Update documentation

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Fritzler 2022-06-06 15:56:25 -06:00
parent 5c561b951c
commit 645ec0a16c
Signed by: Lazerbeak12345
GPG Key ID: 736DE8D7C58AD7FE
14 changed files with 153 additions and 545 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
Keep in mind that much of this api does not apply to MineCloneJEpC and is ripe for removal.
## Groups ## Groups
MineClone 2 makes very extensive use of groups. Making sure your items and objects have the correct group memberships is very important. MineClone 2 makes very extensive use of groups. Making sure your items and objects have the correct group memberships is very important.
Groups are explained in `GROUPS.md`. Groups are explained in `GROUPS.md`.

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@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
community include:
* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
advances of any kind
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
address, without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
reporter of any incident.
## Enforcement Guidelines
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
### 1. Correction
**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
### 2. Warning
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
of actions.
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
permanent ban.
### 3. Temporary Ban
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
sustained inappropriate behavior.
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
### 4. Permanent Ban
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
the community.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 2.0, available at
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct
enforcement ladder](https://github.com/mozilla/diversity).
[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at

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@ -1,46 +1,27 @@
# Contributing to MineClone2 # Contributing to MineClone2
So you want to contribute to MineClone2? So you want to contribute to MineCloneJEpC?
Wow, thank you! :-) Wow, thank you! :-)
MineClone2 is maintained by Nicu and Fleckenstein. If you have any MineCloneJEpC is maintained by Lazerbeak12345.
problems or questions, contact us (See Links section below).
You can help with MineClone2's development in many different ways, You can help with MineCloneJEpC's development in many different ways,
whether you're a programmer or not. whether you're a programmer or not.
## MineClone2's development target is to... ## MineClone2's development target is to...
- Crucially, create a stable, moddable, free/libre clone of Minecraft - Crucially, create a stable, moddable, free/libre clone of Minecraft
based on the Minetest engine with polished features, usable in both `old_alpha rd-132211` based on the Minetest engine with polished features.
singleplayer and multiplayer. Currently, most of **Minecraft Java No other features will be added.
Edition 1.12.2** features are already implemented and polishing existing
features are prioritized over new feature requests.
- With lessened priority yet strictly, implement features targetting
**Minecraft version 1.17 + OptiFine** (OptiFine only as far as supported
by the Minetest Engine). This means features in parity with the listed
Minecraft experiences are prioritized over those that don't fulfill this
- Optionally, create a performant experience that will run relatively - Optionally, create a performant experience that will run relatively
well on really low spec computers. Unfortunately, due to Minecraft's well on really low spec computers. Unfortunately, due to Minecraft's
mechanisms and Minetest engine's limitations along with a very small mechanisms and Minetest engine's limitations along with a very small
playerbase on low spec computers, optimizations are hard to investigate. playerbase on low spec computers, optimizations are hard to investigate.
## Links
* [Mesehub](https://git.minetest.land/MineClone2/MineClone2)
* [Discord](https://discord.gg/xE4z8EEpDC)
* [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClI_YcsXMF3KNeJtoBfnk9A)
* [IRC](https://web.libera.chat/#mineclone2)
* [Matrix](https://app.element.io/#/room/#mc2:matrix.org)
* [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/MineClone2/)
* [Minetest forums](https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=16407)
* [ContentDB](https://content.minetest.net/packages/wuzzy/mineclone2/)
* [OpenCollective](https://opencollective.com/mineclone2)
## Using git ## Using git
MineClone2 is developed using the version control system MineCloneJEpC is developed using the version control system
[git](https://git-scm.com/). If you want to contribute code to the [git](https://git-scm.com/). If you want to contribute code to the
project, it is **highly recommended** that you learn the git basics. project, it is **highly recommended** that you learn the git basics.
For non-programmers and people who do not plan to contribute code to For non-programmers and people who do not plan to contribute code to
MineClone2, git is not required. However, git is a tool that will be MineCloneJEpC, git is not required. However, git is a tool that will be
referenced frequently because of its usefulness. As such, it is valuable referenced frequently because of its usefulness. As such, it is valuable
in learning how git works and its terminology. It can also help you in learning how git works and its terminology. It can also help you
keeping your game updated, and easily test pull requests. keeping your game updated, and easily test pull requests.
@ -69,20 +50,16 @@ whether the bug / the feature that you are reporting / requesting is
actually an issue with Minetest itself, and if it is, head to the actually an issue with Minetest itself, and if it is, head to the
[Minetest issue tracker](https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues) [Minetest issue tracker](https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues)
instead. instead.
* If you need any help regarding creating a Mesehub account or opening
an issue, feel free to ask on the Discord / Matrix server or the IRC
### Reporting bugs ### Reporting bugs
* A bug is an unintended behavior or, in the worst case, a crash. * A bug is an unintended behavior or, in the worst case, a crash.
