678 lines
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678 lines
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-- interlocking/database.lua
-- saving the location of TCB's, their neighbors and their state
The interlocking system is based on track circuits.
Track circuit breaks must be manually set by the user. Signals must be assigned to track circuit breaks and to a direction(connid).
To simplify the whole system, there is no overlap.
== Trains ==
Trains always occupy certain track circuits. These are shown red in the signalbox view (TRAIN occupation entry).
== Database storage ==
The things that are actually saved are the Track Circuit Breaks. Each TCB holds a list of the TCBs that are adjacent in each direction.
TC occupation/state is then saved inside each (TCB,Direction) and held in sync across all TCBs adjacent to this one. If something should not be in sync,
all entries are merged to perform the most restrictive setup.
== Traverser function ==
To determine and update the list of neighboring TCBs, we need a traverser function.
It will start at one TCB in a specified direction (connid) and use get_adjacent_rail to crawl along the track. When encountering a turnout or a crossing,
it needs to branch(call itself recursively) to find all required TCBs. Those found TCBs are then saved in a list as tuples (TCB,Dir)
In the last step, they exchange their neighbors.
== TC states ==
A track circuit does not have a state as such, but has more or less a list of "reservations"
type can be one of these:
TRAIN See Trains obove
ROUTE Route set from a signal, but no train has yet passed that signal.
Not implemented (see note by reversible): OWNED - former ROUTE segments that a train has begun passing (train_id assigned)
- Space behind a train up to the next signal, when a TC is set as REVERSIBLE
Certain TCs can be marked as "allow call-on".
== Route setting: ==
Routes are set from a signal (the entry signal) to another signal facing the same direction (the exit signal)
Remember that signals are assigned to a TCB and a connid.
Whenever this is done, the following track circuits are set "reserved" by the train by saving the entry signal's ID:
- all TCs on the direct way of the route - set as ROUTE
Route setting fails whenever any TC that we want to set ROUTE to is already set ROUTE or TRAIN from another signal (except call-on, see below)
Apart from this, we need to set turnouts
- Turnouts on the track are set held as ROUTE
- Turnouts that purpose as flank protection are set held as FLANK (NOTE: left as an idea for later, because it's not clear how to do this properly without an engineer)
Note: In SimSig, it is possible to set a route into an still occupied section on the victoria line sim. (at the depot exit at seven sisters), although
there are still segments set ahead of the first train passing, remaining from another route.
Because our system will be able to remember "requested routes" and set them automatically once ready, this is not necessary here.
== Call-On/Multiple Trains ==
It will be necessary to join and split trains using call-on routes. A call-on route may be set when:
- there are no ROUTE reservations
- there are TRAIN reservations only inside TCs that have "allow call-on" set
== TC Properties ==
Note: Reversible property will not be implemented, assuming everything as non-rev.
This is sufficient to cover all use cases, and is done this way in reality.
REVERSIBLE - Whether trains are allowed to reverse while on track circuit
This property is supposed to be set for station tracks, where there is a signal at each end, and for sidings.
It should in no case be set for TCs covering turnouts, or for main running lines.
When a TC is not set as reversible, the OWNED status is cleared from the TC right after the train left it,
to allow other trains to pass it.
If it is set reversible, interlocking will keep the OWNED state behind the train up to the next signal, clearing it
as soon as the train passes another signal or enters a non-reversible section.
CALL_ON_ALLOWED - Whether this TC being blocked (TRAIN or ROUTE) does not prevent shunt routes being set through this TC
== More notes ==
- It may not be possible to switch turnouts when their TC has any state entry
== Route releasing (TORR) ==
A train passing through a route happens as follows:
Route set from entry to exit signal
Train passes entry signal and enters first TC past the signal
-> Route from signal cleared (TCs remain locked)
-> ROUTE status of first TC past signal cleared
Train continues along the route.
Whenever train leaves a TC
-> Clearing any routes set from this TC outward recursively - see "Reversing problem"
Whenever train enters a TC
-> Clear route status from the just entered TC
Note that this prohibits by design that the train clears the route ahead of it.
