-- Calculates the cheapest recipe given an itemstring. -- Would probably benefit from another function, since there's quite a bit -- of duplicate code. local function get_cheapest_recipe(itemstring, log) itemstring = ItemStack(itemstring):get_name() local recipes = exchangeclone.recipes[itemstring] if not recipes then return end local cheapest for _, recipe in pairs(recipes) do local ingredient_cost = 0 local output_count = ItemStack(recipe.output):get_count() local skip = false local identical_replacements = {} if recipe.replacements then for _, replacement in pairs(recipe.replacements) do if replacement[1] == replacement[2] then identical_replacements[replacement[1]] = (identical_replacements[replacement[1]] or 0) + 1 end end end if not recipe.type or exchangeclone.craft_types[recipe.type].type == "shaped" then for _, row in pairs(recipe.recipe) do for _, item in pairs(row) do if item ~= "" then if item == itemstring then output_count = math.max(0, output_count - 1) else local replaced = identical_replacements[item] if replaced and replaced > 0 then identical_replacements[item] = replaced - 1 else local cost = exchangeclone.get_item_energy(item) if (not cost) or cost == 0 then skip = item else ingredient_cost = ingredient_cost + cost end end end end end end elseif exchangeclone.craft_types[recipe.type].type == "shapeless" then for _, item in pairs(recipe.recipe) do if item ~= "" then if item == itemstring then output_count = math.max(0, output_count - 1) else local replaced = identical_replacements[item] if replaced and replaced > 0 then identical_replacements[item] = replaced - 1 else local cost = exchangeclone.get_item_energy(item) if (not cost) or cost == 0 then skip = item else ingredient_cost = ingredient_cost + cost end end end end end elseif exchangeclone.craft_types[recipe.type].type == "cooking" then local item = recipe.recipe if item ~= "" then if item == itemstring then output_count = math.max(0, output_count - 1) else local replaced = identical_replacements[item] if replaced and replaced > 0 then identical_replacements[item] = replaced - 1 else local cost = exchangeclone.get_item_energy(item) if (not cost) or cost == 0 then skip = item else ingredient_cost = ingredient_cost + cost end end end end elseif exchangeclone.craft_types[recipe.type].type == "energy" then ingredient_cost = recipe.recipe end if recipe.replacements and not skip then for _, item in pairs(recipe.replacements) do if item[1] ~= item[2] then local cost = exchangeclone.get_item_energy(item[2]) if (not cost) or cost == 0 then skip = item[2] else ingredient_cost = ingredient_cost - cost end end end end if output_count < 1 then skip = true end if not skip then local total_cost = math.floor(ingredient_cost*20/math.max(1, output_count))/20 -- allow .05, won't work with huge numbers if (not cheapest) or (cheapest[1] > total_cost) then cheapest = {total_cost, recipe} end end if log then minetest.log("action", dump({ recipe = recipe, ingredient_cost = ingredient_cost, output_count = output_count })) end end return cheapest and cheapest[1] end exchangeclone.energy_values = {} -- Sets the energy value of an item, must be called during load time. local function set_item_energy(itemstring, energy_value) if not (energy_value and itemstring) then return end energy_value = math.floor(energy_value*20)/20 -- floor to nearest .05 if energy_value < 0 then return end local def = minetest.registered_items[itemstring] if not def then return end local description = def.description or "" -- Override energy value if it already exists local existing_energy_value = description:find("Energy Value: ([%d%.,]+)") if existing_energy_value then description = description:gsub("Energy Value: ([%d%.,]+)", "Energy Value: "..exchangeclone.format_number(energy_value)) else if description[#description] ~= "\n" then description = description.."\n" end description = description.."Energy Value: "..exchangeclone.format_number(energy_value) end minetest.override_item(itemstring, { description = description, energy_value = energy_value, }) if energy_value > 0 then exchangeclone.energy_values[itemstring] = energy_value else exchangeclone.energy_values[itemstring] = nil end end local auto = {} -- Handle stonecutter recipes and decaychains in Mineclonia if exchangeclone.mcla then exchangeclone.register_craft_type("stonecutting", "cooking") -- TODO: Check recipe_yield for every Mineclonia update local recipe_yield = { --maps itemgroup to the respective recipe yield, default is 1 ["slab"] = 2, ["cut_copper"] = 4, } for result, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if minetest.get_item_group(result,"not_in_creative_inventory") == 0 then if def._mcl_stonecutter_recipes then for _, source in pairs(def._mcl_stonecutter_recipes) do local yield = 1 for k,v in pairs(recipe_yield) do if minetest.get_item_group(result,k) > 0 then yield = v end end exchangeclone.register_craft({output = result.." "..yield, type = "stonecutting", recipe = source}) end end end end if mcl_copper then exchangeclone.register_craft_type("decaychain", "cooking") exchangeclone.register_craft_type("preserving", "cooking") local decaychains = mcl_copper.registered_decaychains for name, data in pairs(decaychains) do for i, itemstring in ipairs(data.nodes) do if minetest.get_item_group(name,"not_in_creative_inventory") == 0 then local preserved_itemstring = itemstring.."