if not mcl_skins or not mcl_skins.register_simple_skin then minetest.log("warning", "[mcl_custom_skins] mcl_skins.register_simple_skin() does not exist. Most likely MineClone needs to be updated.") return end local mod_path = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_custom_skins") local textures = minetest.get_dir_list(mod_path .. "/textures") table.sort(textures) for i, texture in pairs(textures) do if texture:find(".png$") then local f = io.open(mod_path .. "/meta/" .. texture:gsub("png$", "txt")) local slim_arms if f then local data = f:read("*all") if data then data = minetest.deserialize("return {" .. data .. "}") if data then slim_arms = data.gender == "female" end end f:close() end mcl_skins.register_simple_skin({ texture = texture, slim_arms = slim_arms, }) end end