Fork 0

Check for conditions on each group spawn

This commit is contained in:
cora 2022-08-29 20:59:17 +02:00
parent 961c9bd3c9
commit 3993cddfc6
1 changed files with 78 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ local table_copy = table.copy
local table_remove = table.remove
local pairs = pairs
local dbg_spawn_attempts = 0
local dbg_spawn_succ = 0
-- range for mob count
local aoc_range = 136
@ -416,47 +417,89 @@ local function get_water_spawn(p)
local dbg_spawn_attempts = 0
local dbg_spawn_succ = 0
local function spawn_check(pos,spawn_def)
if not spawn_def then return end
dbg_spawn_attempts = dbg_spawn_attempts + 1
local dimension = mcl_worlds.pos_to_dimension(pos)
local mob_type = minetest.registered_entities[spawn_def.name].type
local gotten_node = get_node(pos).name
local gotten_biome = minetest.get_biome_data(pos)
if not gotten_node or not gotten_biome then return end
gotten_biome = get_biome_name(gotten_biome.biome) --makes it easier to work with
local is_ground = minetest.get_item_group(gotten_node,"solid") ~= 0
if not is_ground then
pos.y = pos.y - 1
gotten_node = get_node(pos).name
is_ground = minetest.get_item_group(gotten_node,"solid") ~= 0
pos.y = pos.y + 1
local is_water = get_item_group(gotten_node, "water") ~= 0
local is_lava = get_item_group(gotten_node, "lava") ~= 0
local is_leaf = get_item_group(gotten_node, "leaves") ~= 0
local is_bedrock = gotten_node == "mcl_core:bedrock"
local is_grass = minetest.get_item_group(gotten_node,"grass_block") ~= 0
local has_bed = minetest.find_node_near(pos,25,{"group:bed"})
local mob_count_wide = count_mobs(pos,aoc_range,mob_type)
local mob_count = count_mobs(pos,32,mob_type)
if pos and spawn_def
and mob_count_wide < (mob_cap[mob_type] or 15)
and mob_count < 5
and pos.y >= spawn_def.min_height
and pos.y <= spawn_def.max_height
and spawn_def.dimension == dimension
and biome_check(spawn_def.biomes, gotten_biome)
and (is_ground or spawn_def.type_of_spawning ~= "ground")
and (spawn_def.type_of_spawning ~= "ground" or not is_leaf)
and (spawn_def.check_position and spawn_def.check_position(pos) or true)
and (not is_farm_animal(spawn_def.name) or is_grass)
and (mob_type ~= "npc" or has_bed)
and (spawn_def.type_of_spawning ~= "water" or is_water)
and not is_bedrock then
--only need to poll for node light if everything else worked
local gotten_light = get_node_light(pos)
if gotten_light >= spawn_def.min_light and gotten_light <= spawn_def.max_light then
return true
return false
local function spawn_group(p,mob,spawn_on,group_max,group_min)
if not group_min then group_min = 1 end
local nn= minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(vector.offset(p,-5,-3,-5),vector.offset(p,5,3,5),spawn_on)
local o
if not nn or #nn < 1 then
nn = {}
for i = 1, math.random(group_min,group_max) do
local sp = vector.offset(nn[math.random(#nn)],0,1,0)
if spawn_check(nn[math.random(#nn)],mob) then
if mob.type_of_spawning == "water" then
sp = get_water_spawn(sp)
o = minetest.add_entity(sp,mob.name)
if o then dbg_spawn_succ = dbg_spawn_succ + 1 end
return o
privs = { debug = true },
func = function(n,param)
local pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(n):get_pos()
minetest.chat_send_player(n,"mobs within 32 radius of player:"..count_mobs(pos,32))
minetest.chat_send_player(n,"total mobs:"..count_mobs_total())
minetest.chat_send_player(n,"spawning attempts since server start:"..dbg_spawn_attempts)
minetest.chat_send_player(n,"successful spawns since server start:"..dbg_spawn_succ)
if mobs_spawn then
local perlin_noise
local function spawn_a_mob(pos, dimension, y_min, y_max)
dbg_spawn_attempts = dbg_spawn_attempts + 1
local dimension = dimension or mcl_worlds.pos_to_dimension(pos)
--create a disconnected clone of the spawn dictionary
--prevents memory leak
local mob_library_worker_table = table_copy(spawn_dictionary)
local goal_pos = get_next_mob_spawn_pos(pos)
--grab mob that fits into the spawning location
--randomly grab a mob, don't exclude any possibilities