However, it is not a bug if you believe something is missing in the However, it is not a bug if you believe something is missing in the
game. In this case, please read "Requesting features" game. In this case, please read "Requesting features"
* If you report a crash, always include the error message. If you play * If you report a crash, always include the error message. Post a
in singleplayer, post a screenshot of the message that Minetest showed screenshot of the message that Minetest showed when the crash happened
when the crash happened (or copy the message into your issue). If you (or copy the message into your issue). If you are a server admin, you
are a server admin, you can find error messages in the log file of the can find error messages in the log file of the server.
server. * Tell us which MineCloneJEpC and Minetest versions you are using.
* Tell us which MineClone2 and Minetest versions you are using.
* Tell us how to reproduce the problem: What you were doing to trigger * Tell us how to reproduce the problem: What you were doing to trigger
the bug, e.g. before the crash happened or what causes the faulty the bug, e.g. before the crash happened or what causes the faulty
behavior. behavior.
@ -91,11 +68,12 @@ behavior.
* Ensure the requested feature fulfills our development targets and * Ensure the requested feature fulfills our development targets and
goals. goals.
* Begging or excessive attention seeking does not help us in the * Begging or excessive attention seeking does not help us in the
slightest, and may very well disrupt MineClone2 development. It's better slightest, and may very well disrupt MineCloneJEpC development. It's
to put that energy into helping or researching the feature in question. better to put that energy into helping or researching the feature in
After all, we're just volunteers working on our spare time. After all, we're just volunteers working on our spare time.
* Ensure the requested feature has not been implemented in MineClone2 * Ensure the requested feature has not been implemented in
latest or development versions. MineCloneJEpC latest or development versions.
### Testing code ### Testing code
If you want to help us with speeding up MineClone2 development and If you want to help us with speeding up MineClone2 development and
@ -110,40 +88,32 @@ tell us if the code works as expected without any issues. Ideally, you
would report issues will pull requests similar to when you were would report issues will pull requests similar to when you were
reporting bugs that are the mainline (See Reporting bugs section). You reporting bugs that are the mainline (See Reporting bugs section). You
can find currently open pull requests here: can find currently open pull requests here:
<https://git.minetest.land/MineClone2/MineClone2/pulls>. Note that pull <https://git.minetest.land/Lazerbeak12345/MineCloneJEpC/pulls>. Note
requests that start with a `WIP:` are not done yet, and therefore might that pull requests that start with a `WIP:` are not done yet, and
not work, so it's not very useful to try them out yet. therefore might not work, so it's not very useful to try them out yet.
### Contributing assets ### Contributing assets
Due to license problems, MineClone2 unfortunately cannot use Due to license problems, MineCloneJEpC unfortunately cannot use
Minecraft's assets, therefore we are always looking for asset Minecraft's assets, therefore we are always looking for asset
contributions. To contribute assets, it can be useful to learn git contributions. To contribute assets, it can be useful to learn git
basics and read the section for Programmers of this document, however basics and read the section for Programmers of this document, however
this is not required. It's also a good idea to join the Discord server this is not required.
(or alternatively IRC or Matrix).
Contribute your assets upstream to MineClone2, and they will
eventually make it here if it fits within the design goals.
#### Textures #### Textures
For textures we use the Pixel Perfection texture pack. This is mostly For textures we use the Pixel Perfection texture pack.
enough; however in some cases - e.g. for newer Minecraft features, it's
useful to have texture artists around. If you want to make such
contributions, join our Discord server. Demands for textures will be
communicated there.
#### Sounds #### Sounds
MineClone2 currently does not have a consistent way to handle sounds. There (should be) no sounds.
The sounds in the game come from different sources, like the SnowZone
resource pack or minetest_game. Unfortunately, MineClone2 does not play
a sound in every situation you would get one in Minecraft. Any help with
sounds is greatly appreciated, however if you add new sounds you should
probably work together with a programmer, to write the code to actually
play these sounds in game.
#### 3D Models #### 3D Models
Most of the 3D Models in MineClone2 come from Most of the 3D Models in MineClone2 come from
[22i's repository](https://github.com/22i/minecraft-voxel-blender-models). [22i's repository](https://github.com/22i/minecraft-voxel-blender-models).
Similar to the textures, we need people that can make 3D Models with
Blender on demand. Many of the models have to be patched, some new Contribute your assets upstream to MineClone2, and they will
animations have to be added etc. eventually make it here if it fits within the design goals.
#### Crediting #### Crediting
Asset contributions will be credited in their own respective sections in Asset contributions will be credited in their own respective sections in
@ -152,35 +122,14 @@ credited in the Contributors section.
