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2 Commits

5685 changed files with 39111 additions and 120909 deletions

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
root = true
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
indent_style = tab
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
keep_one_space_between_table_and_bracket = false
spaces_around_operators = true

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
name: "Bug report"
about: "File a bug report"
- unconfirmed
- bug
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this bug report!
Please follow our contributing guidelines first:
By submitting this issue, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct:
What version of VoxeLibre are you using? We do not provide support for outdated versions of VoxeLibre.
Current latest version is listed here, at the top:
VoxeLibre version:
### What happened?
Report about the bug! Please send large log snippets as an attachement file.
### What should happen:
Tell us what should happen!
### Steps to reproduce
Tell us how we can reproduce the bug!

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
name: "Feature request"
about: "File a feature request not in Minecraft"
- "non-Minecraft feature"
- "needs discussion"
Got a new non-Minecraft feature request? Explain to us why we should consider your idea.
Please follow our contributing guidelines first:
By submitting this issue, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct:
### Feature
Tell us about your requested feature not in Minecraft!
### Why
Tell us why should we implement it!

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
name: "Missing Feature request"
about: "File a missing feature request in Minecraft but not in MineClone2"
- "missing feature"
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this missing feature request!
Please follow our contributing guidelines first:
By submitting this issue, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct:
### Current feature in Minecraft
Tell us about the feature currently in Minecraft! What is it like on Minecraft?
### Current feature in VoxeLibre
Tell us about the feature currently in VoxeLibre! What is different?

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
name: "Pull request"
about: "Submit a pull request"
Please follow our contributing guidelines first:
By submitting this pull request, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct:
Tell us about your pull request! Reference related issues, if necessary
### Testing
Tell us how to test your changes!

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# Text Editor TMP Files

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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
---@diagnostic disable
unused_args = false unused_args = false
allow_defined_top = true allow_defined_top = true
max_line_length = false max_line_length = false
@ -42,16 +40,4 @@ read_globals = {
"factorial" "factorial"
} }
}, },
"sfinv", "sfinv_buttons", "unified_inventory", "cmsg", "inventory_plus",
} }

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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
"runtime.version": "LuaJIT",
"diagnostics": { "disable": ["lowercase-global"] },
"diagnostics.globals": [
"workspace.ignoreDir": [".luacheckrc"]

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
## Groups ## Groups
VoxeLibre makes very extensive use of groups. Making sure your items and objects have the correct group memberships is very important. MineClone 2 makes very extensive use of groups. Making sure your items and objects have the correct group memberships is very important.
Groups are explained in ``. Groups are explained in ``.
## Mod naming convention ## Mod naming convention
Mods mods in VoxeLibre follow a simple naming convention: Mods with the prefix "`vl_`" and “`mcl_`” are specific to VoxeLibre (formerly known as MineClone2), although they may be based on an existing standalone. Mods which lack this prefix are *usually* verbatim copies of a standalone mod. Some modifications may still have been applied, but the APIs are held compatible. Mods mods in MineClone 2 follow a simple naming convention: Mods with the prefix “`mcl_`” are specific to MineClone 2, although they may be based on an existing standalone. Mods which lack this prefix are *usually* verbatim copies of a standalone mod. Some modifications may still have been applied, but the APIs are held compatible.
## Adding items ## Adding items
### Special fields ### Special fields
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ All nodes can have these fields:
Use the `mcl_sounds` mod for the sounds. Use the `mcl_sounds` mod for the sounds.
## APIs ## APIs
A lot of things are possible by using one of the APIs in the mods. Many of them are documented in `` files located in the directories of the specific mods. Some use `.txt` files or have some documentation in the comments along the code. Note that not all APIs are documented yet, but it is planned. The following APIs should be more or less stable but keep in mind that VoxeLibre is still unfinished. All directory names are relative to `mods/` A lot of things are possible by using one of the APIs in the mods. Note that not all APIs are documented yet, but it is planned. The following APIs should be more or less stable but keep in mind that MineClone 2 is still unfinished. All directory names are relative to `mods/`
### Items ### Items
* Doors: `ITEMS/mcl_doors` * Doors: `ITEMS/mcl_doors`
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ A lot of things are possible by using one of the APIs in the mods. Many of them
* Beds: `ITEMS/mcl_beds` * Beds: `ITEMS/mcl_beds`
* Buckets: `ITEMS/mcl_buckets` * Buckets: `ITEMS/mcl_buckets`
* Dispenser support: `ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers` * Dispenser support: `ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers`
* Campfires: `ITEMS/mcl_campfires`
### Mobs ## Mobs
* Mobs: `ENTITIES/mcl_mobs` * Mobs: `ENTITIES/mcl_mobs`
VoxeLibre uses its own mobs framework, which is a fork of Mobs Redo [`mobs`] by TenPlus1. MineClone 2 uses its own mobs framework, called “Mobs Redo: MineClone 2 Edition” or “MRM” for short.
This is a fork of Mobs Redo [`mobs`] by TenPlus1.
You can add your own mobs, spawn eggs and spawning rules with this mod. You can add your own mobs, spawn eggs and spawning rules with this mod.
API documnetation is included in `ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/api.txt`. API documnetation is included in `ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/api.txt`.
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ API documnetation is included in `ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/api.txt`.
This mod includes modificiations from the original Mobs Redo. Some items have been removed or moved to other mods. This mod includes modificiations from the original Mobs Redo. Some items have been removed or moved to other mods.
The API is mostly identical, but a few features have been added. Compability is not really a goal, The API is mostly identical, but a few features have been added. Compability is not really a goal,
but function and attribute names of Mobs Redo 1.41 are kept. but function and attribute names of Mobs Redo 1.41 are kept.
If you have code for a mod which works fine under Mobs Redo, it should be easy to make it work in VoxeLibre. If you have code for a mod which works fine under Mobs Redo, it should be easy to make it work in MineClone 2,
chances are good that it works out of the box. chances are good that it works out of the box.
### Help ### Help
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ chances are good that it works out of the box.
### Utility APIs ### Utility APIs
* Change player physics: `PLAYER/playerphysics` * Change player physics: `PLAYER/playerphysics`
* Change player FOV: `PLAYER/mcl_fovapi`
* Select random treasures: `CORE/mcl_loot` * Select random treasures: `CORE/mcl_loot`
* Get flowing direction of liquids: `CORE/flowlib` * Get flowing direction of liquids: `CORE/flowlib`
* `on_walk_over` callback for nodes: `CORE/walkover` * `on_walk_over` callback for nodes: `CORE/walkover`
@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ chances are good that it works out of the box.
* Flowers and flower pots * Flowers and flower pots
### Unstable APIs ### Unstable APIs
The following APIs may be subject to change in the future. You could already use these APIs but there will probably be breaking changes in the future, or the API is not as fleshed out as it should be. Use at your own risk! The following APIs may be subject to change in future. You could already use these APIs but there will probably be breaking changes in the future, or the API is not as fleshed out as it should be. Use at your own risk!
* Panes (like glass panes and iron bars): `ITEMS/xpanes` * Panes (like glass panes and iron bars): `ITEMS/xpanes`
* `_on_ignite` callback: `ITEMS/mcl_fire` * `_on_ignite` callback: `ITEMS/mcl_fire`

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@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
community include:
* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
advances of any kind
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
address, without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
reporter of any incident.
## Enforcement Guidelines
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
### 1. Correction
**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
### 2. Warning
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
of actions.
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
permanent ban.
### 3. Temporary Ban
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
sustained inappropriate behavior.
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
### 4. Permanent Ban
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
the community.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 2.0, available at
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct
enforcement ladder](
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at Translations are available at

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@ -1,439 +1,83 @@
# Contributing to VoxeLibre # Contributing to MineClone 2
So you want to contribute to VoxeLibre? So you want to MineClone 2?
Wow, thank you! :-) Wow, thank you! :-)
VoxeLibre is maintained by AncientMariner and Herowl. If you have any But first, some things to note:
problems or questions, contact us on Discord/Matrix (See Links section below).
You can help with VoxeLibre's development in many different ways, MineClone 2's development target is to make a free software clone of Minecraft,
whether you're a programmer or not. ***version 1.12***, ***PC edition***, *** + Optifine features supported by the Minetest Engine ***.
## VoxeLibre's development target is to... MineClone 2 is maintained by three persons. Namely, kay27, EliasFleckenstein and jordan4ibanez. You can find us
- Create a stable, peformant, moddable, free/libre game inspired by Minecraft in the Minetest forums (, in IRC in the #mineclone2
using the Minetest engine, usable in both singleplayer and multiplayer. channel on And finally, you can send e-mails to
- Currently, a lot of features are already implemented. <> or <>.
Polishing existing features is always welcome.
## Links By sending us patches or asking us to include your changes in this game,
* [Mesehub]( you agree that they fall under the terms of the LGPLv2.1, which basically
* [Discord]( means they will become part of a free software.
* [YouTube](
* [Matrix](
* [Reddit](
* [Minetest forums](
* [ContentDB](
* [OpenCollective](
## Using git ## The suggested workflow
VoxeLibre is developed using the version control system We don't **dictate** your workflow, but in order to work with us in an efficient
[git]( If you want to contribute code to the way, you can follow these suggestions:
project, it is **highly recommended** that you learn the git basics.
For non-programmers and people who do not plan to contribute code to
VoxeLibre, git is not required. However, git is a tool that will be
referenced frequently because of its usefulness. As such, it is valuable
in learning how git works and its terminology. It can also help you
keeping your game updated, and easily test pull requests.
Look at our wiki for some concrete guides: For small and medium changes:
## How you can help as a non-programmer * Fork the repository
As someone who does not know how to write programs in Lua or does not
know how to use the Minetest API, you can still help us out a lot. For
example, by opening an issue in the
[Issue tracker](,
you can report a bug or request a feature.
### Rules about both bugs and feature requests
* Stay polite towards the developers and anyone else involved in the
* Choose a descriptive title (e.g. not just "crash", "bug" or "question"
* Always check the currently opened issues before creating a new one.
Try not to report bugs that have already been reported or request features
that already have been requested. This can often be ambiguous though.
If in doubt open an issue!
* If you know about Minetest's inner workings, please think about
whether the bug / the feature that you are reporting / requesting is
actually an issue with Minetest itself, and if it is, head to the
[Minetest issue tracker](
* If you need any help regarding creating a Mesehub account or opening
an issue, feel free to ask on the Discord or Matrix space.
The link to the mesehub registration page is:
(It appears to sometimes get lost on the page itsself)
### Reporting bugs
* A bug is an unintended behavior or, in the worst case, a crash.
However, it is not a bug if you believe something is missing in the
game. In this case, please read "Requesting features"
* If you report a crash, always include the error message. If you play
in singleplayer, post a screenshot of the message that Minetest showed
when the crash happened (or copy the message into your issue). If you
are a server admin, you can find error messages in the log file of the
* Tell us which VoxeLibre and Minetest versions you are using (from Minetest 5.7 type /ver, for previous versions, check the game.conf or file).
* Tell us how to reproduce the problem: What you were doing to trigger
the bug, e.g. before the crash happened or what causes the faulty
### Requesting features
* Ensure the requested feature fulfills our development targets and
* Begging or excessive attention seeking does not help us in the
slightest, and may very well disrupt VoxeLibre development. It's better
to put that energy into helping or researching the feature in question.
After all, we're just volunteers working on our spare time.
* Ensure the requested feature has not been implemented in VoxeLibre
latest or development versions.
### Testing code
If you want to help us with speeding up VoxeLibre development and
making the game more stable, a great way to do that is by testing out
new features from contributors. For most new things that get into the
game, a pull request is created. A pull request is essentially a
programmer saying "Look, I modified the game, please apply my changes
to the upstream version of the game". However, every programmer makes
mistakes sometimes, some of which are hard to spot. You can help by
downloading this modified version of the game and trying it out - then
tell us if the code works as expected without any issues. Ideally, you
would report issues will pull requests similar to when you were
reporting bugs that are the mainline (See Reporting bugs section). You
can find currently open pull requests here:
<>. Note that pull
requests that start with a `WIP:` are not done yet and therefore could
still undergo substantial change. Testing these is still helpful however
because that is the reason developers put them up as WIP so other people
can have a look at the PR. The wiki has an article with instructions
on how to test Pull Requests:
### Contributing assets
Due to license problems, VoxeLibre cannot use Minecraft's assets,
therefore we are always looking for asset contributions.
To contribute assets, it can be useful to learn git basics and read
the section for Programmers of this document, however this is not required.
It's also a good idea to join the Discord server and/or Matrix space.
#### Textures
For textures we prefer original art, but in the absence of that will accept
Pixel Perfection texture pack contributions. Be warned many of the newer
textures in it are copies or slight modifications of the original MC textures
so great caution needs to be taken when using any textures coming from
Minecraft texture packs.
If you want to make such contributions, join our Discord server. Demands
for textures will be communicated there.
#### Sounds
VoxeLibre currently does not have a consistent way to handle sounds.
The sounds in the game come from different sources, like the SnowZone
resource pack or minetest_game. Unfortunately, VoxeLibre does not play
a sound in every situation you would get one in Minecraft. Any help with
sounds is greatly appreciated, however if you add new sounds you should
probably work together with a programmer, to write the code to actually
play these sounds in game. All sounds should be released under an open
source license with clear information on the source, licencing and any
changes made by the contributor. Use the README files in the mod to
communicate this information.
#### 3D Models
Many of the 3D Models in VoxeLibre come from
[22i's repository](
Similar to the textures, we need people that can make 3D Models with
Blender on demand. Many of the models have to be patched, some new
animations have to be added etc.
#### Crediting
Asset contributions will be credited in their mods and their own respective
sections in If you have commited the results yourself, you will
also be credited in the Contributors section.
### Contributing Translations
#### Workflow
To add/update support for your language to VoxeLibre, you should take
the steps documented in the section for Programmers, add/update the
translation files of the mods that you want to update. You can add
support for all mods, just some of them or only one mod; you can update
the translation file entirely or only partly; basically any effort is
valued. If your changes are small, you can also send them to developers
via E-Mail, Discord or Matrix - they will credit you appropriately.
#### Things to note
You can use the script at `tools/` to compare
the translation files for the language you are working on with the
template files, to see what is missing and what is out of date with
the template file. However, template files are often incomplete and/or
out of date, sometimes they don't match the code. You can update the
translation files if that is required, you can also modify the code in
your translation PR if it's related to translation. You can also work on
multiple languages at the same time in one PR.
#### Crediting
Translation contributions will be credited in their own in
If you have commited the results yourself, you will also be credited in
the Contributors section.
### Profiling
If you own a server, a great way to help us improve VoxeLibre's code
is by giving us profiler results. Profiler results give us detailed
information about the game's performance and let us know places to
investigate optimization issues. This way we can make the game faster.
#### Using Minetest's profiler
We frequently will use profiling to optimise our code. We recommend use of
the JIT profiler (RIP Jude) to fully understand performance impact:
Minetest also has a built in profiler. Simply set `profiler.load = true` in
your configuration file and restart the server. After running the server
for some time, just run `/profiler save` in chat - then you will find a
file in the world directory containing the results. Open a new issue and
upload the file. You can name the issue "<Server name> profiler
### Let us know your opinion
It is always encouraged to actively contribute to issue discussions on
MeseHub, let us know what you think about a topic and help us make
decisions. Also, note that a lot of discussion takes place on the
Discord server, so it's definitely worth checking it out.
### Funding
You can help pay for our infrastructure (Mesehub) and other unforeseen
expenses (in the last few years, only payments for Mesehub have been done)
by donating to our OpenCollective link (See Links section).
### Crediting
If you opened or have contributed to an issue, you receive the
`Community` role on our Discord (after asking for it).
If you have been an author of a PR that got merged or contributed
significantly to art that got merged into the game, you receive the
`Contributor` role on our Discord (after asking for it).
Please note that what counts as "significant" is decided by Maintainers.
OpenCollective Funders are credited in their own section in
`` and receive a special role "Funder" on our discord (unless
they have made their donation Incognito).
## How you can help as a programmer
(Almost) all the VoxeLibre development is done using pull requests.
### Recommended workflow
* Fork the repository (in case you have not already)
* Do your change in a new branch * Do your change in a new branch
* Create a pull request to get your changes merged into master * Create a pull request to get your changes merged into master
* It is important that conflicts are resolved prior to merging the pull
* We update our branches via rebasing. Please avoid merging master into
your branch unless it's the only way you can resolve a conflict. We can
rebase branches from the GUI if the user has not merged master into the
* After the pull request got merged, you can delete the branch if the
merger hasn't done this already.
### Discuss first For small changes, sending us a patch is also good.
If you feel like a problem needs to fixed or you want to make a new
feature, you could start writing the code right away and notifying us
when you're done, but it never hurts to discuss things first. If there
is no issue on the topic, open one. If there is an issue, tell us that
you'd like to take care of it, to avoid duplicate work.
### Don't hesitate to ask for help For big changes: Same as above, but consider notifying us first to avoid
We appreciate any contributing effort to VoxeLibre. If you are a duplicate work and possible tears of rejection. ;-)
relatively new programmer, you can reach us on Discord or Matrix
for questions about git, Lua, Minetest API, VoxeLibre codebase or
anything related to VoxeLibre. We can help you avoid writing code that
would be deemed inadequate, or help you become familiar with VoxeLibre
better, or assist you use development tools.
### Maintain your own code, even if already got merged For trusted people, we might give them direct commit access to this
Sometimes, your code may cause crashes or bugs - we try to avoid such repository. In this case, you obviously don't need to fork, but you still
scenarios by testing every time before merging it, but if your merged need to show your contributions align with the project goals. We still
work causes problems, we ask you fix the issues as soon as possible. reserve the right to revert everything that we don't like.
For bigger changes, we strongly recommend to use feature branches and
discuss with me first.
### Changing Gameplay If your code causes bugs and crashes, it is your responsibility to fix them as soon as possible.
Pull Requests that change gameplay are always subject to discussion.
Opinions from the community on such PRs are valued, and Maintainer
should approve the concept (which is usually granted) as well as
the implementation (for which changes are often requested for either
code quality or game design reasons).
### Guidelines We mostly use plain merging rather than rebasing or squash merging.
#### Git Guidelines Your commit names should be relatively descriptive, e.g. when saying "Fix #issueid", the commit message should also contain the title of the issue.
* Pushing to master is disabled - don't even try it!
* Every change is tracked as a PR
* All changes require at least one approval from a Developer
* Maintainers may merge PRs without formal approval, but should also
take others' opinions and testing into account
* To update branches we use rebase not merge (so we don't end up with
excessive git bureaucracy commits in master)
* We use merge to add the commits from a PR/branch to master
* Smaller PRs may be squashed before merging (especially if the commit history
on them isn't valuable), but when in doubt prefer merging
* Manual merging may be done by a Maintainer if there are technical problems
with the branch, with Gitea, or the PR had been merged to from master and
the author can't fix it for whatever reason
* PR from a fork (usually the author has no contributor/developer privileges)
can be retargeted and merged first into a buffer (normal new) branch on the repo
when adopted by a Developer, and only later into master
* Submodules should only be used if a) upstream is highly reliable and
b) it is 100% certain that no VL specific changes to the code will be
needed (this has never been the case before, hence VL is submodule free so far)
* Subtrees may be used for including outside mods that don't need changes
in the foreseeable future
* Commit messages should be descriptive
* Try to group your submissions best as you can:
* Try to keep your PRs small: In some cases things reasonably be can't
split up but in general multiple small PRs are better than a big one
* Similarly multiple small commits are better than a giant one. (use git commit -p)
#### Code Guidelines Contributors will be credited in ``.
* Each mod must provide `mod.conf`.
* Mod names are snake case, and newly added mods (or substantially changed mods
that are included from the outside) start with `vl_`, e.g.
`vl_hollow_logs`, . Keep in mind Minetest
does not support capital letters in mod names.
* In the past mods were prefixed with `mcl_`, e.g.
`mcl_core`, `mcl_farming`, `mcl_monster_eggs`. New mods should **never** use this prefix.
* Mods included from outside with no significant changes to the API
(especially those using git-subtree or such) aren't prefixed.
* To export functions, store them inside a global table named like the
mod, e.g.
```lua ## Features > 1.12
mcl_example = {}
function mcl_example.do_something() If you want to make a feature that was added in a Minecraft version later than 1.12, you should fork MineClone5 (mineclone5 branch in the repository) and add your changes to this.
-- ...
``` ## What we accept
* Public functions should not use self references but rather just access * Every MC features up to version 1.12 JE.
the table directly, e.g. * Every already finished and working good features from versions above (only when making a MineClone5 PR / Contribution).
* Except features which couldn't be done easily and bugfree because of Minetest engine limitations. Eg. we CAN extend world boundaries by playing with map chunks, just teleporting player onto next layer after 31000 , but it would cost too much (time, code, bugs, performance, stability, etc).
* Some features, approved by the rest of the community, I mean maybe some voting and really missing any negative feedback.
```lua ## What we reject
-- bad
function mcl_example:do_something()
-- good * Any features which cause critical bugs, sending them to rework/fix or trying to fix immediately.
function mcl_example.do_something() * Some small portions of big entirely missing features which just definitely break gamplay balance give nothing useful
end * Controversial features, which some people support while others do not should be discussed well, with publishing forum announcements, at least during the week. In case if there are still doubts - send them into the mod.
* Use modern Minetest API, e.g. no usage of `minetest.env` ## Reporting bugs
* Tabs should be used for indent, spaces for alignment, e.g. Report all bugs and missing Minecraft features here:
```lua <>
-- use tabs for indent ## Direct discussion
We have an IRC channel! Join us on #mineclone2 in
for i = 1, 10 do <ircs://>
if i % 3 == 0 then
-- use tabs for indent and spaces to align things ## Creating releases
* Launch MineClone2 to make sure it still runs
some_table = {
{"a string", 5},
{"a very much longer string", 10},
* Use double quotes for strings, e.g. `"asdf"` rather than `'asdf'`
* Use snake_case rather than CamelCase, e.g. `my_function` rather than
* Don't declare functions as an assignment, e.g.
-- bad
local some_local_func = function()
-- ...
my_mod.some_func = function()
-- ...
-- good
local function some_local_func()
-- ...
function my_mod.some_func()
-- ...
### Developer status
Active and trusted contributors are often granted write access to the
VoxeLibre repository as a contributor. This means that they can push
directly to the branches of our repo (except for `master`).
Pushing to others' branches without asking is discouraged, open a PR
targeting that branch instead (PRs can target any branch).
Those that have demonstrated the right technical skills and behaviour
may be granted developer access. These are the most trusted contributors
who will contribute to ensure coding standards and processes are followed.
#### Developer responsibilities
- If you have developer/contributor privileges you can just open a new branch
in the VL repository (which is preferred). From that you create a pull request.
This way other people can review your changes and make sure they work
before they get merged.
- If you do not (yet) have contributor or developer privs you do your work on a branch
on your private repository e.g. using the "fork" function on mesehub.
- Any developer is welcome to review, test and approve PRs. A maintainer may prefer
to merge the PR especially if it is in a similar area to what has been worked on
and could result in merge conflicts for a larger older branch, or needs
art/licencing reviewing. A PR needs at least one approval (by someone else other
than the author).
- The maintainers are usually relatively quick to react to new submissions.
### Maintainer status
Maintainers carry the main responsibility for the project.
#### Maintainer responsibilities
- Making sure issues are addressed and pull requests are reviewed and
- Making releases
- Making project decisions based on community feedback
- Granting/revoking developer access
- Enforcing the code of conduct (See
- Moderating official community spaces (See Links section)
- Resolving conflicts and problems within the community
#### Current maintainers
* AncientMariner - responsible for gameplay review, publishing releases
* Herowl - responsible for gameplay review, publishing releases,
technical guidelines
#### Release process
* Run `tools/generate_ingame_credits.lua` to update the ingame credits
from `` and commit the result (if anything changed)
* Launch VoxeLibre to make sure it still runs
* Update the version number in * Update the version number in
* Use `git tag <version number>` to tag the latest commit with the * Use `git tag <version number>` to tag the latest commit with the version number
version number * Push to repo (don't forget `--tags`!)
* Push to repository (don't forget `--tags`!) * Update ContentDB (
* Update ContentDB * Update first post in forum thread (
* Update first post in forum thread
* Post release announcement and changelog in forums * Post release announcement and changelog in forums
### Licensing
By asking us to include your changes in this game, you agree that they
fall under the terms of the GPLv3, which basically means they will
become part of a free/libre software.
### Crediting
Contributors, Developers and Maintainers will be credited in
``. There are also Discord roles for Contributors,
Developers and Maintainers.

