--- --- Generated by EmmyLua. --- Created by Michieal (FaerRaven). --- DateTime: 10/14/22 4:05 PM --- local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) -- Signs API dofile(modpath .. "/signs_api.lua") -- LOCALIZATION local S = minetest.get_translator(modname) -- HANDLE THE FORMSPEC CALLBACK minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname:find("mcl_signs:set_text_") == 1 then local x, y, z = formname:match("mcl_signs:set_text_(.-)_(.-)_(.*)") local pos = { x = tonumber(x), y = tonumber(y), z = tonumber(z) } if not pos or not pos.x or not pos.y or not pos.z then return end mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, fields, player) end end) -- This defines the text entity for the lettering of the sign. -- FIXME: Prevent entity destruction by /clearobjects minetest.register_entity("mcl_signs:text", { pointable = false, visual = "upright_sprite", textures = {}, physical = false, collide_with_objects = false, _signnodename = nil, -- node name of sign node to which the text belongs on_activate = function(self, staticdata) local meta = minetest.get_meta(self.object:get_pos()) local text = meta:get_string("text") local text_color = meta:get_string("mcl_signs:text_color") local glowing_sign = meta:get_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign") if staticdata and staticdata ~= "" then local des = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) if des then self._signnodename = des._signnodename if des._text_color ~= nil and des._text_color ~= "" then self.text_color = des._text_color end if des._glowing_sign ~= nil and des._glowing_sign ~= "" then self.glowing_sign = des._glowing_sign end end end if text_color == "" or text_color == nil then text_color = "#000000" -- default to black text. meta:set_string("mcl_signs:text_color", text_color) end if glowing_sign == "" or glowing_sign == nil then glowing_sign = "false" -- default to not glowing. meta:set_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign", glowing_sign) end self.object:set_properties({ textures = { mcl_signs:create_lettering(text, self._signnodename, text_color) }, }) if glowing_sign == "true" then self.object:set_properties({ glow = 6, --sign_glow, }) end self.object:set_armor_groups({ immortal = 1 }) end, get_staticdata = function(self) local out = { _signnodename = self._signnodename, } return minetest.serialize(out) end, }) -- Build the signs x,y,z & rotations so that they work. (IE, do not remove!) mcl_signs.build_signs_info() -- ---------------------------- -- -- Register Signs for use. -- -- ---------------------------- -- -- Standard (original) Sign mcl_signs.register_sign("mcl_core", "#ffffff", "", "Sign") mcl_signs.register_sign_craft("mcl_core", "mcl_core:wood", "") -- birchwood Sign "#d5cb8d" / "#ffdba7" mcl_signs.register_sign_custom("mcl_core", "_birchwood", "mcl_signs_sign_greyscale.png","#ffdba7", "default_sign_greyscale.png", "default_sign_greyscale.png", "Birch Sign" ) mcl_signs.register_sign_craft("mcl_core", "mcl_core:birchwood", "_birchwood") -- sprucewood Sign mcl_signs.register_sign_custom("mcl_core", "_sprucewood", "mcl_signs_sign_dark.png","#ffffff", "default_sign_dark.png", "default_sign_dark.png", "Spruce Sign" ) mcl_signs.register_sign_craft("mcl_core", "mcl_core:sprucewood", "_sprucewood") -- darkwood Sign "#291f1a" / "#856443" mcl_signs.register_sign_custom("mcl_core", "_darkwood", "mcl_signs_sign_greyscale.png","#856443", "default_sign_greyscale.png", "default_sign_greyscale.png", "Dark Oak Sign" ) mcl_signs.register_sign_craft("mcl_core", "mcl_core:darkwood", "_darkwood") -- junglewood Sign mcl_signs.register_sign("mcl_core", "#866249", "_junglewood", "Jungle Sign") mcl_signs.register_sign_craft("mcl_core", "mcl_core:junglewood", "_junglewood") -- acaciawood Sign "b8693d" mcl_signs.register_sign("mcl_core", "#ea7479", "_acaciawood", "Acacia Sign") mcl_signs.register_sign_craft("mcl_core", "mcl_core:acaciawood", "_acaciawood") -- mangrove_wood Sign "#c7545c" mcl_signs.register_sign("mcl_core", "#b8693d", "_mangrove_wood", "Mangrove Sign") mcl_signs.register_sign_craft("mcl_core", "mcl_core:mangrove_wood", "_mangrove_wood") -- Register the LBMs for the created signs. mcl_signs.make_lbm() -- really ancient compatibility. minetest.register_alias("signs:sign_wall", "mcl_signs:wall_sign") minetest.register_alias("signs:sign_yard", "mcl_signs:standing_sign") minetest.register_alias("mcl_signs:wall_sign_dark", "mcl_signs:wall_sign_sprucewood") minetest.register_alias("mcl_signs:standing_sign_dark", "mcl_signs:standing_sign_sprucewood")