_preserved" exchangeclone.register_craft({output = preserved_itemstring, type = "preserving", recipe = {itemstring, "group:"..data.preserve_group}}) if i > 1 then exchangeclone.register_craft({output = itemstring, type = "decaychain", recipe = data.nodes[i-1]}) end end end end end end -- Register clock/compass aliases, handle enchanted/netherite stuff, potions, and concrete, and register coral energy values if exchangeclone.mcl then for i = 0, 31 do exchangeclone.register_alias("mcl_compass:18", "mcl_compass:"..i) exchangeclone.register_alias("mcl_compass:18", "mcl_compass:"..i.."_lodestone") end for i = 0, 63 do exchangeclone.register_alias("mcl_clock:clock", "mcl_clock:clock_"..i) end exchangeclone.register_alias("doc_identifier:identifier_solid", "doc_identifier:identifier_liquid") exchangeclone.register_alias("mcl_books:writable_book", "mcl_books:written_book") -- Potions exchangeclone.register_craft_type("brewing", "shapeless") local function add_potion_recipe(info) if not info.bases then info.bases = {"mcl_potions:awkward"} end for _, base in pairs(info.bases) do local ingredient = info.ingredient local normal = "mcl_potions:"..info.name local splash = normal.."_splash" local lingering = normal.."_lingering" exchangeclone.register_craft({output = normal.." 3", type = "brewing", recipe = {base, base, base, ingredient}}) exchangeclone.register_craft({output = normal.."_splash 3", type = "brewing", recipe = {normal, normal, normal, "mcl_mobitems:gunpowder"}}) exchangeclone.register_craft({output = normal.."_lingering 3", type = "brewing", recipe = {normal, normal, normal, "mcl_potions:dragon_breath"}}) if info.plus then exchangeclone.register_craft({output = normal.."_plus 3", type = "brewing", recipe = {normal, normal, normal, "mcl_nether:glowstone_dust"}}) exchangeclone.register_craft({output = normal.."_plus_splash 3", type = "brewing", recipe = {splash, splash, splash, "mcl_nether:glowstone_dust"}}) exchangeclone.register_craft({output = normal.."_plus_lingering 3", type = "brewing", recipe = {lingering, lingering, lingering, "mcl_nether:glowstone_dust"}}) end if info.two then exchangeclone.register_craft({output = normal.."_2 3", type = "brewing", recipe = {normal, normal, normal, "mesecons:redstone"}}) exchangeclone.register_craft({output = normal.."_2_splash 3", type = "brewing", recipe = {splash, splash, splash, "mesecons:redstone"}}) exchangeclone.register_craft({output = normal.."_2_lingering 3", type = "brewing", recipe = {lingering, lingering, lingering, "mesecons:redstone"}}) end end end for _, info in pairs(exchangeclone.mcl_potion_data) do add_potion_recipe(info) end -- Enchanted/netherite tools exchangeclone.register_craft_type("upgrading", "shapeless") for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if def._mcl_enchanting_enchanted_tool then exchangeclone.register_alias(name, def._mcl_enchanting_enchanted_tool) end if def._mcl_upgrade_item then if not name:find("enchanted") then exchangeclone.register_craft({output = def._mcl_upgrade_item, type = "upgrading", recipe = {name, "mcl_nether:netherite_ingot"}}) end end end exchangeclone.register_craft_type("hardening", "cooking") -- Concrete and banners/shields (don't remember why the shields don't work) for color, color_data in pairs(exchangeclone.colors) do exchangeclone.register_craft({output = "mcl_colorblocks:concrete_"..color, type = "hardening", recipe = "mcl_colorblocks:concrete_powder_"..color}) --exchangeclone.register_craft({output = "mcl_shields:shield_"..color, type = "shapeless", recipe = {"mcl_banners:banner_item_"..color, "mcl_shields:shield"}}) end -- Maps exchangeclone.register_alias("mcl_maps:empty_map", "mcl_maps:filled_map") local mcl_skins_enabled = minetest.global_exists("mcl_skins") if mcl_skins_enabled then -- Generate a node for every skin local list = mcl_skins.get_skin_list() for _, skin in pairs(list) do exchangeclone.register_alias("mcl_maps:empty_map", "mcl_maps:filled_map_" .. skin.id) end else exchangeclone.register_alias("mcl_maps:empty_map", "mcl_maps:filled_map_hand") end -- Sponges exchangeclone.register_alias("mcl_sponges:sponge", "mcl_sponges:sponge_wet") exchangeclone.register_alias("mcl_sponges:sponge", "mcl_sponges:sponge_wet_river_water") end -- Register copper block/stonecutting energy recipes in MineClone2 if exchangeclone.mcl2 