View File

@ -3,48 +3,27 @@
## Creator of MineClone ## Creator of MineClone
* davedevils * davedevils
## Creator of VoxeLibre ## Creator of MineClone2
* Wuzzy * Wuzzy
## Maintainers ## Maintainers
* AncientMariner
* Herowl
## Previous Maintainers
* Fleckenstein * Fleckenstein
* cora * kay27
* Nicu * jordan4ibanez
## Developers ## Developers
* bzoss
* epCode * epCode
* chmodsayshello * ryvnf
* MrRar
* FossFanatic
* SmokeyDope
* Faerraven / Michieal
* Codiac
* rudzik8
* teknomunk
## Past Developers
* jordan4ibanez
* iliekprogrammar * iliekprogrammar
* kabou
* kay27
* MysticTempest * MysticTempest
* NO11 * Rootyjr
* SumianVoice * Nicu
* PrairieWind * aligator
* Code-Sploit
## Contributors ## Contributors
* RandomLegoBrick
* Code-Sploit
* aligator
* Rootyjr
* ryvnf
* bzoss
* talamh
* Laurent Rocher * Laurent Rocher
* HimbeerserverDE * HimbeerserverDE
* TechDudie * TechDudie
@ -61,6 +40,7 @@
* Jared Moody * Jared Moody
* Li0n * Li0n
* Midgard * Midgard
* NO11
* Saku Laesvuori * Saku Laesvuori
* Yukitty * Yukitty
* ZedekThePD * ZedekThePD
@ -68,85 +48,15 @@
* dBeans * dBeans
* nickolas360 * nickolas360
* yutyo * yutyo
* Tianyang Zhang * ztianyang
* j45 * j45
* Marcin Serwin
* erlehmann
* E
* n_to
* debiankaios
* Gustavo6046 / wallabra
* CableGuy67
* Benjamin Schötz
* Doloment
* Sydney Gems
* Emily2255
* Emojigit
* FinishedFragment
* sfan5
* Blue Blancmange
* Jared Moody
* SmallJoker
* Sven792
* aldum
* Dieter44
* Pepebotella
* Lazerbeak12345
* mrminer
* Thunder1035
* opfromthestart
* snowyu
* FaceDeer
* Herbert West
* GuyLiner
* 3raven
* anarquimico
* TheOnlyJoeEnderman
* Ranko Saotome
* Gregor Parzefall
* Wbjitscool
* b3nderman
* CyberMango
* gldrk
* atomdmac
* emptyshore
* FlamingRCCars
* uqers
* Niterux
* appgurueu
* seventeenthShulker
* DinoNuggies4665
* basxto
* Morik666
* Eliy21
* mdk
* Alessandra Lozoya
* VanicGame
* ThePython10110
* Araca
* Montandalar
* mim
* Dark
* Bakawun
* JoseDouglas26
* Zasco
* PrWalterB
* michaljmalinowski
* nixnoxus
* Potiron
* Tuxilio
* Impulse
* Doods
* SOS-Games
* Bram
* qoheniac
## Music ## MineClone5
* Jordach for the jukebox music compilation from Big Freaking Dig * kay27
* Dark Reaven Music ( for the main menu theme (Calmed Cube) and Traitor (horizonchris96), which is licensed under * Debiankaios
* Jester for helping to finely tune VoxeLibre ( Songs: Hailing Forest, Gift, 0dd BL0ck, Flock of One (License CC BY-SA 4.0) * epCode
* Exhale & Tim Unwin for some wonderful VoxeLibre tracks ( Songs: Valley of Ghosts, Lonely Blossom, Farmer (License CC BY-SA 4.0) * NO11
* Diminixed for 3 fantastic tracks and remastering and leveling volumes. Songs: Afternoon Lullaby (pianowtune02), Spooled (ambientwip02), Never Grow Up (License CC BY-SA 4.0) * j45
## Original Mod Authors ## Original Mod Authors
* Wuzzy * Wuzzy
@ -164,6 +74,7 @@
* Rochambeau * Rochambeau
* rubenwardy * rubenwardy
* stu * stu
* jordan4ibanez
* 4aiman * 4aiman
* Kahrl * Kahrl
* Krock * Krock
@ -178,20 +89,11 @@
* 4Evergreen4 * 4Evergreen4
* jordan4ibanez * jordan4ibanez
* paramat * paramat
* debian044 / debian44
* chmodsayshello
* cora
* Faerraven / Michieal
* PrairieWind
* ChrisPHP
## 3D Models ## 3D Models
* 22i * 22i
* tobyplowy * tobyplowy
* epCode * epCode
* Faerraven / Michieal
* SumianVoice
* thunder1035
## Textures ## Textures
* XSSheep * XSSheep
@ -200,19 +102,6 @@
* leorockway * leorockway
* xMrVizzy * xMrVizzy
* yutyo * yutyo
* NO11
* kay27
* MysticTempest
* RandomLegoBrick
* cora
* Faerraven / Michieal
* Nicu
* Exhale
* Aeonix_Aeon
* Wbjitscool
* SmokeyDope
* thunder1035
* Herowl
## Translations ## Translations
* Wuzzy * Wuzzy
@ -220,29 +109,9 @@
* wuniversales * wuniversales
* kay27 * kay27
* pitchum * pitchum
* todoporlalibertad
* Marcin Serwin
* Pepebotella
* Emojigit
* snowyu
* 3raven
* SakuraRiu
* anarquimico
* syl
* Temak
* megustanlosfrijoles
* kbundg
* Isaac Dennis
* Sab Pyrope
* JoseDouglas26
## Funders
* 40W
* bauknecht
* Cora
## Special thanks ## Special thanks
* The Minetest team for making and supporting an engine, and distribution infrastructure that makes this all possible * celeron55 for creating Minetest
* Jordach for the jukebox music compilation from Big Freaking Dig
* The workaholics who spent way too much time writing for the Minecraft Wiki. It's an invaluable resource for creating this game * The workaholics who spent way too much time writing for the Minecraft Wiki. It's an invaluable resource for creating this game
* Notch and Jeb for being the major forces behind Minecraft * Notch and Jeb for being the major forces behind Minecraft

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ The basic digging time groups determine by which tools a node can be dug.
* `handy=1`: Breakable by hand and this node gives it useful drop when dug by hand. All nodes which are breakable by pickaxe, axe, shovel, sword or shears are also automatically breakable by hand, but not neccess * `handy=1`: Breakable by hand and this node gives it useful drop when dug by hand. All nodes which are breakable by pickaxe, axe, shovel, sword or shears are also automatically breakable by hand, but not neccess
* `creative_breakable=1`: Block is breakable by hand in creative mode. This group is implied if the node belongs to any other digging group * `creative_breakable=1`: Block is breakable by hand in creative mode. This group is implied if the node belongs to any other digging group
Please read <> to learn how digging times work in Minecraft, as VoxeLibre is based on the same system. Please read <> to learn how digging times work in Minecraft, as MineClone 2 is based on the same system.
### Groups for interactions ### Groups for interactions
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ Please read <> to learn how digging times
* `flammable=-1` Does not get destroyed by fire * `flammable=-1` Does not get destroyed by fire
* `fire_encouragement`: How quickly this block catches fire * `fire_encouragement`: How quickly this block catches fire
* `fire_flammability`: How fast the block will burn away * `fire_flammability`: How fast the block will burn away
* `path_creation_possible=1`: Node can be turned into grass path by using a shovel on it
* `spreading_dirt_type=1`: A dirt-type block with a cover (e.g. grass) which may spread to neighbor dirt blocks * `spreading_dirt_type=1`: A dirt-type block with a cover (e.g. grass) which may spread to neighbor dirt blocks
* `dirtifies_below_solid=1`: This node turns into dirt immediately when a solid or dirtifier node is placed on top * `dirtifies_below_solid=1`: This node turns into dirt immediately when a solid or dirtifier node is placed on top
* `dirtifier=1`: This node turns nodes the above group into dirt when placed above * `dirtifier=1`: This node turns nodes the above group into dirt when placed above
@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ Please read <> to learn how digging times
* `no_eat_delay=1`: Only for foodstuffs. When eating this, all eating delays are ignored. * `no_eat_delay=1`: Only for foodstuffs. When eating this, all eating delays are ignored.
* `can_eat_when_full=1`: Only for foodstuffs. This item can be eaten when the user has a full hunger bar * `can_eat_when_full=1`: Only for foodstuffs. This item can be eaten when the user has a full hunger bar
* `attached_node_facedir=1`: Like `attached_node`, but for facedir nodes * `attached_node_facedir=1`: Like `attached_node`, but for facedir nodes
* `supported_node=1`: Like `attached_node`, but can be placed on any nodes that do not have the `drawtype="airlike"` attribute.
* `cauldron`: Cauldron. 1: Empty. 2-4: Water height * `cauldron`: Cauldron. 1: Empty. 2-4: Water height
* `anvil`: Anvil. 1: No damage. 2-3: Higher damage levels * `anvil`: Anvil. 1: No damage. 2-3: Higher damage levels
* `no_rename=1`: Item cannot be renamed by anvil * `no_rename=1`: Item cannot be renamed by anvil
@ -73,9 +71,6 @@ Please read <> to learn how digging times
* `coral_block=X`: Coral block (1 = alive, 2 = dead) * `coral_block=X`: Coral block (1 = alive, 2 = dead)
* `coral_species=X`: Specifies the species of a coral; equal X means equal species * `coral_species=X`: Specifies the species of a coral; equal X means equal species
* `set_on_fire=X`: Sets any (not fire-resistant) mob or player on fire for X seconds when touching * `set_on_fire=X`: Sets any (not fire-resistant) mob or player on fire for X seconds when touching
* `compostability=X`: Item can be used on a composter block; X (1-100) is the % chance of adding a level of compost
* `leaves=X`: Node will spotaneously decay if no tree trunk nodes remain within 6 blocks distance.
* `leaves_orphan`: See above, these nodes are in the process of decayed.
#### Footnotes #### Footnotes
@ -104,8 +99,6 @@ Please read <> to learn how digging times
* `water_bucket=1`: Bucket containing a liquid of group “water” * `water_bucket=1`: Bucket containing a liquid of group “water”
* `enchantability=X`: How good the enchantments are the item gets (1 equals book) * `enchantability=X`: How good the enchantments are the item gets (1 equals book)
* `enchanted=1`: The item is already enchanted, meaning that it can't be enchanted using an enchanting table * `enchanted=1`: The item is already enchanted, meaning that it can't be enchanted using an enchanting table
* `cobble=1`: Cobblestone of any kind
* `soul_block`: Fire burning on these blocks turns to soul fire, can be used to craft soul torch
### Material groups ### Material groups
@ -117,7 +110,7 @@ These groups correspond to the Minecraft materials. They classify the block into
* `material_glass=1`: Glass * `material_glass=1`: Glass
Currently, these groups are used for the note block. Currently, these groups are used for the note block.
Note that not all Minecraft materials are used so far. More Minecraft materials will likely only be added when they are needed for a concrete use case. Note that not all Minecraft materials are used so far. More Minecraft materials will lilely only be added when they are needed for a concrete use case.
### Declarative groups ### Declarative groups
These groups are used mostly for informational purposes These groups are used mostly for informational purposes
@ -156,7 +149,7 @@ These groups are used mostly for informational purposes
* `trapdoor=2`: Open trapdoor * `trapdoor=2`: Open trapdoor
* `glass=1`: Glass (full cubes only) * `glass=1`: Glass (full cubes only)
* `rail=1`: Rail * `rail=1`: Rail
* `music_record`: Item is Music Disc * `music_record`: Music Disc (rating is track ID)
* `tnt=1`: Block is TNT * `tnt=1`: Block is TNT
* `boat=1`: Boat * `boat=1`: Boat
* `minecart=1`: Minecart * `minecart=1`: Minecart
@ -170,8 +163,16 @@ These groups are used mostly for informational purposes
* `ammo_bow=1`: Item is used as ammo for bows * `ammo_bow=1`: Item is used as ammo for bows
* `non_combat_armor=1`: Item can be equipped as armor, but is not made for combat (e.g. zombie head, pumpkin) * `non_combat_armor=1`: Item can be equipped as armor, but is not made for combat (e.g. zombie head, pumpkin)
* `container`: Node is a container which physically stores items within and has at least 1 inventory * `container`: Node is a container which physically stores items within and has at least 1 inventory
* `container=1`: Container type, which does not allow hoppers to transfer items * `container=2`: Has one inventory with list name `"main"`. Items can be placed and taken freely
* `container=2`: Items can be placed and taken freely. Can have inventory with list name `"main"` or define `_mcl_hoppers_on_try_pull`, `_mcl_hoppers_on_try_push`, `_mcl_hoppers_on_after_pull`, `_mcl_hoppers_on_after_push` to play along hoppers nicely. * `container=3`: Same as `container=2`, but shulker boxes can not be inserted
* `container=4`: Furnace-like, has lists `"src"`, `"fuel"` and `"dst"`.
It is expected that this also reacts on `on_timer`;
the node timer must be started from other mods when they add into `"src"` or `"fuel"`
* `container=5`: Left part of a 2-part horizontal connected container. Both parts have a `"main"` inventory
list. Both inventories are considered to belong together. This is used for large chests.
* `container=6`: Same as above, but for the right part.
* `container=7`: Has inventory list "`main`", no movement allowed
* `container=1`: Other/unspecified container type
* `spawn_egg=1`: Spawn egg * `spawn_egg=1`: Spawn egg
* `pressure_plate=1`: Pressure plate (off) * `pressure_plate=1`: Pressure plate (off)
@ -199,9 +200,6 @@ These groups are used mostly for informational purposes
* `building_block=1`: Block is a building block * `building_block=1`: Block is a building block
* `deco_block=1`: Block is a decorational block * `deco_block=1`: Block is a decorational block
* `blast_furnace_smeltable=1` : Item or node is smeltable by a blast furnace
* `smoker_cookable=1` : Food is cookable by a smoker.
## Fake item groups ## Fake item groups
These groups put similar items together which should all be treated by the gameplay or the GUI as a single item. These groups put similar items together which should all be treated by the gameplay or the GUI as a single item.