== Reversing Problem ==
Encountered at the Royston simulation in SimSig. It is solved there by imposing a time limit on the set route. Call-on routes can somehow be set anyway.
Imagine this setup: (T=Train, R=Route, >=in_dir TCB)
O-| Royston P2 |-O
Train T enters from the left, the route is set to the right signal. But train is supposed to reverse here and stops this way:
O-| Royston P2 |-O
The "Route" on the right is still set. Imposing a timeout here is a thing only professional engineers can determine, not an algorithm.
O-| Royston P2 |-O
The train has left again, while route on the right is still set.
So, we have to clear the set route when the train has left the left TC.
This does not conflict with call-on routes, because both station tracks are set as "allow call-on"
Because none of the routes extends past any non-call-on sections, call-on route would be allowed here, even though the route
is locked in opposite direction at the time of routesetting.
Another case of this:
The / here is a non-interlocked turnout (to a non-frequently used siding). For some reason, there is no exit node there,
so the route is set to the signal at the right end. The train is taking the exit to the siding and frees the TC, without ever
having touched the right TC.
local TRAVERSER_LIMIT = 1000
local ildb = {}
local track_circuit_breaks = {}
local track_sections = {}
-- Assignment of signals to TCBs
local signal_assignments = {}
-- track+direction -> signal position
local influence_points = {}
advtrains.interlocking.npr_rails = {}
function ildb.load(data)
if not data then return end
if data.tcbs then
track_circuit_breaks = data.tcbs
if data.ts then
track_sections = data.ts
if data.signalass then
signal_assignments = data.signalass
if data.rs_locks then
advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_locks = data.rs_locks
if data.rs_callbacks then
advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_callbacks = data.rs_callbacks
if data.influence_points then
influence_points = data.influence_points
if data.npr_rails then
advtrains.interlocking.npr_rails = data.npr_rails
-- let signal_api load data
--COMPATIBILITY to Signal aspect format
-- TODO remove in time...
for pts,tcb in pairs(track_circuit_breaks) do
for connid, tcbs in ipairs(tcb) do
if tcbs.routes then
for _,route in ipairs(tcbs.routes) do
if route.aspect then
-- transform the signal aspect format
local asp = route.aspect
if type(asp.main) == "table" then
atwarn("Transforming route aspect of signal",pts,"/",connid,"")
if asp.main.free then
asp.main = asp.main.speed
asp.main = 0
if asp.dst.free then
asp.dst = asp.dst.speed
asp.dst = 0
asp.proceed_as_main = asp.shunt.proceed_as_main
asp.shunt = asp.shunt.free
-- Note: info table not transferred, it's not used right now
function ildb.save()
local data = {
tcbs = track_circuit_breaks,
signalass = signal_assignments,
rs_locks = advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_locks,
rs_callbacks = advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_callbacks,
influence_points = influence_points,
npr_rails = advtrains.interlocking.npr_rails,
supposed_aspects = advtrains.interlocking.save_supposed_aspects(),
distant = advtrains.distant.save(),
return data
TCB data structure
-- This is the "A" side of the TCB
[1] = { -- Variant: with adjacent TCs.
ts_id = <id> -- ID of the assigned track section
signal = <pos> -- optional: when set, routes can be set from this tcb/direction and signal
-- aspect will be set accordingly.
routeset = <index in routes> -- Route set from this signal. This is the entry that is cleared once
-- train has passed the signal. (which will set the aspect to "danger" again)
route_committed = <boolean> -- When setting/requesting a route, routetar will be set accordingly,
-- while the signal still displays danger and nothing is written to the TCs
-- As soon as the route can actually be set, all relevant TCs and turnouts are set and this field
-- is set true, clearing the signal
aspect = <asp> -- The aspect the signal should show. If this is nil, should show the most restrictive aspect (red)
signal_name = <string> -- The human-readable name of the signal, only for documenting purposes
routes = { <route definition> } -- a collection of routes from this signal
route_auto = <boolean> -- When set, we will automatically re-set the route (designated by routeset)
-- This is the "B" side of the TCB
[2] = { -- Variant: end of track-circuited area (initial state of TC)
ts_id = nil, -- this is the indication for end_of_interlocking
section_free = <boolean>, --this can be set by an exit node via mesecons or atlatc,
-- or from the tc formspec.
