local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname()) local minetest_get_meta = minetest.get_meta -- This helper function calls on_place_node callbacks. local function on_place_node(place_to, newnode, placer, oldnode, itemstack, pointed_thing) -- Run script hook for _, callback in pairs(minetest.registered_on_placenodes) do -- Deep-copy pos, node and pointed_thing because callback can modify them local place_to_copy = {x = place_to.x, y = place_to.y, z = place_to.z} local newnode_copy = {name = newnode.name, param1 = newnode.param1, param2 = newnode.param2} local oldnode_copy = {name = oldnode.name, param1 = oldnode.param1, param2 = oldnode.param2} local pointed_thing_copy = { type = pointed_thing.type, above = vector.new(pointed_thing.above), under = vector.new(pointed_thing.under), ref = pointed_thing.ref, } callback(place_to_copy, newnode_copy, placer, oldnode_copy, itemstack, pointed_thing_copy) end end -- Registers a door -- name: The name of the door -- def: a table with the folowing fields: -- description -- inventory_image -- groups -- tiles_bottom: the tiles of the bottom part of the door {front, side} -- tiles_top: the tiles of the bottom part of the door {front, side} -- If the following fields are not defined the default values are used -- node_box_bottom -- node_box_top -- selection_box_bottom -- selection_box_top -- only_placer_can_open: if true only the player who placed the door can -- open it -- only_redstone_can_open: if true, the door can only be opened by redstone, -- not by rightclicking it function mcl_doors:register_door(name, def) def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1 def.groups.dig_by_piston = 1 def.groups.door = 1 def.groups.mesecon_ignore_opaque_dig = 1 if not def.sound_open then def.sound_open = "doors_door_open" end if not def.sound_close then def.sound_close = "doors_door_close" end local box = {{-8/16, -8/16, -8/16, 8/16, 8/16, -5/16}} if not def.node_box_bottom then def.node_box_bottom = box end if not def.node_box_top then def.node_box_top = box end if not def.selection_box_bottom then def.selection_box_bottom= box end if not def.selection_box_top then def.selection_box_top = box end local longdesc, usagehelp, tt_help tt_help = def._tt_help longdesc = def._doc_items_longdesc if not longdesc then if def.only_redstone_can_open then longdesc = S("This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.") else longdesc = S("This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.") end end usagehelp = def._doc_items_usagehelp if not usagehelp then if def.only_redstone_can_open then usagehelp = S("To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.") else usagehelp = S("To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.") end end if not tt_help then if def.only_redstone_can_open then tt_help = S("Openable by redstone power") else tt_help = S("Openable by players and redstone power") end end local craftitem_groups = { mesecon_conductor_craftable = 1, deco_block = 1 } if def.groups and def.groups.flammable then craftitem_groups.flammable = def.groups.flammable end minetest.register_craftitem(name, { description = def.description, _tt_help = tt_help, _doc_items_longdesc = longdesc, _doc_items_usagehelp = usagehelp, inventory_image = def.inventory_image, stack_max = 69, groups = craftitem_groups, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if not pointed_thing.type == "node" or not placer or not placer:is_player() then return itemstack end local pn = placer:get_player_name() if minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.above, pn) and minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.under, pn) then return itemstack end local ptu = pointed_thing.under local nu = minetest.get_node(ptu) -- Pointed thing's rightclick action takes precedence, unless player holds down the sneak key if minetest.registered_nodes[nu.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[nu.name].on_rightclick and not placer:get_player_control().sneak then return minetest.registered_nodes[nu.name].on_rightclick(ptu, nu, placer, itemstack) end local pt if minetest.registered_nodes[nu.