# ExchangeClone Allows players to turn items into energy, and energy into items. Supports all items in Minetest Game and MineClone 2! Also adds a whole bunch of other stuff. ## ExchangeClone's Features: * Philosopher's Stone * Transmutation Table * Energy * Alchemical Tome * Exchange Orb * Deconstructor * Constructor * Energy Collectors * Upgraded Fuels * Dark Matter and Red Matter * Dark and Red Matter Tools * Dark and Red Matter Armor * Dark and Red Matter Furnaces * PESA (deprecated) See the [wiki](https://github.com/ThePython10110/ExchangeClone/wiki) for more information [GitHub repo](https://github.com/thepython10110/exchangeclone) [Forum topic](https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=29473) [ContentDB](https://content.minetest.net/packages/ThePython/exchangeclone) [Wiki](https://github.com/ThePython10110/ExchangeClone/wiki) [Direct download](https://github.com/ThePython10110/ExchangeClone/archive/refs/heads/main.zip) Dependencies: Minetest Game or MineClone. ## Known issues: * It is impossible to die from most things when wearing DM/RM armor... MineClone's damage system is annoying. * When machines are exploded, they (and the items inside) do not drop. I can't figure out why. * Dark/Red matter shears will sometimes (randomly) be treated as normal shears when used by MineClone dispensers. This will not be fixed. * Nodes destroyed by special abilities will not usually update surrounding nodes (so you may end up with floating gravel, flowers, torches, etc.). This will *probably* not be fixed, unless a change to Minetest makes it easier. **If you have a suggestion or notice a bug, visit the [GitHub issues page](https://github.com/thepython10110/exchangeclone/issues).** ![Screenshot](screenshot.png) ![Transmutation GUI Screenshot](transmutation_screenshot.png) ## Sources/license: * Code: Forked and *heavily* modified from Enchant97's mod [Element Exchange](https://github.com/enchant97/minetest_element_exchange) (at this point, I'd say 95% of the code is my own). Both this mod and Element Exchange are licenced under GPLv3+. Based on Equivalent Exchange and ProjectE, mods for MineCraft. * Textures: * Energy Collector, Deconstructor, Constructor: Directly from Element Exchange, GPLv3+. * Exchange Orb: *Slightly* modified from Element Exchange (I just changed the color to white so it could change colors correctly) * Alchemical Coal, Mobius Fuel, and Aeternalis Fuel: modified versions of MineClone's coal texture (CC-BY-SA-3.0). * Dark and Red Matter Armor (and maybe eventually Gem Armor): modified versions of diamond armor from 3D Armor (CC-BY-SA-3.0) and `mcl_armor` (CC-BY-SA-3.0). * All other textures (and sounds): Created by me, inspired by Equivalent Exchange and licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0.


### 5.2 * Removed unnecessary logging every time players take damage (I was testing stuff out with the armor) ### 5.1 * Fixed Mineclonia energy values (I foolishly assumed that all items would have the same itemstrings and groups). * Added new Mineclonia items (pottery, sculk, smithing templates, suspicious sand, etc.) * Changed a couple of energy values (enchanted golden apple was way too cheap, clay seemed too expensive) * Sword/Katar AOE damage now matches ProjectE (DM sword = 12, RM sword = 16, katar = 1000... kinda OP). All AOE cooldowns (including swinging swords/katar) are now 0.7 seconds. * DM/RM pickaxe/hammer/morningstar dig times now are approximately the same as ProjectE (at full charge), meaning they are now maybe too fast. * Red Matter Armor no longer increases player health (the wiki lied to me). * A couple of changes to DM/RM armor in MineClone, which may or may not be noticeable. I really don't know. ### 5.0 (the most insteresting release so far) **You MUST break and replace any existing Constructors, Deconstructors, and Energy Collectors when updating from any previous version. Nothing will be lost (hopefully). In Minetest Game, this is a bit of a problem (try blowing it up maybe? I don't know, sorry).** * New features: * Added a [wiki](https://github.com/ThePython10110/ExchangeClone/wiki)! This is where you can find more complete information on pretty much everything. * Because the wiki exists, I won't be including anywhere near as many details about how features work in the changelog. * Added the Transmutation Table(t): Much better than the constructor/deconstructor. * Alchemical Tome: Instantly teaches every item with an energy value to the Transmutation Table(t). * Dark/Red Matter Furnaces: Can be powered by Energy Collectors, much faster, and sometimes double ores. * Upgraded Energy Collectors: Now MK1-MK5, use personal energy by default. * Upgrades (MCL only) * Upgrades can give dark/red matter tools fortune, looting, fire aspect, and silk touch (note: abilities ignore enchantments) * Upgrades can give dark/red matter armor thorns and frost walker * Energy values for [Portability](https://github.com/thepython10110/Portability). * Added energy value for Why's Falling Block Tool * Mod developers can now set their own energy values by setting `exchangeclone_custom_energy` in the item/node definition. * Changes * The changelog now has the most recent updates first, to make things easier to