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Survive, farm, build, explore, play with friends, and do much more. Inspired by a well-known block game, pushing beyond.
How to play:
#### Download Minetest
- Navigate to to download the client.
- Once installed, open and select the "Content" tab
#### Install VoxeLibre from ContentDB
- Click "Browse Online Content" and filter by Games (select "Games" from the dropdown box)
- Find "VoxeLibre" (should be first on the list or on the first page)
- Click the [+] button next to VoxeLibre and wait for download to finish
- Click "Back to Main Menu"
#### Create new world and play
- Click "Start Game" tab
- At the bottom click the VoxeLibre icon (the stone & sandstone ball with the letters VL)
- Click "New", give your world a name
- You can leave seed blank or put in a word of your choice
- Pick a mapgen or leave the default (v7, valleys or carpathian mapgens are recommended)
- Pick mapgen options on the right (enabling everything is recommended)
- Select your new world
- Click "Play Game" and enjoy!

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@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Legal information # Legal information
This is a game inspired by Minecraft with unique content. This is a fan game, not developed or endorsed by Mojang AB.
Copying is an act of love. Please copy and share! <3 Copying is an act of love. Please copy and share! <3
Here's the detailed legalese for those who need it: Here's the detailed legalese for those who need it:
## License of source code ## License of source code
VoxeLibre (by Lizzy Fleckenstein, Wuzzy, davedevils and countless others) MineClone 2 (by kay27, EliasFleckenstein, Wuzzy, davedevils and countless others)
is inspired by Minecraft. is an imitation of Minecraft.
VoxeLibre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify MineClone 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. (at your option) any later version.
@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ details.
In the mods you might find in the read-me or license In the mods you might find in the read-me or license
text files a different license. This counts as dual-licensing. text files a different license. This counts as dual-licensing.
You can choose which license applies to you: Either the You can choose which license applies to you: Either the
license of VoxeLibre (GNU GPLv3) or the mod's license. license of MineClone 2 (GNU GPLv3) or the mod's license.
VoxeLibre is a direct continuation of the discontinued MineClone MineClone 2 is a direct continuation of the discontinued MineClone
project by davedevils. project by davedevils.
Mod credits: Mod credits:
See `README.txt` or `` in each mod directory for information about other authors. See `README.txt` or `` in each mod directory for information about other authors.
For mods that do not have such a file, the license is the source code license For mods that do not have such a file, the license is the source code license
of VoxeLibre and the author is Wuzzy. of MineClone 2 and the author is Wuzzy.
## License of media (textures and sounds) ## License of media (textures and sounds)
No non-free licenses are used anywhere. No non-free licenses are used anywhere.
@ -38,15 +38,11 @@ No non-free licenses are used anywhere.
The textures, unless otherwise noted, are based on the Pixel Perfection resource pack for Minecraft 1.11, The textures, unless otherwise noted, are based on the Pixel Perfection resource pack for Minecraft 1.11,
authored by XSSheep. Most textures are verbatim copies, while some textures have been changed or redone authored by XSSheep. Most textures are verbatim copies, while some textures have been changed or redone
from scratch. from scratch.
The glazed terracotta textures have been created by [MysticTempest]( The glazed terracotta textures have been created by (MysticTempest)[].
Source: <> Source: <>
License: [CC BY-SA 4.0]( License: [CC BY-SA 4.0](
Armor trim models were created by Aeonix_Aeon The main menu images are release under: [CC0](
Source: <>
License: [CC BY 4.0](
The main menu images are released under: [CC0](
All other files, unless mentioned otherwise, fall under: All other files, unless mentioned otherwise, fall under:
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
# Models in Minetest/VoxeLibre
Models are an important part of all entities & unique nodes in VoxeLibre. They provide a 3 dimensional map of an object for which textures are then applied to. This document is for modders, it quickly highlights some important information for the software needed to open models in VoxeLibre.
## Minetest Wiki
For more detailed information on actually using blender to create and modify models for Minetest/VoxeLibre, please visit the Minetest wiki's page on using Blender [Here](
## Recommended software
### Blender
Blender is a very popular and free modeling software supported on Windows, MacOS, and most Linux distributions. It is recommended to use Blender to create and modify 3D models within the minetest engine.
Download blender [Here](
### .b3d addon for blender
Blitz 3D (.b3d) Is one of the main animated model formats used for entities in the minetest engine. It cannot be imported to blender without a plugin called "Import-Export:Bitz 3D format (.b3d)".
The most up to date version of this Blender plugin can be downloaded [Here](
## Types of model formats
### Animated, skinned models
* Blitz 3D files (.b3d)
* Microsoft DirectX (.x) (binary & text, compression is not supported)
### Static meshes
* Wavefront OBJ (.obj)
Note: The sometimes accompanying .mtl files are not supported and can safely be deleted.
Note: Do not use .b3d and .x files for static meshes at the moment, Minetest currently spawns animated mesh scene nodes for these, which may result in reduced performance.
### Supported texture formats
* .png
* .jpg
* .bmp (depreciated, please use .png or .jpg)
* .tga (depreciated, please use .png or .jpg)
Note: Any formats not mentioned above but known to work in the past were removed in 5.5.0 and aren't supported anymore.
## Pros & Cons of .b3d vs .x
### B3D
* [+] Binary format means a small size
* [-] Difficult to postprocess after exporting
* [-] Difficult to debug problems
### X (text version)
* [+] Can be parsed easily with lua scripts
* [+] Can be easily generated by scripts
* [+] Easy to debug issues (you can just read it)
* [+] Can be optimized by quantizing some data
* [-] Blender exporter is kinda buggy and inefficient
* [-] Probably still bigger than an equivalent .b3d
Note: Avoid using the binary X format! It's actually just a tokenized version of the ASCII representation, and may actually be less efficient than a sufficiently optimized text .x file!

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# VoxeLibre # (Currently in feature freeze)
A game inspired by Minecraft for Minetest. Forked from MineClone by davedevils.
Developed by many people, see for a complete list. # MineClone 2
An unofficial Minecraft-like game for Minetest. Forked from MineClone by davedevils.
Developed by many people. Not developed or endorsed by Mojang AB.
Version: 0.72.0 (in development)
### Gameplay ### Gameplay
You start in a randomly-generated world made entirely of cubes. You can explore You start in a randomly-generated world made entirely of cubes. You can explore
@ -27,7 +31,7 @@ Or you can play in “creative mode” in which you can build almost anything in
## How to play (quick start) ## How to play (quick start)
### Getting started ### Getting started
* **Punch a tree** trunk until it breaks and collect wood * **Punch a tree** trunk until it breaks and collect wood
* Place the **wood into the 2×2 grid** (your “crafting grid” in your inventory menu) and craft 4 wood planks * Place the **wood into the 2×2 grid** (your “crafting grid” in your inventory menu and craft 4 wood planks
* Place the 4 wood planks in a 2×2 shape in the crafting grid to **make a crafting table** * Place the 4 wood planks in a 2×2 shape in the crafting grid to **make a crafting table**
* **Rightclick the crafting table** for a 3×3 crafting grid to craft more complex things * **Rightclick the crafting table** for a 3×3 crafting grid to craft more complex things
* Use the **crafting guide** (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes * Use the **crafting guide** (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes
@ -37,15 +41,15 @@ Or you can play in “creative mode” in which you can build almost anything in
### Farming ### Farming
* Find seeds * Find seeds
* Craft a hoe * Craft hoe
* Rightclick dirt or a similar block with a hoe to create farmland * Rightclick dirt or similar block with hoe to create farmland
* Place seeds on farmland and watch them grow * Place seeds on farmland and watch them grow
* Collect plants when fully grown * Collect plant when fully grown
* If near water, farmland becomes wet and speeds up growth * If near water, farmland becomes wet and speeds up growth
### Furnace ### Furnace
* Craft a furnace * Craft furnace
* The furnace allows you to obtain more items * Furnace allows you to obtain more items
* Upper slot must contain a smeltable item (example: iron ore) * Upper slot must contain a smeltable item (example: iron ore)
* Lower slot must contain a fuel item (example: coal) * Lower slot must contain a fuel item (example: coal)
* See tooltips in crafting guide to learn about fuels and smeltable items * See tooltips in crafting guide to learn about fuels and smeltable items
@ -64,44 +68,46 @@ Use the `/giveme` chat command to obtain them. See the in-game help for
an explanation. an explanation.
## Installation ## Installation
To run the game with the best performance and support, we recommend the latest This game requires [Minetest]( to run (version 5.3.0 or
stable version of [Minetest](, be we always make an effort later). So you need to install Minetest first. Only stable versions of Minetest
to support one version behind the latest stable version. In some cases, older are officially supported.
versions might still be good enough but you would be missing out on important There is no support for running MineClone 2 in development versions of Minetest.
Minetest features that enable important features for our game.
There is no support for running VoxeLibre in development versions of Minetest. To install MineClone 2 (if you haven't already), move this directory into the
To install VoxeLibre (if you haven't already), move this directory into the
“games” directory of your Minetest data directory. Consult the help of “games” directory of your Minetest data directory. Consult the help of
Minetest to learn more. Minetest to learn more.
## Useful links ## Reporting bugs
The VoxeLibre repository is hosted at Mesehub. To contribute or report issues, head there. Please report all bugs and missing Minecraft features here:
* Mesehub: <> <>
* Discord: <>
* YouTube: <>
* ContentDB: <>
* OpenCollective: <>
* Mastodon: <>
* Lemmy: <>
* Matrix space: <>
* Minetest forums: <>
* Reddit: <>
* IRC (barely used): <>
## Target ## Chating with the community
- Create a stable, peformant, moddable, free/libre game inspired by Minecraft Join our discord server at:
using the Minetest engine, usable in both singleplayer and multiplayer.
- Currently, a lot of features are already implemented. <>
Polishing existing features is always welcome.
## Project description
The main goal of **MineClone 2** is to be a clone of Minecraft and to be released as free software.
* **Target of development: Minecraft, PC Edition, version 1.12** (later known as “Java Edition”)
* MineClone2 also includes Optifine features supported by the Minetest
* In general, Minecraft is aimed to be cloned as good as possible
* Cloning the gameplay has highest priority
* MineClone 2 will use different assets, but with a similar style
* Limitations found in Minetest will be documented in the course of development
* Features of later Minecraft versions are collected in the mineclone5 branch
## Using features from newer versions of Minecraft
For > 1.12 features, checkout MineClone5. It includes features from newer Minecraft versions.
Download it here:
## Completion status ## Completion status
This game is currently in **beta** stage. This game is currently in **beta** stage.
It is playable, but not yet feature-complete. It is playable, but not yet feature-complete.
Backwards-compability is not entirely guaranteed, updating your world might cause small bugs. Backwards-compability is not entirely guaranteed, updating your world might cause small bugs.
If you want to use the development version of VoxeLibre in production, the master branch is usually relatively stable. If you want to use the git version of MineClone2 in production, consider using the production branch.
It is updated weekly and contains relatively stable code for servers.
The following main features are available: The following main features are available:
@ -116,7 +122,7 @@ The following main features are available:
* Most blocks in the overworld * Most blocks in the overworld
* Water and lava * Water and lava
* Weather * Weather
* 28 biomes + 5 Nether Biomes * 28 biomes
* The Nether, a fiery underworld in another dimension * The Nether, a fiery underworld in another dimension
* Redstone circuits (partially) * Redstone circuits (partially)
* Minecarts (partial) * Minecarts (partial)
@ -151,15 +157,15 @@ The following features are incomplete:
* Some monsters and animals * Some monsters and animals
* Redstone-related things * Redstone-related things
* Some special minecarts (hopper and chest minecarts work) * Special minecarts
* A couple of non-trivial blocks and items * A couple of non-trivial blocks and items
Bonus features (not found in Minecraft): Bonus features (not found in Minecraft 1.12):
* Built-in crafting guide which shows you crafting and smelting recipes * Built-in crafting guide which shows you crafting and smelting recipes
* In-game help system containing extensive help about gameplay basics, blocks, items and more * In-game help system containing extensive help about gameplay basics, blocks, items and more
* Temporary crafting recipes. They only exist to make some otherwise unaccessible items available when you're not in creative mode. These recipes will be removed as development goes on an more features become available * Temporary crafting recipes. They only exist to make some otherwise unaccessible items available when you're not in creative mode. These recipes will be removed as development goes on an more features become available
* Saplings in chests in [mapgen v6]( * Saplings in chests in mapgen v6
* Fully moddable (thanks to Minetest's powerful Lua API) * Fully moddable (thanks to Minetest's powerful Lua API)
* New blocks and items: * New blocks and items:
* Lookup tool, shows you the help for whatever it touches * Lookup tool, shows you the help for whatever it touches
@ -167,9 +173,6 @@ Bonus features (not found in Minecraft):
* Nether Brick Fence Gate * Nether Brick Fence Gate
* Red Nether Brick Fence * Red Nether Brick Fence
* Red Nether Brick Fence Gate * Red Nether Brick Fence Gate
* Structure replacements - these small variants of Minecraft structures serve as replacements until we can get large structures working:
* Woodland Cabin (Mansions)
* Nether Outpost (Fortress)
Technical differences from Minecraft: Technical differences from Minecraft:
@ -184,7 +187,7 @@ Technical differences from Minecraft:
* Different engine (Minetest) * Different engine (Minetest)
* Different easter eggs * Different easter eggs
… and finally, VoxeLibre is free software (“free” as in “freedom”)! … and finally, MineClone 2 is free software (“free” as in “freedom”)!
## Other readme files ## Other readme files

View File

@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
# VoxeLibre
Un jeu inspiré de Minecraft pour Minetest. Forké depuis Mineclone par davedevils.
Développé par de nombreuses personnes, voir pour une liste complète.
### Gameplay
Vous atterissez dans un monde fait entièrement de cubes et généré aléatoirement. Vous pouvez explorer le monde, miner et construire presque n'importe quel bloc pour créer de nouvelles structures. Vous pouvez choisir de jouer en "mode survie" dans lequel vous devez combattre des monstres et la faim et progresser lentement dans différents aspects du jeu, comme l'extraction de minerai, l'agriculture, la construction de machines et ainsi de suite. Ou alors vous pouvez jouer en "mode créatif" où vous pouvez construire à peu près n'importe quoi instantanément.
### Résumé du Gameplay
* Jeu de type bac-à-sable, sans objetifs
* Survie : combattez des monstres hostiles et la faim
* Creusez pour du minerai et d'autres trésors
* Magie : gagnez de l'expérience et enchantez les outils
* Utilisez les blocs ramassés pour construire de magnifiques bâtiments, votre imagination est la seule limite
* Ramassez des fleurs (et d'autres sources de teinture) et colorez votre monde
* Trouvez des graines et commencez à cultiver
* Trouvez ou fabriquez des centaines d'objets
* Construisez un réseau ferroviaire complexe et amusez-vous avec les wagonnets
* En mode créatif vous pouvez construire presque n'importe quoi gratuitement et sans limite
## Comment jouer (démarrer rapidement)
### Commencer
* **Frappez un arbre** jusqu'à ce qu'il casse et donne du bois
* Placez le **bois dans la grille 2x2** (la "grille de fabrication" de votre menu d'inventaire) et fabriquez 4 planches de bois
* Placez les 4 planches de bois dans la grille 2x2 et **fabriquez un établi**
* **Faites un clic droit sur l'établi** (icone livre) pour apprendre toutes les recettes possibles
* **Fabriquez une pioche de bois** pour miner la pierre
* Différents outils minent différentes sortes de blocs. Essayez-les !
* Continuez à jouer comme vous voulez. Amusez-vous !
### Agriculture
* Trouvez des graines
* Fabriquez une houe
* Faites un clic droit sur la terre ou un bloc similaire avec la houe pour créer des terres agricoles
* Placez des graines sur des terres agricoles et regardez les pousser
* Récoltez les plantes une fois matûres
* Les terres agricoles proches de l'eau deviennent humides et accélèrent la croissance
### Four
* Fabriquez un four
* Le four permet d'obtenir plus d'objets
* L'emplacement du haut doit contenir un objet fondable (par ex : minerai de fer)
* L'emplacement du bas doit contenir un objet combustible (par ex : charbon)
* Voir le guide d'artisanat pour en apprendre plus sur les objets fondables et combustibles
### Aide supplémentaire
Plus d'aide à propos du jeu, des blocs, objets et plus encore peuvent être trouvés dans le jeu. Vous pouvez accéder à l'aide depuis le menu inventaire.
### Objets spéciaux
Les objets suivants sont intéressants pour le mode Créatif et pour les constructeurs de cartes d'aventure. Ils ne peuvent être obtenus dans le jeu ou dans l'inventaire créatif.
* Barrière : `mcl_core:barrier`
Utilisez la commande de chat `/giveme` pour les obtenir. Voir l'aide interne au jeu pour une explication.
## Installation
Ce jeu nécessite [Minetest]( pour fonctionner (version 5.4.1 ou plus). Vous devez donc installer Minetest d'abord. Seules les versions stables de Minetest sont officielement supportées.
Il n'y a pas de support de VoxeLibre dans les versions développement de Minetest.
Pour installer VoxeLibre (si ce n'est pas déjà fait), déplacez ce dossier dans le dossier “games” de Minetest. Consultez l'aide de Minetest pour en apprendre plus.
## Liens utiles
Le dépôt de VoxeLibre est hébergé sur Mesehub. Pour contribuer ou signaler des problèmes, allez là-bas.
* Mesehub : <>
* Discord : <>
* YouTube : <>
* ContentDB : <>
* OpenCollective : <>
* Mastodon : <>
* Lemmy : <>
* Espace Matrix : <>
* Forums Minetest : <>
* Reddit : <>
* IRC (peu utilisé) : <>
## Objectif
* Créer un jeu stable, performant, moddable et libre inspiré de Minecraft en utilisant le moteur de jeu Minetest, utilisable à la fois en mode solo et multijoueur.
* Actuellement, un grand nombre de fonctionnalités sont déjà implémentées.
L'amélioration des fonctionnalités existantes est toujours la bienvenue.
## Statut de complétion
Ce jeu est actuellement au stade **beta**.
Il est jouable mais incomplet en fonctionnalités.
La rétro-compatibilité n'est pas entièrement garantie, mettre votre monde à jour peut causer de petits bugs.
Si vous voulez utiliser la version de développement de VoxeLibre en production, la branche master est habituellement relativement stable.
Les principales fonctionnalités suivantes sont disponibles :
* Outils, armes
* Armure
* Système de fabrication : grille 2x2, établi (grille 3x3), four, incluant un guide de fabrication
* Coffres, grands coffres, coffre ender, boites de Shulker
* Fours, entonnoirs
* Faim
* La plupart des monstres et animaux
* Tous les minerais de Minecraft
* La plupart des blocs de l'overworld
* Eau et lave
* Météo
* 28 biomes + 5 biomes du Nether
* Le Nether, monde souterrain brûlant dans une autre dimension
* Circuits Redstone (partiel)
* Effets de Statut (partiel)
* Expérience
* Enchantement
* Brassage, potions, flèches trempées (partiel)
* Bâteaux
* Feu
* Blocs de construction : escaliers, dalles, portes, trappes, barrières, portillons, murets
* Horloge
* Boussole
* Éponge
* Bloc de slime
* Petites plantes et pousses
* Teintures
* Bannières
* Blocs de décoration : verre, verre teinté, vitres, barres de fer, terre cuites (et couleurs), têtes et plus
* Cadres d'objets
* Juke-boxes
* Lits
* Menu d'inventaire
* Inventaire créatif
* Agriculture
* Livres pour écrire
* Commandes
* Villages
* L'End
* et plus !
Les fonctionnalités suivantes sont incomplètes :
* Certains monstres et animaux
* Certains composants de Redstone
* Wagonnets spéciaux
* Quelques blocs et objets non-triviaux
Fonctionnalités bonus (absentes de Minecraft) :
* Guide d'artisanat intégré au jeu qui montre les recettes d'artisanat et de cuisson
* Système d'aide intégré au jeu contenant des informations à propos des techniques de base, blocs, objets et plus
* Recettes d'artisanat temporaires. Elles existent uniquement pour rendre des objets accessibles qui ne le seraient pas autrement sauf en mode créatif. Elles seront retirées au cours de l'avancement du développement et de l'ajout de nouvelles fonctionnalités.
* Pousses dans les coffres en [mapgen v6](
* Entièrement moddable (grâce la puissante API Lua de Minetest)
* Nouveaux blocs et objets :
* Outil de recherche, montre l'aide de ce qu'il touche
* Plus de dalles et d'escaliers
* Portillon en briques du Nether
* Barrière en briques du Nether rouges
* Portillon en briques du Nether rouges
* Structures de remplacement - ces petites variantes de structures de Minecraft servent de remplacement en attendant qu'on arrive à en faire fonctionner de plus grandes :
* Cabine dans les bois (Manoir des bois)
* Avant-poste du Nether (Forteresse)
Différences techniques avec Minecraft :
* Limite en hauteur de 31000 blocs (bien plus grand que Minecraft)
* Taille horizontale du monde 62000×62000 blocs (bien plus petit que Minecraft mais toujours très grand)
* Toujours assez incomplet et buggé
* Des blocs, objets, ennemis et fonctionnalités manquent
* Quelques objets ont des noms légèrement différents pour être plus faciles à distinguer
* Des musiques différentes pour le juke-boxe
* Des textures différentes (Pixel Perfection)
* Des sons différents (sources diverses)
* Un moteur de jeu différent (Minetest)
* Des bonus cachés différents enfin VoxeLibre est un logiciel libre !
## Autres fichiers readme
* `LICENSE.txt` : Le texte de la licence GPLv3
* `` : Information pour ceux qui veulent contribuer
* `` : Pour les modders Minetest qui veulent modder ce jeu
* `` : Information légale
* `` : Liste de toutes les personnes qui ont contribué