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[nu.name].buildable_to then pt = pointed_thing.under else pt = pointed_thing.above end local pt2 = {x=pt.x, y=pt.y, z=pt.z} pt2.y = pt2.y+1 local ptname = minetest.get_node(pt).name local pt2name = minetest.get_node(pt2).name if (minetest.registered_nodes[ptname] and not minetest.registered_nodes[ptname].buildable_to) or (minetest.registered_nodes[pt2name] and not minetest.registered_nodes[pt2name].buildable_to) then return itemstack end -- get left coordinate for checking if another door is there local pt_left = {x=pt.x, y=pt.y, z=pt.z} local p2 = minetest.dir_to_facedir(placer:get_look_dir()) if p2 == 0 then pt_left.x = pt_left.x-1 elseif p2 == 1 then pt_left.z = pt_left.z+1 elseif p2 == 2 then pt_left.x = pt_left.x+1 elseif p2 == 3 then pt_left.z = pt_left.z-1 end local left_node = minetest.get_node(pt_left) -- Set door nodes minetest.set_node(pt, {name=name.."_b_1", param2=p2}) minetest.set_node(pt2, {name=name.."_t_1", param2=p2}) if def.sounds and def.sounds.place then minetest.sound_play(def.sounds.place, {pos=pt}, true) end if def.only_placer_can_open then local meta = minetest_get_meta(pt) meta:set_string("doors_owner", "") meta = minetest_get_meta(pt2) meta:set_string("doors_owner", "") end local meta1 = minetest_get_meta(pt) local meta2 = minetest_get_meta(pt2) -- save mirror state for the correct door if left_node.name:sub(1, #name) == name then meta1:set_int("is_mirrored", 1) meta2:set_int("is_mirrored", 1) end -- Save open state. 1 = open. 0 = closed meta1:set_int("is_open", 0) meta2:set_int("is_open", 0) if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(pn) then itemstack:take_item() end on_place_node(pt, minetest.get_node(pt), placer, nu, itemstack, pointed_thing) on_place_node(pt2, minetest.get_node(pt2), placer, minetest.get_node({x=ptu.x,y=ptu.y+1,z=ptu.z}), itemstack, pointed_thing) return itemstack end, }) local tt = def.tiles_top local tb = def.tiles_bottom local function on_open_close(pos, dir, check_name, replace, replace_dir) local meta1 = minetest_get_meta(pos) pos.y = pos.y+dir local meta2 = minetest_get_meta(pos) -- if name of other door is not the same as check_name -> return if not minetest.get_node(pos).name == check_name then return end -- swap directions if mirrored local params = {3,0,1,2} if meta1:get_int("is_open") == 0 and meta2:get_int("is_mirrored") == 0 or meta1:get_int("is_open") == 1 and meta2:get_int("is_mirrored") == 1 then params = {1,2,3,0} end local p2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2 local np2 = params[p2+1] minetest.swap_node(pos, {name=replace_dir, param2=np2}) pos.y = pos.y-dir minetest.swap_node(pos, {name=replace, param2=np2}) local door_switching_sound if meta1:get_int("is_open") == 1 then door_switching_sound = def.sound_close meta1:set_int("is_open", 0) meta2:set_int("is_open", 0) else door_switching_sound = def.sound_open meta1:set_int("is_open", 1) meta2:set_int("is_open", 1) end minetest.sound_play(door_switching_sound, {pos = pos, gain = 0.5, max_hear_distance = 16}, true) end local function on_mesecons_signal_open(pos, node) on_open_close(pos, 1, name.."_t_1", name.."_b_2", name.."_t_2") end local function on_mesecons_signal_close(pos, node) if not mesecon.is_powered({x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}) then on_open_close(pos, 1, name.."_t_2", name.."_b_1", name.."_t_1") end end local function on_mesecons_signal_open_top(pos, node) on_mesecons_signal_open({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}, node) end local function on_mesecons_signal_close_top(pos, node) if not mesecon.is_powered({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z}) then on_mesecons_signal_close({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}, node) end end local function check_player_priv(pos, player) if not def.only_placer_can_open then return true end local meta = minetest_get_meta(pos) local pn = player:get_player_name() return meta:get_string("doors_owner") == pn end local on_rightclick -- Disable on_rightclick if this is a redstone-only door if not def.only_redstone_can_open then on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker) if check_player_priv(pos, clicker) then on_open_close(pos, 1, name.."