Track section
[id] = {
name = "Some human-readable name"
tc_breaks = { <signal specifier>,... } -- Bounding TC's (signal specifiers)
-- Can be direct ends (auto-detected), conflicting routes or TCBs that are too far away from each other
route = {
origin = <signal>, -- route origin
entry = <sigd>, -- supposed train entry point
rsn = <string>,
first = <bool>
route_post = {
locks = {[n] = <pts>}
next = <sigd>
-- Set whenever a route has been set through this TC. It saves the origin tcb id and side
-- (=the origin signal). rsn is some description to be shown to the user
-- first says whether to clear the routesetting status from the origin signal.
-- locks contains the positions where locks are held by this ts.
-- 'route' is cleared when train enters the section, while 'route_post' cleared when train leaves section.
trains = {<id>, ...} -- Set whenever a train (or more) reside in this TC
Signal specifier (sigd) (a pair of TCB/Side):
{p = <pos>, s = <1/2>}
Signal Assignments: reverse lookup of signals assigned to TCBs
signal_assignments = {
[<signal pts>] = <sigd>
function ildb.create_tcb(pos)
local new_tcb = {
[1] = {},
[2] = {},
local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
if not track_circuit_breaks[pts] then
track_circuit_breaks[pts] = new_tcb
return true
return false
function ildb.get_tcb(pos)
local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
return track_circuit_breaks[pts]
function ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
local tcb = ildb.get_tcb(sigd.p)
if not tcb then return nil end
return tcb[sigd.s]
function ildb.create_ts(sigd)
local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
local id = advtrains.random_id()
while track_sections[id] do
id = advtrains.random_id()
track_sections[id] = {
name = "Section "..id,
tc_breaks = { sigd }
tcbs.ts_id = id
function ildb.get_ts(id)
return track_sections[id]
-- various helper functions handling sigd's
local sigd_equal = advtrains.interlocking.sigd_equal
local function insert_sigd_nodouble(list, sigd)
for idx, cmp in pairs(list) do
if sigd_equal(sigd, cmp) then
table.insert(list, sigd)
-- This function will actually handle the node that is in connid direction from the node at pos
-- so, this needs the conns of the node at pos, since these are already calculated
local function traverser(found_tcbs, pos, conns, connid, count, brk_when_found_n)
local adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, conns, connid, advtrains.all_tracktypes)
if not adj_pos then
--atdebug("Traverser found end-of-track at",pos, connid)
-- look whether there is a TCB here
if #next_conns == 2 then --if not, don't even try!
local tcb = ildb.get_tcb(adj_pos)
if tcb then
-- done with this branch
--atdebug("Traverser found tcb at",adj_pos, adj_connid)
insert_sigd_nodouble(found_tcbs, {p=adj_pos, s=adj_connid})
-- recursion abort condition
if count > TRAVERSER_LIMIT then
--atdebug("Traverser hit counter at",adj_pos, adj_connid)
return true
-- continue traversing
local counter_hit = false
for nconnid, nconn in ipairs(next_conns) do
if adj_connid ~= nconnid then
counter_hit = counter_hit or traverser(found_tcbs, adj_pos, next_conns, nconnid, count + 1, brk_when_found_n)
if brk_when_found_n and #found_tcbs>=brk_when_found_n then
return counter_hit
-- Merges the TS with merge_id into root_id and then deletes merge_id
local function merge_ts(root_id, merge_id)
local rts = ildb.get_ts(root_id)
local mts = ildb.get_ts(merge_id)
if not mts then return end -- This may be the case when sync_tcb_neighbors
-- inserts the same id twice. do nothing.
