mcl_craftguide = {} local M = minetest local player_data = {} -- Caches local init_items = {} local searches = {} local recipes_cache = {} local usages_cache = {} local fuel_cache = {} local progressive_mode = M.settings:get_bool("mcl_craftguide_progressive_mode", true) local colorize = M.colorize local reg_items = M.registered_items local get_result = M.get_craft_result local show_formspec = M.show_formspec local get_player_by_name = M.get_player_by_name local serialize, deserialize = M.serialize, M.deserialize local ESC = M.formspec_escape local S = M.get_translator("mcl_craftguide") local maxn, sort, concat, insert, copy = table.maxn, table.sort, table.concat, table.insert, table.copy local fmt, find, gmatch, match, sub, split, lower = string.format, string.find, string.gmatch, string.match, string.sub, string.split, string.lower local min, max, floor, ceil = math.min, math.max, math.floor, math.ceil local pairs, next, unpack = pairs, next, unpack local DEFAULT_SIZE = 10 local MIN_LIMIT, MAX_LIMIT = 10, 12 DEFAULT_SIZE = min(MAX_LIMIT, max(MIN_LIMIT, DEFAULT_SIZE)) local GRID_LIMIT = 5 local POLL_FREQ = 0.25 local FMT = { box = "box[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s]", label = "label[%f,%f;%s]", image = "image[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s]", button = "button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s]", tooltip = "tooltip[%s;%s]", item_image = "item_image[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s]", image_button = "image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s;%s]", item_image_button = "item_image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s;%s]", } local group_stereotypes = { wood = "mcl_core:wood", stone = "mcl_core:stone", sand = "mcl_core:sand", wool = "mcl_wool:white", carpet = "mcl_wool:white_carpet", dye = "mcl_dye:red", water_bucket = "mcl_buckets:bucket_water", flower = "mcl_flowers:dandelion", mushroom = "mcl_mushrooms:mushroom_brown", wood_slab = "mcl_stairs:slab_wood", wood_stairs = "mcl_stairs:stairs_wood", coal = "mcl_core:coal_lump", shulker_box = "mcl_chests:violet_shulker_box", quartz_block = "mcl_nether:quartz_block", banner = "mcl_banners:banner_item_white", mesecon_conductor_craftable = "mesecons:wire_00000000_off", purpur_block = "mcl_end:purpur_block", normal_sandstone = "mcl_core:sandstone", red_sandstone = "mcl_core:redsandstone", compass = mcl_compass.stereotype, clock = mcl_clock.sterotype, } local group_names = { shulker_box = S("Any shulker box"), wool = S("Any wool"), wood = S("Any wood planks"), tree = S("Any wood"), sand = S("Any sand"), normal_sandstone = S("Any normal sandstone"), red_sandstone = S("Any red sandstone"), carpet = S("Any carpet"), dye = S("Any dye"), water_bucket = S("Any water bucket"), flower = S("Any flower"), mushroom = S("Any mushroom"), wood_slab = S("Any wooden slab"), wood_stairs = S("Any wooden stairs"), coal = S("Any coal"), quartz_block = S("Any kind of quartz block"), purpur_block = S("Any kind of purpur block"), stonebrick = S("Any stone bricks"), stick = S("Any stick"), } local item_lists = { "main", "craft", "craftpreview", } local function table_merge(t, t2) t, t2 = t or {}, t2 or {} local c = #t for i = 1, #t2 do c = c + 1 t[c] = t2[i] end return t end local function table_replace(t, val, new) for k, v in pairs(t) do if v == val then t[k] = new end end end local function table_diff(t, t2) local hash = {} for i = 1, #t do local v = t[i] hash[v] = true end for i = 1, #t2 do local v = t2[i] hash[v] = nil end local diff, c = {}, 0 for i = 1, #t do local v = t[i] if hash[v] then c = c + 1 diff[c] = v end end return diff end local custom_crafts, craft_types = {}, {} function mcl_craftguide.register_craft_type(name, def) local func = "mcl_craftguide.register_craft_type(): " assert(name, func .. "'name' field missing") assert(def.description, func .. "'description' field missing") assert(def.icon, func .. "'icon' field missing") craft_types[name] = def end function mcl_craftguide.register_craft(def) local func = "mcl_craftguide.register_craft(): " assert(def.type, func .. "'type' field missing") assert(def.width, func .. "'width' field missing") assert(def.output, func .. "'output' field missing") assert(def.items, func .. "'items' field missing") custom_crafts[#custom_crafts + 1] = def end local recipe_filters = {} function mcl_craftguide.add_recipe_filter(name, f) local func = "mcl_craftguide.add_recipe_filter(): " assert(name, func .. "filter name missing") assert(f and type(f) == "function", func .. "filter function missing") recipe_filters[name] = f end function mcl_craftguide.remove_recipe_filter(name) recipe_filters[name] = nil end function mcl_craftguide.set_recipe_filter(name, f) local func = "mcl_craftguide.set_recipe_filter(): " assert(name, func .. "filter name missing") assert(f and type(f) == "function", func .. "filter function missing") recipe_filters = { [name] = f } end function mcl_craftguide.get_recipe_filters() return recipe_filters end local function apply_recipe_filters(recipes, player) for _, filter in pairs(recipe_filters) do recipes = filter(recipes, player) end return recipes end local search_filters = {} function mcl_craftguide.add_search_filter(name, f) local func = "mcl_craftguide.add_search_filter(): " assert(name, func .. "filter name missing") assert(f and type(f) == "function", func .. "filter function missing") search_filters[name] = f end function mcl_craftguide.remove_search_filter(name) search_filters[name] = nil end function mcl_craftguide.get_search_filters() return search_filters end local formspec_elements = {} function mcl_craftguide.add_formspec_element(name, def) local func = "mcl_craftguide.add_formspec_element(): " assert(def.element, func .. "'element' field not defined") assert(def.type, func .. "'type' field not defined") assert(FMT[def.type], func .. "'" .. def.type .. "' type not supported by the API") formspec_elements[name] = { type = def.type, element = def.element, action = def.action, } end function mcl_craftguide.remove_formspec_element(name) formspec_elements[name] = nil end function mcl_craftguide.get_formspec_elements() return formspec_elements end local function item_has_groups(item_groups, groups) for i = 1, #groups do local group = groups[i] if not item_groups[group] then return end end return true end local function extract_groups(str) return split(sub(str, 7), ",") end local function item_in_recipe(item, recipe) for _, recipe_item in pairs(recipe.items) do if recipe_item == item then return true end end end local function groups_item_in_recipe(item, recipe) local item_groups = reg_items[item].groups for _, recipe_item in pairs(recipe.items) do if sub(recipe_item, 1, 6) == "group:" then local groups = extract_groups(recipe_item) if item_has_groups(item_groups, groups) then local usage = copy(recipe) table_replace(usage.items, recipe_item, item) return usage end end end end local function get_item_usages(item) local usages, c = {}, 0 for _, recipes in pairs(recipes_cache) do for i = 1, #recipes do local recipe = recipes[i] if item_in_recipe(item, recipe) then c = c + 1 usages[c] = recipe else recipe = groups_item_in_recipe(item, recipe) if recipe then c = c + 1 usages[c] = recipe end end end end if fuel_cache[item] then usages[#usages + 1] = { type = "fuel", width = 1, items = { item } } end return usages end local function get_filtered_items(player) local items, c = {}, 0 for i = 1, #init_items do local item = init_items[i] local recipes = recipes_cache[item] local usages = usages_cache[item] if recipes and #apply_recipe_filters(recipes, player) > 0 or usages and #apply_recipe_filters(usages, player) > 0 then c = c + 1 items[c] = item end end return items end local function cache_recipes(output) local recipes = M.get_all_craft_recipes(output) or {} local c = 0 for i = 1, #custom_crafts do local custom_craft = custom_crafts[i] if match(custom_craft.output, "%S*") == output then c = c + 1 recipes[c] = custom_craft end end if #recipes > 0 then recipes_cache[output] = recipes return true end end local function get_recipes(item, data, player) local recipes = recipes_cache[item] local usages = usages_cache[item] if recipes then recipes = apply_recipe_filters(recipes, player) end local no_recipes = not recipes or #recipes == 0 if no_recipes and not usages then return elseif usages and no_recipes then data.show_usages = true end if data.show_usages then recipes = apply_recipe_filters(usages_cache[item], player) if #recipes == 0 then return end end return recipes end local function get_burntime(item) return get_result({ method = "fuel", width = 1, items = { item } }).time end local function cache_fuel(item) local burntime = get_burntime(item) if burntime > 0 then fuel_cache[item] = burntime return true end end local function groups_to_item(groups) if #groups == 1 then local group = groups[1] local def_gr = "mcl_core:" .. group if group_stereotypes[group] then return group_stereotypes[group] elseif reg_items[def_gr] then return def_gr end end for name, def in pairs(reg_items) do if item_has_groups(def.groups, groups) then return name end end return "" end local function get_tooltip(item, groups, cooktime, burntime) local tooltip if groups then local gcol = mcl_colors.LIGHT_PURPLE if #groups == 1 then local g = group_names[groups[1]] local groupstr -- Treat the groups “compass” and “clock” as fake groups -- and just print the normal item name without special formatting if groups[1] == "compass" or groups[1] == "clock" then groupstr = reg_items[item].description elseif g then -- Use the special group name string groupstr = minetest.colorize(gcol, g) else --[[ Fallback: Generic group explanation: This always works, but the internally used group name (which looks ugly) is exposed to the user. ]] groupstr = minetest.colorize(gcol, groups[1]) groupstr = S("Any item belonging to the @1 group", groupstr) end tooltip = groupstr else local grouptable, c = {}, 0 for i = 1, #groups do c = c + 1 grouptable[c] = colorize(gcol, groups[i]) end groupstr = concat(grouptable, ", ") tooltip = S("Any item belonging to the groups: @1", groupstr) end else tooltip = reg_items[item].description end if not groups and cooktime then tooltip = tooltip .. "\n" .. S("Cooking time: @1", colorize(mcl_colors.YELLOW, cooktime)) end if not groups and burntime then tooltip = tooltip .. "\n" .. S("Burning time: @1", colorize(mcl_colors.YELLOW, burntime)) end return fmt(FMT.tooltip, item, ESC(tooltip)) end local function get_recipe_fs(data, iY) local fs = {} local recipe =[data.rnum] local width = recipe.width local xoffset = data.iX / 2.15 local cooktime, shapeless if recipe.type == "cooking" then cooktime, width = width, 1 elseif width == 0 then shapeless = true if #recipe.items <= 4 then width = 2 else width = min(3, #recipe.items) end end local rows = ceil(maxn(recipe.items) / width) local rightest, btn_size, s_btn_size = 0, 1.1, nil local btn_lab = data.show_usages and ESC(S("Usage @1 of @2", data.rnum, or ESC(S("Recipe @1 of @2", data.rnum, fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.button, data.iX - 2.6, iY + 3.3, 2.2, 1, "alternate", btn_lab) if width > GRID_LIMIT or rows > GRID_LIMIT then fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.label, (data.iX / 2) - 2, iY + 2.2, ESC(S("Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)", width, rows))) return concat(fs) end for i, item in pairs(recipe.items) do local X = ceil((i - 1) % width + xoffset - width) - 0.2 local Y = ceil(i / width + (iY + 2) - min(2, rows)) if width > 3 or rows > 3 then btn_size = width > 3 and 3 / width or 3 / rows s_btn_size = btn_size X = btn_size * (i % width) + xoffset - 2.65 Y = btn_size * floor((i - 1) / width) + (iY + 3) - min(2, rows) end if X > rightest then rightest = X end local groups if sub(item, 1, 6) == "group:" then groups = extract_groups(item) item = groups_to_item(groups) end local label = "" if groups and (#groups >= 1 and groups[1] ~= "compass" and groups[1] ~= "clock") then label = "\nG" end fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.item_image_button, X, Y + 0.2, btn_size, btn_size, item, match(item, "%S*"), ESC(label)) local burntime = fuel_cache[item] if groups or cooktime or burntime then fs[#fs + 1] = get_tooltip(item, groups, cooktime, burntime) end end local custom_recipe = craft_types[recipe.type] if custom_recipe or shapeless or recipe.type == "cooking" then local icon = custom_recipe and custom_recipe.icon or shapeless and "shapeless" or "furnace" if recipe.type == "cooking" then icon = "craftguide_furnace.png" elseif not custom_recipe then icon = fmt("craftguide_%s.png", icon) end fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, rightest + 1.2, iY + 1.7, 0.5, 0.5, icon) local tooltip = custom_recipe and custom_recipe.description or shapeless and S("Shapeless") or S("Cooking") fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("tooltip[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s]", rightest + 1.2, iY + 1.7, 0.5, 0.5, ESC(tooltip)) end local arrow_X = rightest + (s_btn_size or 1.1) local output_X = arrow_X + 0.9 fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, arrow_X, iY + 2.35, 0.9, 0.7, "craftguide_arrow.png") if recipe.type == "fuel" then fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, output_X, iY + 2.18, 1.1, 1.1, "mcl_craftguide_fuel.png") else local output_name = match(recipe.output, "%S+") local burntime = fuel_cache[output_name] fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.item_image_button, output_X, iY + 2.2, 1.1, 1.1, recipe.output, ESC(output_name), "") if burntime then fs[#fs + 1] = get_tooltip(output_name, nil, nil, burntime) fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, output_X + 1, iY + 2.33, 0.6, 0.4, "craftguide_arrow.png") fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, output_X + 1.6, iY + 2.18, 0.6, 0.6, "mcl_craftguide_fuel.png") end end return concat(fs) end local function make_formspec(name) local data = player_data[name] local iY = data.iX - 5 local ipp = data.iX * iY data.pagemax = max(1, ceil(#data.items / ipp)) local fs = {} fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("size[%f,%f;]", data.iX - 0.35, iY + 4) fs[#fs + 1] = "background9[1,1;1,1;mcl_base_textures_background9.png;true;7]" fs[#fs + 1] = fmt([[ tooltip[size_inc;%s] tooltip[size_dec;%s] ]], ESC(S("Increase window size")), ESC(S("Decrease window size"))) fs[#fs + 1] = fmt([[ image_button[%f,0.12;0.8,0.8;craftguide_zoomin_icon.png;size_inc;] image_button[%f,0.12;0.8,0.8;craftguide_zoomout_icon.png;size_dec;] ]], data.iX * 0.47, data.iX * 0.47 + 0.6) fs[#fs + 1] = [[ image_button[2.4,0.12;0.8,0.8;craftguide_search_icon.png;search;] image_button[3.05,0.12;0.8,0.8;craftguide_clear_icon.png;clear;] field_close_on_enter[filter;false] ]] fs[#fs + 1] = fmt([[ tooltip[search;%s] tooltip[clear;%s] tooltip[prev;%s] tooltip[next;%s] ]], ESC(S("Search")), ESC(S("Reset")), ESC(S("Previous page")), ESC(S("Next page"))) fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("label[%f,%f;%s]", data.iX - 2.2, 0.22, ESC(colorize("#383838", fmt("%s / %u", data.pagenum, data.pagemax)))) fs[#fs + 1] = fmt([[ image_button[%f,0.12;0.8,0.8;craftguide_prev_icon.png;prev;] image_button[%f,0.12;0.8,0.8;craftguide_next_icon.png;next;] ]], data.iX - 3.1, (data.iX - 1.2) - (data.iX >= 11 and 0.08 or 0)) fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("field[0.3,0.32;2.5,1;filter;;%s]", ESC(data.filter)) if #data.items == 0 then local no_item = S("No item to show") local pos = (data.iX / 2) - 1 if next(recipe_filters) and #init_items > 0 and data.filter == "" then no_item = S("Collect items to reveal more recipes") pos = pos - 1 end fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.label, pos, 2, ESC(no_item)) end local first_item = (data.pagenum - 1) * ipp for i = first_item, first_item + ipp - 1 do local item = data.items[i + 1] if not item then break end local X = i % data.iX local Y = (i % ipp - X) / data.iX + 1 fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("item_image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s_inv;]", X - (X * 0.05), Y, 1.1, 1.1, item, item) end if and > 0 then fs[#fs + 1] = get_recipe_fs(data, iY) end for elem_name, def in