_t_1", name.."_b_2", name.."_t_2") end end end minetest.register_node(name.."_b_1", { tiles = {"blank.png", tt[2].."^[transformFXR90", tb[2], tb[2].."^[transformFX", tb[1], tb[1].."^[transformFX"}, use_texture_alpha = minetest.features.use_texture_alpha_string_modes and "clip" or true, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = false, drop = "", drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = def.node_box_bottom }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = def.selection_box_bottom }, groups = def.groups, _mcl_hardness = def._mcl_hardness, _mcl_blast_resistance = def._mcl_blast_resistance, sounds = def.sounds, after_destruct = function(bottom, oldnode) local meta_bottom = minetest_get_meta(bottom) if meta_bottom:get_int("rotation") == 1 then meta_bottom:set_int("rotation", 0) else minetest.add_item(bottom, name) local top = { x = bottom.x, y = bottom.y + 1, z = bottom.z } if minetest.get_node(bottom).name ~= name.."_b_2" and minetest.get_node(top).name == name.."_t_1" then minetest.remove_node(top) end end end, on_rightclick = on_rightclick, mesecons = { effector = { action_on = on_mesecons_signal_open, }}, on_rotate = function(bottom, node, user, mode, param2) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then local meta_bottom = minetest_get_meta(bottom) meta_bottom:set_int("rotation", 1) node.param2 = screwdriver.rotate.facedir(bottom, node, mode) minetest.swap_node(bottom, node) local top = {x=bottom.x,y=bottom.y+1,z=bottom.z} local meta_top = minetest_get_meta(top) meta_top:set_int("rotation", 1) node.name = name .."_t_1" minetest.swap_node(top, node) return true end return false end, can_dig = check_player_priv, }) if def.only_redstone_can_open then on_rightclick = nil else on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker) if check_player_priv(pos, clicker) then on_open_close(pos, -1, name.."_b_1", name.."_t_2", name.."_b_2") end end end minetest.register_node(name.."_t_1", { tiles = {tt[2].."^[transformR90", "blank.png", tt[2], tt[2].."^[transformFX", tt[1], tt[1].."^[transformFX"}, use_texture_alpha = minetest.features.use_texture_alpha_string_modes and "clip" or true, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = false, drop = "", drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = def.node_box_top }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = def.selection_box_top }, groups = def.groups, _mcl_hardness = def._mcl_hardness, _mcl_blast_resistance = def._mcl_blast_resistance, sounds = def.sounds, after_destruct = function(top, oldnode) local meta_top = minetest_get_meta(top) if meta_top:get_int("rotation") == 1 then meta_top:set_int("rotation", 0) else local bottom = { x = top.x, y = top.y - 1, z = top.z } if minetest.get_node(top).name ~= name.."_t_2" and minetest.get_node(bottom).name == name.."_b_1" and oldnode.name == name.."_t_1" then minetest.dig_node(bottom) end end end, on_rightclick = on_rightclick, mesecons = { effector = { action_on = on_mesecons_signal_open_top, rules = mesecon.rules.flat, }}, on_rotate = function(top, node, user, mode, param2) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then local meta_top = minetest_get_meta(top) meta_top:set_int("rotation", 1) node.param2 = screwdriver.rotate.facedir(top, node, mode) minetest.swap_node(top, node) local bottom = {x=top.x,y=top.y-1,z=top.z} local meta_bottom = minetest_get_meta(bottom) meta_bottom:set_int("rotation", 1) node.name = name .."_b_1" minetest.swap_node(bottom, node) return true end return false end, can_dig = check_player_priv, }) if def.only_redstone_can_open then on_rightclick = nil else on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker) if check_player_priv(pos, clicker) then on_open_close(pos, 1, name.."