset_minp, offset_maxp, multi_map.fallback_generator.arguments) else minetest.log("error", "[multi_map] Generator for layer "..multi_map.current_layer.." missing and no fallback specified, exiting mapgen!") return end else for i,f in ipairs(t) do f.generator(multi_map.current_layer, vm, area, vm_data, minp, maxp, offset_minp, offset_maxp, f.arguments) end end vm:set_data(vm_data) vm:calc_lighting() -- Remove the temporary stone shadow casting layer again, if needed if remove_shadow_caster then if vm_data[area:index(minp.x, maxp.y + 1, minp.z)] == multi_map.node["multi_map_core:shadow_caster"] then multi_map.generate_singlenode_plane(minp, maxp, area, vm_data, maxp.y + 1, multi_map.node["ignore"]) vm:set_data(vm_data) end end vm:write_to_map() vm:update_liquids() end multi_map.last_used_layer = multi_map.current_layer multi_map.map_cache = {} end)