-- Generate strongholds. -- A total of 128 strongholds are generated in rings around the world origin. -- This is the list of rings, starting with the innermost ring first. local stronghold_rings = { -- amount: Number of strongholds in ring. -- min, max: Minimum and maximum distance from (X=0, Z=0). { amount = 3, min = 1408, max = 2688 }, { amount = 6, min = 4480, max = 5760 }, { amount = 10, min = 7552, max = 8832 }, { amount = 15, min = 10624, max = 11904 }, { amount = 21, min = 13696, max = 14976 }, { amount = 28, min = 16768, max = 18048 }, { amount = 36, min = 19840, max = 21120 }, { amount = 9, min = 22912, max = 24192 }, } local strongholds = {} local strongholds_inited = false local superflat = mcl_mapgen.superflat -- Determine the stronghold positions and store them into the strongholds table. -- The stronghold positions are based on the world seed. -- The actual position might be offset by a few blocks because it might be shifted -- to make sure the end portal room is completely within the boundaries of a mapchunk. local init_strongholds = function() if strongholds_inited then return end -- Don't generate strongholds in singlenode if mcl_mapgen.singlenode then strongholds_inited = true return end local seed = tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("seed")) local pr = PseudoRandom(seed) for s=1, #stronghold_rings do local ring = stronghold_rings[s] -- Get random angle local angle = pr:next() -- Scale angle to 0 .. 2*math.pi angle = (angle / 32767) * (math.pi*2) for a=1, ring.amount do local dist = pr:next(ring.min, ring.max) local y if superflat then y = mcl_mapgen.overworld.bedrock_max + 3 else y = pr:next(mcl_mapgen.overworld.bedrock_max+1, mcl_mapgen.overworld.bedrock_min+48) end local pos = { x = math.cos(angle) * dist, y = y, z = math.sin(angle) * dist } pos = vector.round(pos) table.insert(strongholds, { pos = pos, generated = false }) -- Rotate angle by (360 / amount) degrees. -- This will cause the angles to be evenly distributed in the stronghold ring angle = math.fmod(angle + ((math.pi*2) / ring.amount), math.pi*2) end end mcl_structures.register_structures("stronghold", table.copy(strongholds)) strongholds_inited = true end init_strongholds() -- Stronghold generation for register_on_generated. mcl_mapgen.register_chunk_generator(function(minp, maxp, blockseed) local pr = PseudoRandom(blockseed) for s=1, #strongholds do if not strongholds[s].generated then local pos = strongholds[s].pos if minp.x <= pos.x and maxp.x >= pos.x and minp.z <= pos.z and maxp.z >= pos.z and minp.y <= pos.y and maxp.y >= pos.y then -- Make sure the end portal room is completely within the current mapchunk -- The original pos is changed intentionally. if pos.x - 6 < minp.x then pos.x = minp.x + 7 end if pos.x + 6 > maxp.x then pos.x = maxp.x - 7 end if pos.y - 4 < minp.y then pos.y = minp.y + 5 end if pos.y + 4 > maxp.y then pos.y = maxp.y - 5 end if pos.z - 6 < minp.z then pos.z = minp.z + 7 end if pos.z + 6 > maxp.z then pos.z = maxp.z - 7 end mcl_structures.call_struct(pos, "end_portal_shrine", nil, pr) strongholds[s].generated = true end end end end, 999999)