### Contributing Translations ### Contributing Translations
#### Workflow There (should be) nothing to translate.
To add/update support for your language to MineClone2, you should take
the steps documented in the section for Programmers, add/update the
translation files of the mods that you want to update. You can add
support for all mods, just some of them or only one mod; you can update
the translation file entirely or only partly; basically any effort is
valued. If your changes are small, you can also send them to developers
via E-Mail, Discord, IRC or Matrix - they will credit you appropriately.
#### Things to note
You can use the script at `tools/check_translate_files.py` to compare
the translation files for the language you are working on with the
template files, to see what is missing and what is out of date with
the template file. However, template files are often incomplete and/or
out of date, sometimes they don't match the code. You can update the
translation files if that is required, you can also modify the code in
your translation PR if it's related to translation. You can also work on
multiple languages at the same time in one PR.
#### Crediting
Translation contributions will be credited in their own in CREDITS.md.
If you have commited the results yourself, you will also be credited in
the Contributors section.
### Profiling ### Profiling
If you own a server, a great way to help us improve MineClone2's code If you own a server, a great way to help us improve MineCloneJEpC's
is by giving us profiler results. Profiler results give us detailed code is by giving us profiler results. Profiler results give us
information about the game's performance and let us know places to detailed information about the game's performance and let us know
investigate optimization issues. This way we can make the game faster. places to investigate optimization issues. This way we can make the
game faster.
#### Using Minetest's profiler #### Using Minetest's profiler
Minetest has a built in profiler. Simply set `profiler.load = true` in Minetest has a built in profiler. Simply set `profiler.load = true` in
@ -190,25 +139,11 @@ file in the world directory containing the results. Open a new issue and
upload the file. You can name the issue "<Server name> profiler upload the file. You can name the issue "<Server name> profiler
results". results".
### Let us know your opinion
It is always encouraged to actively contribute to issue discussions on
MeseHub, let us know what you think about a topic and help us make
decisions. Also, note that a lot of discussion takes place on the
Discord server, so it's definitely worth checking it out.
### Funding
You can help pay for our infrastructure (Mesehub) by donating to our
OpenCollective link (See Links section).
### Crediting ### Crediting
If you opened or have contributed to an issue, you receive the See `CREDITS.md`
`Community` role on our Discord (after asking for it).
OpenCollective Funders are credited in their own section in
`CREDITS.md` and receive a special role "Funder" on our discord (unless
they have made their donation Incognito).
## How you can help as a programmer ## How you can help as a programmer
(Almost) all the MineClone2 development is done using pull requests. (Almost) all the MineCloneJEpC development should be done using pull requests.
### Recommended workflow ### Recommended workflow
* Fork the repository (in case you have not already) * Fork the repository (in case you have not already)
@ -226,14 +161,6 @@ when you're done, but it never hurts to discuss things first. If there
is no issue on the topic, open one. If there is an issue, tell us that is no issue on the topic, open one. If there is an issue, tell us that
you'd like to take care of it, to avoid duplicate work. you'd like to take care of it, to avoid duplicate work.
### Don't hesitate to ask for help
We appreciate any contributing effort to MineClone2. If you are a
relatively new programmer, you can reach us on Discord, Matrix or IRC
for questions about git, Lua, Minetest API, MineClone2 codebase or
anything related to MineClone2. We can help you avoid writing code that
would be deemed inadequate, or help you become familiar with MineClone2
better, or assist you use development tools.
### Maintain your own code, even if already got merged ### Maintain your own code, even if already got merged
Sometimes, your code may cause crashes or bugs - we try to avoid such Sometimes, your code may cause crashes or bugs - we try to avoid such
scenarios by testing every time before merging it, but if your merged scenarios by testing every time before merging it, but if your merged
@ -241,8 +168,8 @@ work causes problems, we ask you fix the issues as soon as possible.
### Changing Gameplay ### Changing Gameplay
Pull Requests that change gameplay have to be properly researched and Pull Requests that change gameplay have to be properly researched and
need to state their sources. These PRs also need Fleckenstein's approval need to state their sources. These PRs also need approval before they
before they are merged. are merged.
You can use these sources: You can use these sources:
* Testing things inside of Minecraft (Attach screenshots / video footage * Testing things inside of Minecraft (Attach screenshots / video footage
@ -339,12 +266,12 @@ end
``` ```
### Developer status ### Developer status
Active and trusted contributors are often granted write access to the Active and trusted contributors may be granted write access to the
MineClone2 repository. MineCloneJEpC repository.
#### Developer responsibilities #### Developer responsibilities
- You should not push things directly to - You should not push things directly to
MineClone2 master - rather, do your work on a branch on your private MineCloneJEpC master - rather, do your work on a branch on your private
repository, then create a pull request. This way other people can review repository, then create a pull request. This way other people can review
your changes and make sure they work before they get merged. your changes and make sure they work before they get merged.