_t_2", name.."_b_1", name.."_t_1") end end end minetest.register_node(name.."_b_2", { tiles = {"blank.png", tt[2].."^[transformFXR90", tb[2].."^[transformI", tb[2].."^[transformFX", tb[1].."^[transformFX", tb[1]}, use_texture_alpha = minetest.features.use_texture_alpha_string_modes and "clip" or true, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = false, drop = "", drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = def.node_box_bottom }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = def.selection_box_bottom }, groups = def.groups, _mcl_hardness = def._mcl_hardness, _mcl_blast_resistance = def._mcl_blast_resistance, sounds = def.sounds, after_destruct = function(bottom, oldnode) local meta_bottom = minetest_get_meta(bottom) if meta_bottom:get_int("rotation") == 1 then meta_bottom:set_int("rotation", 0) else local top = { x = bottom.x, y = bottom.y + 1, z = bottom.z } minetest.add_item(bottom, name) if minetest.get_node(bottom).name ~= name.."_b_1" and minetest.get_node(top).name == name.."_t_2" then minetest.remove_node(top) end end end, on_rightclick = on_rightclick, mesecons = { effector = { action_off = on_mesecons_signal_close, }}, on_rotate = function(bottom, node, user, mode, param2) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then local meta_bottom = minetest_get_meta(bottom) meta_bottom:set_int("rotation", 1) node.param2 = screwdriver.rotate.facedir(bottom, node, mode) minetest.swap_node(bottom, node) local top = {x=bottom.x,y=bottom.y+1,z=bottom.z} local meta_top = minetest_get_meta(top) meta_top:set_int("rotation", 1) node.name = name .."_t_2" minetest.swap_node(top, node) return true end return false end, can_dig = check_player_priv, }) if def.only_redstone_can_open then on_rightclick = nil else on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker) if check_player_priv(pos, clicker) then on_open_close(pos, -1, name.."_b_2", name.."_t_1", name.."_b_1") end end end minetest.register_node(name.."_t_2", { tiles = {tt[2].."^[transformR90", "blank.png", tt[2].."^[transformI", tt[2].."^[transformFX", tt[1].."^[transformFX", tt[1]}, use_texture_alpha = minetest.features.use_texture_alpha_string_modes and "clip" or true, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = false, drop = "", drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = def.node_box_top }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = def.selection_box_top }, groups = def.groups, _mcl_hardness = def._mcl_hardness, _mcl_blast_resistance = def._mcl_blast_resistance, sounds = def.sounds, after_destruct = function(top, oldnode) local meta_top = minetest_get_meta(top) if meta_top:get_int("rotation") == 1 then meta_top:set_int("rotation", 0) else local bottom = { x = top.x, y = top.y - 1, z = top.z } if minetest.get_node(top).name ~= name.."_t_1" and minetest.get_node(bottom).name == name.."_b_2" and oldnode.name == name.."_t_2" then minetest.dig_node(bottom) end end end, on_rightclick = on_rightclick, mesecons = { effector = { action_off = on_mesecons_signal_close_top, rules = mesecon.rules.flat, }}, on_rotate = function(top, node, user, mode, param2) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then local meta_top = minetest_get_meta(top) meta_top:set_int("rotation", 1) node.param2 = screwdriver.rotate.facedir(top, node, mode) minetest.swap_node(top, node) local bottom = {x=top.x,y=top.y-1,z=top.z} local meta_bottom = minetest_get_meta(bottom) meta_bottom:set_int("rotation", 1) node.name = name .."_b_2" minetest.swap_node(bottom, node) return true end return false end, can_dig = check_player_priv, }) -- Add entry aliases for the Help if minetest.get_modpath("doc") then doc.add_entry_alias("craftitems", name, "nodes", name.."_b_1") doc.add_entry_alias("craftitems", name, "nodes", name.."_b_2") doc.add_entry_alias("craftitems", name, "nodes", name.."_t_1") doc.add_entry_alias("craftitems", name, "nodes", name.."_t_2") end end