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@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
# VoxeLibre
Неофициальная игра в стиле Minecraft для Minetest. Форк MineClone от davedevils.
Разработана многими людьми. Не разработана и не одобрена Mojang AB.
### Игровой процесс
Вы начинаете в случайно сгенерированном мире созданном целиком из кубов. Вы можете
исследовать мир, выкопать и поставить почти каждый блок в мире, чтобы создавать новые
структуры. Вы можете играть в “режиме выживания” в котором вам придется бороться с
монстрами и голодом за выживание и медленно проходить через различные аспекты игры,
такие как копание, фермерство, постройка механизмов и так далее. Или вы можете играть
в “творческом режиме” в котором вы сразу можете строить что угодно.
#### Итоги геймплея
* Геймплей в стиле песочницы, без целей
* Выживайте: сражайтесь с враждебными монстрами и голодом
* Добывайте руды и прочие ценные предметы
* Магия: получайте опыт и зачаруйте ваше снаряжение
* Создавайте из собранных блоков величественные постройки ограниченные только воображением
* Собирайте цветы и другие красители, чтобы раскрасить ваш мир
* Найдите семена и заведите ферму
* Найдите или создайте один из сотен предметов
* Проложите рельсы и повеселитесь с вагонетками
* Постройте сложные механизмы со схемами из редстоуна
* В творческом режиме вы можете свободно строить всё без лимитов
## Как играть (быстрый старт)
### Начнем
* **Бейте по стволу дерева** пока оно не сломается и соберите древесину
* Поставьте **древесину в сетку 2×2** (“сетка крафта” в вашем инвентаре) и скрафтите 4 доски
* Разложите 4 доски в форме 2×2 в сетке крафта, чтобы **сделать верстак**
* **Правым кликом по верстаку**, чтобы открыть сетку крафта 3×3 для более сложных предметов
* Используйте **книгу рецептов** (иконка книги), чтобы узнать все возможные рецепты крафтов
* **Скрафтите деревянную кирку**, чтобы вы могли копать камень
* Разные инструменты добывают разные виды блоков. Опробуйте их все!
* Продолжайте играть как пожелаете. Повеселитесь!
### Фермерство
* Найдите семена
* Скрафтите мотыгу
* Правой кнопкой мотыгой по земле или похожему блоку, чтобы создать грядку
* Посадите семена на грядку и ждите пока они вырастут
* Соберите растение когда оно полностью созреет
* Рядом с водой грядка становится влажной и растения растут быстрее
### Переплавка
* Скрафтите печь
* Печь позволит вам получить больше предметов
* Верхний слот должен содержать переплавляемый предмет (например: железную руду)
* Нижний слот должен содержать топливо (например: уголь)
* Смотрите книгу рецептов, чтобы узнать о других переплавляемых предметах и топливе
### Дополнительная помощь
Больше информации о геймплее, блоках, предметах и многое другое можно найти во
внутриигровой справке. Вы можете перейти в неё через ваш инвентарь.
### Особые предметы
Следующие предметы интересны для творческого режима и для строителей приключенческих
карт. Их нельзя получить в игре или через творческий инвентарь.
* Барьер: `mcl_core:barrier`
Используйте чат-команду `/giveme`, чтобы получить их.
Смотрите справку для дальнейшей информации.
## Установка
Эта игра требует [Minetest]( для запуска (версия 5.4.1 или
выше). Вам нужно сперва установить Minetest. Только стабильные версии поддерживаются
официально. Не поддерживается запуск VoxeLibre на разрабатываемых версиях Minetest.
Чтобы установить VoxeLibre (если вы этого еще не сделали), переместите эту папку в
“games” в папке данных Minetest. Смотрите справку Minetest, чтобы узнать больше.
## Полезные ссылки
Репозиторий VoxeLibre хранится на Mesehub. Зайдите туда, чтобы оставить запрос или
поучаствовать в разработке.
* Mesehub: <>
* Discord: <>
* YouTube: <>
* ContentDB: <>
* OpenCollective: <>
* Mastodon: <>
* Lemmy: <>
* Matrix space: <>
* Форум Minetest: <>
* Reddit: <>
* IRC (едва используется): <>
## Цели
- Создать стабильную, модифицируемую, бесплатную и свободную игру основанную на
Minecraft на движке Minetest с проработанными возможностями для одиночной игры и
для мультиплеера. На данный момент множество возможностей **Minecraft Java
Edition** уже реализовано и доработка имеющегося контента в приоритете над
добавлением нового.
- Реализовать возможности на уровне **текущей версии Minecraft + OptiFine** (OptiFine
настолько, насколько это поддерживается движком Minetest).
- Добиться производительности для запуска на действительно слабых компьютерах.
## Готовность
Игра сейчас на стадии **бета**. Она играбельна, но еще не имеет всех возможностей.
Обратная совместимость целиком не гарантируется, обновление вашего мира может повлечь
за собой небольшие ошибки. Если вы хотите использовать разрабатываемую версию
VoxeLibre, то ветка master обычно относительно стабильна.
Следущие возможности уже доступны:
* Инструменты, оружие, броня
* Система крафта: сетка 2×2, верстак (сетка 3×3) и книга рецептов
* Сундуки, большие сундуки, эндер-сундуки, ящики шалкера
* Печи и воронки
* Система голода
* Большинство монстров и животных
* Все руды из Minecraft
* Большинство блоков из Верхнего мира
* Вода и лава
* Погода
* 28 биомов + 5 биомов в Незере
* Незер, пылающий подземный мир в другом измерении
* Схемы из редстоуна (частично)
* Вагонетки (частично)
* Статусные эффекты (частично)
* Опыт
* Зачарование
* Зельеварение, зелья, смоченные стрелы (частично)
* Лодки
* Огонь
* Строительные блоки: ступени, плиты, двери, люки, заборы, калитки, стены
* Часы
* Компас
* Губки
* Блоки слизи
* Растения и саженцы
* Красители
* Флаги
* Декоративные блоки: стекло, окрашенное стекло, стеклянные панели, железные решетки, цветная керамика, головы и многое другое
* Рамки для предметов
* Прогрыватели
* Кровати
* Меню инвентаря
* Творческий инвентарь
* Фермерство
* Книги с пером
* Команды
* Деревни
* Измерение Края
* И многое другое!
Следующие возможности еще не завершены:
* Некоторые монстры и животные
* Предметы связанные с редстоуном
* Некоторые вагонетки (с сундуком и с воронкой уже работают)
* Пара нетривиальных блоков и предметов
Бонусные возможности (нет в Minecraft-е):
* Встроенный гайд для крафта покажет вам рецепты крафта и переплавки
* Внутриигровая справка содержит всестороннюю информацию об основах игры, блоках, предметах и прочее
* Временные рецепты крафта. Они существуют, чтобы получить доступ к ранее недоступным предметам вне творческого режима. Они будут удалены как только разработка позволит им стать доступными
* Саженцы в сундуках в [mapgen v6](
* Полностью модифицируема (благодаря мощному Lua API в Minetest)
* Новые блоки и предметы:
* Инструмент просмотра покажет справку о том чего коснется
* Больше ступеней и плит
* Калитки и заборы из адских кирпичей
* Замены структур - малые верии структур из Minecraft пока большие структуры не будут сделаны:
* Лесная хижина (Особняк)
* Форт Незера (Крепости)
Технические отличия от Minecraft:
* Лимит высоты - 31000 блоков (намного больше чем в Minecraft)
* Горизонтальный размер мира - 62000×62000 блоков (намного меньше чем в Minecraft, но всё еще очень большой)
* Всё еще не завершен и содержит много багов
* Недостающие блоки, предметы, мобы
* Некоторые предметы с другими названиями, чтобы лучше их различать
* Другая музыка для проигрывателей
* Другие текстуры (Pixel Perfection)
* Другие звуки (разные источники)
* Другой движок (Minetest)
* Другие пасхалки
… и наконец, VoxeLibre это свободное программное обеспечение!
## Другие readme файлы
* `LICENSE.txt`: текст лицензии GPLv3
* ``: информация для тех кто хочет поучаствовать в разработке
* ``: для моддеров Minetest кто хочет изменить эту игру
* ``: юридическая информация
* ``: список участников проекта

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This file is severely out of date. If you can help updating this translation, please reach out to us (contact in - the English version).
# VoxeLibre
由許多人開發。並非由Mojang Studios開發。<!-- "Mojang AB"'s Name changed at 2020/05, main README should change too -->
### 遊玩
#### Gameplay summary
* 沙盒式遊戲,沒有明確目標
* 生存:與怪物和飢餓搏鬥
* 挖礦來獲得礦物和寶物
* 附魔:獲得經驗值並以附魔強化你的工具
* 使用收集的方塊來創造偉大的建築
* 收集鮮花(和其他染料來源),令世界多姿多彩
* 找些種子並開始耕種
* 尋找或合成數百個物品之一
* 建立一個鐵路系統,並從礦車中得到樂趣
* 用紅石電路建造複雜的機器
* 在創造模式下,你幾乎可以免費建造任何東西,而且沒有限制。
## 如何開始
### 開始生存
* **挖樹幹**直到其破裂並收集木材
* 將木頭**放入2×2的格子中**你的物品欄中的「合成格子」然後製作4塊木材。
* 將4塊木材按2×2的形狀擺放在合成格子裡製作成合成臺。
* **右鍵單擊製作臺**以獲得3×3製作網格製作更複雜的東西
* 使用**合成指南**(書形圖標)了解所有可能的合成方式
* **製作一個木鎬**,這樣你就可以挖石頭了。
* 不同的工具可以打破不同種類的方塊。試試吧!
* 繼續玩你想玩的。盡情享受吧!
### 耕種
* 找到種子
* 合成鋤頭
* 用鋤頭右鍵點擊泥土或類似的方塊,創建農田
* 將種子放在農田上,看著它們長出來
* Collect plant when fully grown
* If near water, farmland becomes wet and speeds up growth
### Furnace
* Craft furnace
* Furnace allows you to obtain more items
* Upper slot must contain a smeltable item (example: iron ore)
* Lower slot must contain a fuel item (example: coal)
* See tooltips in crafting guide to learn about fuels and smeltable items
### Additional help
More help about the gameplay, blocks items and much more can be found from inside
the game. You can access the help from your inventory menu.
### Special items
The following items are interesting for Creative Mode and for adventure
map builders. They can not be obtained in-game or in the creative inventory.
* Barrier: `mcl_core:barrier`
Use the `/giveme` chat command to obtain them. See the in-game help for
an explanation.
#### Incomplete items
These items do not work yet, but you can get them with `/giveme` for testing:
* Minecart with Chest: `mcl_minecarts:chest_minecart`
* Minecart with Furnace: `mcl_minecarts:furnace_minecart`
* Minecart with Hopper: `mcl_minecarts:hopper_minecart`
* Minecart with Command Block: `mcl_minecarts:command_block_minecart`
## Installation
This game requires [Minetest]( to run (version 5.0.0 or
later). So you need to install Minetest first. Only stable versions of Minetest
are officially supported.
There is no support for running MineClone 2 in development versions of Minetest.
To install MineClone 2 (if you haven't already), move this directory into the
“games” directory of your Minetest data directory. Consult the help of
Minetest to learn more.
## Project description
The main goal of **MineClone 2** is to be a clone of Minecraft and to be released as free software.
* **開發目標:我的世界, Java版, 版本 1.12**
* VoxeLibre還包括Minetest支持的Optifine功能。
* 後期Minecraft版本的功能可能會偷偷加入但它們的優先級較低。
* 總的來說Minecraft的目標是在Minetest目前允許的情況下進行克隆。
* 克隆Minecraft是最優先的。
* VoxeLibre將使用不同的圖形和聲音但風格相似。
* 克隆界面沒有優先權。只會被粗略地模仿。
* 在Minetest中發現的局限性將在開發過程中被記錄和報告。
## 完成程度
* 工具,武器
* 盔甲
* 合成和熔煉系統2×2 合成格, 合成臺 (3×3 合成格), 熔爐, 合成教學
* 儲物箱,大型儲物箱,終界箱和界伏盒
* 熔爐, 漏斗
* 飢餓和飽食
* 大多數怪物和動物
* Minecraft 1.12中的所有礦物<!-- Minecraft 1.17 added copper, so here must mark the version is 1.12, then main README should also add this -->
* 主世界的大部分方塊
* 水和岩漿
* 天氣
* 28個生態域
* 地獄,熾熱的維度
* 紅石電路(部分)
* 礦車(部分)
* 狀態效果(部分)
* 經驗系統
* 附魔
* 釀造,藥水,藥水箭(部分)
* 船
* 火
* 建築方塊:樓梯、半磚、門、地板門、柵欄、柵欄門、牆。
* 時鐘
* 指南針
* 海綿
* 史萊姆方塊(不與紅石互動)
* 小植物和樹苗
* 染料
* 旗幟
* 裝飾方塊:玻璃、染色玻璃、玻璃片、鐵柵欄、陶土(和染色版本)、頭顱等
* 物品展示框
* 唱片機
* 床
* 物品欄
* 創造模式物品欄
* 生產
* 書和羽毛筆
* 一些服務器命令
* 還有更多!
* 生成結構(特別是村莊)
* 一些怪物和動物
* 紅石系統
* 終界
* 特殊的礦車
* 一些不簡單的方塊和物品。
額外功能在Minecraft 1.11中沒有)。
* 內置合成指南,向你展示製作和熔煉的配方
* 遊戲中的幫助系統包含了大量關於遊戲基礎知識、方塊、物品等方面的幫助。
* 臨時製作配方。它們的存在只是為了在你不在創造模式下時,提供一些其他無法獲得的物品。這些配方將隨著開發的進行和更多功能的出現而被移除。
* v6地圖生成器中箱子裡的樹苗。
* 完全可修改得益於Minetest強大的Lua API
* 新的方塊和物品:
* 查找工具,顯示觸及事物的幫助
* 更多的半磚和樓梯
* 地獄磚柵欄門
* 紅地獄磚柵欄
* 紅地獄磚柵欄門
* 高度限制為31000格(遠高於Minecraft)
* 水平世界大小約為62000×62000格比Minecraft中的小得多但仍然非常大
* 仍然非常不完整和有問題
* 塊、物品、敵人和其他功能缺失。
* 一些項目的名稱略有不同,以便於區分。
* 唱片機的音樂不同
* 不同的材質(像素完美)
* 不同的聲音(各種來源)
* 不同的引擎Minetest
## 錯誤報告
## Chating with the community
## Other readme files
* `LICENSE.txt`GPLv3許可文本
* ``: 為那些想參與貢獻的人提供資訊
* ``: VoxeLibre需要改进Minetest中缺失的功能列表。
* ``: 關於MineClone2的API
## 參與者
### 程式碼
* [Wuzzy](大多數mod的主要程序員已退休
* davedevilsMineClone 2的原型——「MineClone」的創造者
* [ex-bart](紅石比較器
* [Rootyjr](釣竿和錯誤修復
* [aligator](改進門
* [ryvnf](爆炸物理
* MysticTempest錯誤修復
* [bzoss](狀態效果,釀造,藥水
* kay27 <>:經驗系統,錯誤修復和優化(當前維護者)
* [EliasFleckenstein03](終界水晶,附魔,燃燒的怪物/玩家,箱子的動畫和錯誤修復(當前維護者)
* epCode更好的玩家動畫新徽標
* 2mac修復動力鐵軌的錯誤
* 更多:待篇寫 (請查看各mod目錄)
#### Mod概括
* `controls`: Arcelmi
* `flowlib`: Qwertymine13
* `walkover`: lordfingle
* `drippingwater`: kddekadenz
* `mobs_mc`: maikerumine, 22i and others
* `awards`: rubenwardy
* `screwdriver`: RealBadAngel, Maciej Kastakin, Minetest contributors
* `xpanes`: Minetest contributors
* `mesecons` mods: Jeija and contributors
* `wieldview`: Stuart Jones
* `mcl_meshhand`: Based on `newhand` by jordan4ibanez
* `mcl_mobs`: Based on Mobs Redo [`mobs`] by TenPlus1 and contributors
* 大多其他的Mod: Wuzzy
### 圖形
* [XSSheep](主要作者Minecraft 1.11的Pixel Perfection资源包的制作者
* [Wuzzy](主菜單圖像和各種編輯和添加的材質包
* [kingoscargames](現有材質的各種編輯和添加
* [leorockway](怪物紋理的一些編輯
* [xMrVizzy](釉陶(材質以後會被替換)
* yutyo <>VoxeLibre標志
* 其他GUI圖片
### 翻譯
* Wuzzy德語
* Rocher Laurent <>:法語
* wuniversales西班牙語
* kay27 <>:俄語
* [Emoji](繁體中文<!-- Hi, after the translate finish, this name should add to the main README too! -->
### 模型
* [22i](所有模型的作者
* [tobyplowy](對上述模型進行UV映射修復
### 聲音和音樂
多種來源。 有關詳細信息請參見相應的mod目錄。
### 特殊感謝
* Wuzzy感謝他啟動和維護VoxeLibre多年。
* celeron55創建Minetest。
* Minetest的社區提供了大量的mods選擇其中一些最終被納入MineClone 2。
* Jordach為《Big Freaking Dig》的唱片機音樂合輯而來
* 花了太多時間為Minecraft Wiki寫作的工作狂。它是創建這個遊戲的寶貴資源。
* Notch和Jeb是Minecraft背后的主要力量
* XSSheep用於創建Pixel Perfection資源包。
* [22i]( 提供出色的模型和支持
* [maikerumine]( 揭開生物和生物群落的序幕
## 給程序員的信息
## 法律信息
這是一款粉絲開發的遊戲並非由Mojang AB開發或認可。
複製是一種愛的行為。請複制和分享! <3
### License of source code
MineClone 2 (by kay27, EliasFleckenstein, Wuzzy, davedevils and countless others)
is an imitation of Minecraft.
MineClone 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License (in the LICENSE.txt file) for more
In the mods you might find in the read-me or license
text files a different license. This counts as dual-licensing.
You can choose which license applies to you: Either the
license of MineClone 2 (GNU GPLv3) or the mod's license.
MineClone 2 is a direct continuation of the discontinued MineClone
project by davedevils.
Mod credits:
See `README.txt` or `` in each mod directory for information about other authors.
For mods that do not have such a file, the license is the source code license
of MineClone 2 and the author is Wuzzy.
### License of media (textures and sounds)
No non-free licenses are used anywhere.
The textures, unless otherwise noted, are based on the Pixel Perfection resource pack for Minecraft 1.11,
authored by XSSheep. Most textures are verbatim copies, while some textures have been changed or redone
from scratch.
The glazed terracotta textures have been created by (MysticTempest)[].
Source: <>
License: [CC BY-SA 4.0](
The main menu images are release under: [CC0](
All other files, unless mentioned otherwise, fall under:
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
See README.txt in each mod directory for detailed information about other authors.