find. * Energy for Dark/Red Matter tool abilities (as well as the Transmutation Table) is no longer stored in an orb, but inside the player (called "personal energy"). * The amount of energy you currently have stored is visible in the bottom right of the screen. * Because of this, the PESA is now useless and deprecated. It will be removed after a few releases (so probably a couple months at least). Remove any Exchange Orbs from your personal storage. * Energy Collectors, Deconstructors, and Constructors now use the placer's personal energy when they do not contain an orb. * A lot of items (including DM/RM tools and armor) will not burn in lava in MineClone2. * Deconstructors and Constructors now work with hoppers and don't have that annoying lag thing when deconstructing * The lag (not *technically* lag, but still) was caused by the fact that Enchant97 had them use node timers. Now they don't. * (De)constructors also now use the placer's personal energy when they do not contain an orb. * Red Matter Armor now sets your maximum health to 200 instead of 2000 * Exchange Orbs are now 18x better as fuel than they used to be * DM/RM Shovels will now only create paths on nodes below air. * Bugfixes: * Fall damage now works normally when not wearing dark/red matter armor... I accidentally made it decrease regardless of whether armor was worn or not. * I must have skipped a row while going through MineClone's mod list. Several mods starting with `mcl_b...` or `mcl_c...` have been added to the whitelist. * Fixed right-clicking with an orb not showing charge * Removed unnecessary chat logging when deconstructing/constructing * The names for Dark and Red Matter Armor now are correct in MineClone2 * Removed unnecessary tool repair recipes from dark/red matter tools/armor * Fixed a couple of armor texture issues in Minetest Game (though it still looks like diamond armor; 3D Armor doesn't support texture modifiers) * The Red Katar is now actually craftable in Minetest Game (I just forgot that shears were only in MCL2) * A couple other minor things that I've forgotten about. ### 4.4 * New Features * Mineclonia Support * The version numbers kind of disagree around here and I'm too lazy to fix it. ### 4.3 * New features: * New items from Why (flying sausage, useful green potatoes, etc.) * Changes: * The changelog now lives here! * Exchange Orbs now change color based on the amount of energy (black->red->green->blue->magenta). * Exchange Orbs now have a maximum energy of 51,200,000 (to match Equivalent Exchange's Klein Star Omegas). * Water is now worth 0 instead of 1 (since it's infinite) * Bugfixes: * Exchange Orbs will now correctly display their energy value (I typed `orb` instead of `exchange_orb` in the energy value list) ### 4.2 * Bugfixes: * Fixed a dependency error (thanks, @opfromthestart!) ### 4.1 * Bugfixes: * Added energy values for new armor/tools * Removed unnecessary chestplate image (not only is it unused, but I put it in the wrong folder for some reason) ### 4.0 * New features: * The "Features that I plan on adding eventually" list below * Cooldowns for tool abilities to limit lag * Red Katar (combination of sword, axe, hoe, and shears) * Red Morningstar (combination of hammer, pickaxe, and shovel) * Dark Matter Armor (full set gives immunity to lava/fire and drowning) * Red Matter Armor (full set gives lava/fire/drowning immunity PLUS 2000 health, although you may want HUD Bars to see it) * Added energy values for MineClone's new items. * Changes: * Changed the amount of damage done by Dark/Red Matter Sword special abilities (used to be `damage/distance`, now is `damage-distance`) * A whole bunch of things that won't be noticible when playing, mostly code reorganization. It's *possible* that tools that mine multiple nodes at a time (hammer, pickaxe, hoe, katar, and morningstar) will be slightly less laggy * Texture/sound license changed to CC-BY-SA-3.0 (because GPLv3+ isn't really meant as a media license). * Bugfixes: * Fixed an issue where MineClone dispensers could ONLY be used with Dark/Red Matter Shears (whoops). ### 3.2 * Changes: * Set MineClone mod namespace to `exchangeclone` ### 3.1 * Changes: * Added new energy values from Why (and Why's new Minetest Game energy values) * Bugfixes: * Fixed crash based on PESA inventory movement * Added `mcl_blackstone` to the mod whitelist ### 3.0 (the formerly most interesting release) * New features: * Added Alchemical Coal, Mobius Fuel, Aeternalis Fuel, Dark Matter (blocks and orbs), and Red Matter (blocks and orbs) * Added PESA (Personal Energy Storage Accessor) * A single inventory slot in which an orb can be placed. Energy from the orb is used for special abilities. * Added Dark and Red Matter tools * Faster than any other tools (in unmodded MTG/MCL), each has an ability * Special abilities that break nodes (as well as shearing) drop items directly on the player. * Swords: * Can damage all mobs within a radius (Red Matter sword can toggle between hostile/all mobs), costing 384 energy. * Pickaxes: * Has 3x1 modes (long, tall, and wide, all slightly slower) * Can mine a full vein of ores, dropping items and experience on the player and costing 8 energy per node broken * Axes: * Can break all wood and leaves