--[[ Sprint mod for Minetest by GunshipPenguin To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. ]] --Configuration variables, these are all explained in README.md mcl_sprint = {} mcl_sprint.SPEED = 1.3 local players = {} minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local playerName = player:get_player_name() players[playerName] = { sprinting = false, timeOut = 0, shouldSprint = false, lastPos = player:getpos(), sprintDistance = 0, } end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local playerName = player:get_player_name() players[playerName] = nil end) minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) --Get the gametime local gameTime = minetest.get_gametime() --Loop through all connected players for playerName,playerInfo in pairs(players) do local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playerName) if player ~= nil then --Check if the player should be sprinting if player:get_player_control()["aux1"] and player:get_player_control()["up"] then players[playerName]["shouldSprint"] = true else players[playerName]["shouldSprint"] = false end local playerPos = player:getpos() --If the player is sprinting, create particles behind and cause exhaustion if playerInfo["sprinting"] == true and gameTime % 0.1 == 0 then -- Exhaust player for sprinting local lastPos = players[playerName].lastPos local dist = vector.distance({x=lastPos.x, y=0, z=lastPos.z}, {x=playerPos.x, y=0, z=playerPos.z}) players[playerName].sprintDistance = players[playerName].sprintDistance + dist if players[playerName].sprintDistance >= 1 then local superficial = math.floor(players[playerName].sprintDistance) mcl_hunger.exhaust(playerName, mcl_hunger.EXHAUST_SPRINT * superficial) players[playerName].sprintDistance = players[playerName].sprintDistance - superficial end -- Sprint dirt particles local numParticles = math.random(1, 2) local playerNode = minetest.get_node({x=playerPos["x"], y=playerPos["y"]-1, z=playerPos["z"]}) if playerNode["name"] ~= "air" then for i=1, numParticles, 1 do minetest.add_particle({ pos = {x=playerPos["x"]+math.random(-1,1)*math.random()/2,y=playerPos["y"]+0.1,z=playerPos["z"]+math.random(-1,1)*math.random()/2}, vel = {x=0, y=5, z=0}, acc = {x=0, y=-13, z=0}, expirationtime = math.random(), size = math.random()+0.5, collisiondetection = true, vertical = false, texture = "default_dirt.png", }) end end end --Adjust player states players[playerName].lastPos = playerPos if players[playerName]["shouldSprint"] == true then --Stopped local sprinting -- Prevent sprinting if standing on soul sand or hungry if playerplus[playerName].nod_stand == "mcl_nether:soul_sand" or (mcl_hunger and mcl_hunger.get_hunger(player) <= 6) then sprinting = false else sprinting = true end setSprinting(playerName, sprinting) elseif players[playerName]["shouldSprint"] == false then setSprinting(playerName, false) end end end end) function setSprinting(playerName, sprinting) --Sets the state of a player (0=stopped/moving, 1=sprinting) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playerName) if players[playerName] then players[playerName]["sprinting"] = sprinting -- Don't overwrite physics when standing on soul sand if playerplus[playerName].nod_stand ~= "mcl_nether:soul_sand" then if sprinting == true then player:set_physics_override({speed=mcl_sprint.SPEED}) elseif sprinting == false then player:set_physics_override({speed=1.0}) end return true end end return false end