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## Standard Release
### Before releasing
Make sure all PRs in the release milestone are merged and you are working on a clean branch based on the master branch, up-to-date with the one on the repo.
### Release process
1. Update
2. Update version in game.conf
3. Run the script:
lua tools/generate_ingame_credits.lua
4. Make a commit for the above:
git add
git add mods/HUD/mcl_credits/people.lua
git add game.conf
git commit -m "Updated release credits and set version for v0.87"
5. Add release notes to the `releasenotes` folder, named like
6. Make a commit for the release notes:
git add releasenotes/
git commit -m "Add release notes for v0.87"
7. **Tag and push to the tag:**
git tag 0.87.0
git push origin 0.87.0
8. Update version in game.conf to the next version with -SNAPSHOT suffix:
git commit -m "Post-release set version 0.88.0-SNAPSHOT"
9. Push the above to a new branch, and make the release PR. Merge to finalize release process.
### Release via ContentDB
1. Go to VoxeLibre page (
2. Click [+Release] button
3. Enter the release tag number in the title and Git reference box. For example (without quotes): "0.87.0"
4. In the minimum minetest version, put the oldest supported version (as of 19/05/2024 it is 5.6), leave the Maximum minetest version blank
5. Click save. Release is now live.
### After releasing
...inform people.
* Open a release meta issue on the tracker, unpin and close the issue for the previous release, pin the new one.
* Upload video to YouTube.
* Add a comment to the forum post with the release number and change log. Maintainer will update the main post with code link.
* Add a Discord announcement post and @everyone with link to the release issue, release notes and other content, like video and forum post.
* Add a Matrix announcement post and @room with links like above.
* Share the news on reddit + Lemmy. Good subs to share with:
* r/linux_gaming
* r/opensourcegames
* r/opensource
* r/freesoftware
* r/linuxmasterrace
* r/VoxeLibre
* r/MineClone2 (*for now*)
## Hotfix Release
### Before releasing
First, determine if the current state of the master branch is fine for the Hotfix.
In general, Hotfixes shouldn't contain new features to minimize the risk of regressions.
* If it hasn't been long since the release, and the only PRs merged so far are bugfixes and/or documentation changes,
it is certainly fine to use it as a base for the release.
* If there are some features merged, but they are aimed at fixing/alleviating important issues with the last released version, it may still be fine.
* If there are some simple QoL features merged that are irrelevant to the last release, it may still be fine to use it as a base for the Hotfix.
* If there are major features or large overhauls merged, it *most probably* is **not** fine to use as a base for the Hotfix.
If you decided that the current state of the master branch can be used as the Hotfix version, make sure that all the PRs merged since the last release
are in the Hotfix milestone and you are working on a clean branch based on the master branch, up-to-date with the one on the repo.
In this case, **skip** the following section.
### Prepare release branch
If you decided that the current state of the master branch shouldn't be used as the Hotfix version, you must prepare a release branch.
1. Create release branch from the last release tag, push it:
git checkout -b release/0.82.1 0.82.0
git push origin release/0.82.1
2. Cherry-pick the relevant commits from the master branch, or merge them from other (PR) branches.
3. Make sure your local copy of the branch contains all the relevant changes, **do not rebase**.
### Release process
1. Update if it is needed
2. Update version in game.conf
3. If you've changed, run the script:
lua tools/generate_ingame_credits.lua
4. Make a commit for the above:
git add game.conf
git commit -m "Set version for hotfix v0.87.1"
or, if credits got updated:
git add
git add mods/HUD/mcl_credits/people.lua
git add game.conf
git commit -m "Updated release credits and set version for hotfix v0.87.1"
5. Add a section in the last releasnotes, like this:
## 0.87.1 hotfix
and describe the changes there
6. Make a commit for the releasenotes changes:
git add releasenotes/
git commit -m "Update release notes for hotfix v0.87.1"
7. **Tag and push to the tag:**
git tag 0.87.1
git push origin 0.87.1
8. If you are skipping some changes from the master branch (and thus are using a prepared master branch from the previous section),
push to the remote and skip the next two steps:
git push origin release/0.82.1
9. If you're releasing master branch, update version in game.conf to the next version with -SNAPSHOT suffix:
git commit -m "Post-hotfix reset version 0.88.0-SNAPSHOT"
10. If you're releasing master branch, push the above to a new branch, and make the release PR. Merge to finalize release process.
### Release via ContentDB
1. Go to VoxeLibre page (
2. Click [+Release] button
3. Enter the release tag number in the title and Git reference box. For example (without quotes): "0.87.1"
4. In the minimum minetest version, put the oldest supported version (as of 19/05/2024 it is 5.6), leave the Maximum minetest version blank
5. Click save. Hotfix is now live.
### After releasing
...inform people.
* Add a comment to the forum post with the release number and change log. Maintainer will update the main post with code link.
* Add a Discord announcement post and @everyone with link to the release issue and release notes, and describe briefly what the hotfix does.
* Add a Matrix announcement post and @room with content like above.
* Share the news on reddit + Lemmy. Good subs to share with:
* r/linux_gaming
* r/opensourcegames
* r/opensource
* r/freesoftware
* r/linuxmasterrace
* r/VoxeLibre
* r/MineClone2 (*for now*)

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# Making Textures In VoxeLibre
Textures are a crucial asset for all items, nodes, and models in VoxeLibre. This document is for artist who would like to make and modify textures for VoxeLibre. While no means comprehensive, this document contains the basic important information for beginners to get started with texture curation and optimization.
## Minetest Wiki
For more detailed information on creating and modifing texture packs for Minetest/VoxeLibre, please visit the Minetest wiki's page on creating a texture pack. Click [here]( to view the wiki page on creating texture packs.
## GIMP Tutorials Pixel Art Guide
GIMP Tutorials has an excellent guide to making pixel art in GIMP. If you would like further clarification as well as screenshots for what we are about to cover, it is an excellent resource to turn to. Click [here]( to view the guide
## Recommended Software
### GIMP
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a very popular and free image editing software supported on Windows, MacOS, and most Linux distributions. It is recommended to use GIMP to create and modify textures within the minetest engine.
Download GIMP [here](
# Getting Started
## Creating a new file
the first thing to do is open GIMP and create a new file to work in by opening the File menu and choosing "New".
Choose width of 16 and height of 16 for the image size. While higher resolution textures are possible, The default size is 16x16. It is recommended you use this size as well, as it is universally supported on all systems.
## Zoom In
Next, you'll want to zoom in as the canvas is very small at the default zoom level. To do this either use CTRL + mousewheel, +/-, or navigate to the View menu > zoom > zoom in
## Configure Grid
Now, we'll want to turn on the grid. Open the edit menu and enable the 'show grid' option.
The default grid size is 10 pixels, we want to change it to a 1 pixel grid. Go to the Image menu and choose 'configure grid.
In the Spacing section, change both the Horizontal and Vertical pixel settings to 1.00 then click ok and the grid will update.
## Pencil Tool & Color Picking
The most useful brush type for pixel art is the Pencil tool. Its nested under the paintbrush tool in the toolbox, or you can use the keyboard shortcut 'N'.
Once the pencil tool is selected, navigate to the sliders on the left side of the canvas and change brush size to 1 pixel.
Now choose a color! You can do this by clicking on the two colored squares under the toolbox. The Color Picker tool is also a good option if you already have a reference image for color palette.
## How to export optimally
Once you have finished up a texture and are ready to export it, navigate to the file menu > export as... and make sure the file name extention is .png
After clicking 'Export', a menu will appear with a bunch of options checked. Make sure to uncheck all of these options!!! This will drastically reduce the file size from multiple kilobytes to a couple of hundred bytes. Finally click 'Export' one more time.
### Further optimization with OptiPNG
For those running a GNU/linux distribution, you most likely have the 'optipng' command available to you. If it does not come with your system by default, the software homepage can be found [here]( where you can download and install from source.
First, Open up the terminal in the directory where your exported texture is located (or navigate to the directory with the 'cd your/directory/path/to/textures'), then run this command
optipng -o7 -zm1-9 -nc -clobber -strip all *.png
This will further optimize all the textures in the directory.
NOTE: If you would like to further edit a texture that has been optipng'd in GIMP, you must manually set the color palette back to RBG after opening. Navigate to Image menu > Mode > select RGB

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A survival sandbox game. Survive, gather, hunt, mine, build, explore, and do much more. A survival sandbox game. Survive, gather, hunt, mine, build, explore, and do much more. Faithful clone of Minecraft 1.12. This is a work in progress! Expect bugs!

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title = VoxeLibre name = MineClone 2
description = A survival sandbox game. Survive, gather, hunt, build, explore, and do much more. description = A survival sandbox game. Survive, gather, hunt, build, explore, and do much more.
disallowed_mapgens = v6

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ information.
How the mod is used How the mod is used
=================== ===================
In VoxeLibre, all diggable nodes have the hardness set in the custom field In MineClone 2, all diggable nodes have the hardness set in the custom field
"_mcl_hardness" (0 by default). These values are used together with digging "_mcl_hardness" (0 by default). These values are used together with digging
groups by this mod to create the correct digging times for nodes. Digging groups by this mod to create the correct digging times for nodes. Digging
groups are registered using the following code: groups are registered using the following code:
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ local function get_hardness_values_for_groups()
for _, ndef in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do for _, ndef in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
for g, _ in pairs(mcl_autogroup.registered_diggroups) do for g, _ in pairs(mcl_autogroup.registered_diggroups) do
if ndef.groups[g] then if ndef.groups[g] ~= nil then
maps[g][ndef._mcl_hardness or 0] = true maps[g][ndef._mcl_hardness or 0] = true
end end
end end
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ local hardness_values = get_hardness_values_for_groups()
-- hardness_value. Used for quick lookup. -- hardness_value. Used for quick lookup.
local hardness_lookup = get_hardness_lookup_for_groups(hardness_values) local hardness_lookup = get_hardness_lookup_for_groups(hardness_values)
--[[local function compute_creativetimes(group) local function compute_creativetimes(group)
local creativetimes = {} local creativetimes = {}
for index, hardness in pairs(hardness_values[group]) do for index, hardness in pairs(hardness_values[group]) do
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ local hardness_lookup = get_hardness_lookup_for_groups(hardness_values)
end end
return creativetimes return creativetimes
end]] end
-- Get the list of digging times for using a specific tool on a specific -- Get the list of digging times for using a specific tool on a specific
-- diggroup. -- diggroup.
@ -204,21 +204,13 @@ end
-- Checks if the given node would drop its useful drop if dug by a given tool. -- Checks if the given node would drop its useful drop if dug by a given tool.
-- Returns true if it will yield its useful drop, false otherwise. -- Returns true if it will yield its useful drop, false otherwise.
function mcl_autogroup.can_harvest(nodename, toolname, player) function mcl_autogroup.can_harvest(nodename, toolname)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename]
if not ndef then
return false
if minetest.get_item_group(nodename, "dig_immediate") >= 2 then if minetest.get_item_group(nodename, "dig_immediate") >= 2 then
return true return true
end end
if minetest.get_item_group(nodename, "dig_immediate_piston") >= 1 then
return true
-- Check if it can be dug by tool -- Check if it can be dug by tool
local tdef = minetest.registered_tools[toolname] local tdef = minetest.registered_tools[toolname]
if tdef and tdef._mcl_diggroups then if tdef and tdef._mcl_diggroups then
@ -232,9 +224,7 @@ function mcl_autogroup.can_harvest(nodename, toolname, player)
end end
-- Check if it can be dug by hand -- Check if it can be dug by hand
if not player or not player:is_player() then return false end local tdef = minetest.registered_tools[""]
local name = player:get_inventory():get_stack("hand", 1):get_name()
local tdef = minetest.registered_items[name]
if tdef then if tdef then
for g, gdef in pairs(tdef._mcl_diggroups) do for g, gdef in pairs(tdef._mcl_diggroups) do
if ndef.groups[g] then if ndef.groups[g] then
@ -249,13 +239,13 @@ function mcl_autogroup.can_harvest(nodename, toolname, player)
end end
-- Get one groupcap field for using a specific tool on a specific group. -- Get one groupcap field for using a specific tool on a specific group.
--[[local function get_groupcap(group, can_harvest, multiplier, efficiency, uses) local function get_groupcap(group, can_harvest, multiplier, efficiency, uses)
return { return {
times = get_digtimes(group, can_harvest, multiplier, efficiency), times = get_digtimes(group, can_harvest, multiplier, efficiency),
uses = uses, uses = uses,
maxlevel = 0, maxlevel = 0,
} }
end]] end
-- Returns the tool_capabilities from a tool definition or a default set of -- Returns the tool_capabilities from a tool definition or a default set of
-- tool_capabilities -- tool_capabilities
@ -266,7 +256,7 @@ local function get_tool_capabilities(tdef)
-- If the damage group and punch interval from hand is not included, -- If the damage group and punch interval from hand is not included,
-- then the user will not be able to attack with the tool. -- then the user will not be able to attack with the tool.
local hand_toolcaps = mcl_meshhand.survival_hand_tool_caps local hand_toolcaps = minetest.registered_tools[""].tool_capabilities
return { return {
full_punch_interval = hand_toolcaps.full_punch_interval, full_punch_interval = hand_toolcaps.full_punch_interval,
damage_groups = hand_toolcaps.damage_groups damage_groups = hand_toolcaps.damage_groups
@ -286,7 +276,7 @@ end
-- would have to add _mcl_autogroup as a dependency which would break the mod -- would have to add _mcl_autogroup as a dependency which would break the mod
-- loading order. -- loading order.
function mcl_autogroup.get_groupcaps(toolname, efficiency) function mcl_autogroup.get_groupcaps(toolname, efficiency)
local tdef = minetest.registered_items[toolname] local tdef = minetest.registered_tools[toolname]
local groupcaps = table.copy(get_tool_capabilities(tdef).groupcaps or {}) local groupcaps = table.copy(get_tool_capabilities(tdef).groupcaps or {})
add_groupcaps(toolname, groupcaps, tdef._mcl_diggroups, efficiency) add_groupcaps(toolname, groupcaps, tdef._mcl_diggroups, efficiency)
return groupcaps return groupcaps
@ -304,15 +294,11 @@ end
-- loading order. -- loading order.
function mcl_autogroup.get_wear(toolname, diggroup) function mcl_autogroup.get_wear(toolname, diggroup)
local tdef = minetest.registered_tools[toolname] local tdef = minetest.registered_tools[toolname]
if not tdef then
minetest.log("warning", "Adding wear for tool: " .. tostring(toolname) .. " failed with diggroup: " .. tostring(diggroup))
return nil
local uses = tdef._mcl_diggroups[diggroup].uses local uses = tdef._mcl_diggroups[diggroup].uses
return math.ceil(65535 / uses) return math.ceil(65535 / uses)
end end
local function overwrite() local overwrite = function()
for nname, ndef in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do for nname, ndef in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
local newgroups = table.copy(ndef.groups) local newgroups = table.copy(ndef.groups)
if (nname ~= "ignore" and ndef.diggable) then if (nname ~= "ignore" and ndef.diggable) then
@ -329,12 +315,12 @@ local function overwrite()
newgroups.opaque = 1 newgroups.opaque = 1
end end
--local creative_breakable = false local creative_breakable = false
-- Assign groups used for digging this node depending on -- Assign groups used for digging this node depending on
-- the registered digging groups -- the registered digging groups
for g, gdef in pairs(mcl_autogroup.registered_diggroups) do for g, gdef in pairs(mcl_autogroup.registered_diggroups) do
--creative_breakable = true creative_breakable = true
local index = hardness_lookup[g][ndef._mcl_hardness or 0] local index = hardness_lookup[g][ndef._mcl_hardness or 0]
if ndef.groups[g] then if ndef.groups[g] then
if gdef.levels then if gdef.levels then
@ -360,7 +346,7 @@ local function overwrite()
end end
end end
for tname, tdef in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do for tname, tdef in pairs(minetest.registered_tools) do
-- Assign groupcaps for digging the registered digging groups -- Assign groupcaps for digging the registered digging groups
-- depending on the _mcl_diggroups in the tool definition -- depending on the _mcl_diggroups in the tool definition
if tdef._mcl_diggroups then if tdef._mcl_diggroups then

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
name = _mcl_autogroup name = _mcl_autogroup
author = ryvnf author = ryvnf
description = VoxeLibre core mod which automatically adds groups to all items. Very important for digging times. description = MineClone 2 core mod which automatically adds groups to all items. Very important for digging times.