within a radius, costing 8 energy per node broken. * Shovels: * Can break all shovely nodes within a radius, costing 8 energy per node broken * Can create paths in a radius, costing 4 energy per node * Hoes: * Breaks dirt incredibly quickly * Has a 3x3 mode for digging dirt (slightly slower) * Can till all dirt within a radius, costs 4 energy per node * Hammers: * Breaks pickaxey nodes in a 3x3 area * Can break all pickaxey nodes within a radius, costing 8 energy per node broken * Shears: * More wool/mushrooms dropped when shearing, chance of cloning sheep/mooshrooms * Can shear all shearable plants/cobwebs within a radius, costing 8 energy per node broken. * Changes: * Added a mod whitelist in `energy.lua`, any item from a mod NOT in the whitelist (`exchangeclone.whitelisted_mods`) will have an energy value of 0 * Orbs now show their energy on right click instead of left click * Changed Philosopher's Stone controls to make everything more consistant * The Energy Collector setting is now energy/second instead of second/energy to fit much higher costs than Element Exchange (default is 5 energy/s). * Set gravel value to 1 to match sand/stone/dirt/etc (MineClone). * Tuff, blackstone, and basalt are now transmutable (MineClone). * A couple of minor transmutation changes (MineClone). * Changed emerald value to 4096 (MineClone). * Gold cannot be crafted into diamonds using the PS; it can now be crafted into emeralds and emeralds into diamonds (MineClone). * The PS's enchanting table now is limited to 8-bookshelf enchantments to make it more balanced (MineClone). * Fixed terracotta values (MineClone) * Enchanted tools/armor are now worth the same amount as unenchanted tools/armor instead of twice as much (MineClone). * Enchanted tools/armor cannot be created by the Constructor (MineClone). * It is now impossible to get stacks of invalid sizes with the Constructor (>16 ender pearls or >1 pickaxe, for example) * Bugfixes: * Fixed freezing when attempting to deconstruct 0-energy items * The Constructor, Deconstructor, and Energy Collector are now not unbreakable in MineClone (I really should test in survival). * Copper blocks are now worth 4 times as much as copper ingots instead of 9 (MineClone). * The Energy Collector now drops its contents when broken (MineClone) * Fixed Exchange Orb energy value (forgot to change it after changing the recipe) * Changed Constructor, Deconstructor, and Collector recipes and energy values to make them cheaper. ### 2.0 * New features: * Added a changelog (you're reading it now!) * Added all items from Why (a MineClone modpack I made) * Added Philosopher's Stone (these controls are now inaccurate as of 3.0) * Left click to increase range (minimum = 0, maximum = 4). * Shift+left click to decrease range. * Aux1+left click to open enchanting table (MineClone only). * Right click to transmute nodes in range (mode 1). * Shift+right click to transmute nodes in range (mode 2, has some differences). * Aux1+right click to open crafting table (MineClone only). * Can use to craft coal into iron, mese into diamonds, etc. * Changes: * Changed version numbers from x.x.x to x.x. * Changed the recipe for the Exchange Orb * New recipe is a Philosopher's Stone in the middle, diamonds in the corners, and iron/steel ingots on the sides. * Changed the energy values of tin, copper, and bronze in Minetest Game. * Renamed images to reflect mod name change ("exchangeclone" instead of "ee" for Element Exchange) * Deleted unnecessary "config.lua" * Bugfixes: * Ghost Blocks (from Why) are now worth 0 instead of 1 (to prevent infinite energy) * Fixed stairs and slabs not working in Minetest Game ### 1.0.0 * Initial release * New features: * MineClone support, including (sort of) hoppers * Added the ability to add items by group * Shift-clicking (listrings)! * Changes: * Completely redone recipes, now includes all items. * Tools' energy value now depends on wear. * Bugfixes: * Items can no longer be put in the Constructor's output slot. * Honestly, I'm going to count the broken energy values as a bug...
### Plans for 6.0 * Automatically generated energy values based on crafting recipes * A slightly better method for tools that break multiple nodes at once (hammer, hoe, pickaxe, morningstar, and katar) that may slightly decrease lag. * Alchemical Chest * Repair Talisman (maybe, would only work in Alchemical Chest) * Covalence Dust (maybe custom repairer machine) * Mind, Life, Body, and Soul Stones (although MTG will only have the soul stone). * Ability to smelt with the Philosopher's Stone and coal/charcoal (irritatingly difficult, so maybe not) * Mercurial Eye (maybe) * Energy Condenser (maybe, IDK why anyone would use it) ### Features that I plan on adding eventually: * As soon as Minetest 5.8 comes out, better textures for armor... * Divining Rods * Rings (I'll probably add a new PESA-like item for holding rings) * Archangel's Smite (arrows will not track targets, MineClone only) * Ring of Ignition * Zero Ring * Swiftwolf's Rending Gale (but without the force field; basically Why's Flying Sausage with a different texture and maybe lightning in MCL) * Harvest Band (maybe not) * Ring of Arcana (possibly without the Harvest Band) * Gem Armor * Catalytic Lens