pairs(formspec_elements) do local element = def.element(data) if element then if find(def.type, "button") then insert(element, #element, elem_name) end fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT[def.type], unpack(element)) end end return concat(fs) end local function show_fs(player, name) show_formspec(name, "mcl_craftguide", make_formspec(name)) end mcl_craftguide.add_search_filter("groups", function(item, groups) local itemdef = reg_items[item] local has_groups = true for i = 1, #groups do local group = groups[i] if not itemdef.groups[group] then has_groups = false break end end return has_groups end) local function search(data) local filter = data.filter if searches[filter] then data.items = searches[filter] return end local filtered_list, c = {}, 0 local extras = "^(.-)%+([%w_]+)=([%w_,]+)" local search_filter = next(search_filters) and match(filter, extras) local filters = {} if search_filter then for filter_name, values in gmatch(filter, sub(extras, 6, -1)) do if search_filters[filter_name] then values = split(values, ",") filters[filter_name] = values end end end for i = 1, #data.items_raw do local item = data.items_raw[i] local def = reg_items[item] local desc = lower(def.description) local search_in = item .. desc local to_add if search_filter then for filter_name, values in pairs(filters) do local func = search_filters[filter_name] to_add = func(item, values) and (search_filter == "" or find(search_in, search_filter, 1, true)) end else to_add = find(search_in, filter, 1, true) end if to_add then c = c + 1 filtered_list[c] = item end end if not next(recipe_filters) then -- Cache the results only if searched 2 times if searches[filter] == nil then searches[filter] = false else searches[filter] = filtered_list end end data.items = filtered_list end local function get_inv_items(player) local inv = player:get_inventory() local stacks = {} for i = 1, #item_lists do local list = inv:get_list(item_lists[i]) table_merge(stacks, list) end local inv_items, c = {}, 0 for i = 1, #stacks do local stack = stacks[i] if not stack:is_empty() then local name = stack:get_name() if reg_items[name] then c = c + 1 inv_items[c] = name end end end return inv_items end local function init_data(name) player_data[name] = { filter = "", pagenum = 1, iX = DEFAULT_SIZE, items = init_items, items_raw = init_items, } end local function reset_data(data) data.filter = "" data.pagenum = 1 data.rnum = 1 data.query_item = nil data.show_usages = nil = nil data.items = data.items_raw end local function cache_usages() for i = 1, #init_items do local item = init_items[i] usages_cache[item] = get_item_usages(item) end end local function get_init_items() local c = 0 for name, def in pairs(reg_items) do local is_fuel = cache_fuel(name) if not (def.groups.not_in_craft_guide == 1) and def.description and def.description ~= "" and (cache_recipes(name) or is_fuel) then c = c + 1 init_items[c] = name end end sort(init_items) cache_usages() end local function on_receive_fields(player, fields) local name = player:get_player_name() local data = player_data[name] for elem_name, def in pairs(formspec_elements) do if fields[elem_name] and def.action then return def.action(player, data) end end if fields.clear then reset_data(data) show_fs(player, name) elseif fields.alternate then if == 1 then return end local num_next = data.rnum + 1 data.rnum =[num_next] and num_next or 1 show_fs(player, name) elseif (fields.key_enter_field == "filter" or and fields.filter ~= "" then local fltr = lower(fields.filter) if data.filter == fltr then return end data.filter = fltr data.pagenum = 1 search(data) show_fs(player, name) elseif fields.prev or then if data.pagemax == 1 then return end data.pagenum = data.pagenum - (fields.prev and 1 or -1) if data.pagenum > data.pagemax then data.pagenum = 1 elseif data.pagenum == 0 then data.pagenum = data.pagemax end show_fs(player, name) elseif (fields.size_inc and data.iX < MAX_LIMIT) or (fields.size_dec and data.iX > MIN_LIMIT) then data.pagenum = 1 data.iX = data.iX + (fields.size_inc and 1 or -1) show_fs(player, name) else local item for field in pairs(fields) do if find(field, ":") then item = field break end end if not item then return elseif sub(item, -4) == "_inv" then item = sub(item, 1, -5) end if item ~= data.query_item then data.show_usages = nil else data.show_usages = not data.show_usages end local recipes = get_recipes(item, data, player) if not recipes then return end data.query_item = item = recipes data.rnum = 1 show_fs(player, name) end end M.register_on_mods_loaded(get_init_items) M.