Fork 0

Fix squid ink sac description and add translations.

* Fix the squid ink sac craftitem description.
* Update de translation.
* Add es, fr, pl and ru translations.
  Note that I do not master all of these languages and this is a best effort
  based on picking what I guessed are the most likely translations.
This commit is contained in:
kabou 2022-05-03 13:23:38 +02:00
parent 35049c765e
commit af1b007b77
7 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_mobitems:bone", {
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_mobitems:ink_sac", {
description = S("Squid Ink Sac"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye."),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("This item is dropped by dead squids. Ink sacs can be used as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye."),
inventory_image = "mcl_mobitems_ink_sac.png",
stack_max = 64,
groups = { craftitem = 1 },

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful
Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Halten Sie den Knochen in der Nähe von Wölfen, um sie anzulocken. Benutzen Sie die „Platzieren“-Taste auf dem Wolf, um ihm den Knochen zu geben und ihn zu zähmen. Sie können dem gezähmten Wolf Befehle erteilen, indem Sie die „Platzieren“-Taste auf ihm benutzen.
Squid Ink Sac=Tintenbeutel
This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Dieser Gegenstand wird von toten Tintenfischen abgeworfen. Tintenbeutel können benutzt werden, um Buch und Feder oder schwarzen Farbstoff zu fertigen.
This item is dropped by dead squids. Ink sacs can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Dieser Gegenstand wird von toten Tintenfischen abgeworfen. Tintenbeutel können als Zutat zum Herstellen von Büchern und Federn oder schwarzen Farbstoff verwendet werden.
Strings are used in crafting.=Fäden sind nützlich in der Fertigung.

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful
Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Empuña el hueso cerca de los lobos para atraerlos. Usa la tecla "Colocar" en el lobo para darle un hueso y domesticarlo. Luego puede dar órdenes al lobo domesticado utilizando la tecla "Colocar".
Squid Ink Sac=Saco de tinta
This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=
This item is dropped by dead squids. Ink sacs can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Este objeto lo sueltan los calamares muertos. Los sacos de tinta se pueden usar como ingrediente para crear libros y plumas o tinte negro.
Strings are used in crafting.=Las cuerdas se usan en la elaboración.

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful
Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Maniez l'os près des loups pour les attirer. Utilisez la touche «Placer» sur le loup pour lui donner un os et l'apprivoiser. Vous pouvez ensuite donner des commandes au loup apprivoisé en utilisant la touche "Placer" sur celui-ci.
Squid Ink Sac=Poche d'encre
This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=
This item is dropped by dead squids. Ink sacs can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Cet objet est lâché par les calmars morts. Les poches d'encre peuvent être utilisés comme ingrédient pour fabriquer des livres vierges ou de la teinture noire.
Strings are used in crafting.=Les ficelles sont utilisées dans l'artisanat.

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@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful
Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Trzymaj kość w pobliżu wilków aby je zwabić. Użyj przycisku "Umieść" na wilku aby dać mu kość i go oswoić. Możesz wtedy wydawać polecenia oswojonemu wilkowi klikając przycisk "Umieść" na nim.
Squid Ink Sac=Torbiel z atramentem
This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=
This item is dropped by dead squids. Ink sacs can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Ten przedmiot wypada z martwych kałamarnic. Torbiel z atramentem może być używany jako składnik do tworzenia książek i piór lub czarnego barwnika.
Strings are used in crafting.=Nić jest użyteczna w wytwarzaniu.

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful
Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Положите кость рядом с волками, чтобы привлечь их. Используйте клавишу “Разместить” на волке, чтобы дать ему кость и приручить его. Вы можете командовать приручёнными волками с помощью клавиши “Разместить”.
Squid Ink Sac=Чернильный мешок
This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=
This item is dropped by dead squids. Ink sacs can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Этот предмет выпадает из мертвых кальмаров. Чернильные мешочки можно использовать в качестве ингредиента для изготовления книги и пера или черной краски.
Strings are used in crafting.=Нити используются для крафтинга

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful
Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=
Squid Ink Sac=
This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=
This item is dropped by dead squids. Ink sacs can be used as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=
Strings are used in crafting.=