Fork 0

Add loot API and use it in tsm_railcorridors

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Wuzzy 2017-05-19 16:46:03 +02:00
parent ba2d83eff9
commit 49bd956da8
5 changed files with 132 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
API for filling a chest with random treasures.

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
mcl_loot = {}
Select a number of itemstacks out of a pool of treasure definitions randomly.
* loot_definitions: Probabilities and information about the loot to select. Syntax:
stacks_min = 1, -- Mamimum number of item stacks to get
stacks_max = 3, -- Number of repetitions, maximum
items = { -- Table of possible loot items. This function selects between stacks_min and stacks_max of these.
itemstring = "example:item1", -- Which item to select
amount_min = 1, -- Minimum size of itemstack. Optional (default: 1)
amount_max = 10, -- Maximum size of item stack. Must not exceed item definition's stack_max. Optional (default: 1)
wear_min = 1, -- Minimum wear value. Must be at lest 1. Optional (default: no wear)
wear_max = 1, -- Maxiumum wear value. Must be at lest 1. Optional (default: no wear)
weight = 5, -- Likelihood of this item being selected
{ -- more tables like above, one table per item stack }
* pr: PseudoRandom object
How weight works: The probability of a single item stack being selected is weight/total_weight, with
total_weight being the sum of all weight values in the items table.
Returns: Table of itemstrings
function mcl_loot.get_loot(loot_definitions, pr)
local items = {}
local total_weight = 0
for i=1, #loot_definitions.items do
total_weight = total_weight + loot_definitions.items[i].weight
local stacks = pr:next(loot_definitions.stacks_min, loot_definitions.stacks_max)
for s=1, stacks do
local r = pr:next(1, total_weight)
local accumulated_weight = 0
local item
for i=1, #loot_definitions.items do
accumulated_weight = accumulated_weight + loot_definitions.items[i].weight
if accumulated_weight >= r then
item = loot_definitions.items[i]
if item then
local itemstring = item.itemstring
if item.amount_min and item.amount_max then
itemstring = itemstring .. " " .. pr:next(item.amount_min, item.amount_max)
if item.wear_min and item.wear_max then
if not item.amount_min and not item.amount_max then
itemstring = itemstring .. " 1"
itemstring = itemstring .. " " .. pr:next(item.wear_min, item.wear_max)
table.insert(items, itemstring)
minetest.log("error", "[mcl_loot] INTERNAL ERROR! Failed to select random loot item!")
return items
Repeat mcl_loot.get_loot multiple times for various loot_definitions.
Useful for filling chests.
* multi_loot_definitions: Table of loot_definitions (see mcl_loot.get_loot)
* pr: PseudoRandom object
Returns: Table of itemstrings ]]
function mcl_loot.get_multi_loot(multi_loot_definitions, pr)
local items = {}
for m=1, #multi_loot_definitions do
local group = mcl_loot.get_loot(multi_loot_definitions[m], pr)
for g=1, #group do
table.insert(items, group[g])
return items

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
name = mcl_loot

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

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@ -30,69 +30,46 @@ end
-- MineClone 2's treasure function. Gets all treasures for a single chest.
-- Based on information from Minecraft Wiki.
function tsm_railcorridors.get_treasures(pr)
local items = {}
-- First roll
local r1 = pr:next(1,71)
if r1 <= 30 then
table.insert(items, "mobs:nametag")
elseif r1 <= 50 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_core:apple_gold")
elseif r1 <= 60 then
-- TODO: Enchanted Book
table.insert(items, "mcl_books:book")
elseif r1 <= 65 then
-- Nothing!
elseif r1 <= 70 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_tools:pick_iron")
-- TODO: Enchanted Golden Apple
table.insert(items, "mcl_core:apple_gold")
-- Second roll
local r2stacks = pr:next(2,4)
for i=1, r2stacks do
local r2 = pr:next(1,83)
if r2 <= 15 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_farming:bread "..pr:next(1,3))
elseif r2 <= 25 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_core:coal_lump "..pr:next(3,8))
elseif r2 <= 35 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_farming:beetroot_seeds "..pr:next(2,4))
elseif r2 <= 45 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_farming:melon_seeds "..pr:next(2,4))
elseif r2 <= 55 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_farming:pumpkin_seeds "..pr:next(2,4))
elseif r2 <= 65 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_core:iron_ingot "..pr:next(1,5))
elseif r2 <= 70 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_dye:blue "..pr:next(4,9))
elseif r2 <= 75 then
table.insert(items, "mesecons:redstone "..pr:next(4,9))
elseif r2 <= 80 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_core:gold_ingot "..pr:next(1,3))
table.insert(items, "mcl_core:diamond "..pr:next(1,2))
-- Third roll
for i=1, 3 do
local r3 = pr:next(1,50)
if r3 <= 20 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_minecarts:rail "..pr:next(4,8))
elseif r3 <= 35 then
table.insert(items, "mcl_torches:torch "..pr:next(1,16))
elseif r3 <= 40 then
-- TODO: Activator Rail
table.insert(items, "mcl_minecarts:rail "..pr:next(1,4))
elseif r3 <= 45 then
-- TODO: Detector Rail
table.insert(items, "mcl_minecarts:rail "..pr:next(1,4))
table.insert(items, "mcl_minecarts:golden_rail "..pr:next(1,4))
local items = mcl_loot.get_multi_loot({
stacks_min = 1,
stacks_max = 1,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mobs:nametag", weight = 30 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:apple_gold", weight = 20 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_books:book", weight = 10 }, -- TODO: Enchanted Book
{ itemstring = "", weight = 5},
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:pick_iron", weight = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl:core:apple_gold", weight = 1 }, -- TODO: Enchanted Golden Apple
stacks_min = 2,
stacks_max = 4,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:bread", weight = 15, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:coal_lump", weight = 10, amount_min = 3, amount_max = 8 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:beetroot_seeds", weight = 10, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 4 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:melon_seeds", weight = 10, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 4 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:pumpkin_seeds", weight = 10, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 4 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:iron_ingot", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_dye:bye", weight = 5, amount_min = 4, amount_max = 9 },
{ itemstring = "mesecons:redstone", weight = 5, amount_min = 4, amount_max = 9 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:gold_ingot", weight = 5, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:diamond", weight = 3, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2 },
stacks_min = 3,
stacks_max = 3,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_minecarts:rail", weight = 20, amount_min = 4, amount_max = 8 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_torches:torch", weight = 15, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 16 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_minecarts:rail", weight = 5, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 4 }, -- TODO: Activator Rail
{ itemstring = "mcl_minecarts:rail", weight = 5, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 4 }, -- TODO: Detector Rail
{ itemstring = "mcl_minecarts:golden_rail", weight = 5, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 4 },
}}, pr)
return items