- Merge PRs only when they have recieved the necessary feedback and have - Merge PRs only when they have recieved the necessary feedback and have
@ -380,9 +307,7 @@ merged, by assigning either themselves or Developers to issues / PRs
- Resolving conflicts and problems within the community - Resolving conflicts and problems within the community
#### Current maintainers #### Current maintainers
* Fleckenstein - responsible for gameplay review, publishing releases, * Lazerbeak12345 - I do it all, but may forward things upstream to MineClone2
technical guidelines and issue/PR delegation
* Nicu - responsible for community related issues
#### Release process #### Release process
* Run `tools/generate_ingame_credits.lua` to update the ingame credits * Run `tools/generate_ingame_credits.lua` to update the ingame credits
@ -406,5 +331,4 @@ become part of a free/libre software.
### Crediting ### Crediting
Contributors, Developers and Maintainers will be credited in Contributors, Developers and Maintainers will be credited in
`CREDITS.md`. If you make your first time contribution, please add `CREDITS.md`. If you make your first time contribution, please add
yourself to this file. There are also Discord roles for Contributors, yourself to this file.
Developers and Maintainers.

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@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
# Credits # Credits
> This credits file may not be 100% correct. Most code, mods, and other assets
> were removed in the backport to JEpC, and thus most of the users here don't
> have any code or assets in this project anymore. I've included them anyway.
## Creator of MineClone ## Creator of MineClone
* davedevils * davedevils
## Creator of MineClone2 ## Creator of MineClone2
* Wuzzy * Wuzzy
## Creator of MineClone JEpC
* Lazerbeak12345
## Maintainers ## Maintainers
* Nicu * Nicu

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
## Groups ## Groups
This document explains all the groups used in this game. This document explains all the groups used in this game. Keep in mind that many do not apply to MineCloneJEpC and are ripe for removal.
### Special groups ### Special groups

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@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ Copying is an act of love. Please copy and share! <3
Here's the detailed legalese for those who need it: Here's the detailed legalese for those who need it:
## License of source code ## License of source code
MineClone 2 (by kay27, EliasFleckenstein, Wuzzy, davedevils and countless others) MineClone JEpC (by kay27, EliasFleckenstein, Wuzzy, davedevils, Lazerbeak12345
is an imitation of Minecraft. and countless others) is an imitation of Minecraft.
MineClone 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify MineClone 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ details.
In the mods you might find in the read-me or license In the mods you might find in the read-me or license
text files a different license. This counts as dual-licensing. text files a different license. This counts as dual-licensing.
You can choose which license applies to you: Either the You can choose which license applies to you: Either the
license of MineClone 2 (GNU GPLv3) or the mod's license. license of MineClone JEpC (GNU GPLv3) or the mod's license.
MineClone 2 is a direct continuation of the discontinued MineClone MineClone JEpC is a fork of MineClone 2, which is a direct continuation of the
project by davedevils. discontinued MineClone project by davedevils.
Mod credits: Mod credits:
See `README.txt` or `README.md` in each mod directory for information about other authors. See `README.txt` or `README.md` in each mod directory for information about other authors.

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@ -1,74 +1,48 @@
# MineClone2 # MineCloneJEpC
An unofficial Minecraft-like game for Minetest. Forked from MineClone by davedevils. An unofficial Minecraft-like game for Minetest. Forked from MineClone 2 by Wuzzy.
Developed by many people. Not developed or endorsed by Mojang AB. Developed by many people. Not developed or endorsed by Mojang AB.
Version: 0.75 (in development) Version: 0 (in development)
### Gameplay ### Gameplay
You start in a randomly-generated world made entirely of cubes. You can explore You start in a flat world made entirely of cubes. You can explore the world and
the world and dig and build almost every block in the world to create new dig almost every block in the world, and can use cobblestone to create new
structures. You can choose to play in a “survival mode” in which you have to structures.
fight monsters and hunger for survival and slowly progress through the
various other aspects of the game, such as mining, farming, building machines, and so on Keeping true to the exact version of Minecraft that this is cloning, it's pretty
Or you can play in “creative mode” in which you can build almost anything instantly. bare. There are only grass and cobblestone blocks. Press the action key to
#### Gameplay summary #### Gameplay summary
* Sandbox-style gameplay, no goals * Sandbox-style gameplay, no goals
* Survive: Fight against hostile monsters and hunger
* Mine for ores and other treasures
* Magic: Gain experience and enchant your tools
* Use the collected blocks to create great buildings, your imagination is the limit * Use the collected blocks to create great buildings, your imagination is the limit
* Collect flowers (and other dye sources) and colorize your world * You can build almost anything for free (no cost) and without limit
* Find some seeds and start farming
* Find or craft one of hundreds of items
* Build a railway system and have fun with minecarts
* Build complex machines with redstone circuits
* In creative mode you can build almost anything for free and without limits
## How to play (quick start) ## How to play (quick start)
### Getting started ### Getting started
* **Punch a tree** trunk until it breaks and collect wood - Mine any block with right click
* Place the **wood into the 2×2 grid** (your “crafting grid” in your inventory menu and craft 4 wood planks - Place cobblestone with left click
* Place the 4 wood planks in a 2×2 shape in the crafting grid to **make a crafting table** - Walk around
* **Rightclick the crafting table** for a 3×3 crafting grid to craft more complex things
* Use the **crafting guide** (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes
* **Craft a wooden pickaxe** so you can dig stone
* Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!