if not ildb.may_modify_ts(rts) then return false end
if not ildb.may_modify_ts(mts) then return false end
-- cobble together the list of TCBs
for _, msigd in ipairs(mts.tc_breaks) do
local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(msigd)
if tcbs then
insert_sigd_nodouble(rts.tc_breaks, msigd)
tcbs.ts_id = root_id
-- done
track_sections[merge_id] = nil
local lntrans = { "A", "B" }
local function sigd_to_string(sigd)
return minetest.pos_to_string(sigd.p).." / "..lntrans[sigd.s]
-- Check for near TCBs and connect to their TS if they have one, and syncs their data.
function ildb.sync_tcb_neighbors(pos, connid)
local found_tcbs = { {p = pos, s = connid} }
local node_ok, conns, rhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, advtrains.all_tracktypes)
if not node_ok then
atwarn("update_tcb_neighbors but node is NOK: "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
--atdebug("Traversing from ",pos, connid)
local counter_hit = traverser(found_tcbs, pos, conns, connid, 0)
local ts_id
local list_eoi = {}
local list_ok = {}
local list_mismatch = {}
local ts_to_merge = {}
for idx, sigd in pairs(found_tcbs) do
local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
if not tcbs.ts_id then
--atdebug("Sync: put",sigd_to_string(sigd),"into list_eoi")
table.insert(list_eoi, sigd)
elseif not ts_id and tcbs.ts_id then
if not ildb.get_ts(tcbs.ts_id) then
atwarn("Track section database is inconsistent, there's no TS with ID=",tcbs.ts_id)
tcbs.ts_id = nil
table.insert(list_eoi, sigd)
--atdebug("Sync: put",sigd_to_string(sigd),"into list_ok")
ts_id = tcbs.ts_id
table.insert(list_ok, sigd)
elseif ts_id and tcbs.ts_id and tcbs.ts_id ~= ts_id then
atwarn("Track section database is inconsistent, sections share track!")
table.insert(list_mismatch, sigd)
table.insert(ts_to_merge, tcbs.ts_id)
if ts_id then
local ts = ildb.get_ts(ts_id)
for _, sigd in ipairs(list_eoi) do
local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
tcbs.ts_id = ts_id
table.insert(ts.tc_breaks, sigd)
for _, mts in ipairs(ts_to_merge) do
merge_ts(ts_id, mts)
function ildb.link_track_sections(merge_id, root_id)
if merge_id == root_id then
merge_ts(root_id, merge_id)
function ildb.remove_from_interlocking(sigd)
local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
if not ildb.may_modify_tcbs(tcbs) then return false end
if tcbs.ts_id then
local tsid = tcbs.ts_id
local ts = ildb.get_ts(tsid)
if not ts then
tcbs.ts_id = nil
return true
-- remove entry from the list
local idx = 1
while idx <= #ts.tc_breaks do
local cmp = ts.tc_breaks[idx]
if sigd_equal(sigd, cmp) then
table.remove(ts.tc_breaks, idx)
idx = idx + 1
tcbs.ts_id = nil
--ildb.sync_tcb_neighbors(sigd.p, sigd.s)
if #ts.tc_breaks == 0 then
track_sections[tsid] = nil
if tcbs.signal then
return false
return true
function ildb.remove_tcb(pos)
local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
if not track_circuit_breaks[pts] then
return true --FIX: not an error, because tcb is already removed
for connid=1,2 do
if not ildb.remove_from_interlocking({p=pos, s=connid}) then
return false
track_circuit_breaks[pts] = nil
return true
function ildb.dissolve_ts(ts_id)
local ts = ildb.get_ts(ts_id)
if not ildb.may_modify_ts(ts) then return false end
local tcbr = advtrains.merge_tables(ts.tc_breaks)
for _,sigd in ipairs(tcbr) do
-- Note: ts gets removed in the moment of the removal of the last TCB.
return true
-- Returns true if it is allowed to modify any property of a track section, such as
-- - removing TCBs
-- - merging and dissolving sections
-- As of now the action will be denied if a route is set or if a train is in the section.
