• aka Kyoushi in Minetest forum and Codeberg.org due to some issues those websites seem to have with my email provider (already registered error).

  • Joined on 2024-01-09
Laudrin commented on issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4462 2024-07-01 12:48:54 +02:00
Farmer still get stuck in composter

Some thoughts regarding this / other issues:

  • Jumping not high enough could be related to problems with villagers (and other mobs) navigating an uphill slope. Often it is not possible for them…
Laudrin commented on issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4473 2024-07-01 11:51:47 +02:00
Kelp no longer turns flowing water to source

Also does water freezing even happen in VL apart from using frost walker?

Not sure if I confuse it with MCLA, there water freezing definitely occurs in snow biomes, I think I encountered it…

Laudrin commented on issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4473 2024-07-01 11:15:25 +02:00
Kelp no longer turns flowing water to source

Not sure if this is related to an issue with water with kelp turning to ice?

If you place kelp into a water source block (or let the kelp change flowing water into source blocks), water [should…

Laudrin commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4444 2024-07-01 10:52:46 +02:00
Update German Translations

No space! See here.

Laudrin commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4444 2024-07-01 10:50:42 +02:00
Update German Translations

Unnecessary space before colon. Adjective "vollständig" should start with a small letter like "aus". Is a space added automatically after the string inserted with @? Otherwise it should be added:

Laudrin commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4444 2024-07-01 10:48:54 +02:00
Update German Translations

Unnecessary space before colon:

Laudrin commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4444 2024-07-01 10:48:03 +02:00
Update German Translations

Not sure if an Ellipse is supported, but I thing the engine supports Unicode strings. Then you should use an ellipsis instead of three single points. And I would add a space before the ellipsis, as it corresponds to the next partial sentence.

Laudrin commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4444 2024-07-01 10:44:05 +02:00
Update German Translations

Below you use informal language ("Du") and mixing "Hoppla" with formal language seems strange to me. To stay consistent, I would suggest:

Laudrin commented on issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#3794 2024-07-01 10:36:57 +02:00
cactus bug and fence

@teknomunk, @the-real-herowl, do you know if there is any reason the line was commented out? If not or if the issue for which it was deactivated was fixed in the meantime, could this line again…

Laudrin commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4350 2024-07-01 10:34:00 +02:00
WIP: Update German Translations

More / New Translations:

  • Bamboo Button -> Bambusknopf
  • Bamboo Mosaic Plank -> Bambusmosaikplankplatte
  • Bamboo Mosaic Stair -> Bambusmosaikstufe
  • Bamboo Plank Stair -> Bambusplankenst…
Laudrin commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4350 2024-07-01 10:21:54 +02:00
WIP: Update German Translations

There is another PR #4444. But both this and the other seem to be not implemented yet … Is there any reason? Only too few people checked the PR or are there issues with it?

Laudrin commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4444 2024-07-01 10:20:08 +02:00
Update German Translations

What about #4350? Are German translations now double or are those here only a few translations?

Laudrin commented on issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#2229 2024-07-01 00:00:11 +02:00
Flying (and swimming) mobs can not usually leave the Y level they spawned at

Today I found a parrot with a y level only a few blocks over ground of my village. I lured the parrot to the village and let it sit in the air (#2581). Unfortunately I wanted to give it a place to…

Laudrin commented on issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#3794 2024-06-30 04:09:10 +02:00
cactus bug and fence

The ABM responsible for digging cactus when a block is to the side is located at https://git.minetest.land/VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre/blame/branch/master/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/functions.lua#L200 and…

Laudrin commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4350 2024-06-29 13:21:12 +02:00
WIP: Update German Translations

Further translations

In the meantime I expanded my crafting guide with more items. I will provide the first half of missing / wrong translations now and the second half depending on my time…

Laudrin commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4350 2024-06-29 12:57:12 +02:00
WIP: Update German Translations
  • Feather Falling -> Federfall Looks like this is already in the branch?

Interesting. I double checked right now (most recent release of VL) and it will still show the English…

Laudrin commented on issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4471 2024-06-29 12:34:26 +02:00
Improvement: Give the fishing rod a real line!

The "Feature request" issue template has this tag. The "Default" template doesn't have it.

Okay, thank you, next time I will use the default template if this is the suggestion of a MC feature…

Laudrin commented on issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4472 2024-06-29 12:33:08 +02:00
Improvement / issue fix: Make it easier for player and villagers to walk through doors

This issue can be integrated into Villager Pathfinding Improvements #2854.

Okay, thank you for the suggestion! 😀 I already referenced this in the thread!

Laudrin commented on issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#2854 2024-06-29 12:31:48 +02:00
Villager Pathfinding Improvements

Not sure if this is a pathfinding issue or movement related, but there are two issues still around in VL:

  1. Villagers are often not able to go through doors, but get stuck at the corner. I…
Laudrin commented on issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4464 2024-06-29 12:15:09 +02:00
Villagers (and other mobs) oblivious to danger, drowning in the ocean or falling into the depth

In the MCLA issue tracker, Codiac posted a similar observation. Maybe this is the cause for the behavior in VL, too?

Haven't checked if…