* Continue playing as you wish. Have fun!
### Farming ### Farming
* Find seeds None built-in.
* Craft hoe
* Rightclick dirt or similar block with hoe to create farmland
* Place seeds on farmland and watch them grow
* Collect plant when fully grown
* If near water, farmland becomes wet and speeds up growth
### Furnace ### Furnace
* Craft furnace None built-in.
* Furnace allows you to obtain more items
* Upper slot must contain a smeltable item (example: iron ore)
* Lower slot must contain a fuel item (example: coal)
* See tooltips in crafting guide to learn about fuels and smeltable items
### Additional help ### Additional help
More help about the gameplay, blocks items and much more can be found from inside None built-in.
the game. You can access the help from your inventory menu.
### Special items ### Special items
The following items are interesting for Creative Mode and for adventure None built-in.
map builders. They can not be obtained in-game or in the creative inventory.
* Barrier: `mcl_core:barrier`
Use the `/giveme` chat command to obtain them. See the in-game help for
an explanation.
## Installation ## Installation
This game requires [Minetest](http://minetest.net) to run (version 5.4.1 or This game requires [Minetest](http://minetest.net) to run (version 5.4.1 or
later). So you need to install Minetest first. Only stable versions of Minetest later). Older versions might work, but this is untested. So you need to install
are officially supported. Minetest first. Only stable versions of Minetest are officially supported.
There is no support for running MineClone2 in development versions of Minetest. There is no support for running MineClone2 in development versions of Minetest.
To install MineClone2 (if you haven't already), move this directory into the To install MineClone2 (if you haven't already), move this directory into the
@ -76,112 +50,94 @@ To install MineClone2 (if you haven't already), move this directory into the
Minetest to learn more. Minetest to learn more.
## Useful links ## Useful links
The MineClone2 repository is hosted at Mesehub. To contribute or report issues, head there.
* Mesehub: <https://git.minetest.land/MineClone2/MineClone2> Here's the Minecraft wiki page on the version of Minecraft that this is cloning.
* Discord: <https://discord.gg/xE4z8EEpDC>
* YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClI_YcsXMF3KNeJtoBfnk9A>
* IRC: <https://web.libera.chat/#mineclone2>
* Matrix: <https://app.element.io/#/room/#mc2:matrix.org>
* Reddit: <https://www.reddit.com/r/MineClone2/>
* Minetest forums: <https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=16407>
* ContentDB: <https://content.minetest.net/packages/wuzzy/mineclone2/>
* OpenCollective: <https://opencollective.com/mineclone2>
## Target ## Target
- Crucially, create a stable, moddable, free/libre clone of Minecraft - Crucially, create a stable, moddable, free/libre clone of Minecraft
based on the Minetest engine with polished features, usable in both `old_alpha rd-132211` based on the Minetest engine with polished features.
singleplayer and multiplayer. Currently, most of **Minecraft Java No other features will be added.
Edition 1.12.2** features are already implemented and polishing existing
features are prioritized over new feature requests.
- With lessened priority yet strictly, implement features targetting
**Minecraft version 1.17 + OptiFine** (OptiFine only as far as supported
by the Minetest Engine). This means features in parity with the listed
Minecraft experiences are prioritized over those that don't fulfill this
- Optionally, create a performant experience that will run relatively - Optionally, create a performant experience that will run relatively
well on really low spec computers. Unfortunately, due to Minecraft's well on really low spec computers. Unfortunately, due to Minecraft's
mechanisms and Minetest engine's limitations along with a very small mechanisms and Minetest engine's limitations along with a very small
playerbase on low spec computers, optimizations are hard to investigate. playerbase on low spec computers, optimizations are hard to investigate.
## Completion status ## Completion status
This game is currently in **beta** stage. This game is currently in **pre-alpha** stage.
It is playable, but not yet feature-complete. It is playable, but has too many features.
Backwards-compability is not entirely guaranteed, updating your world might cause small bugs. Backwards-compability is not entirely guaranteed, updating your world might cause small bugs.
If you want to use the git version of MineClone2 in production, consider using the production branch.
It is updated weekly and contains relatively stable code for servers.
