--List of all tools like ( hammers , file ets) local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname()) local name = minetest.get_current_modname() local path = minetest.get_modpath(name) --Work hammer minetest.register_craftitem("owl_tech:work_hammer", { description = S("Work hammer"), _doc_items_longdesc = S("First way to get plater"), inventory_image = "owl_tech_work_hammer_head.png^owl_tech_hoe_stick.png", stack_max = 1, groups = { craftitem = 1 }, }) --Crafte work hammer minetest.register_craft({ type = "shaped", output = "owl_tech:work_hammer", recipe = { {"owl_tech:iron_ingot","owl_tech:iron_ingot",""}, {"owl_tech:iron_ingot","owl_tech:iron_ingot",""}, {"","mcl_core:stick",""} } }) --Work file for crafte minetest.register_craftitem("owl_tech:work_file", { description = S("Work file"), _doc_items_longdesc = S("First way to get plater"), inventory_image = "owl_tech_work_file.png", stack_max = 1, groups = { craftitem = 1 }, }) --Crafte worlk file minetest.register_craft({ type = "shaped", output = "owl_tech:work_file", recipe = { {"","owl_tech:iron_ingot",""}, {"","owl_tech:iron_ingot",""}, {"","mcl_core:stick",""} } }) --Work mortar minetest.register_craftitem("owl_tech:work_mortar", { description = S("Work mortar"), _doc_items_longdesc = S("First way to get dusts"), inventory_image = "owl_tech_mortar.png", stack_max = 1, groups = { craftitem = 1 }, }) --Crafte worlk file minetest.register_craft({ type = "shaped", output = "owl_tech:work_mortar", recipe = { {"","owl_tech:iron_ingot",""}, {"mcl_core:stone","owl_tech:iron_ingot","mcl_core:stone"}, {"mcl_core:stone","mcl_core:stick","mcl_core:stone"} } }) --Work mortar minetest.register_craftitem("owl_tech:wrench", { description = S("Wrench"), _doc_items_longdesc = S("Use for crafte and some confige machins"), inventory_image = "owl_tech_wrench.png", stack_max = 1, groups = { craftitem = 1,hand_wrench=1}, }) --Crafte wrench minetest.register_craft({ type = "shaped", output = "owl_tech:wrench", recipe = { {"owl_tech:iron_ingot","","owl_tech:iron_ingot"}, {"owl_tech:iron_ingot","owl_tech:iron_ingot","owl_tech:iron_ingot"}, {"","owl_tech:iron_ingot",""} } })