local spawning_position_list = find_nodes_in_area_under_air(
{x = goal_pos.x, y = y_min, z = goal_pos.z},
{x = goal_pos.x, y = y_max, z = goal_pos.z},
@ -465,37 +508,6 @@ if mobs_spawn then
if #spawning_position_list <= 0 then return end
local spawning_position = spawning_position_list[math_random(1, #spawning_position_list)]
local gotten_node = get_node(spawning_position).name
local gotten_biome = minetest.get_biome_data(spawning_position)
if not gotten_node or not gotten_biome then return end
gotten_biome = get_biome_name(gotten_biome.biome) --makes it easier to work with
--add this so mobs don't spawn inside nodes
spawning_position.y = spawning_position.y + 1
--only need to poll for node light if everything else worked
local gotten_light = get_node_light(spawning_position)
local is_water = get_item_group(gotten_node, "water") ~= 0
local is_lava = get_item_group(gotten_node, "lava") ~= 0
local is_leaf = get_item_group(gotten_node, "leaves") ~= 0
local is_bedrock = gotten_node == "mcl_core:bedrock"
local is_ground = not (is_water or is_lava)
local is_grass = minetest.get_item_group(gotten_node,"grass_block") ~= 0
local has_bed = minetest.find_node_near(pos,25,{"group:bed"})
if not is_ground then
spawning_position.y = spawning_position.y - 1
local mob_def
--create a disconnected clone of the spawn dictionary
--prevents memory leak
local mob_library_worker_table = table_copy(spawn_dictionary)
--grab mob that fits into the spawning location
--randomly grab a mob, don't exclude any possibilities
perlin_noise = perlin_noise or minetest_get_perlin(noise_params)
local noise = perlin_noise:get_3d(spawning_position)
local current_summary_chance = summary_chance
@ -511,28 +523,9 @@ if mobs_spawn then
step_chance = step_chance + mob_chance
local mob_def = mob_library_worker_table[mob_index]
local mob_type = minetest.registered_entities[mob_def.name].type
local spawn_in_group = minetest.registered_entities[mob_def.name].spawn_in_group or 4
local spawn_in_group_min = minetest.registered_entities[mob_def.name].spawn_in_group_min or 1
local mob_count_wide = count_mobs(pos,aoc_range,mob_type)
local mob_count = count_mobs(spawning_position,32,mob_type)
if mob_def
and mob_count_wide < (mob_cap[mob_type] or 15)
and mob_count < 5
and spawning_position.y >= mob_def.min_height
and spawning_position.y <= mob_def.max_height
and mob_def.dimension == dimension
and biome_check(mob_def.biomes, gotten_biome)
and gotten_light >= mob_def.min_light
and gotten_light <= mob_def.max_light
and (is_ground or mob_def.type_of_spawning ~= "ground")
and (mob_def.type_of_spawning ~= "ground" or not is_leaf)
and (mob_def.check_position and mob_def.check_position(spawning_position) or true)
and (not is_farm_animal(mob_def.name) or is_grass)
and (mob_type ~= "npc" or has_bed)
and (mob_def.type_of_spawning ~= "water" or is_water)
and not is_bedrock
if spawn_check(spawning_position,mob_def) then
if mob_def.type_of_spawning == "water" then
spawning_position = get_water_spawn(spawning_position)
if not spawning_position then
@ -545,8 +538,9 @@ if mobs_spawn then
--everything is correct, spawn mob
local object
if spawn_in_group then
object = spawn_group(spawning_position,mob_def,{gotten_node},spawn_in_group,spawn_in_group_min)
else object = minetest.add_entity(spawning_position, mob_def.name)
object = spawn_group(spawning_position,mob_def,{minetest.get_node(vector.offset(spawning_position,0,-1,0)).name},spawn_in_group,spawn_in_group_min)
object = minetest.add_entity(spawning_position, mob_def.name)
@ -580,3 +574,14 @@ if mobs_spawn then
privs = { debug = true },
func = function(n,param)
local pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(n):get_pos()
minetest.chat_send_player(n,"mobs within 32 radius of player:"..count_mobs(pos,32))
minetest.chat_send_player(n,"total mobs:"..count_mobs_total())
minetest.chat_send_player(n,"spawning attempts since server start:"..dbg_spawn_attempts)
minetest.chat_send_player(n,"successful spawns since server start:"..dbg_spawn_succ)