View File

@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ if v6_use_snow_biomes then
end end
local v6_freq_desert = tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mgv6_freq_desert") or 0.45) local v6_freq_desert = tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mgv6_freq_desert") or 0.45)
--local NOISE_MAGIC_X = 1619 local NOISE_MAGIC_X = 1619
--local NOISE_MAGIC_Y = 31337 local NOISE_MAGIC_Y = 31337
--local NOISE_MAGIC_Z = 52591 local NOISE_MAGIC_Z = 52591
--local NOISE_MAGIC_SEED = 1013 local NOISE_MAGIC_SEED = 1013
local function noise2d(x, y, seed) local noise2d = function(x, y, seed)
-- TODO: implement noise2d function for biome blend -- TODO: implement noise2d function for biome blend
return 0 return 0
--[[ --[[

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
local get_connected_players = minetest.get_connected_players local get_connected_players = minetest.get_connected_players
local clock = os.clock local clock = os.clock
local pairs = pairs
controls = {} controls = {}
controls.players = {} controls.players = {}
@ -31,7 +29,6 @@ local known_controls = {
aux1=true, aux1=true,
down=true, down=true,
up=true, up=true,
zoom = true,
} }
minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player)

View File

@ -1,71 +1,62 @@
local math = math
local get_node = minetest.get_node
local get_item_group = minetest.get_item_group
local registered_nodes = minetest.registered_nodes
flowlib = {} flowlib = {}
--sum of direction vectors must match an array index --sum of direction vectors must match an array index
local function to_unit_vector(dir_vector)
--(sum,root) --(sum,root)
-- (0,1), (1,1+0=1), (2,1+1=2), (3,1+2^2=5), (4,2^2+2^2=8) -- (0,1), (1,1+0=1), (2,1+1=2), (3,1+2^2=5), (4,2^2+2^2=8)
local inv_roots = {[0] = 1, [1] = 1, [2] = 0.70710678118655, [4] = 0.5
local inv_roots = { , [5] = 0.44721359549996, [8] = 0.35355339059327}
[0] = 1,
[1] = 1,
[2] = 0.70710678118655,
[4] = 0.5,
[5] = 0.44721359549996,
[8] = 0.35355339059327,
local function to_unit_vector(dir_vector)
local sum = dir_vector.x*dir_vector.x + dir_vector.z*dir_vector.z local sum = dir_vector.x*dir_vector.x + dir_vector.z*dir_vector.z
return {x = dir_vector.x * inv_roots[sum], y = dir_vector.y, z = dir_vector.z * inv_roots[sum]} return {x=dir_vector.x*inv_roots[sum],y=dir_vector.y
end end
local function is_touching(realpos,nodepos,radius) local is_touching = function(realpos,nodepos,radius)
local boarder = 0.5 - radius local boarder = 0.5 - radius
return math.abs(realpos - nodepos) > (boarder) return (math.abs(realpos - nodepos) > (boarder))
end end
flowlib.is_touching = is_touching flowlib.is_touching = is_touching
local function is_water(pos) local is_water = function(pos)
return get_item_group(get_node(pos).name, "water") ~= 0 return (minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(
, "water") ~= 0)
end end
flowlib.is_water = is_water flowlib.is_water = is_water
local function node_is_water(node) local node_is_water = function(node)
return get_item_group(, "water") ~= 0 return (minetest.get_item_group(, "water") ~= 0)
end end
flowlib.node_is_water = node_is_water flowlib.node_is_water = node_is_water
local function is_lava(pos) local is_lava = function(pos)
return get_item_group(get_node(pos).name, "lava") ~= 0 return (minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(
, "lava") ~= 0)
end end
flowlib.is_lava = is_lava flowlib.is_lava = is_lava
local function node_is_lava(node) local node_is_lava = function(node)
return get_item_group(, "lava") ~= 0 return (minetest.get_item_group(, "lava") ~= 0)
end end
flowlib.node_is_lava = node_is_lava flowlib.node_is_lava = node_is_lava
local function is_liquid(pos) local is_liquid = function(pos)
return get_item_group(get_node(pos).name, "liquid") ~= 0 return (minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(
, "liquid") ~= 0)
end end
flowlib.is_liquid = is_liquid flowlib.is_liquid = is_liquid
local function node_is_liquid(node) local node_is_liquid = function(node)
return minetest.get_item_group(, "liquid") ~= 0 return (minetest.get_item_group(, "liquid") ~= 0)
end end
flowlib.node_is_liquid = node_is_liquid flowlib.node_is_liquid = node_is_liquid
@ -73,28 +64,32 @@ flowlib.node_is_liquid = node_is_liquid
--This code is more efficient --This code is more efficient
local function quick_flow_logic(node,pos_testing,direction) local function quick_flow_logic(node,pos_testing,direction)
local name = local name =
if not registered_nodes[name] then if not minetest.registered_nodes[name] then
return 0 return 0
end end
if registered_nodes[name].liquidtype == "source" then if minetest.registered_nodes[name].liquidtype == "source" then
local node_testing = get_node(pos_testing) local node_testing = minetest.get_node(pos_testing)
if not registered_nodes[] then local param2_testing = node_testing.param2
if not minetest.registered_nodes[] then
return 0 return 0
end end
if registered_nodes[].liquidtype ~= "flowing" then if minetest.registered_nodes[].liquidtype
~= "flowing" then
return 0 return 0
else else
return direction return direction
end end
elseif registered_nodes[name].liquidtype == "flowing" then elseif minetest.registered_nodes[name].liquidtype == "flowing" then
local node_testing = get_node(pos_testing) local node_testing = minetest.get_node(pos_testing)
local param2_testing = node_testing.param2 local param2_testing = node_testing.param2
if not registered_nodes[] then if not minetest.registered_nodes[] then
return 0 return 0
end end
if registered_nodes[].liquidtype == "source" then if minetest.registered_nodes[].liquidtype
== "source" then
return -direction return -direction
elseif registered_nodes[].liquidtype == "flowing" then elseif minetest.registered_nodes[].liquidtype
== "flowing" then
if param2_testing < node.param2 then if param2_testing < node.param2 then
if (node.param2 - param2_testing) > 6 then if (node.param2 - param2_testing) > 6 then
return -direction return -direction
@ -113,37 +108,44 @@ local function quick_flow_logic(node, pos_testing, direction)
return 0 return 0
end end
local function quick_flow(pos, node) local quick_flow = function(pos,node)
local x = 0
local z = 0
if not node_is_liquid(node) then if not node_is_liquid(node) then
return {x=0,y=0,z=0} return {x=0,y=0,z=0}
end end
local x = quick_flow_logic(node,{x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z},-1) + quick_flow_logic(node,{x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}, 1)
local z = quick_flow_logic(node,{x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z-1},-1) + quick_flow_logic(node,{x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z+1}, 1) x = x + quick_flow_logic(node,{x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z},-1)
x = x + quick_flow_logic(node,{x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}, 1)
z = z + quick_flow_logic(node,{x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z-1},-1)
z = z + quick_flow_logic(node,{x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+1}, 1)
return to_unit_vector({x=x,y=0,z=z}) return to_unit_vector({x=x,y=0,z=z})
end end
flowlib.quick_flow = quick_flow flowlib.quick_flow = quick_flow
--if not in water but touching, move centre to touching block --if not in water but touching, move centre to touching block
--x has higher precedence than z --x has higher precedence than z
--if pos changes with x, it affects z --if pos changes with x, it affects z
local move_centre = function(pos,realpos,node,radius)
local function move_centre(pos, realpos, node, radius)
if is_touching(realpos.x,pos.x,radius) then if is_touching(realpos.x,pos.x,radius) then
if is_liquid({x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}) then if is_liquid({x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}) then
node = get_node({x=pos.x-1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}) node = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z})
pos = {x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z} pos = {x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}
elseif is_liquid({x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}) then elseif is_liquid({x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}) then
node = get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}) node = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z})
pos = {x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z} pos = {x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}
end end
end end
if is_touching(realpos.z,pos.z,radius) then if is_touching(realpos.z,pos.z,radius) then
if is_liquid({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z-1}) then if is_liquid({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z-1}) then
node = get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - 1}) node = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z-1})
pos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z-1} pos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z-1}
elseif is_liquid({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+1}) then elseif is_liquid({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+1}) then
node = get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + 1}) node = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+1})
pos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+1} pos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+1}
end end
end end

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@ -1,109 +1,26 @@
-- Overrides the builtin minetest.check_single_for_falling.
-- We need to do this in order to handle nodes in VoxeLibre specific groups
-- "supported_node" and "attached_node_facedir".
-- Nodes in group "supported_node" can be placed on any node that does not
-- have the "airlike" drawtype. Carpets are an example of this type.
local pairs = pairs
local math = math
local vector = vector
local facedir_to_dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir
local get_item_group = minetest.get_item_group
local remove_node = minetest.remove_node
local get_node = minetest.get_node
local get_meta = minetest.get_meta
local registered_nodes = minetest.registered_nodes
local get_node_drops = minetest.get_node_drops
local add_item = minetest.add_item
-- drop_attached_node(p)
-- This function is copied verbatim from minetest/builtin/game/falling.lua
-- We need this to do the exact same dropping node handling in our override
-- minetest.check_single_for_falling() function as in the builtin function.
---@param p Vector
local function drop_attached_node(p)
local n = get_node(p)
local drops = get_node_drops(n, "")
local def = registered_nodes[]
if def and def.preserve_metadata then
local oldmeta = get_meta(p):to_table().fields
-- Copy pos and node because the callback can modify them.
local pos_copy = vector.copy(p)
local node_copy = { name =, param1 = n.param1, param2 = n.param2 }
local drop_stacks = {}
for k, v in pairs(drops) do
drop_stacks[k] = ItemStack(v)
drops = drop_stacks
def.preserve_metadata(pos_copy, node_copy, oldmeta, drops)
if def and def.sounds and def.sounds.fall then
minetest.sound_play(def.sounds.fall, { pos = p }, true)
for _, item in pairs(drops) do
local pos = vector.offset(p,
math.random() / 2 - 0.25,
math.random() / 2 - 0.25,
math.random() / 2 - 0.25
add_item(pos, item)
-- minetest.check_single_for_falling(pos)
-- * causes an unsupported `group:falling_node` node to fall and causes an
-- unattached `group:attached_node` or `group:attached_node_facedir` node
-- or unsupported `group:supported_node` node to drop.
-- * does not spread these updates to neighbours.
-- Returns true if the node at <pos> has spawned a falling node or has been
-- dropped as item(s).
local original_function = minetest.check_single_for_falling local original_function = minetest.check_single_for_falling
function minetest.check_single_for_falling(pos) minetest.check_single_for_falling = function(pos)
if original_function(pos) then local ret_o = original_function(pos)
return true
local node = get_node(pos) local ret = false
if get_item_group(, "attached_node_facedir") ~= 0 then local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local dir = facedir_to_dir(node.param2) if minetest.get_item_group(, "attached_node_facedir") ~= 0 then
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2)
if dir then if dir then
if get_item_group(get_node(vector.add(pos, dir)).name, "solid") == 0 then local cpos = vector.add(pos, dir)
drop_attached_node(pos) local cnode = minetest.get_node(cpos)
return true if minetest.get_item_group(, "solid") == 0 then
local drops = minetest.get_node_drops(, "")
for dr=1, #drops do
minetest.add_item(pos, drops[dr])
ret = true
end end
end end
end end
if get_item_group(, "supported_node") ~= 0 then return ret_o or ret
local def = registered_nodes[get_node(vector.offset(pos, 0, -1, 0)).name]
if def and def.drawtype == "airlike" then
return true
end end
if get_item_group(, "supported_node_facedir") ~= 0 then
local dir = facedir_to_dir(node.param2)
if dir then
local def = registered_nodes[get_node(vector.add(pos, dir)).name]
if def and def.drawtype == "airlike" then
return true
return false

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@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
# mcl_autogroup # mcl_autogroup
This mod emulate digging times from mc. This mod emulate digging times from mc.
## mcl_autogroup.can_harvest(nodename, toolname, player) ## mcl_autogroup.can_harvest(nodename, toolname)
Return true if <nodename> can be dig with <toolname> by <player>. Return true if <nodename> can be dig with <toolname>.
* nodename: string, valid nodename * nodename: string, valid nodename
* toolname: (optional) string, valid toolname * toolname: (optional) string, valid toolname
* player: (optinal) ObjectRef, valid player
## mcl_autogroup.get_groupcaps(toolname, efficiency) ## mcl_autogroup.get_groupcaps(toolname, efficiency)
This function is used to calculate diggroups for tools. This function is used to calculate diggroups for tools.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
name = mcl_autogroup name = mcl_autogroup
author = ryvnf author = ryvnf
description = VoxeLibre core mod which automatically adds groups to all items. Very important for digging times. description = MineClone 2 core mod which automatically adds groups to all items. Very important for digging times.

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# mcl_damage
This mod is intended to overall minetest's native damage system, to provide a better integration between features that deals with entities' health.
WARNING: Not using it inside your mods may cause strange bugs (using the native damage system may cause conflicts with this system).
## Callbacks
To modify the amount of damage made by something:
--obj: an ObjectRef
mcl_damage.register_modifier(function(obj, damage, reason)
end, 0)

View File

@ -12,10 +12,9 @@ mcl_damage = {
drown = {bypasses_armor = true}, drown = {bypasses_armor = true},
starve = {bypasses_armor = true, bypasses_magic = true}, starve = {bypasses_armor = true, bypasses_magic = true},
cactus = {}, cactus = {},
sweet_berry = {},
fall = {bypasses_armor = true}, fall = {bypasses_armor = true},
fly_into_wall = {bypasses_armor = true}, -- unused fly_into_wall = {bypasses_armor = true}, -- unused
out_of_world = {bypasses_armor = true, bypasses_magic = true, bypasses_invulnerability = true, bypasses_totem = true}, out_of_world = {bypasses_armor = true, bypasses_magic = true, bypasses_invulnerability = true},
generic = {bypasses_armor = true}, generic = {bypasses_armor = true},
magic = {is_magic = true, bypasses_armor = true}, magic = {is_magic = true, bypasses_armor = true},
dragon_breath = {is_magic = true, bypasses_armor = true}, -- this is only used for dragon fireball; dragon fireball does not actually deal impact damage tho, so this is unreachable dragon_breath = {is_magic = true, bypasses_armor = true}, -- this is only used for dragon fireball; dragon fireball does not actually deal impact damage tho, so this is unreachable
@ -34,8 +33,6 @@ mcl_damage = {
} }
} }
local damage_enabled = minetest.settings:get_bool("enabled_damage",true)
function mcl_damage.register_modifier(func, priority) function mcl_damage.register_modifier(func, priority)
table.insert(mcl_damage.modifiers, {func = func, priority = priority or 0}) table.insert(mcl_damage.modifiers, {func = func, priority = priority or 0})
end end
@ -81,7 +78,7 @@ function mcl_damage.from_punch(mcl_reason, object)
mcl_reason.type = "arrow" mcl_reason.type = "arrow"
elseif luaentity._is_fireball then elseif luaentity._is_fireball then
mcl_reason.type = "fireball" mcl_reason.type = "fireball"
elseif luaentity.is_mob then elseif luaentity._cmi_is_mob then
mcl_reason.type = "mob" mcl_reason.type = "mob"
end end
mcl_reason.source = mcl_reason.source or luaentity._source_object mcl_reason.source = mcl_reason.source or luaentity._source_object
@ -96,8 +93,8 @@ function mcl_damage.finish_reason(mcl_reason)
end end
function mcl_damage.from_mt(mt_reason) function mcl_damage.from_mt(mt_reason)
if mt_reason._mcl_cached_reason then if mt_reason._mcl_chached_reason then
return mt_reason._mcl_cached_reason return mt_reason._mcl_chached_reason
end end
local mcl_reason local mcl_reason
@ -142,7 +139,6 @@ function mcl_damage.register_type(name, def)
end end
minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, mt_reason) minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, mt_reason)
if not damage_enabled then return 0 end
if hp_change < 0 then if hp_change < 0 then
if player:get_hp() <= 0 then if player:get_hp() <= 0 then
return 0 return 0
@ -153,8 +149,8 @@ minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, mt_reason)
end, true) end, true)
minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, mt_reason) minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, mt_reason)
if not damage_enabled then return 0 end
if player:get_hp() > 0 then if player:get_hp() > 0 then
mt_reason.approved = true
if hp_change < 0 then if hp_change < 0 then
mcl_damage.run_damage_callbacks(player, -hp_change, mcl_damage.from_mt(mt_reason)) mcl_damage.run_damage_callbacks(player, -hp_change, mcl_damage.from_mt(mt_reason))
end end
@ -162,10 +158,12 @@ minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, mt_reason)
end, false) end, false)
minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player, mt_reason) minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player, mt_reason)
if mt_reason.approved then
mcl_damage.run_death_callbacks(player, mcl_damage.from_mt(mt_reason)) mcl_damage.run_death_callbacks(player, mcl_damage.from_mt(mt_reason))
minetest.log("action","Player "..player:get_player_name().." died at "..minetest.pos_to_string(vector.round(player:get_pos()))) end
end) end)
minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function()
table.sort(mcl_damage.modifiers, function(a, b) return a.priority < b.priority end) table.sort(mcl_damage.modifiers, function(a, b) return a.priority < b.priority end)
end) end)

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
## mcl_events
### Registering Events
#### Event Definition
stage = 0,
max_stage = 1,
percent = 100,
bars = {},
completed = false,
cond_start = function() end,
--return table of paramtables e.g. { { player = playername, pos = position, ... } }, custom parameters will be passed to the event object/table
on_step = function(event) end,
--this function is run every game step when the event is active
on_start = function(event) end,
-- this function is run when the event starts
on_stage_begin = function(event) end,
-- this function runs when a new stage of the event starts
cond_progress = function(event) end, --return false or next stage id
--this function checks if the event should progress to the next (or any other) stage
cond_complete = function(event) end,
--return true if event finished successfully
### Debugging
* /event_start <event> -- starts the given event at the current player coordinates