function ildb.may_modify_ts(ts)
if ts.route or ts.route_post or (ts.trains and #ts.trains>0) then
return false
return true
function ildb.may_modify_tcbs(tcbs)
if tcbs.ts_id then
local ts = ildb.get_ts(tcbs.ts_id)
if ts and not ildb.may_modify_ts(ts) then
return false
return true
-- Utilize the traverser to find the track section at the specified position
-- Returns:
-- ts_id, origin - the first found ts and the sigd of the found tcb
-- nil - there were no TCBs in TRAVERSER_MAX range of the position
-- false - the first found TCB stated End-Of-Interlocking, or track ends were reached
function ildb.get_ts_at_pos(pos)
local node_ok, conns, rhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, advtrains.all_tracktypes)
if not node_ok then
error("get_ts_at_pos but node is NOK: "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
local limit_hit = false
local found_tcbs = {}
for connid, conn in ipairs(conns) do -- Note: a breadth-first-search would be better for performance
limit_hit = limit_hit or traverser(found_tcbs, pos, conns, connid, 0, 1)
if #found_tcbs >= 1 then
local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(found_tcbs[1])
local ts
if tcbs.ts_id then
return tcbs.ts_id, found_tcbs[1]
return false
if limit_hit then
-- there was at least one limit hit
return nil
-- all traverser ends were track ends
return false
-- returns the sigd the signal at pos belongs to, if this is known
function ildb.get_sigd_for_signal(pos)
local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
local sigd = signal_assignments[pts]
if sigd then
if not ildb.get_tcbs(sigd) then
signal_assignments[pts] = nil
return nil
return sigd
return nil
function ildb.set_sigd_for_signal(pos, sigd)
local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
signal_assignments[pts] = sigd
-- checks if there's any influence point set to this position
-- if purge is true, checks whether the associated signal still exists
-- and deletes the ip if not.
function ildb.is_ip_at(pos, purge)
local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
if influence_points[pts] then
if purge then
-- is there still a signal assigned to it?
for connid, sigpos in pairs(influence_points[pts]) do
local asp = advtrains.interlocking.signal_get_aspect(sigpos)
if not asp then
atlog("Clearing orphaned signal influence point", pts, "/", connid)
ildb.clear_ip_signal(pts, connid)
-- if there's no side left after purging, return false
if not influence_points[pts] then return false end
return true
return false
-- checks if a signal is influencing here
function ildb.get_ip_signal(pts, connid)
if influence_points[pts] then
return influence_points[pts][connid]
-- Tries to get aspect to obey here, if there
-- is a signal ip at this location
-- auto-clears invalid assignments
function ildb.get_ip_signal_asp(pts, connid)
local p = ildb.get_ip_signal(pts, connid)
if p then
local asp = advtrains.interlocking.signal_get_aspect(p)
if not asp then
atlog("Clearing orphaned signal influence point", pts, "/", connid)
ildb.clear_ip_signal(pts, connid)
return nil
return asp, p
return nil
-- set signal assignment.
function ildb.set_ip_signal(pts, connid, spos)
if not influence_points[pts] then
influence_points[pts] = {}
influence_points[pts][connid] = spos
-- clear signal assignment.
function ildb.clear_ip_signal(pts, connid)
influence_points[pts][connid] = nil
for _,_ in pairs(influence_points[pts]) do
influence_points[pts] = nil
function ildb.get_ip_by_signalpos(spos)
for pts,tab in pairs(influence_points) do
for connid,pos in pairs(tab) do
if vector.equals(pos, spos) then
return pts, connid
function ildb.check_for_duplicate_ip(spos)
local main_ip_found = false
-- first pass: check for duplicates
for pts,tab in pairs(influence_points) do
for connid,pos in pairs(tab) do
if vector.equals(pos, spos) then
if main_ip_found then
atwarn("Signal at",spos,": Deleting duplicate signal influence point at",pts,"/",connid)
tab[connid] = nil
main_ip_found = true
-- second pass: delete empty tables
for pts,tab in pairs(influence_points) do
if not tab[1] and not tab[2] then -- only those two connids may exist
influence_points[pts] = nil
-- clear signal assignment given the signal position
function ildb.clear_ip_by_signalpos(spos)
local pts, connid = ildb.get_ip_by_signalpos(spos)
if pts then ildb.clear_ip_signal(pts, connid) end
advtrains.interlocking.db = ildb