local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) -- Check: v7 apple -27787,31,3115 local chance_per_chunk = 39 local noise_multiplier = 1.3 local random_offset = 555 local struct_threshold = chance_per_chunk - 1 local scanning_ratio = 0.0003 local mcl_structures_get_perlin_noise_level = mcl_structures.get_perlin_noise_level local node_list = {"mcl_core:snowblock", "mcl_core:snow", "group:grass_block_snow"} local schematic_top = modpath.."/schematics/mcl_structures_igloo_top.mts" local schematic_basement = modpath.."/schematics/mcl_structures_igloo_basement.mts" local brick = { -- monster egg: [false] = { -- cracked: [false] = "mcl_core:stonebrick", [true ] = "mcl_core:stonebrickcracked", }, [true] = { [false] = "mcl_monster_eggs:monster_egg_stonebrick", [true ] = "mcl_monster_eggs:monster_egg_stonebrickcracked", }, } local dirs = { ["0"] = {x=-1, y=0, z= 0}, ["90"] = {x= 0, y=0, z=-1}, ["180"] = {x= 1, y=0, z= 0}, ["270"] = {x= 0, y=0, z= 1}, } local tdirs = { ["0"] = {x= 1, y=0, z= 0}, ["90"] = {x= 0, y=0, z=-1}, ["180"] = {x=-1, y=0, z= 0}, ["270"] = {x= 0, y=0, z= 1} } local tposes = { ["0"] = {x=7, y=-1, z=3}, ["90"] = {x=3, y=-1, z=1}, ["180"] = {x=1, y=-1, z=3}, ["270"] = {x=3, y=-1, z=7}, } local chest_offsets = { ["0"] = {x=5, y=1, z=5}, ["90"] = {x=5, y=1, z=3}, ["180"] = {x=3, y=1, z=1}, ["270"] = {x=1, y=1, z=5}, } local function on_placed(pos, rotation, pr, size) local chest_offset = chest_offsets[rotation] if not chest_offset then return end local lootitems = mcl_loot.get_multi_loot({ { stacks_min = 1, stacks_max = 1, items = { { itemstring = "mcl_core:apple_gold", weight = 1 }, } }, { stacks_min = 2, stacks_max = 8, items = { { itemstring = "mcl_core:coal_lump", weight = 15, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 4 }, { itemstring = "mcl_core:apple", weight = 15, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 }, { itemstring = "mcl_farming:wheat_item", weight = 10, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 3 }, { itemstring = "mcl_core:gold_nugget", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 }, { itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:rotten_flesh", weight = 10 }, { itemstring = "mcl_tools:axe_stone", weight = 2 }, { itemstring = "mcl_core:emerald", weight = 1 }, } }}, pr) local chest_pos = vector.add(pos, chest_offset) mcl_structures.init_node_construct(chest_pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(chest_pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() mcl_loot.fill_inventory(inv, "main", lootitems, pr) end local function on_placed_top(p1, rotation, pr, size) local y = p1.y + 1 local pos = {x = p1.x, y = y, z = p1.z} local dim = mcl_mapgen[mcl_worlds.pos_to_dimension(pos)] local bottom_of_dimension = (dim and dim.min or mcl_mapgen.EDGE_MIN) + 10 local bottom_of_chunk = mcl_mapgen.get_chunk_beginning(y) local buffer = y - math.max(bottom_of_chunk, bottom_of_dimension) if buffer < 20 then return end local depth = pr:next(19, buffer) local bpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-depth, z=pos.z} local dir = dirs[rotation] if not dir then return end local tdir = tdirs[rotation] -- Trapdoor position local tpos = vector.add(pos, tposes[rotation]) local ladder_param2 = minetest.dir_to_wallmounted(tdir) -- Check how deep we can actuall dig local real_depth = 0 for y = 1, depth - 5 do local node = minetest.get_node({x=tpos.x,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z}) local def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if (not def) or (not def.walkable) or (def.liquidtype ~= "none") then bpos.y = tpos.y-y+1 break end real_depth = real_depth + 1 end if real_depth < 6 then return end -- Generate ladder to basement for y=1, real_depth-1 do minetest.set_node({x=tpos.x-1,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z }, {name = brick[pr:next(1, 10) == 1][pr:next(1, 3) == 1]}) minetest.set_node({x=tpos.x+1,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z }, {name = brick[pr:next(1, 10) == 1][pr:next(1, 3) == 1]}) minetest.set_node({x=tpos.x ,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z-1}, {name = brick[pr:next(1, 10) == 1][pr:next(1, 3) == 1]}) minetest.set_node({x=tpos.x ,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z+1}, {name = brick[pr:next(1, 10) == 1][pr:next(1, 3) == 1]}) minetest.set_node({x=tpos.x ,y=tpos.y-y,z=tpos.z }, {name="mcl_core:ladder", param2=ladder_param2}) end -- Place basement local def = { pos = bpos, schematic = schematic_basement, rotation = rotation, pr = pr, on_placed = on_placed, } mcl_structures.place_schematic(def) minetest.after(5, function(tpos, dir) minetest.swap_node(tpos, {name="mcl_doors:trapdoor", param2=20+minetest.dir_to_facedir(dir)}) -- TODO: more reliable param2 end, tpos, dir) end local function place(pos, rotation, pr) local def = { pos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}, schematic = schematic_top, rotation = rotation or tostring(pr:next(0,3)*90), pr = pr, on_placed = on_placed_top, } -- FIXME: This spawns bookshelf instead of furnace. Fix this! -- Furnace does not work atm because apparently meta is not set. :-( mcl_structures.place_schematic(def) end local function get_place_rank(pos) local x, y, z = pos.x, pos.y, pos.z local p1 = {x = x , y = y, z = z } local p2 = {x = x + 9, y = y, z = z + 9} local best_pos_list_surface = #minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, node_list, false) local other_pos_list_surface = #minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, "group:opaque", false) return 10 * (best_pos_list_surface) + other_pos_list_surface - 640 end mcl_structures.register_structure({ name = "igloo", decoration = { deco_type = "simple", place_on = node_list, flags = "all_floors", fill_ratio = scanning_ratio, y_min = -33, y_max = mcl_mapgen.overworld.max, height = 1, }, on_finished_chunk = function(minp, maxp, seed, vm_context, pos_list) local pr = PseudoRandom(seed + random_offset) local random_number = pr:next(1, chance_per_chunk) local noise = mcl_structures_get_perlin_noise_level(minp) * noise_multiplier if (random_number + noise) < struct_threshold then return end local pos local count = -1 for i = 1, #pos_list do local pos_i = vector.subtract(pos_list[i], {x = 4, y = 1, z = 4}) local count_i = get_place_rank(pos_i) if count_i > count then count = count_i pos = pos_i end end if count < 0 then return end place(pos, nil, pr) end, place_function = place, })