aliases = {} function alias(short, cmd_table) aliases[short] = cmd_table end -- needs to be in minetest game? -- alias("h", "home") aliases["clc"] = { { "fp", "s1 -2 1 2" }, { "fp", "s2 2 1 -2" }, { "cl" } } aliases["day"] = { { "time", "6000" } } aliases["gim"] = { { "giveme" } } aliases["grm"] = { { "grantme" } } aliases["grma"] = { { "grantme", "all" } } aliases["sd"] = { { "shutdown" } } aliases["t"] = { { "teleport" } } aliases["tr"] = { { "pulverize" } } aliases["t0"] = { { "teleport", "0 0 0" }, { "teleport", "1 1 1" } } -- TODO: move WorldEdit aliases here -- minetest.register_on_sending_chat_message(function(message) if message:sub(1,1) ~= "/" then return end local cmd, param = string.match(message, "^/([^ ]+) *(.*)") if not cmd then minetest.display_chat_message("-!- Empty command") return true end param = param or "" -- run each cmd pair if (not minetest.registered_chatcommands[cmd]) and (aliases[cmd]) then for i, cmd_pair in ipairs(aliases[cmd]) do -- only keep passed in param if first cmd and no given param if table.getn(cmd_pair) > 1 then param = cmd_pair[2] elseif i > 1 then param = "" end minetest.display_chat_message("alias for: /" .. cmd_pair[1] .. " " .. param) minetest.run_server_chatcommand(cmd_pair[1], param) end return true end end)