-- Dripping Water Mod -- by kddekadenz -- License of code, textures & sounds: CC0 local math = math local function make_drop(pos,liquid,sound,interval) local pt = { velocity = vector.new(0,0,0), collision_removal = false, } local t = math.random() + math.random(1, interval) minetest.after(t,function() local x, z = math.random(-45, 45) / 100, math.random(-45, 45) / 100 pt.pos = vector.offset(pos,x,-0.52,z) pt.acceleration = vector.new(0,0,0) pt.collisiondetection = false pt.expirationtime = t pt.texture="[combine:2x2:" .. -math.random(1, 16) .. "," .. -math.random(1, 16) .. "=default_" .. liquid .. "_source_animated.png" minetest.add_particle(pt) minetest.after(t,function() pt.acceleration = vector.new(0,-5,0) pt.collisiondetection = true pt.expirationtime = math.random() + math.random(1, interval/2) minetest.add_particle(pt) minetest.sound_play({name = "drippingwater_" .. sound .. "drip"}, {pos = pos, gain = 0.5, max_hear_distance = 8}, true) end) end) end local function register_drop(liquid, glow, sound, nodes, interval, chance) minetest.register_abm({ label = "Create drops", nodenames = nodes, neighbors = {"group:" .. liquid}, interval = interval, chance = chance, action = function(pos) local r = math.ceil(interval / 20) local nn=minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vector.offset(pos,-r,0,-r),vector.offset(pos,r,0,r),nodes) --start a bunch of particle cycles to be able to get away --with longer abm cycles table.shuffle(nn) for i=1,math.random(#nn) do if nn[i] and minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(vector.offset(nn[i], 0, 1, 0)).name, liquid) ~= 0 and minetest.get_node(vector.offset(nn[i], 0, -1, 0)).name == "air" then make_drop(nn[i],liquid,sound,interval) end end end, }) end register_drop("water", 1, "", {"group:opaque", "group:leaves"},60,10) register_drop("lava", math.max(7, minetest.registered_nodes["mcl_core:lava_source"].light_source - 3), "lava", {"group:opaque"},60,10)