TERMS USED: We, Creators, Authors - refers to the creators of this content. Likewise, so does Content Creators. Software Bugs - errors in code that may adversely affect the operation of the software / content in question. Software, or Content - Generalized term used to describe the content contained withing this package, be it software (source code) or media / artwork. Distributors - Any service that distributes or allows the obtainment of this content. This includes, but is not limited to, Online Repositories maintained by individuals, organizations, etc. Examples of online repositories would be Gitea, Github, Coldberg, etc. WARRANTY: * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. There is no warranty, expressed or implied, nor guarantee that this software is free of software bugs, nor fit for any purpose, expressed or implied. Nor do we warrant any derivatives / modified versions of this software. Liability: The creators of the content in this package are not liable for any damages resulting from the use of this software. We assume ZERO LIABILITY, LEGAL OR FINANCIAL, due to a person's use, or misuse, of this software. Furthermore, this applies to derivatives of, or modified versions of, this software. TAKE DOWN NOTICES: In the event that we discover serious errors in the content, copyright violations, etc., we may ask you to take down a particular version of this content. In such events, you have the right to replace the affected version with a previous working (error free, no longer in violation of copyrights, etc.,) version until such time that we can release a new working version without the errors. Additionally, Creators retain Moral Rights can request that their personal contributions that have not had the copyright reassigned to the organization Mineclone 2 be removed from the content. We request that the Creator's Moral Rights be respected. In this kind of event, we will remove their content and request that distributors of this content package do so too. This does *NOT* apply to end users of this content, only distributors. (See TERMS USED.) Remember, this is just the license. The end user does NOT own the copyright of the content, nor is it granted to them by the license.