The following main features are available: The following main features are available (including features I must now remove):
* Tools, weapons * Tools, weapons (TO BE REMOVED)
* Armor * Armor (TO BE REMOVED)
* Crafting system: 2×2 grid, crafting table (3×3 grid), furnace, including a crafting guide * Crafting system: 2×2 grid, crafting table (3×3 grid), furnace, including a crafting guide (TO BE REMOVED)
* Chests, large chests, ender chests, shulker boxes * Chests, large chests, ender chests, shulker boxes (TO BE REMOVED)
* Furnaces, hoppers * Furnaces, hoppers (TO BE REMOVED)
* Hunger * Hunger (TO BE REMOVED)
* Most monsters and animals * Most monsters and animals (TO BE REMOVED)
* All ores from Minecraft * All ores from Minecraft (TO BE REMOVED)
* Most blocks in the overworld * Most blocks in the overworld (TO BE REMOVED)
* Water and lava * Water and lava (TO BE REMOVED)
* Weather * Weather (TO BE REMOVED)
* 28 biomes * 28 biomes (TO BE REMOVED)
* The Nether, a fiery underworld in another dimension * The Nether, a fiery underworld in another dimension (TO BE REMOVED)
* Redstone circuits (partially) * Redstone circuits (partially) (TO BE REMOVED)
* Minecarts (partial) * Minecarts (partial) (TO BE REMOVED)
* Status effects (partial) * Status effects (partial) (TO BE REMOVED)
* Experience * Experience (TO BE REMOVED)
* Enchanting * Enchanting (TO BE REMOVED)
* Brewing, potions, tipped arrow (partial) * Brewing, potions, tipped arrow (partial) (TO BE REMOVED)
* Boats * Boats (TO BE REMOVED)
* Fire * Fire (TO BE REMOVED)
* Buidling blocks: Stairs, slabs, doors, trapdoors, fences, fence gates, walls * Buidling blocks: Stairs, slabs, doors, trapdoors, fences, fence gates, walls (TO BE REMOVED)
* Clock * Clock (TO BE REMOVED)
* Compass * Compass (TO BE REMOVED)
* Sponge * Sponge (TO BE REMOVED)
* Slime block * Slime block (TO BE REMOVED)
* Small plants and saplings * Small plants and saplings (TO BE REMOVED)
* Dyes * Dyes (TO BE REMOVED)
* Banners * Banners (TO BE REMOVED)
* Deco blocks: Glass, stained glass, glass panes, iron bars, hardened clay (and colors), heads and more * Deco blocks: Glass, stained glass, glass panes, iron bars, hardened clay (and colors), heads and more (TO BE REMOVED)
* Item frames * Item frames (TO BE REMOVED)
* Jukeboxes * Jukeboxes (TO BE REMOVED)
* Beds * Beds (TO BE REMOVED)
* Inventory menu * Inventory menu (TO BE REMOVED)
* Creative inventory * Creative inventory (TO BE REMOVED)
* Farming * Farming (TO BE REMOVED)
* Writable books * Writable books (TO BE REMOVED)
* Commands * Commands (TO BE REMOVED)
* Villages * Villages (TO BE REMOVED)
* The End * The End (TO BE REMOVED)
* And more! * And more! (It's a lot of work to remove)
The following features are incomplete: The following features are incomplete: (and might be removed)
* Some monsters and animals * Some monsters and animals (TO BE REMOVED)
* Redstone-related things * Redstone-related things (TO BE REMOVED)
* Special minecarts * Special minecarts (TO BE REMOVED)
* A couple of non-trivial blocks and items * A couple of non-trivial blocks and items (TO BE REMOVED)
Bonus features (not found in Minecraft 1.12): Bonus features (not found in Minecraft 1.12):
* Built-in crafting guide which shows you crafting and smelting recipes * Built-in crafting guide which shows you crafting and smelting recipes (TO BE REMOVED)
* In-game help system containing extensive help about gameplay basics, blocks, items and more * In-game help system containing extensive help about gameplay basics, blocks, items and more (TO BE REMOVED)
* Temporary crafting recipes. They only exist to make some otherwise unaccessible items available when you're not in creative mode. These recipes will be removed as development goes on an more features become available * Temporary crafting recipes. They only exist to make some otherwise unaccessible items available when you're not in creative mode. These recipes will be removed as development goes on an more features become available (TO BE REMOVED)
* Saplings in chests in mapgen v6 * Saplings in chests in mapgen v6 (TO BE REMOVED)
* Fully moddable (thanks to Minetest's powerful Lua API) * Fully moddable (thanks to Minetest's powerful Lua API)
* New blocks and items: * New blocks and items:
* Lookup tool, shows you the help for whatever it touches * Lookup tool, shows you the help for whatever it touches (TO BE REMOVED)
* More slabs and stairs * More slabs and stairs (TO BE REMOVED)
* Nether Brick Fence Gate * Nether Brick Fence Gate (TO BE REMOVED)
* Red Nether Brick Fence * Red Nether Brick Fence (TO BE REMOVED)
* Red Nether Brick Fence Gate * Red Nether Brick Fence Gate (TO BE REMOVED)
Technical differences from Minecraft: Technical differences from Minecraft:
* Height limit of ca. 31000 blocks (much higher than in Minecraft) * Height limit of ca. 31000 blocks (much higher than in Minecraft)
* Horizontal world size is ca. 62000×62000 blocks (much smaller than in Minecraft, but it is still very large) * Horizontal world size is ca. 62000×62000 blocks (much smaller than in Minecraft, but it is still very large)
* Still very incomplete and buggy * Still very incomplete and buggy
* Blocks, items, enemies and other features are missing * Blocks, items, enemies and other features that shouldn't be there
* A few items have slightly different names to make them easier to distinguish * A few items have slightly different names to make them easier to distinguish
* Different music for jukebox * Different music for jukebox
* Different textures (Pixel Perfection) * Different textures (Pixel Perfection)

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
A survival sandbox game. Survive, gather, hunt, mine, build, explore, and do much more. Faithful clone of Minecraft 1.12. This is a work in progress! Expect bugs! A sandbox game. Mine, build, and do little more. Faithful clone of Minecraft rd-132211. This is a work in progress! Expect bugs!