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname == "mcl_craftguide" then on_receive_fields(player, fields) elseif fields.__mcl_craftguide then end end) --[[local function on_use(user) local name = user:get_player_name() if next(recipe_filters) then local data = player_data[name] data.items_raw = get_filtered_items(user) search(data) end show_formspec(name, "mcl_craftguide", make_formspec(name)) end]] if progressive_mode then local function item_in_inv(item, inv_items) local inv_items_size = #inv_items if sub(item, 1, 6) == "group:" then local groups = extract_groups(item) for i = 1, inv_items_size do local inv_item = reg_items[inv_items[i]] if inv_item then local item_groups = inv_item.groups if item_has_groups(item_groups, groups) then return true end end end else for i = 1, inv_items_size do if inv_items[i] == item then return true end end end end local function recipe_in_inv(recipe, inv_items) for _, item in pairs(recipe.items) do if not item_in_inv(item, inv_items) then return end end return true end local function progressive_filter(recipes, player) local name = player:get_player_name() local data = player_data[name] if #data.inv_items == 0 then return {} end local filtered, c = {}, 0 for i = 1, #recipes do local recipe = recipes[i] if recipe_in_inv(recipe, data.inv_items) then c = c + 1 filtered[c] = recipe end end return filtered end -- Workaround. Need an engine call to detect when the contents -- of the player inventory changed, instead. local function poll_new_items() local players = M.get_connected_players() for i = 1, #players do local player = players[i] local name = player:get_player_name() local data = player_data[name] local inv_items = get_inv_items(player) local diff = table_diff(inv_items, data.inv_items) if #diff > 0 then data.inv_items = table_merge(diff, data.inv_items) end end M.after(POLL_FREQ, poll_new_items) end M.register_on_mods_loaded(function() M.after(1, poll_new_items) end) mcl_craftguide.add_recipe_filter("Default progressive filter", progressive_filter) M.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() init_data(name) local meta = player:get_meta() local data = player_data[name] data.inv_items = deserialize(meta:get_string("inv_items")) or {} end) local function save_meta(player) local meta = player:get_meta() local name = player:get_player_name() local data = player_data[name] if not data then return end local inv_items = data.inv_items or {} meta:set_string("inv_items", serialize(inv_items)) end M.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) save_meta(player) local name = player:get_player_name() player_data[name] = nil end) M.register_on_shutdown(function() local players = M.get_connected_players() for i = 1, #players do local player = players[i] save_meta(player) end end) else M.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() init_data(name) end) M.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() player_data[name] = nil end) end function local player = get_player_by_name(name) if next(recipe_filters) then local data = player_data[name] data.items_raw = get_filtered_items(player) search(data) end show_formspec(name, "mcl_craftguide", make_formspec(name)) end --[[ Custom recipes (>3x3) test code M.register_craftitem(":secretstuff:custom_recipe_test", { description = "Custom Recipe Test", }) local cr = {} for x = 1, 6 do cr[x] = {} for i = 1, 10 - x do cr[x][i] = {} for j = 1, 10 - x do cr[x][i][j] = "group:wood" end end M.register_craft({ output = "secretstuff:custom_recipe_test", recipe = cr[x] }) end ]]