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@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
mcl_events = {}
mcl_events.registered_events = {}
local disabled_events = minetest.settings:get("mcl_disabled_events")
if disabled_events then disabled_events = disabled_events:split(",")
else disabled_events = {} end
local DBG = minetest.settings:get_bool("mcl_logging_event_api",false)
local active_events = {}
local event_tpl = {
stage = 0,
max_stage = 1,
percent = 100,
bars = {},
completed = false,
cond_start = function(event) end, --return table of positions
on_step = function(event) end,
on_start = function(event) end,
on_stage_begin = function(event) end,
cond_progress = function(event) end, --return next stage
cond_complete = function(event) end, --return success
local function mcl_log(m,l)
if DBG then
if not l then l = "action" end
minetest.log(l,"[mcl_events] "..m)
function mcl_events.register_event(name,def)
if table.indexof(disabled_events,name) ~= -1 then return end
mcl_events.registered_events[name] = def
mcl_events.registered_events[name].name = name
local function addbars(self)
if not self.enable_bossbar then return end
for _,player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
if vector.distance(self.pos,player:get_pos()) < 64 then
local bar = mcl_bossbars.add_bar(player, {color = "red", text = self.readable_name .. ": Wave "..self.stage.." / "..self.max_stage, percentage = self.percent }, true,1)
local function start_event(p,e)
mcl_log("[mcl_events] Event started: "..e.readable_name.." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(vector.round(p.pos)))
local idx = #active_events + 1
active_events[idx] = table.copy(e)
setmetatable(active_events[idx],{__index = event_tpl})
for k,v in pairs(p) do active_events[idx][k] = v end
active_events[idx].stage = 0
active_events[idx].percent = 100
active_events[idx].bars = {}
active_events[idx].time_start = os.time()
if active_events[idx].on_start then
local function finish_event(self,idx)
mcl_log("[mcl_events] Finished: "..self.readable_name.." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(vector.round(self.pos)))
if self.on_complete then self:on_complete() end
for _,b in pairs(self.bars) do
local etime = 0
function check_events(dtime)
--process active events
for idx,ae in pairs(active_events) do
if ae.cond_complete and ae:cond_complete() then
ae.finished = true
elseif not ae.cond_complete and ae.max_stage and ae.max_stage <= ae.stage then
ae.finished = true
elseif not ae.finished and ae.cond_progress then
local p = ae:cond_progress()
if p == true then
ae.stage = ae.stage + 1
if ae:on_stage_begin() == true then
mcl_log("[mcl_events] Event "" at "..minetest.pos_to_string(vector.round(ae.pos)).." failed at stage_begin of stage " )
active_events[idx] = nil
elseif tonumber(p) then
ae.stage = tonumber(p) or ae.stage + 1
elseif not ae.finished and ae.on_step then
-- check if a new event should be started
etime = etime - dtime
if etime > 0 then return end
etime = 10
for _,e in pairs(mcl_events.registered_events) do
local pp = e.cond_start()
if pp then
--minetest.log("It's gonna start the raid maybe")
for _,p in pairs(pp) do
local start = true
if e.exclusive_to_area then
for _,ae in pairs(active_events) do
if == and vector.distance(p.pos,ae.pos) < e.exclusive_to_area then start = false end
if start then
--minetest.log("It's gonna start the raid definitely")
elseif DBG then
mcl_log("[mcl_events] Event "..e.readable_name.." already active at "..minetest.pos_to_string(vector.round(p.pos)))
--minetest.log("Do not start this raid")
for idx,ae in pairs(active_events) do
local player_near = false
for _,pl in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
if ae.pos and vector.distance(pl:get_pos(),ae.pos) < 64 then player_near = true end
if ae.pos and not player_near then
mcl_log("[mcl_events] Event "" at "..minetest.pos_to_string(vector.round(ae.pos)).." aborted - no players near." )
active_events[idx] = nil
mcl_info.register_debug_field("Active Events",{
level = 4,
func = function(pl,pos)
return tostring(#active_events)
privs = {debug = true},
description = "Debug command to start events",
func = function(pname,param)
local p = minetest.get_player_by_name(pname)
local evdef = mcl_events.registered_events[param]
if not evdef then return false,"Event "..param.." doesn't exist.'" end
return true,"Started event "..param

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
name = mcl_events
author = cora
depends = mcl_mobs,mcl_bossbars, mcl_info

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
--[[ --[[
Explosion API mod for Minetest (adapted to VoxeLibre) Explosion API mod for Minetest (adapted to MineClone 2)
This mod is based on the Minetest explosion API mod, but has been changed This mod is based on the Minetest explosion API mod, but has been changed
to have the same explosion mechanics as Minecraft and work with VoxeLibre to have the same explosion mechanics as Minecraft and work with MineClone.
The computation-intensive parts of the mod has been optimized to allow for The computation-intensive parts of the mod has been optimized to allow for
larger explosions and faster world updating. larger explosions and faster world updating.
@ -12,13 +12,10 @@ under the LGPLv2.1 license.
mcl_explosions = {} mcl_explosions = {}
local mod_fire = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_fire") local mod_fire = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_fire") ~= nil
local explosions_griefing = minetest.settings:get_bool("mcl_explosions_griefing", true) local CONTENT_FIRE = minetest.get_content_id("mcl_fire:fire")
--local CONTENT_FIRE = minetest.get_content_id("mcl_fire:fire")
local math = math local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_explosions")
local vector = vector
local table = table
local hash_node_position = minetest.hash_node_position local hash_node_position = minetest.hash_node_position
local get_objects_inside_radius = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius local get_objects_inside_radius = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius
@ -29,7 +26,6 @@ local get_voxel_manip = minetest.get_voxel_manip
local bulk_set_node = minetest.bulk_set_node local bulk_set_node = minetest.bulk_set_node
local check_for_falling = minetest.check_for_falling local check_for_falling = minetest.check_for_falling
local add_item = minetest.add_item local add_item = minetest.add_item
local pos_to_string = minetest.pos_to_string
-- Saved sphere explosion shapes for various radiuses -- Saved sphere explosion shapes for various radiuses
local sphere_shapes = {} local sphere_shapes = {}
@ -70,48 +66,50 @@ local function compute_sphere_rays(radius)
local rays = {} local rays = {}
local sphere = {} local sphere = {}
local function add_ray(pos) for i=1, 2 do
for y = -radius, radius do
for z = -radius, radius do
for x = -radius, 0, 1 do
local d = x * x + y * y + z * z
if d <= radius * radius then
local pos = { x = x, y = y, z = z }
sphere[hash_node_position(pos)] = pos sphere[hash_node_position(pos)] = pos
for y = -radius, radius do
for z = -radius, radius do
for x = -radius, 0 do
local d = x * x + y * y + z * z
if d <= radius * radius then
add_ray(, y, z))
add_ray(, y, z))
break break
end end
end end
end end
end end
for i=1,2 do
for x = -radius, radius do for x = -radius, radius do
for z = -radius, radius do for z = -radius, radius do
for y = -radius, 0 do for y = -radius, 0, 1 do
local d = x * x + y * y + z * z local d = x * x + y * y + z * z
if d <= radius * radius then if d <= radius * radius then
add_ray(, y, z)) local pos = { x = x, y = y, z = z }
add_ray(, -y, z)) sphere[hash_node_position(pos)] = pos
break break
end end
end end
end end
end end
for i=1,2 do
for x = -radius, radius do for x = -radius, radius do
for y = -radius, radius do for y = -radius, radius do
for z = -radius, 0 do for z = -radius, 0, 1 do
local d = x * x + y * y + z * z local d = x * x + y * y + z * z
if d <= radius * radius then if d <= radius * radius then
add_ray(, y, z)) local pos = { x = x, y = y, z = z }
add_ray(, y, -z)) sphere[hash_node_position(pos)] = pos
break break
end end
end end
end end
end end
for _, pos in pairs(sphere) do for _, pos in pairs(sphere) do
rays[#rays + 1] = vector.normalize(pos) rays[#rays + 1] = vector.normalize(pos)
@ -131,10 +129,10 @@ local function add_particles(pos, radius)
time = 0.125, time = 0.125,
minpos = pos, minpos = pos,
maxpos = pos, maxpos = pos,
minvel =, -radius, -radius), minvel = {x = -radius, y = -radius, z = -radius},
maxvel =, radius, radius), maxvel = {x = radius, y = radius, z = radius},
minacc =, minacc =,
maxacc =, maxacc =,
minexptime = 0.5, minexptime = 0.5,
maxexptime = 1.0, maxexptime = 1.0,
minsize = radius * 0.5, minsize = radius * 0.5,
@ -178,11 +176,14 @@ local function trace_explode(pos, strength, raydirs, radius, info, direct, sourc
local ystride = (emax.x - emin_x + 1) local ystride = (emax.x - emin_x + 1)
local zstride = ystride * (emax.y - emin_y + 1) local zstride = ystride * (emax.y - emin_y + 1)
local pos_x = pos.x
local pos_y = pos.y
local pos_z = pos.z
--[[local area = VoxelArea:new { local area = VoxelArea:new {
MinEdge = emin, MinEdge = emin,
MaxEdge = emax MaxEdge = emax
}]] }
local data = vm:get_data() local data = vm:get_data()
local destroy = {} local destroy = {}
@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ local function trace_explode(pos, strength, raydirs, radius, info, direct, sourc
local grief_protected = info.grief_protected local grief_protected = info.grief_protected
-- Trace rays for environment destruction -- Trace rays for environment destruction
if info.griefing and explosions_griefing then if info.griefing then
for i = 1, #raydirs do for i = 1, #raydirs do
local rpos_x = pos.x local rpos_x = pos.x
local rpos_y = pos.y local rpos_y = pos.y
@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ local function trace_explode(pos, strength, raydirs, radius, info, direct, sourc
local ent = obj:get_luaentity() local ent = obj:get_luaentity()
-- Ignore items to lower lag -- Ignore items to lower lag
if (obj:is_player() or (ent and ~= "__builtin.item")) and obj:get_hp() > 0 then if (obj:is_player() or (ent and ~= '__builtin.item')) and obj:get_hp() > 0 then
local opos = obj:get_pos() local opos = obj:get_pos()
local collisionbox = nil local collisionbox = nil
@ -259,12 +260,12 @@ local function trace_explode(pos, strength, raydirs, radius, info, direct, sourc
if collisionbox then if collisionbox then
-- Create rays from random points in the collision box -- Create rays from random points in the collision box
local x1 = collisionbox[1] local x1 = collisionbox[1] * 2
local y1 = collisionbox[2] local y1 = collisionbox[2] * 2
local z1 = collisionbox[3] local z1 = collisionbox[3] * 2
local x2 = collisionbox[4] local x2 = collisionbox[4] * 2
local y2 = collisionbox[5] local y2 = collisionbox[5] * 2
local z2 = collisionbox[6] local z2 = collisionbox[6] * 2
local x_len = math.abs(x2 - x1) local x_len = math.abs(x2 - x1)
local y_len = math.abs(y2 - y1) local y_len = math.abs(y2 - y1)
local z_len = math.abs(z2 - z1) local z_len = math.abs(z2 - z1)
@ -334,11 +335,11 @@ local function trace_explode(pos, strength, raydirs, radius, info, direct, sourc
end end
if sleep_formspec_doesnt_close_mt53 then if sleep_formspec_doesnt_close_mt53 then
minetest.after(0.3, minetest.after(0.3, function() -- 0.2 is minimum delay for closing old formspec and open died formspec -- TODO: REMOVE THIS IN THE FUTURE
function() -- 0.2 is minimum delay for closing old formspec and open died formspec -- TODO: REMOVE THIS IN THE FUTURE
if not obj:is_player() then if not obj:is_player() then
return return
end end
mcl_util.deal_damage(obj, damage, {type = "explosion", direct = direct, source = source}) mcl_util.deal_damage(obj, damage, {type = "explosion", direct = direct, source = source})
obj:add_velocity(vector.multiply(punch_dir, impact * 20)) obj:add_velocity(vector.multiply(punch_dir, impact * 20))
@ -352,23 +353,6 @@ local function trace_explode(pos, strength, raydirs, radius, info, direct, sourc
end end
end end
end end
-- Punch End Crystals to make them explode
if ent and == "mcl_end:crystal" then
if direct then
local puncher = direct:get_luaentity()
if puncher and == "mcl_end:crystal" then
ent.object:punch(direct, 1.0, { -- End Crystal nearby, trigger it.
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 1},
}, nil, nil)
ent.object:remove() -- Direct Exists, but it is not an end crystal, remove crystal.
ent.object:remove() -- Node exploded the end crystal, remove it.
end end
local airs, fires = {}, {} local airs, fires = {}, {}
@ -379,9 +363,9 @@ local function trace_explode(pos, strength, raydirs, radius, info, direct, sourc
local on_blast = node_on_blast[data[idx]] local on_blast = node_on_blast[data[idx]]
local remove = true local remove = true
if do_drop or on_blast then if do_drop or on_blast ~= nil then
local npos = get_position_from_hash(hash) local npos = get_position_from_hash(hash)
if on_blast then if on_blast ~= nil then
on_blast(npos, 1.0, do_drop) on_blast(npos, 1.0, do_drop)
remove = false remove = false
else else
@ -415,16 +399,16 @@ local function trace_explode(pos, strength, raydirs, radius, info, direct, sourc
-- Update falling nodes -- Update falling nodes
for a=1, #airs do for a=1, #airs do
local p = airs[a] local p = airs[a]
check_for_falling(vector.offset(p, 0, 1, 0)) check_for_falling({x=p.x, y=p.y+1, z=p.z})
end end
for f=1, #fires do for f=1, #fires do
local p = fires[f] local p = fires[f]
check_for_falling(vector.offset(p, 0, 1, 0)) check_for_falling({x=p.x, y=p.y+1, z=p.z})
end end
-- Log explosion -- Log explosion
minetest.log("action", "Explosion at " .. pos_to_string(pos) .. " with strength " .. strength .. " and radius " .. minetest.log('action', 'Explosion at ' .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos) ..
radius) ' with strength ' .. strength .. ' and radius ' .. radius)
end end
-- Create an explosion with strength at pos. -- Create an explosion with strength at pos.
@ -448,11 +432,6 @@ end
-- griefing - If true, the explosion will destroy nodes (default: true) -- griefing - If true, the explosion will destroy nodes (default: true)
-- grief_protected - If true, the explosion will also destroy nodes which have -- grief_protected - If true, the explosion will also destroy nodes which have
-- been protected (default: false) -- been protected (default: false)
---@param pos Vector
---@param strength number
---@param info {drop_chance: number, max_blast_resistance: number, sound: boolean, particles: boolean, fire: boolean, griefing: boolean, grief_protected: boolean}
---@param direct? ObjectRef
---@param source? ObjectRef
function mcl_explosions.explode(pos, strength, info, direct, source) function mcl_explosions.explode(pos, strength, info, direct, source)
if info == nil then if info == nil then
info = {} info = {}

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# textdomain:mcl_explosions
@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 wurde Opfer einer Explosion.

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# textdomain:mcl_explosions # textdomain:mcl_explosions
@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 est mort dans une explosion @1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 a été pris dans une explosion.

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# textdomain:mcl_explosions
@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1は爆発に巻き込まれた。

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# textdomain:mcl_explosions
@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 z-es mòrt dins una explosion

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# textdomain:mcl_explosions
@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 została wysadzona.

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# textdomain:mcl_explosions
@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 foi pego(a) em uma explosão.

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# textdomain:mcl_explosions # textdomain:mcl_explosions
@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 попал(а) под взрыв. @1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 не удалось пережить взрыва.

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# textdomain:mcl_explosions
@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 被炸飛了