then exchangeclone.register_craft_type("oxidation", "cooking") local states = {"", "_exposed", "_weathered", "_oxidized"} for i = 2, #states do exchangeclone.register_craft({output = "mcl_copper:block"..states[i], type = "oxidation", recipe = "mcl_copper:block"..states[i-1]}) end exchangeclone.register_craft_type("stonecutting", "cooking") for input, outputs in pairs(mcl_stonecutter.registered_recipes) do for output, amount in pairs(outputs) do exchangeclone.register_craft({output = output.." "..amount, type = "stonecutting", recipe = input}) end end end if exchangeclone.mtg then exchangeclone.register_alias("default:book", "default:book_written") end -- Up to this point, no energy values have actually been set. -- Register group energy values local groupnames = {} for index, group in ipairs(exchangeclone.group_values) do groupnames[#groupnames + 1] = group[1] --Get list of group names end local grouped_items = exchangeclone.get_group_items(groupnames, true, true) for index, group in ipairs(exchangeclone.group_values) do for i, item in pairs(grouped_items[group[1]]) do set_item_energy(item, group[2]) end end -- Register base energy values for itemstring, energy_value in pairs(exchangeclone.base_energy_values) do set_item_energy(itemstring, energy_value) end -- Register `exchangeclone_custom_energy` values and decide whether to automatically register energy values for itemstring, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if def.exchangeclone_custom_energy then set_item_energy(itemstring, def.exchangeclone_custom_energy) else itemstring = exchangeclone.handle_alias(itemstring) or itemstring def = minetest.registered_items[itemstring] -- in case itemstring changed local _, _, mod_name, item_name = itemstring:find("([%d_%l]+):([%d_%l]+)") if ( def and item_name and mod_name and def.description and def.description ~= "" and ((minetest.get_item_group(item_name, "not_in_creative_inventory") < 1) or mod_name == "mcl_compass") and (not exchangeclone.get_item_energy(itemstring)) and exchangeclone.recipes[itemstring] ) then auto[itemstring] = true end end end -- handle aliases in exchangeclone.recipes for itemstring, recipes in pairs(exchangeclone.recipes) do local new_name = ItemStack(itemstring):get_name() if new_name and new_name ~= "" and new_name ~= itemstring then exchangeclone.recipes[new_name] = exchangeclone.recipes[new_name] or {} for _, recipe in pairs(recipes) do table.insert(exchangeclone.recipes[new_name], recipe) end end end local old_auto local same = false local i = 1 -- Automatically register energy values while not same do minetest.log("action", "[ExchangeClone] \tIteration #"..i) if auto == {} then break end if old_auto then same = true for itemstring, _ in pairs(old_auto) do if itemstring ~= "" and not auto[itemstring] then same = false break end end end if same then minetest.log("action", "[ExchangeClone]\tNo change, stopping.") break end old_auto = table.copy(auto) for itemstring, _ in pairs(auto) do local cheapest = get_cheapest_recipe(itemstring) if cheapest then set_item_energy(itemstring, cheapest) auto[itemstring] = nil end end i = i + 1 end if exchangeclone.mcl then set_item_energy("mcl_campfires:campfire", exchangeclone.get_item_energy("mcl_campfires:campfire_lit")) set_item_energy("mcl_campfires:soul_campfire", exchangeclone.get_item_energy("mcl_campfires:soul_campfire_lit")) -- Recovery compasses use a random compass frame for the crafting recipe... Incredibly irritating. for i = 0, 31 do if exchangeclone.get_item_energy("mcl_compass:"..i.."_recovery") then for j = 0, 31 do exchangeclone.register_alias("mcl_compass:"..i.."_recovery", "mcl_compass:"..j.."_recovery") end break end end end local cheapest_color = {""} for color, color_data in pairs(exchangeclone.colors) do local dye_itemstring = (exchangeclone.mcl and "mcl_dye:" or "dye:")..color local dye_energy = exchangeclone.get_item_energy(dye_itemstring) if dye_energy then if (not cheapest_color[2]) or (dye_energy < cheapest_color[2]) then cheapest_color[1] = color cheapest_color[2] = dye_energy end end end cheapest_color = cheapest_color[1] -- No idea why I'm doing it this way. local cheapest_advanced_itemstring = "exchangeclone:advanced_alchemical_chest_"..cheapest_color for color, color_data in pairs(exchangeclone.colors) do local advanced_itemstring = "exchangeclone:advanced_alchemical_chest_"..color set_item_energy(advanced_itemstring, exchangeclone.get_item_energy(cheapest_advanced_itemstring)) end -- Adds energy values to aliased items, even though they're not used (just so it's displayed) for alias, itemstring in pairs(exchangeclone.energy_aliases) do set_item_energy(itemstring, exchangeclone.get_item_energy(alias)) end -- Delete unnecessary data (waste of memory) if not exchangeclone.keep_data then exchangeclone.recipes = nil exchangeclone.base_energy_values = nil end