3) Create a text file called mods.conf inside the clientmods directory if it does not exist. this should be in the same directory that has debug.txt in it.
5) Open Minetest and navigate to the Settings tab. Select All Settings. Navigate to Client > Network > Client modding or search for "client". With Client modding selected, select the Edit button and change the displayed option to Enabled in the dropdown, or simply double-click the setting. Save your changes. Note: on some clients this setting my be called enable_client_modding instead of Client modding.
1) make sure you have python 3 installed. for windows users I recommend installing it through the microsoft store: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9PJPW5LDXLZ5
3) in the command prompt, navigate to the directory that has the minetest_intiface.py file in it. this should be in the rumble mod. if you've never used a command line before I recommend asking a friend or google how to do this.