View File

@ -1,30 +1,28 @@
-- Some global variables (don't overwrite them!) -- Some global variables (don't overwrite them!)
mcl_vars = {} mcl_vars = {}
minetest.log("action", "World seed = " .. minetest.get_mapgen_setting("seed"))
mcl_vars.redstone_tick = 0.1 mcl_vars.redstone_tick = 0.1
-- GUI / inventory menu settings --- GUI / inventory menu settings
mcl_vars.gui_slots = "listcolors[#9990;#FFF7;#FFF0;#000;#FFF]" mcl_vars.gui_slots = "listcolors[#9990;#FFF7;#FFF0;#000;#FFF]"
-- nonbg is added as formspec prepend in mcl_formspec_prepend -- nonbg is added as formspec prepend in mcl_formspec_prepend
mcl_vars.gui_nonbg = table.concat({ mcl_vars.gui_nonbg = mcl_vars.gui_slots ..
mcl_vars.gui_slots, "style_type[image_button;border=false;bgimg=mcl_inventory_button9.png;bgimg_pressed=mcl_inventory_button9_pressed.png;bgimg_middle=2,2]"..
"style_type[image_button;border=false;bgimg=mcl_inventory_button9.png;bgimg_pressed=mcl_inventory_button9_pressed.png;bgimg_middle=2,2]", "style_type[button;border=false;bgimg=mcl_inventory_button9.png;bgimg_pressed=mcl_inventory_button9_pressed.png;bgimg_middle=2,2]"..
"style_type[button;border=false;bgimg=mcl_inventory_button9.png;bgimg_pressed=mcl_inventory_button9_pressed.png;bgimg_middle=2,2]", "style_type[field;textcolor=#323232]"..
"style_type[field;textcolor=#323232]", "style_type[label;textcolor=#323232]"..
"style_type[label;textcolor=#323232]", "style_type[textarea;textcolor=#323232]"..
"style_type[textarea;textcolor=#323232]", "style_type[checkbox;textcolor=#323232]"
-- Background stuff must be manually added by mods (no formspec prepend) -- Background stuff must be manually added by mods (no formspec prepend)
mcl_vars.gui_bg_color = "bgcolor[#00000000]" mcl_vars.gui_bg_color = "bgcolor[#00000000]"
mcl_vars.gui_bg_img = "background9[1,1;1,1;mcl_base_textures_background9.png;true;7]" mcl_vars.gui_bg_img = "background9[1,1;1,1;mcl_base_textures_background9.png;true;7]"
-- Legacy
mcl_vars.inventory_header = ""
-- Tool wield size -- Tool wield size
mcl_vars.tool_wield_scale =, 1.8, 1) mcl_vars.tool_wield_scale = { x = 1.8, y = 1.8, z = 1 }
-- Mapgen variables -- Mapgen variables
local mg_name = minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mg_name") local mg_name = minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mg_name")
@ -34,72 +32,56 @@ local singlenode = mg_name == "singlenode"
-- Calculate mapgen_edge_min/mapgen_edge_max -- Calculate mapgen_edge_min/mapgen_edge_max
mcl_vars.chunksize = math.max(1, tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("chunksize")) or 5) mcl_vars.chunksize = math.max(1, tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("chunksize")) or 5)
mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE = math.max(1, minetest.MAP_BLOCKSIZE or 16) mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE = math.max(1, core.MAP_BLOCKSIZE or 16)
mcl_vars.mapgen_limit = math.max(1, tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mapgen_limit")) or 31000) mcl_vars.mapgen_limit = math.max(1, tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mapgen_limit")) or 31000)
mcl_vars.MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT = math.max(1, minetest.MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT or 31000) mcl_vars.MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT = math.max(1, core.MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT or 31000)
-- Central chunk is offset from 0,0,0 coordinates by 32 nodes (2 blocks)
-- See more in
local central_chunk_offset = -math.floor(mcl_vars.chunksize / 2) local central_chunk_offset = -math.floor(mcl_vars.chunksize / 2)
mcl_vars.central_chunk_offset_in_nodes = central_chunk_offset * mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE mcl_vars.central_chunk_offset_in_nodes = central_chunk_offset * mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE
mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes = mcl_vars.chunksize * mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes = mcl_vars.chunksize * mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE
local central_chunk_min_pos = central_chunk_offset * mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE local central_chunk_min_pos = central_chunk_offset * mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE
local central_chunk_max_pos = central_chunk_min_pos + mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes - 1 local central_chunk_max_pos = central_chunk_min_pos + mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes - 1
local ccfmin = central_chunk_min_pos - mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE -- Fullminp/fullmaxp of central chunk, in nodes local ccfmin = central_chunk_min_pos - mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE -- Fullminp/fullmaxp of central chunk, in nodes
local ccfmax = central_chunk_max_pos + mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE local ccfmax = central_chunk_max_pos + mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE
local mapgen_limit_b = math.floor(math.min(mcl_vars.mapgen_limit, mcl_vars.MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT) / local mapgen_limit_b = math.floor(math.min(mcl_vars.mapgen_limit, mcl_vars.MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT) / mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE)
local mapgen_limit_min = -mapgen_limit_b * mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE local mapgen_limit_min = -mapgen_limit_b * mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE
local mapgen_limit_max = (mapgen_limit_b + 1) * mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1 local mapgen_limit_max = (mapgen_limit_b + 1) * mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1
local numcmin = math.max(math.floor((ccfmin - mapgen_limit_min) / mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes), 0) -- Number of complete chunks from central chunk local numcmin = math.max(math.floor((ccfmin - mapgen_limit_min) / mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes), 0) -- Number of complete chunks from central chunk
local numcmax = math.max(math.floor((mapgen_limit_max - ccfmax) / mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes), 0) -- fullminp/fullmaxp to effective mapgen limits. local numcmax = math.max(math.floor((mapgen_limit_max - ccfmax) / mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes), 0) -- fullminp/fullmaxp to effective mapgen limits.
mcl_vars.mapgen_edge_min = central_chunk_min_pos - numcmin * mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes mcl_vars.mapgen_edge_min = central_chunk_min_pos - numcmin * mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes
mcl_vars.mapgen_edge_max = central_chunk_max_pos + numcmax * mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes mcl_vars.mapgen_edge_max = central_chunk_max_pos + numcmax * mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes
---@param x integer
---@return integer
local function coordinate_to_block(x) local function coordinate_to_block(x)
return math.floor(x / mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE) return math.floor(x / mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE)
end end
---@param x integer
---@return integer
local function coordinate_to_chunk(x) local function coordinate_to_chunk(x)
return math.floor((coordinate_to_block(x) - central_chunk_offset) / mcl_vars.chunksize) return math.floor((coordinate_to_block(x) - central_chunk_offset) / mcl_vars.chunksize)
end end
---@param pos Vector
---@return Vector
function mcl_vars.pos_to_block(pos) function mcl_vars.pos_to_block(pos)
return return {
coordinate_to_block(pos.x), x = coordinate_to_block(pos.x),
coordinate_to_block(pos.y), y = coordinate_to_block(pos.y),
coordinate_to_block(pos.z) z = coordinate_to_block(pos.z)
) }
end end
---@param pos Vector
---@return Vector
function mcl_vars.pos_to_chunk(pos) function mcl_vars.pos_to_chunk(pos)
return return {
coordinate_to_chunk(pos.x), x = coordinate_to_chunk(pos.x),
coordinate_to_chunk(pos.y), y = coordinate_to_chunk(pos.y),
coordinate_to_chunk(pos.z) z = coordinate_to_chunk(pos.z)
) }
end end
local k_positive = math.ceil(mcl_vars.MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes) local k_positive = math.ceil(mcl_vars.MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes)
local k_positive_z = k_positive * 2 local k_positive_z = k_positive * 2
local k_positive_y = k_positive_z * k_positive_z local k_positive_y = k_positive_z * k_positive_z
---@param pos Vector
---@return integer
function mcl_vars.get_chunk_number(pos) -- unsigned int function mcl_vars.get_chunk_number(pos) -- unsigned int
local c = mcl_vars.pos_to_chunk(pos) local c = mcl_vars.pos_to_chunk(pos)
return (c.y + k_positive) * k_positive_y + return
(c.y + k_positive) * k_positive_y +
(c.z + k_positive) * k_positive_z + (c.z + k_positive) * k_positive_z +
c.x + k_positive c.x + k_positive
end end
@ -135,8 +117,11 @@ elseif singlenode then
mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_is_rough = false mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_is_rough = false
else else
-- Classic superflat -- Classic superflat
local ground = tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mgflat_ground_level")) or 8 local ground = minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mgflat_ground_level")
ground = tonumber(ground)
if not ground then
ground = 8
mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min = ground - 3 mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min = ground - 3
mcl_vars.mg_overworld_max_official = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min + minecraft_height_limit mcl_vars.mg_overworld_max_official = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min + minecraft_height_limit
mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_overworld_min = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_overworld_min = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min
@ -153,7 +138,6 @@ mcl_vars.mg_nether_min = -29067 -- Carefully chosen to be at a mapchunk border
mcl_vars.mg_nether_max = mcl_vars.mg_nether_min + 128 mcl_vars.mg_nether_max = mcl_vars.mg_nether_min + 128
mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_bottom_min = mcl_vars.mg_nether_min mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_bottom_min = mcl_vars.mg_nether_min
mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_top_max = mcl_vars.mg_nether_max mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_top_max = mcl_vars.mg_nether_max
mcl_vars.mg_nether_deco_max = mcl_vars.mg_nether_max -11 -- this is so ceiling decorations don't spill into other biomes as bedrock generation calls minetest.generate_decorations to put netherrack under the bedrock
if not superflat then if not superflat then
mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_bottom_max = mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_bottom_min + 4 mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_bottom_max = mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_bottom_min + 4
mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_top_min = mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_top_max - 4 mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_top_min = mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_nether_top_max - 4
@ -178,14 +162,13 @@ end
mcl_vars.mg_end_min = -27073 -- Carefully chosen to be at a mapchunk border mcl_vars.mg_end_min = -27073 -- Carefully chosen to be at a mapchunk border
mcl_vars.mg_end_max_official = mcl_vars.mg_end_min + minecraft_height_limit mcl_vars.mg_end_max_official = mcl_vars.mg_end_min + minecraft_height_limit
mcl_vars.mg_end_max = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min - 2000 mcl_vars.mg_end_max = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min - 2000
mcl_vars.mg_end_platform_pos = { x = 100, y = mcl_vars.mg_end_min + 64, z = 0 } mcl_vars.mg_end_platform_pos = { x = 100, y = mcl_vars.mg_end_min + 74, z = 0 }
mcl_vars.mg_end_exit_portal_pos =, mcl_vars.mg_end_min + 71, 0)
-- Realm barrier used to safely separate the End from the void below the Overworld -- Realm barrier used to safely separate the End from the void below the Overworld
mcl_vars.mg_realm_barrier_overworld_end_max = mcl_vars.mg_end_max mcl_vars.mg_realm_barrier_overworld_end_max = mcl_vars.mg_end_max
mcl_vars.mg_realm_barrier_overworld_end_min = mcl_vars.mg_end_max - 11 mcl_vars.mg_realm_barrier_overworld_end_min = mcl_vars.mg_end_max - 11
-- Use VoxeLibre-style dungeons -- Use MineClone 2-style dungeons
mcl_vars.mg_dungeons = true mcl_vars.mg_dungeons = true
-- Set default stack sizes -- Set default stack sizes
@ -196,8 +179,6 @@ minetest.craftitemdef_default.stack_max = 64
math.randomseed(os.time()) math.randomseed(os.time())
local chunks = {} -- intervals of chunks generated local chunks = {} -- intervals of chunks generated
---@param pos Vector
function mcl_vars.add_chunk(pos) function mcl_vars.add_chunk(pos)
local n = mcl_vars.get_chunk_number(pos) -- unsigned int local n = mcl_vars.get_chunk_number(pos) -- unsigned int
local prev local prev
@ -224,9 +205,6 @@ function mcl_vars.add_chunk(pos)
end end
chunks[#chunks+1] = {n, n} chunks[#chunks+1] = {n, n}
end end
---@param pos Vector
---@return boolean
function mcl_vars.is_generated(pos) function mcl_vars.is_generated(pos)
local n = mcl_vars.get_chunk_number(pos) -- unsigned int local n = mcl_vars.get_chunk_number(pos) -- unsigned int
for i, d in pairs(chunks) do for i, d in pairs(chunks) do
@ -237,46 +215,47 @@ function mcl_vars.is_generated(pos)
return false return false
end end
---"Trivial" (actually NOT) function to just read the node and some stuff to not just return "ignore", like mt 5.4 does. -- "Trivial" (actually NOT) function to just read the node and some stuff to not just return "ignore", like mt 5.4 does.
---@param pos Vector Position, if it's wrong, `{name="error"}` node will return. -- p: Position, if it's wrong, {name="error"} node will return.
---@param force? boolean Optional (default: `false`), Do the maximum to still read the node within us_timeout. -- force: optional (default: false) - Do the maximum to still read the node within us_timeout.
---@param us_timeout? number Optional (default: `244 = 0.000244 s = 1/80/80/80`), set it at least to `3000000` to let mapgen to finish its job -- us_timeout: optional (default: 244 = 0.000244 s = 1/80/80/80), set it at least to 3000000 to let mapgen to finish its job.
---@return node # Node definition, eg. `{name="air"}`. Unfortunately still can return `{name="ignore"}`. --
---@nodiscard -- returns node definition, eg. {name="air"}. Unfortunately still can return {name="ignore"}.
function mcl_vars.get_node(pos, force, us_timeout) function mcl_vars.get_node(p, force, us_timeout)
-- check initial circumstances -- check initial circumstances
if not pos or not pos.x or not pos.y or not pos.z then return { name = "error" } end if not p or not p.x or not p.y or not p.z then return {name="error"} end
-- try common way -- try common way
local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local node = minetest.get_node(p)
if ~= "ignore" then if ~= "ignore" then
return node return node
end end
-- copy vector to get sure it won't changed by other threads -- copy table to get sure it won't changed by other threads
local pos_copy = vector.copy(pos) local pos = {x=p.x,y=p.y,z=p.z}
-- try LVM -- try LVM
minetest.get_voxel_manip():read_from_map(pos_copy, pos_copy) minetest.get_voxel_manip():read_from_map(pos, pos)
node = minetest.get_node(pos_copy) node = minetest.get_node(pos)
if ~= "ignore" or not force then if ~= "ignore" or not force then
return node return node
end end
-- all ways failed - need to emerge (or forceload if generated) -- all ways failed - need to emerge (or forceload if generated)
if mcl_vars.is_generated(pos_copy) then local us_timeout = us_timeout or 244
if mcl_vars.is_generated(pos) then
minetest.chat_send_all("IMPOSSIBLE! Please report this to MCL2 issue tracker!") minetest.chat_send_all("IMPOSSIBLE! Please report this to MCL2 issue tracker!")
minetest.forceload_block(pos_copy) minetest.forceload_block(pos)
else else
minetest.emerge_area(pos_copy, pos_copy) minetest.emerge_area(pos, pos)
end end
local t = minetest.get_us_time() local t = minetest.get_us_time()
node = minetest.get_node(pos_copy) node = minetest.get_node(pos)
while (not node or == "ignore") and (minetest.get_us_time() - t < (us_timeout or 244)) do while (not node or == "ignore") and (minetest.get_us_time() - t < us_timeout) do
node = minetest.get_node(pos_copy) node = minetest.get_node(pos)
end end
return node return node

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
name = mcl_init name = mcl_init
author = Wuzzy author = Wuzzy
description = Initialization mod of VoxeLibre. Defines some common shared variables and sets up initial default settings which have to be set at the beginning. description = Initialization mod of MineClone 2. Defines some common shared variables and sets up initial default settings which have to be set at the beginning.

View File

@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ function mcl_loot.get_loot(loot_definitions, pr)
total_weight = total_weight + (loot_definitions.items[i].weight or 1) total_weight = total_weight + (loot_definitions.items[i].weight or 1)
end end
--local stacks_min = loot_definitions.stacks_min or 1 local stacks_min = loot_definitions.stacks_min
--local stacks_max = loot_definitions.stacks_max or 1 local stacks_max = loot_definitions.stacks_max
if not stacks_min then stacks_min = 1 end
if not stacks_max then stacks_max = 1 end
local stacks = pr:next(loot_definitions.stacks_min, loot_definitions.stacks_max) local stacks = pr:next(loot_definitions.stacks_min, loot_definitions.stacks_max)
for s=1, stacks do for s=1, stacks do
local r = pr:next(1, total_weight) local r = pr:next(1, total_weight)
@ -58,27 +59,26 @@ function mcl_loot.get_loot(loot_definitions, pr)
end end
if item then if item then
local itemstring = item.itemstring local itemstring = item.itemstring
local itemstack = item.itemstack
if itemstring then if itemstring then
local stack = ItemStack(itemstring)
if item.amount_min and item.amount_max then if item.amount_min and item.amount_max then
stack:set_count(pr:next(item.amount_min, item.amount_max)) itemstring = itemstring .. " " .. pr:next(item.amount_min, item.amount_max)
end end
if item.wear_min and item.wear_max then if item.wear_min and item.wear_max then
-- Sadly, PseudoRandom only allows very narrow ranges, so we set wear in steps of 10 -- Sadly, PseudoRandom only allows very narrow ranges, so we set wear in steps of 10
local wear_min = math.floor(item.wear_min / 10) local wear_min = math.floor(item.wear_min / 10)
local wear_max = math.floor(item.wear_max / 10) local wear_max = math.floor(item.wear_max / 10)
local wear = pr:next(wear_min, wear_max) * 10
stack:set_wear(pr:next(wear_min, wear_max) * 10) if not item.amount_min and not item.amount_max then
itemstring = itemstring .. " 1"
end end
if item.func then itemstring = itemstring .. " " .. tostring(wear)
item.func(stack, pr)
end end
table.insert(items, itemstring)
table.insert(items, stack) elseif itemstack then
table.insert(items, itemstack)
else else
minetest.log("error", "[mcl_loot] INTERNAL ERROR! Failed to select random loot item!") minetest.log("error", "[mcl_loot] INTERNAL ERROR! Failed to select random loot item!")
end end

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# Oxidization API for VoxeLibre
This mods adds the oxidization api, so that modders can easily use the same features that copper uses.
## API
To take advantage of the actual oxidization, put `oxidizable = 1` into the list of groups for the oxidizable node.
You would also need to put `_mcl_oxidized_variant = itemstring of node this node will oxidize into` into the node definition.
For example, a copper block oxidizes into exposed copper, so the defintion would be `_mcl_oxidized_variant = "mcl_copper:block_exposed"`.
To utilize the ability to wax the block for protection from oxidization, put `mcl_waxed_variant = item string of waxed variant of node` into the node definition table.
For example, Copper Blocks have the definition arguement of `_mcl_waxed_variant = "mcl_copper:waxed_block"`.
For waxed nodes, scraping is easy. Start by putting `waxed = 1` into the list of groups of the waxed node.
Next put `_mcl_stripped_variant = item string of the unwaxed variant of the node` into the defintion table.
Waxed Copper Blocks can be scrapped into normal Copper Blocks because of the definition `_mcl_stripped_variant = "mcl_copper:block"`.

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
label = "Oxidatize Nodes",
nodenames = { "group:oxidizable" },
interval = 500,
chance = 3,
action = function(pos, node)
local def = minetest.registered_nodes[]
if def and def._mcl_oxidized_variant then
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = def._mcl_oxidized_variant, param2 = node.param2 })

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
name = mcl_oxidation
title = Oxidation API for VoxeLibre
author = PrairieWind, N011, Michael
description = API to allow oxidizing different nodes.

View File

@ -1,12 +1,3 @@
local vector = vector
local table = table
local hash_node_position = minetest.hash_node_position
local add_particlespawner = minetest.add_particlespawner
local delete_particlespawner = minetest.delete_particlespawner
local ipairs = ipairs
mcl_particles = {} mcl_particles = {}
-- Table of particlespawner IDs on a per-node hash basis -- Table of particlespawner IDs on a per-node hash basis
@ -41,11 +32,11 @@ function mcl_particles.add_node_particlespawner(pos, particlespawner_definition,
if allowed_level == 0 or levels[level] > allowed_level then if allowed_level == 0 or levels[level] > allowed_level then
return return
end end
local poshash = hash_node_position(pos) local poshash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos)
if not poshash then if not poshash then
return return
end end
local id = add_particlespawner(particlespawner_definition) local id = minetest.add_particlespawner(particlespawner_definition)
if id == -1 then if id == -1 then
return return
end end
@ -56,8 +47,6 @@ function mcl_particles.add_node_particlespawner(pos, particlespawner_definition,
return id return id
end end
local add_node_particlespawner = mcl_particles.add_node_particlespawner
-- Deletes all particlespawners that are assigned to a node position. -- Deletes all particlespawners that are assigned to a node position.
-- If no particlespawners exist for this position, nothing happens. -- If no particlespawners exist for this position, nothing happens.
-- pos: Node positon. MUST use integer values! -- pos: Node positon. MUST use integer values!
@ -66,11 +55,11 @@ function mcl_particles.delete_node_particlespawners(pos)
if allowed_level == 0 then if allowed_level == 0 then
return false return false
end end
local poshash = hash_node_position(pos) local poshash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos)
local ids = particle_nodes[poshash] local ids = particle_nodes[poshash]
if ids then if ids then
for i=1, #ids do for i=1, #ids do
delete_particlespawner(ids[i]) minetest.delete_particlespawner(ids[i])
end end
particle_nodes[poshash] = nil particle_nodes[poshash] = nil
return true return true
@ -83,6 +72,7 @@ end
local smoke_pdef_cached = {} local smoke_pdef_cached = {}
function mcl_particles.spawn_smoke(pos, name, smoke_pdef_base) function mcl_particles.spawn_smoke(pos, name, smoke_pdef_base)
local min = math.min
local new_minpos = vector.add(pos, smoke_pdef_base.minrelpos) local new_minpos = vector.add(pos, smoke_pdef_base.minrelpos)
local new_maxpos = vector.add(pos, smoke_pdef_base.maxrelpos) local new_maxpos = vector.add(pos, smoke_pdef_base.maxrelpos)
@ -91,7 +81,7 @@ function mcl_particles.spawn_smoke(pos, name, smoke_pdef_base)
for i, smoke_pdef in ipairs(smoke_pdef_cached[name]) do for i, smoke_pdef in ipairs(smoke_pdef_cached[name]) do
smoke_pdef.minpos = new_minpos smoke_pdef.minpos = new_minpos
smoke_pdef.maxpos = new_maxpos smoke_pdef.maxpos = new_maxpos
add_node_particlespawner(pos, smoke_pdef, "high") mcl_particles.add_node_particlespawner(pos, smoke_pdef, "high")
end end
-- cache already populated -- cache already populated
else else
@ -121,9 +111,11 @@ function mcl_particles.spawn_smoke(pos, name, smoke_pdef_base)
smoke_pdef.animation.length = exptime + 0.1 smoke_pdef.animation.length = exptime + 0.1
-- minexptime must be set such that the last frame is actully rendered, -- minexptime must be set such that the last frame is actully rendered,
-- even if its very short. Larger exptime -> larger range -- even if its very short. Larger exptime -> larger range
smoke_pdef.minexptime = math.min(exptime, (7.0/8.0 * (exptime + 0.1) + 0.1)) smoke_pdef.minexptime = min(exptime, (7.0/8.0 * (exptime + 0.1) + 0.1))
smoke_pdef.texture = "mcl_particles_smoke_anim.png^[colorize:#000000:" ..colorize smoke_pdef.texture = "mcl_particles_smoke_anim.png^[colorize:#000000:" ..colorize
add_node_particlespawner(pos, smoke_pdef, "high")
mcl_particles.add_node_particlespawner(pos, smoke_pdef, "high")
table.insert(smoke_pdef_cached[name], table.copy(smoke_pdef)) table.insert(smoke_pdef_cached[name], table.copy(smoke_pdef))
end end
end end

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
name = mcl_particles name = mcl_particles
author = Wuzzy author = Wuzzy
description = Contains particle images of MineClone 2. No code.

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