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
name = MineClone 2 name = MineCloneJEpC
description = A survival sandbox game. Survive, gather, hunt, build, explore, and do much more. description = A raw sandbox game. Build, and do little more.

View File

@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ return {
{S("Creator of MineClone2"), 0xFBF837, { {S("Creator of MineClone2"), 0xFBF837, {
"Wuzzy", "Wuzzy",
}}, }},
{S("Creator of MineClone JEpC"), 0xFFFFFF, {
{S("Maintainers"), 0xFF51D5, { {S("Maintainers"), 0xFF51D5, {
"Nicu", "Nicu",
"cora", "cora",

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 87 KiB

View File

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
# This file contains settings of MineClone 2 that can be changed in
# minetest.conf
# In creative mode, players are able to dig all kind of blocks
# instantly, and have access to unlimited resources.
# Items are not used up, and blocks do not drop.
# Some of the functionality is only available if this setting is present
# at startup.
# This setting may be removed in later version in favor of
# per-player Creative Mode.
creative_mode (Creative mode) bool false
# Fire spreads and flammable blocks might be destroyed by nearby fire.
# Destructive fire may cause severe destruction.
# Fire blocks will be non-destructive and stops spreading when this
# setting is disabled, but they still deal damage to creatures.
enable_fire (Destructive and spreading fire) bool true
# If enabled, the weather will change naturally over time.
mcl_doWeatherCycle (Change weather) bool true
# If enabled, breaking blocks will cause them to drop as item.
# Note that blocks never have drops when in Creative Mode.
mcl_doTileDrops (Blocks have drops) bool true
# If enabled, TNT explosions destroy blocks.
mcl_tnt_griefing (TNT destroys blocks) bool true
# If enabled, players respawn at the bed they last lay on instead of normal
# spawn.
# This setting is only read at startup.
enable_bed_respawn (Respawn at bed) bool true
# How many players have to sleep to skip the night, in percent.
# Setting to 0 will mean 1 player is always enough to skip the night. Setting above 100 will prevent skipping the night.
# 100 by default.
# The setting can be changed ingame using `/set mcl_playersSleepingPercentage <number>`
mcl_playersSleepingPercentage (Players Sleeping Percentage) int 100
# Normally, players drop all their items when they die. Enable this
# setting, so players always keep their inventory on death.
mcl_keepInventory (Keep inventory on death) bool false
# If enabled, chat messages are shown to everyone when a player dies.
mcl_showDeathMessages (Show death messages) bool true
# If enabled, the recipe book will progressively be filled with new recipes that can be crafted from all items you ever have had in your inventory.
