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\sUsing it as fuel turns it into: @1. =
@1 seconds =
# Item count times item name
%@1×@2 =
# Itemname (25%)
@1 (@2%) =
# Itemname (<0.5%)
@1 (<0.5%) =
# Itemname (ca. 25%)
@1 (ca. @2%) =
# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”)
,\s =
# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”)
\sand\s =
1 second =
A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something. =
Air =
Blocks =
Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it. =
Building this block is completely silent. =
Collidable: @1 =
Description: @1 =
Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so. =
Full punch interval: @1 s =
Hand =
Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. =
Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this? =
Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons =
Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space =
Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items) =
Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it. =
Maximum stack size: @1 =
Mining level: @1 =
Mining ratings: =
• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s =
• @1, rating @2: @3 s =
Mining times: =
Mining this block is completely silent. =
Miscellaneous items =
No =
Pointable: No =
Pointable: Only by special items =
Pointable: Yes =
Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently. =
Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently. =
Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently. =
Range: @1 =
# Range: <Hand> (<Range>)
Range: @1 (@2) =
Range: 4 =
# Rating used for digging times
Rating @1 =
# @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating
Rating @1-@2 =
The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%. =
The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%. =
This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly. =
This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness. =
This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness. =
This block belongs to the @1 group. =
This block belongs to these groups: @1. =
This block can be climbed. =
This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately. =
This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second. =
This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately. =
This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second. =
This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level. =
This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools. =
This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools. =
This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1. =
This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second. =
This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second. =
This block connects to blocks of the @1 group. =
This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1. =
This block connects to these blocks: @1. =
This block connects to this block: @1. =
This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds. =
This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds. =
This block is a light source with a light level of @1. =
This block glows faintly with a light level of @1. =
This block is a building block for creating various buildings. =
This block is a liquid with these properties: =
This block is affected by gravity and can fall. =
This block is completely silent when mined or built. =
This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built. =
This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it. =
This block negates all fall damage. =
This block points to liquids. =
This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it. =
This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block. =
This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it. =
This block will drop the following items when mined: %s. =
This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2. =
This block will drop the following when mined: @1. =
This block will drop the following when mined: %s. =
This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%. =
This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: %s. =
This block will randomly drop up to %d drops of the following possible drops when mined: %s. =
This block won't drop anything when mined. =
This is a decorational block. =
This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching. =
Maximum damage per hit: =
This item belongs to the @1 group. =
This item belongs to these groups: @1. =
This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1. =
This item is primarily used for crafting other items. =
This item points to liquids. =
This tool belongs to the @1 group. =
This tool belongs to these groups: @1. =
This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1. =
This tool is capable of mining. =
Maximum toughness levels: =
This tool points to liquids. =
Tools and weapons =
Unknown Node =
Usage help: @1 =
Walking on this block is completely silent. =
Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand. =
Yes =
You can not jump while standing on this block. =
any level =
level 0 =
level 0-@1 =
unknown =
Unknown item (@1) =
• @1: @2 =
• @1: @2 HP =
• @1: @2, @3 =
• Flowing range: @1 =
• No flowing =
• Not renewable =
• Renewable =
• Viscosity: @1 =
Itemstring: "@1" =
Durability: @1 uses =
Durability: @1 =
Mining durability: =
• @1, level @2: @3 uses =
• @1, level @2: Unlimited =
This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead. =