# Recommended for new players and for a spoiler-free gameplay experience.
# If disabled, all recipes will be shown.
mcl_craftguide_progressive_mode (Learn crafting recipes progressively) bool true
# If enabled, mobs will spawn naturally. This does not affect
# affect mob spawners.
# This setting is only read at startup.
mobs_spawn (Spawn mobs naturally) bool true
# Controls the overall amount of mobs that spawn. The higher the number,
# the less often mobs will spawn. This does not affect mob spawners.
mobs_spawn_chance (Mob spawn chance) float 2.5 0.0
# If enabled, only peaceful mobs will appear naturally. This does not
# affect mob spawners.
# This setting is only read at startup.
only_peaceful_mobs (Spawn only peaceful mobs) bool false
# Allow mobs to spawn in protected areas. This does not affect
# mob spawners.
mobs_spawn_protected (Mobs spawn in protected areas) bool false
# Mobs difficulty. This is a number that will affect the initial and maximum
# health and the amount of damage that mobs deal. Health and damage will
# be multiplied with this number.
mob_difficulty (Mob difficulty factor) float 1.0 0.0
# If enabled, mobs might drop items when they die.
mobs_drop_items (Mobs drop items) bool true
# If enabled, mobs can take, place, change and destroy blocks around them.
mobs_griefing (Mobs change blocks) bool true
# If enabled, mobs won't damage particles when they got hurt.
mobs_disable_blood (Disable mob damage particles) bool false
# Enable flame sound.
flame_sound (Flame sound) bool true
# How many vertical animation frames the fire texture (fire_basic_flame_animated.png) has.
# This may vary depending on the texture pack you use.
# Form: Image height / Image width
fire_animation_frames (Fire Animation Frames) int 8
# Whether to animate chests when open / close
animated_chests (Animated chests) bool true
# The maximum number of boss bars to simultaniously display on the screen
max_bossbars (Maximum Boss bars) int 5
# Whether ice is translucent. If disabled, ice is fully opaque.
# Note: As of Minetest version 5.1.0, translucent ice above oceans
# will look weird, there's a lot of flashing/blinking going on
# due to bugs in Minetest's implementation of translucency.
# See also: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/95
mcl_translucent_ice (Translucent ice) bool false
# Whether to generate fallen logs in some biomes.
# They might not always look pretty and have strange overhangs.
mcl_generate_fallen_logs (Generate fallen logs) bool false
# If enabled, the “flat” map generator generates a Classic Superflat world:
# Completely flat, 1 layer of grass blocks on top of 2 layers of dirt on
# top of a final layer of bedrock. No caves, trees or plants.
# Also, if enabled, the setting “mgflat_flags” is ignored.
# If disabled, Minetest's default flat map generator is used, that is, trees,
# caves, and a deeper underground can be generated.
# Caution: Change this setting with care!
# If you change this setting, then play on an existing flat world
# that started with a different setting (e.g. you changed from superflat
# from “enabled” to “disabled”), there will be continuity errors when players
# reach new areas. Most importantly, the void is much higher in Superflat than
# in “normal” Flat.
# But creating new flat worlds after changing this setting should be safe.
mcl_superflat_classic (Classic superflat map generation) bool false
# If disabled, no ores will be generated.
mcl_generate_ores (Generate Ores) bool true
# If disabled, command blocks will be unusuable (but still present).
mcl_enable_commandblocks (Enable Command Blocks) bool true
# Make some blocks emit decorative particles like flames. This setting
# specifies the detail level of particles, with higher levels being
# more CPU demanding.
# WARNING: This setting has quite poor performance and can slow down your
# game by a lot.
mcl_node_particles (Block particles detail level) enum none high,medium,low,none
# Enable hard overiding of builtin commands.
mcl_builtin_commands_overide (Enable hard overiding of builtin commands.) bool true
# If enabled, this will substitute a few blocks in village schematics so they blend into normal, snowy, and sandy areas. Defaults to true.
basic_pseudobiome_villages (Enables very basic, and experimental "pseudobiome-based" villages) bool true
# If enabled, will run an LBM to fix the top 1/2 of double plants in mcimported worlds; defaults to true.
fix_doubleplants (Mcimport double plant fixes) bool true
# Allow players to create Minecraft-like maps.
enable_real_maps (Enable Real Maps) bool true
# If enabled, this will show the itemstring of an item in the description.
mcl_item_id_debug (Item ID Debug) bool false

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
This directory is for tools and scripts for MineClone 2. This directory is for tools and scripts for MineClone 2.
Currently, the only tool is Texture Converter. Currently, the only tool is Texture Converter.
Prefer the upstream versions where possible. MineCloneJEpC has no plans to change these.
## Texture Converter (EXPERIMENTAL) ## Texture Converter (EXPERIMENTAL)
This is a Python script which converts a resource pack for Minecraft to This is a Python script which converts a resource pack for Minecraft to
a texture pack for Minetest so it can be used with MineClone 2. a texture pack for Minetest so it can be used with MineClone 2.

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
local colors = { local colors = {
["Creator of MineClone"] = "0x0A9400", ["Creator of MineClone"] = "0x0A9400",
["Creator of MineClone2"] = "0xFBF837", ["Creator of MineClone2"] = "0xFBF837",
["Creator of MineCloneJEpC"] = "0x303088",
["Maintainers"] = "0xFF51D5", ["Maintainers"] = "0xFF51D5",
["Developers"] = "0xF84355", ["Developers"] = "0xF84355",
["Contributors"] = "0x52FF00", ["Contributors"] = "0x52FF00",